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<br /> �� . • $.BBZSI+d OT�Et��S�8II02. BOIlONN�Sb811�f�E�IOY@JIICIIL4 IIDW CJ�15�111$Of hEI�Bft?l C[E�LEt�OA t�C PIdpP�[iyl . • _.S`;.:
<br /> ' � � ;. • ;` insa�ed against toss by fu�ba�rds inciaded aethin tIIe tc�m "extende�wverage°and any other ha�ands.iacluding IInods or � ti
<br /> u�
<br /> . Qoodi�t8.far whicb Leades req�ues i�sa�ance.This m�ce sHaU be maaatained in the�moimrs end far We geriads tliat Lender �.'�:��` ��` . .
<br /> .. .` , r��1�e ins�ce e�ci�P►tsvidIuS the ins�ueace shali be chasen by Boimwea subjea tn Lemder's apgmval wi�iirh shat!not . .�"
<br /> _��,_ a,„ �,+ne,s: w'�ha� TF iinsmacr faila m rnairtfein cov�d�ed evove. I.eAdet m�►.az Ia�ndmr's optinn,o6tain _
<br /> -=�.r;�--� oove�age w piate�x L�ad�'s rights in the Pmpeny in axardanoe vvith pa;a�h 7. � -
<br /> . -� AII insuranoe policies and t�ewa3s s8all be a�le to Le�d�aad s�it�e s s�d m�tgage claus�Lsnder s�ll - -
<br /> `, � •. ``� have the right m hotd the go}iaes�d renewals.If Lender ieqaues,Barrower sball pramPdY give ro I�dci all�of paid _. . . .
<br /> , . . p�ms and ree�ewal natice.s.Iu thz event of loss.Borrower shall give piompt notice m the��ier and Lender.t.e�der • ' �. . `.
<br /> . r�`, .� may maIse pm�f of tass if ant made g�mptiy by Ba�ower. '
<br /> .�,
<br /> • � UWess IRnder aa�Bm:u�ves otheavvise�tee in wiiting,inauanse paoce�s shaA be aPPtied w re.st�ion or�air of the � � •�,�
<br /> � � • �F�'�Y�•if the re�ation ar repaff is economical�y feas�b2e ead la�der's se�uriry is uot tessened.If the�romauon ar � . ' _ _
<br /> '• � ;��`� : �is aot ee�amicalty f�Ie or Iendds secaaiqr wouItl Ue l�.tLe insm�ce p�s s6a116e agplied w the sams � . . _--
<br /> � � ' �': sec�ed by this Seauity ins�nL wl�ed+�or not thea da+�.with any excess paid w Bmmwes If Bmmwea ahandnus the � _ .
<br />-�`.;� , _
<br /> � •r:` � Ptap�rty.or daes noi answea within 30 days a notioe fmm I�ader tLat the insuranse�hag offeced to seule a claiim,[hw _ - -
<br /> . � Le�dea may cultect the ias�u�ae pmoeeds.I.e�der may ose the pmc�eeds ta repair ar re.�are the Prnpecty or to pay sums seQUe� : , . ---
<br /> � _ • ' .� hy this Secmrity Instn�mwt,whether ar not ther�dne.'Ihe 30day periad w�i!begin wheu the not'sce is giv�. -
<br /> , ' � . • Untess L�dea aad Bmrowa otherwise ag�ee m writing,aaY SPP�A of pmceeds w principal shall not ext�ud or postpone =
<br /> �` the dne da�of We montlily payme,nts ref�ced to ia pa�agraphs 1 aad 2 ar change dDe amouat of the gaymentq.If�mdea patagraph , . '—_
<br />_ . 21 the Fmpaty is acq�ed by I.euder. Boaower's right to any ms�ance policies and proceeds resiilfmg from damage w the , _
<br /> - -- _' . , pmperty prinr m the acqui�n sbaD gass to L�dex to the eatent of the smms s��eti hY tms S�uriry I�str�urtent immed'ratety ._- ` .
<br /> �._
<br /> �--- —:a� prior to t4ie acquisi�on. • .. .. "_..
<br /> ,' ' ._ 6.Oacupaasy Presmrvetion,Ma�tenance aad PraY�tian of�he ProD�9s' Bmrzaprer's Loan Applicsttan;Leas4hoirls. __.=_
<br /> � : � ��> Bor�ower shall acc,�pp,estab}ish,and use the Pcopcaty as Bmrovra's prinapal re�de�ce within si�cty days af�r the execation of f;.:, � __
<br /> � . � d d s Sec�iry I n s�t a n�s h a I!wn�n e m a c c�s y t h e P r o g e r t y a s B m r m w e r's p m�c i p a i r e s i d e a c e f o r a t l e a s t o n e 7 r e�a ft e a t h e , �,''��:p
<br /> _, date of bccupancy,�2ess Lc�dea othecv�risse agzees in wdt#ng,w1� caas�shati IIot be�oaabIy arithheld,or auIess ...�::._-, .�
<br /> � extenuating�exist whic3�ate beyond Boaower's contml.Banower sball not dest�oy.damage or im�r the Pcoperiy, �
<br /> xis
<br /> � � allo�v ttie Rageaty m�p��n*s,or commit waste on tLe Ptope�ty.Boaawer shaU be m def�it if aay forfei0ue acxinn or _--
<br /> � �. � . � pmceedmg,whether c�ar crimimal,is beg�that m Ir�dea's good faith judgme�t wu2d resuIt in foffeiture of the PtoPertY or �.. _--
<br /> _ � _ _ ot�vise ma�riat[y�t t?te lien�ae�ted by thi4 Secauiry Instramcut oY Lendca's securiiy iateaest.Bamowe�r mal+ciue sach a „•. - ':--
<br /> .. de�It antl reinstat�u3 gro�►ided In Para9r�h �.bY�ing the sctian ar proceeding m Ue di9miss�with a mling tbat,iu .. '``',.°--
<br /> � '. � � I.e�der's good faith�mation,F�cIudes forFeiwre of the Bonuwea's intcaest in the Fropeity or ather mat$rial impairmea�t of .. �.;., ���.
