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<br /> '�r . G .� l < R.[ , t`i. c.�' _ � . .
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<br />-. ���- f t:: 1�OGSTE�t WF1H ari tbe imp�avem�ts naw ar haeaftea.e�ted on the pmperty.ana atl�ts,�� �and `',``'. ` �,"`_
<br /> `. ' :4 fnctace.s nnw er heaeaftear a part of the piop�ty.A11 replar.emeats and additinns slzari also he wveaed by shis SecuriEy InsFmmeat `` •.d° '`.t.
<br /> .�4 ...� �.
<br /> •'. AII of the f�egosng is ref�tn m this Seaui;y�nstiumeait as�he°Propeny." t ...,, 4 �'
<br /> ,�-.�-��] BORROWHR COVENANIS tha3 BaAOwer is t�wfullp ssi�Of the e.slate h�eby�rneyed an4 Las tAe rignt w�ani and - r - .:
<br /> �_,-J caava�the Prapeity and tLaz the Ptopc�ty is aaencum�beaed.excepi far eucumbiances of racord.Bormwer aasants and m71 � _ `�._
<br /> °^<�.. ,. - - de�'eQa ge�eaauy rHe dt1�oo me P�roperty againscen claims ana aemanas.subiect w any�ml,raaces of r�ora.
<br /> - �: � THIS SEC[JR1TY.INSTR�JM�'P wmbines mnifmm caveaants fas national nse and non-�mifa=m caven�ts with limitr�
<br /> . . � .. variarians by puis�Cdon tn caas�tute a tmifonn secauity insuameat cavering real property. .
<br /> � � - tJNIPORM C�OVENANTS.Bortowea�d I�eudea wvraant and agree as follaw� .', . .,_.���:
<br /> �� ;• _� 1.Payme�t oi PrIadpal end In�PreDaymeat aud Late Charges Bmrowrr sha}1 PmmP�Y PaY wh� due Ifle -
<br /> . v,� .., grincipal of and'mteaest an the debtevideace�by the Note and ar�►Psepaymentand late chazges due mider the Note. `�,. .f ,::�.���(-
<br /> , . 2.�mds far Tazes and Iasarano� Sub�ect ta agpHc�ble?aw ar to a wiitten waivea by 1Rndea,8oimwer shall pay m - ' ---
<br /> . ` Le�der on tIte day monthiy pay�a�dne andea die IQat�e�L7 the Note is�aid in fiill,a sam("Fmids"?�(83 Y�Y� `.y,, �-_.:_-
<br /> ��"" �d a�ts whicb m�y attain priarity over thia Sec�uiry I�.�ent aa a lie�on the Ptopeaty;(b)Year1Y te�Old PaYme� ` . �,h�-_
<br /> � m �,�
<br /> �;�:- Utl�g[ouAd t�L4 OD the R11pCi[y.if'StiY:���Y�Y '�1d o7f P�P�Y��t�Y�TIy fload inc�nana�ptp�pp�g,j( ,+%
<br /> ; `` �Y.te)Y�Y��e���+¢�1+:�(�aay stmos payab�a by Boaowcr tn Lender,la accordaace wib the " ;t.:
<br /> 4�'" . � pmvisinas of p�h 8.m lieu of the payment of mort,�ge insa�ance pr�mi�s.�ese i�s are cal�ed°Escrow Items." -- -
<br /> ± �:�. ' L�ndea may,st any�nme.oollect aad iwld Fmnds iP en amcunt aot to exceed the max6mm�amount a Ieatd�for a fed�aIIy r�lated ' , ---
<br /> : • m�e ioan m r t y r e q t�s e far Boaaw�'s esaow acxount�dQa tLe fede�al ItealBstate S��tt Ycocedw�es Act of 1974 as � •� _
<br /> � - - -� am�from dme to timE.12 U.S C.Sec6on 2601 er s�q. �"RFSPA'�,anIess enoiher 1aw diat appli�s m tIIe Funds seffi a tess� -. ^'�::�:-`_—
<br /> �` `� , , amount If so,Lender may,at�y time.coIIect and hold Fimds in an a��mt not on ex�ceed tOa,I�amount Le,nder aiay • ___
<br /> _ �` `�`�-• ' �.'; e�the amamt of Fimds dus os►the basis of cuzreat data and reasanabTe estm�aies of eapenditcaes of fotm�e Escmw I:ems ar '�h~"�::� �,, �
<br /> ' � oMenvi�in acc�r+daace cvitL a�glicable taw. �� � '�?�
<br /> °.-F,,! :�,� 'I��mds shall be hrdd'u►an insad�iam whoss depa�us are instmed by a fedaal.�c3►.iastnmie�ntalily,or eaitity(iacluding .;....., Y ➢----
<br /> , � I.eadet.if Lendea is suc6 an i�sWutinn)or in a�Fedeaal Hoate Lflan Bank�Leuder sUal!appIy dte blmds w pay the Fsc�mw
<br /> " . >,�. Iians.Lebdea may�t chac�e Boirower for holding and aPF�B the Funds.a�auaIlY�atY�ng Sie essow acoo�t.or veaifying ��'�•:
<br /> : �` . ; tke Bsczow Items,an2ess l.end�pays Bonowea intaest on die Fimds and agplicable taw p�s I�eudes to maice such a ci�arg� _.—�
<br /> ; :; F€owevra,Latda may reqaae Barmarea to pay a onataae c�rge f�an iudeyatdent seal estade taa t�g seavIce ased 6y -" '�'�-—
<br /> �
<br /> I�der in conhe�tioa with this Iaau.anless apyticable]aar pmvides otherwise.Untess an agceemeat is made or applicable law „ �;;,., :-.-
<br /> . ��.`�t requires int�est to be paid,Lemder shall not be requircd to pay Bmmwea anq int�est or ra�nmgs on the Fands.Barmwea�d .• : , :-�
<br />- . . ' . ir Leadea rnay a�ee in aTIting,haweva,tLat mt�sbaall be paid an the Fun�.Leadea shall glve w Ba�ower.without c5arg�aa -°-'�-' : --..`-'
