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<br /> : ' . . � . ` , - < . . . , r�_ � e i. - 'R.. .. . . ,. . ` • _ � .. . ' ` ;�` -t..s• ..
<br /> � � � . -�� �F'.. .._ • • ~ . �. . ..t. ..ht Y 't' . `. ` . . �.—y- ',C . ,i-G .
<br /> U� `�t _._' Y,� , ..
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<br /> -�. .r :,���: .� . 9T� ������ � .` -, �.; �
<br /> ,� ��:. � : � 16.�arrower's Capp. Harmwea s�all be givea one canfcamed copq of the Not�e and of this Secarity InsOcmmeni �5� .� �u�.,:: -
<br /> " 17.Transfe�of the Frop o�a Bene9�eF�lYadercg3 in Bo�mw�r If a]t ar aay pa:t of the P�prm►or any inter�st in it is � .'<,
<br /> a. � :' �t s�2d ar hansfeQed(ar if a be�l Qat�rest ID Bannwet is sold or�aa�f'eaed and Bormwer is nat a namial pe�son)without :>, J �
<br /> � c
<br /> �' `�•� � L C II d�'&pIIOI W I l I t C 9 OQnSCII L L�A d C t Q 1 8 y.8 f I t 4 0�1 1 0 n.L C Q U I I e��p B�C II t iA�Of 811 SIlJDS ECCl1iCd b y th13 S�Ci1fi L�i `U�
<br /> �`� Inso�ument Hawever.this aption sha11 not be exe�c�sed by Leuder if exerci��s prnlubited by fedecal 1aa as of the date of this . .;.•;.• 6,°, .. -
<br /> _���--� C 'w Tnctn,�s�vVnt -
<br /> , �� sIf�e�ises t63sop�m.IBad�r si�all givs BoauarcJ noIIOe of accetetauon.ine notice snan piovide a periou vi�i ics 4 Q
<br /> -- =3��s�-tti8 t1&ie it�e ao�e is d�iv�or ma�e�with�which Boaoweat must gay aD m�ms seaured isy this Secaurty � = `" ` �
<br /> . .�, �.- : �``- .
<br /> < _.� : �If B�ta�s to pay these sums pcior m the expi�on of this period,Iaadar may mvoke any rc�e�ies penaiued .
<br /> � . '� s by wi8�ont foithea natice ar demand on Borrower. �
<br /> ��er's lRigtdi to Yieinstate. 1f Boimwer meets ce�in co�ditions. Borrowea shall.have the right m have >'�" . .
<br /> .�< • �<i C�f0102�EAi O�ih�9 �ry InS�i diSCOIIffiII�eL'dIIy['W1C p3IUI W ihe effiI'ICt Of:(8)5 d3yS(QT SQC1�o111?d jt2tFOd S4 �,f a�r�
<br />_ . . app3icable raw may�S �far rdastatrme�t)t�ors sale af the Pcog-.,rty pursn�t ta any powea of sa2ee cautauied in this s ` . , '' .
<br /> . .�� I a S t�?A�p!(())Catty 02 8 j u d g O lCat�1f0ICfA g tbLS$Cl�itSt Tnatnr�e�it�lOSB COAd1tlOIL4 8[C t11�t BQiI�UW�(S)pa yBl.�t� V : "s� r '�"�.
<br /> l� $
<br /> suma wGic1►thea wott2d be dne imda t6is Secmrig►Insttament�d the NoDe as i f no a c c e d�a t i o n h a d o a u r r e d:(b)aues a�►Y 9�` '"'"-�
<br /> .. •�� default of an y ot1�r cov�oz a g t e�c�t�(c)Fayrs all�Qens�in�c�ed in ea�faac'sng ttus Sec�iiy Iastmment,incladiag,but
<br /> A , � . � not Iimited%rrasonab2e atmmeYs'fe��d(dy talaes s a c b acdofl as L e n d e r may r e a s a n a b lY rectuue t D a s s u r e t H a t t h e l i a n a f d s i s , `
<br /> , ,:�� Secur�jt �eat, L�der's dg�ts m the Fiop�y aad Baimwea's obligati.oa w pay the s�s secured by this Security � _
<br /> .: � Ins��ent shall camrinue uncbanged.Upon zemst�ment by B a r mwer,this Sec�Iry Iasuament aed the obli g�a n nns se�atred ,, ,.�: .