<br /> � . � ' the tie��ated by this Se�ity In�t ar I.ead�'s sepuity iaterest Hormwea ahall also be m defanit�Bmrowea.daring the �.:;_v:',.��. ��
<br /> �. � Ioan uppli�ation pmac�s.B�►e mareciatly faise or maccmrare infuimation os statemwts to Leudea(ar fm7ed to pmvide Leadxr whh �``.,';", __=_
<br /> •� •'1. � . n--�
<br /> . ... : any matYaial info�on) in canmecti+un ari�b the Wan evidenced by the Note.inetading,but a�t limifed W,rep�,ceantatians `- : .. i��,�w
<br /> � � canceming Barmwer's perty as a grimcipal re�dence.If this Sec�iry Inswment is on a ieasehold,Borrower ' �•:.� -
<br /> . , oaupancY of the Pro . �.'' . :j�•�:..-_
<br />. � . •'"'�;�, -
<br /> shaII wmply zvitb alt the pmvi.sans of the Iease.If Barr�w�acquires fee Htte tn the Propertp,the leasehold and the fee 6tle shaU . �.�. . ,,-;R=
<br /> `.� ' ' noi merge�mtess Leader agrees w We me�ea m arriting. '�'"`` -=
<br /> . � ._
<br /> . . 7.Protect�on oY Lender'e Rights im the Pm�erty. If Brnmwea faits w peaform We cwe,nants and ageements contau�ed in : ��
<br /> ,.�� ��� � � •' this See�ity Inst�ument,ar th�e is a teBai Pmceeding tbat may sigafic�ntty affect L,ende�s rights in che Pcoperty(snch as a � ,:P: :
<br /> �. • ' , P��m b�PUY,Fmbate.for condemnarcnn or forfeit�e or to enforce laws or regulations),Wen�Lender may do and yay ..----- -�..•,
<br /> :.' ,
<br /> �:: . • . �� for ahateves is nec�ryr ut protect the valae of the Arope�ty►and L�cnder's righrs in the Pmperty.l�dea's as�ns may mcltWe �� �::
<br /> _ . Dal+ing any sums secured by a liea whlcb Uas priosity over this SecurIty In�uraent, aPRearing 1� caurt.PaSrimg masanable :��.� ,��. � _
<br /> . • at0omeys'fees and eatEaiag on the PropPaty to make rep3iB. Although I.a►dea m3y taIte 2ction andea this par8gcaph 7,Lended . �. :���':'`
<br /> . _ �. I . does notbave w do so. � � _ -
<br /> � . My amoimtv d'rsbmsed by Lender undea this paragra�h 7 st�all become a�:�m�a1 debt of Bomnwea seca�md by this Security -_ . .
<br /> � ' • , Instrument Untes�Bmrower and Lendea agee w othea trarns of paymenL these amounts shall bear interest from the date of ; .
<br /> � disbtusemeat at the Note rat�and shaU be payable,wiih inten�,upon notice from Leader w Borrower requesGng paymenL , :
<br /> `' �. S.Ntortgage Ims�snce. 1f Leader required m�e msciance as a candi6on of a�ag the loan sec�ued by this Secudty .:';�. • .
<br /> : .,;:� . ,
<br /> _ . � . Instmm��Boimwer s�all pay We pre�n�ms required to maintain the mortgage insWance in effect If,for any reason,the
<br /> . , � mostgage insuzance covwage reqaured by Lender layses or ceases w be in effect,Botrower shall pay r�premiums required w ' ;
<br /> � abfain coverage snbstantialty equivatent to thc mortgage ins����p previously in effect,ai a cost substantially equivalent tn the ' _ .. ...
<br /> .. � , cost w Boraowra of rhe mortgage insivance previously 3n effect.fmm an alteanaie mortgage ins�eer a�praved by I.e�der.If . .
<br /> ,' ' � substantialiy equivaIent mortgage in�ce coverage is not availab2e.Bonower shall pay tn Lend�each montb a sum equal to ' �
<br /> � one-tarelfth of the yearly mangage insuraace premium being paid by Boimwer wh�the insuranoe cove�age lapsed or ceased to �
<br />: � be in effect Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a to�s r�e in lieu of mortg,age inswaace.Loss resenre � �.
<br />;_�,�'�'. • � Form8028 8190
<br /> .. . ' . . .. �tiSR(NE)te2�x►.o+ v�oaore inmar,:._--.-- , . .
<br />� ._ � � . '� .Yf�""( • _ � -
<br /> _ . ; .
<br /> � . `
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