<br /> _ . . annastl accomUing e�r��Fmtds.showing txedits�rd debits W the Ftmds a�t`sa piupose for which rach c�bit tn the Fimds wa4 � .'.��': ::�'.-
<br />-�� . ' made.'R�e Fimds ate pledged a4 additional s�u�ity far all soms s�ued b�r this Secarity insuument ., .. -
<br /> ,.. `.,�,
<br /> ' • ' 1f E�z F�mds held by I�ender exceed the amoaats peamimed w�held by sFplicab2e law,Lender shaU accoant to Bosmwer for �::+:�•`�;, �-.-.�_
<br /> .. . „ . . `. � the excess Funds in accordance with the reqaQemeuta of applicable 1aw.If tdse auiaunt of tho Fands held by L�emdar at any ti�e is :. �.,�`�
<br /> . '�' not su�iaeni to yay the Sscaow Items whm dne,Leadea may so notify BorcB��in wri�ag,and,in sach case Boirower s6a��y . ._
<br /> . ' ' to Lender the amoimt n� m make np the deficiency.Bormwea sha11 ma&e up the de8ciency in no moze th�twelve .��`:; .-�
<br /> . • raond�Iy paymer�m,at I.ender's soIe discretina. �--��=-
<br /> .. . .i � UPan Payment in fuU of all sums secumd by this Seauiry Instrament,I,e�dea svaU pinmpily refund to Botrawer any Fundg ,'�. .F;� r -
<br /> F ., .•.�.t�Y�..:.-�:._..
<br /> aeld by Lender.If,und�r pa�aph 21,Lea�der shaU acq�e or seil the Property,Lendea,prior w the acquisidon or salo of the ��,�.,
<br /> :. �. �� F . pmpeaty,shall apply any F�mds held by Leaidec at the timsme of acq�isitian or sate as a c�redit ag�iast the sums secured by thig � -__-_
<br /> - . �.�, . _-
<br /> y � ' Seciutty LLSOmmeaL � ___
<br /> ... 3.Applicat�on o!Poymeats. Unless applicable law ymvtdes otherwise,all paymeat.�eceived by I�ender�der ga�agzayhs -----
<br />_ � . �i ' 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to anY O�Dayment chatges dae�mder the Noscx second,Lo amo�mts payable imdea parag[aph 2: ;::'_;;'_=°��-
<br /> . • � � . , dvrA►w interest du�fourth,to priacipal du�aad iast,w any late charges due andea the Note. _: ._�
<br /> � .�.,t, . ..,,. � 4.C6arges;Lieav. Bonawea stiall pay aU taaes.assessments.charges,fraes and impositions atuibu�abie to tha Prope�ty . .. '.
<br /> : . which may at�►�rlority over this Securiry Insaament,and Ieaseho2d payments or ground rents.if any.Boaower shall�ay these .---=_-_--
<br /> � obllgationa ln the manner provlded"m paragaph 2,or if not�aid in shat manner.Batrowea shall pay them on tune dhectly to the
<br />:�:.' . . . Persoa owed paymen� Bortower shall promplly f�mish w Lendea ali notir,es of amoants w b0�paid under this paTa�aph�If .
<br /> � . . � . Bmmwer makes thesa gaymegts dfrectly.Baaow�sUall promptly futnish tn 1,e�Qca rec�pts evidea►cing the payme�ts. �, , , ' .;°:,,:x'�
<br /> - • Bmrower sLaU pmmptIy d�scharge�y lien which has priurity over this Security Insuument,�uqtess Bmmwa:(a)agr�in • .
<br /> ': ., � ' ' . wridng ro the payment of the obligation secared by the lien in a maaaer acceptable tn Leicder;(b)contests in good faith thg]len �
<br /> t.. . . �
<br /> . . . • . • by,or defends againsc enforceme,nt of the lie� in.tegal pmceedings which in We I.enda's ctpinion opetate to prevent the . � .
<br /> .� enfoncement of�he llen:or(c)secures from the hoIder of the llen an egreement sadsfacoory w Lender subordinavng tl�a lien to � . � �..
<br /> � � this Securiry Iastrament If L�der determmes that any part af the Proyeny is subject to a li�whi�li may atmin priority over thls � '.
<br /> � � Secwrity Instrumen4 Lendea may give Bosowea a na�ce idenWying the 1ien.Bomuwea shaU sadsfy the lien or take one or moie . �
<br /> ' � : � of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. ,� '
<br /> • Form 8028 Bf80 • �
<br /> . �-8R(NE)1s2�21.0� aaoo2ote � InNials: _ . _ . . '
<br /> J .. � • � . • , . : . .
<br /> � � . "� �—�--� . -- .. . � . . . • . . . • � ' .r, .,
<br /> . . . . , . . . . .. . ' . . ., � . -- . ..:_ .
<br />- � ' ' � • , ' � � . . . � _ . • . _ • . . : ; . .
<br /> . . . . . � . . ' ' "�,�,� ' �.,.;.._...�.:.._. .�....:...,..:,. . .,
<br /> . . .. � �,
<br /> ` °-- ---�---�--- ---- — - - .._.. � . c' � � . :. ��- - .� . •�: , _� :�• . • .. ,�. :. , . , . . } . ..�•: . . . . ,:�., . . .., .
<br />