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<br /> . . . .. C.J� . . .. . _.Zc..`c--.
<br /> � ������� •�:
<br /> � paymrnts may au Iw�ger 6e teq�ured,at the opp�►of Iradra,if martgage ins¢�ce coveiage(�s�a p , '
<br /> '_�` .� . thaL Iendea tequires)Pmvided bS►an insace�apgmYed by Iender ag�becames ava�7abie and Is abtaineA.Bo�mwer sUall pay the ° - •
<br /> � ' thai the �uem�nt fmr ma�ge, '°� •�' f
<br />-.`' � . "� ins�ce in eff�ct,ar to pmvide a toss reserve.aatil rect�u ' .
<br /> . ..�� piemmms :eqmlzed to m�r�rtgage �c ::
<br /> � `_ ' insmanae ends in acoardauce with any wlitt�a agreemeatt�exarem Boanw�mnd Lesde�r or applicable hw. � h�-
<br /> �� ��.. :.
<br /> -F • _ �1�S��U�L ixti�6i ii5�vns amj�v+��••^•�..^^"a-'� �nnvtinna gf tZU!�rnerty.I�Cnded SbBIl�ire _ ��--
<br /> �-�_��:` �-:---- - - P
<br /> Boaower aatice st the tune of or prior w aa inspecoion sQeafying�easanable c�for the mspection � .
<br /> '- ID.CoIIdemmaKau�. �he praceeds of aay avrazd or claim for d�age�,8irecx as cvn�qa�sial.in�n with aay t� :<f f'=
<br /> coademnasian ar a8�taking of any p�tt of the Propeaty.�fur coaveyance ln licu of coademnarian.are 6etebY azsiSQed aad
<br /> � _ st�IIbe paid w Le�dea. r `
<br /> � � ` tn tha eve�t of a tordl taki�g of the ProPeKy►.the Pmceeds shall i�applied to the s�as se�ued by this Se�ityr I�s�ncat, � �.r .
<br /> eg � }_
<br /> '� , `� '. W�lCt OZ 110t t11CA d118.W11b�Y�C�S�m BOJiOWel.Ia 1h�CVCIIt Of S�'dib81 ffi�g Qf d18'PIOg?llj/10 WtftCI1 i�C�T Q�Ci ' l"--f-
<br /> ` � � vaIus of the Prngcaty��Y before We taking is eqaal m ar grearra than the ama�t af dte sa.�as sec�ed by tbis Seauity
<br /> • ,f-...
<br />. Ins3tument immet�ety beSare the�ng.m�Iess Boaower and I�tder othetwise agree m watmg,the soms Sectued by 1h�s . ��---
<br /> . Sewtiry�nstcaame�t shafl be rEduoed by the amount of the pmceeds mnl�pfied by the folIow3ng fies.tIon:(a)ihe tmal mnonai of ".,.,:-:==
<br /> , f.� . m fi •:.;;�.�_:�
<br /> • - the sutas sec�t imm�Y befase the taking,divided by(b)the faa market vaWe of the Pmperty immediareEy befone the ��;f.. :�:,_-,:
<br /> � � ta�ng.Airy 6aiance�be paid w Bormwer.In the evc,at of a par6al�g of the Prapeaty ia whis�the fair m�k e t v a t u e o f t h e ;�•` �:.:.: --
<br /> , pmpeaty immediately 6efaie the taking is Iess than the amount of the smns sec�aed immediately befnre the tal�ng.antess �: •
<br /> � Baaowed and Lwder aduavvise agree in wdung ar au2ess appi'rcable Iaw otheawise pmvides..the pmceeds shall be applied w the� - ; -
<br /> . ' �,` ' svms sec�e�isY this 5e�ui�Y Instrume�tt whe,ther or notthe sums are the�dae. . . �^.�..'�
<br /> . . . If the pm��ty is abazedaued bl►Borrower,oT i�afrr,r aotice by Lendea m Bomuwer�hat the condemn�offeas m make an r-: ��`.:,--.
<br /> - acvard or sei�e s clai�far damage�s.Barmwer fa�7s w respan�to l,e�der a�hin 30 days after the dase the nmice is gzven,Lender '`:.'� - -
<br /> _ "�,�f•..�: .t��.a.:: _
<br /> ., is auth�iZed to collect and agply the pmceeds.ai itg option,ei�ei w:estarat�aa or rep�of the Prapeaty ar ou the st�os sectued `�` _,
<br /> _. :.�,i by�,q g�y IasOrum�t,wheiher or nut the�due. ` �
<br /> Ual�ss Lenda and Basrower oth�aris�agree in wrifmg.aaY ePPlic�on of�aceeds oo prlacipal st�aII not eatend ar postpone ,�,�.,-�
<br /> " ` � ' the das dateof the mflnthly paymemts refelred ro in��s 1 and 2 or change the amount of such pay�neats. �
<br /> •.� .
<br /> � ,. .` .,,� � iL Bmrcavver Not ReteasQd:Farbeareace By Leuder Nat a Waiver. �xtensioa of the time far paymeat or mud"aficanon - --�:�
<br /> � � of amm�iaarion of the smns s�red by this Seauity�nsoium�t gRanted lry Le,nder w aay suoce�or ia intarest of B�mwer s6alt • ;�. �"��'
<br />;' �: aot op�ane to reieas�the liab�ity of the a�iaal B�rrowea or Batcowds sascessois m inserest.Le�tder shaII not bs requi�ed m `. ��;�.�=
<br /> �b"'�6"""'•� �$ ' '_r"'^'_''�— .
<br />�� . . � co�nmc,uce snocessar ia interest oI=efase to exteud time for ymea�t or otheawise modify amo�on+of -__-
<br />;s � ` the sum9 seaued�3►this S�arity Iastrament by reason of eny de�aud made by dte or�gia�l Baaowea or Barmw�'�sn�cesaois _
<br /> � � . .. 3n�Any forbeatanr�e by Lc,ndea in acercLsiag�y right or m�edy shall not be a waivea of or prec2ade the eaeacise of any . "�'
<br /> • rigAtor remedy. � � �r�°
<br /> � ' 1t.S�aessois and Asgigns Honnd►Joiat amd SQVeia!LiabfC�;f,o�Fgneis.'ihe cavasauts aad ag��nts of c�as `. �
<br /> .- Sec,�ity.Insaumeut s6all bind and benefit the successois aad a�igt�s of I.ender and Borrowa.sabject to the provistens af - .�
<br /> � � P�Dh 17. Bairower's covenanta aad agrer,uma�ts s1�all be joini,and seveaaL Aay Borrower who co-signs d�is Sectuity �:� _�,-
<br /> ' � � : 1�o s u a m e mt bat does noi exeaitE the Note:(a)is co-signiag this Security Insoniment oniy tn mortgage.grant and convey thaL . �..��,�,�,,�-
<br /> .. � . Bormwer's interest in the Propeaty uader the tesais of this Seauiry Instrumen�(b)is aot peisonally obl3gated w pay the sums ��_��
<br /> � . secured by this Secariry Insuumen�aud(c)agrees tLat L�der and any other Barmwer may a�ee to exte,n4 madity,forbear ar `��n=_
<br /> . . . . make any accommadadons with iegard to the tenns of d�is Seauity Iasnument or We Note withont tbai Bormwed's cunse,nt -,-,,�._.r: _--_
<br />� <. , � .� � ]3.Loan Charges. If dte 1o2n sequed by this Sepuiry Insttament is sablect tn a 1�e which sets maidmum loan charges, • ��.-�. _ -
<br /> . � . � and that taw is fmally�nterpreted so that the interest or other toan c�lrges coltected ar to be collected'm cosmecdon a►ith the Ioan .... _
<br /> � . exaed the y�r�niued llmics.then:(a)aay�sach toan�arge shall be ieduced by the amaimt neces�ry au reQuce ths charge w the � �. : .- _--..-
<br /> - , ,,:��,: petmiued li�i�anA(b)any soms atreadY wlle�xed fnom Borrower whicb e�tCeeded permit0ed limits will be tefunded to Batmwet. -'::'� _,-�,
<br /> _ ;.:' . . .:. � Lender may choose to maka this refuad by reducing the pmicipal owed nnder tlee Notc ur by malang a direcs payment to ' "'
<br /> i�-'
<br /> �_ . Bmrower.Ii a refund reduces pm►cipai.the reducd�anla be ueated as a par6al prepayment wIthout any prepayment ebar6e � ,_ �.
<br /> --=- -, --��,�---. under the NotE. � °,'� ' ; _�
<br /> . � :�� 14.Retices. My aotice oo Homawea provided far in sl�s S�uity Insuument st�all be gtven by deliveaing it or by mailiag rt . .:::`�'�':`"
<br /> .. . .� .'r- by fust c�'a�ma�7 unle�applicable iaa+requires use of another meihod'Ihe notice shall be Qirected w the Propeaty Addsess or
<br /> .� . � �.y any othes addres�Borrower desIgnates by notice to Lender.My aotice to Le�dea shall be given by fust ctass ma�w Lender's .. .
<br /> ... r address stateA heaein or any othe,r addres.s Lender d�signates by notice w Borrower.Any notice Drovided tbr in this Cecurity ,.
<br /> . � ; ; Instmment ahall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Leaider when given as provided in this patag�aph. . . . .:
<br /> . . IS Qxoverning Law;Severa6iltty. 'I1�is Sccmity Instrument shall be govcmed by federal Taw and the 1aw of the . . .
<br /> . � ' �uisdic�cn in ahich the ProDe�ty is located.ln the event that aa.y provision ar clause of this Sec�uity Instrument or the Note _ � .
<br /> . � �,� conffics wi�applicab2e l�w,such wnflict shall not affect othes provislons of this Security Insuument or the Note wh�ch can be � . .� ..---
<br /> ��:� � ' giveo effect without the conilicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sec�tsity Inshwnent an d t he Note are de�I a r e d�o
<br /> � be severable. .' .
<br /> . . Form Sd28 9/90 � � .
<br /> . , ti ,.,. ,
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