<br /> t�� . h�eby sha�l mmam faIIy effective as if n4 accel�tion haA ocaur�d.Hovrever,tbis nght m reinstar.e shall rmt apply in dte case of �:.. . ',
<br /> - .� accelaratIna undea p�sgr'apb 17. �'�•``t `. ' -
<br />_�� ,,
<br />: . � 19.Sate of No4g;Change of Losu Servteer. 7be Note or a par6al int�e,sE � the Noie (togethca with this Seauity :�'`� ,�`
<br /> inst�nrnent)may 6e satd ane or mflre times withaut piiar nntioe m Bmmaer.A sale may�salt in a change in tLe�tiily(guown ,
<br /> ;�4- ' � , as tha"i.oat�Secvice�')tbat c o l t e�mon t h ly paqmenis d n e tm d e a t h e Note a n d t h i s S e a u i ty I n s t r a m e xi t'I h a+e atso m a y be ane or
<br /> � . ..� -.. � mare c6anges of die Laan Se�vicea muelated ta a sa�of the Nat�If the�is a�age of the Loaa Seavicer.Baaavra wID be - =�__ `-
<br /> -• --- ---�, given wiiuen natice of dte cLange in acc�dattce witb a�r h 14 abave and app�k law.'ilse notioe w�l sfaie t8e nsme e�d . `,'._ `„�-
<br /> � :� �of�dte uew Loan�Ie I wd the addres�to whlc6 paymenis s�ould be 'Ihe narice wID elso contain anyr other �
<br /> ,�. •*:._
<br /> 20.I�a�rda��S�obs�taacea Boaowea s6ari not cause or pamit the preseace.as� dispasal. sGOiage. or ie�of aay. ':
<br /> _. .�_.�i.. H�ndoas Sa6st�ces on ar In the Praperty.Baaowea shal!not do,.aor ailow�yaas else to do.anything affecxmg tbe Pmpeaty �_;.,.�c,,..,..__`--�_-
<br /> � . that is in vtnia�ian of au�r Eavuonrue�ntal Law.'Ihe pr�aeding two seate�ces shail not appty w the preseace.use.or�e on the _ _ _
<br /> ' Pmpeatq of small quanuties of Ha�ardoos Sa6staaces that aze genaaily recognized to be appmpriate w nosmal resIdeutiaal uses � -.-
<br /> .g �: , , andto matntenance of the Fmped[y. ' ' =-_-
<br /> �' . • � Bon�wea s6aU Pm�tIY give l.ertdex wmtea no�ce of arryF mvesdgatio0.claim.demand,lawsuit or othed action hy any —
<br /> ; '. _ . g��mmenml or�gutatory sE�Y�T�P�Y���E���Y and aay Hazardous Snbs�tance mr Environntea�tal Iaw -- _
<br /> ." , . of s�Lich Bomowea L34 acWal Imowtedge.If Bmrowet lean�s,or is aatified hy any goveanmen�l ar ieguiatnry smharity.$�at any 'g" ' .
<br /> � removal or otha reaaediadon of any Ha7ardous Substance affectiag the P�apaty�s ne�essa:yr,Bmmwea shaII promptIy take all -
<br /> ' neccssary remettsal acdons in accordance with Environmental Law. �
<br /> ' f. As used m t�is pa�ag�aph Z0."I�arardous Substances" are thas°sabstances de5med as waic aa haz�dous sabsraucc4 by v-
<br /> ' •. Envuaamentat Law aad the fallowfig substances: gasolin� keaaseae, ather fl�mable or tox�c �roleum prodacts, wxic � =
<br /> `s '�� '�, pe.sdades and Aabicides,vo'la�e solvents.maieaials canCammg asbesws ar farmaldehyd�and radioaqive mai�erlals.As ased'm • . �-�
<br /> � , �;: . :� . thLq par�gtaph Z0�"Enviionmen3al Law"means fedeaal laws and laws of the jarisdiction whr.�e the Pmpeaty is 2acatet!thai nlaie , r,;-:-�
<br /> r� �`` to heaItb,safety or environmental pmtection. � -- `_
<br /> �_
<br /> .. r• � � . �=
<br />��.in . :.' :::.j,. . . . .
<br /> , :;.�. . NON-UNIFORM COV�TANTS.Baaoa ea and Lender funher coveaant and agree as follows: �:�_-
<br /> � � Zl.Acce�etattan;ltem�ediea Leudee shaD give aottae to Barrawer pdor to acceteratFon folYa�img Borrowes's breach oY � . �—
<br />��: �. . � � any oaveIIant os agreemeat dn 4bis Seraritq Instra�ent (bnt not psfor to aocelerativa �des DaragraPL 17 anIe� - _--::-:
<br /> �. � � appHeable taw provtdes oth�wise).The nottce sHaU specify:(a)the defaalt;(b)ttie act�n required to cure the detaait;(c) -
<br /> :"'..ir_'r'-.
<br /> ��- • a date,not�t�an 30 daya firom t6e date t�e nottse is givea to Borrawer,bq wWch the dePaait most 6e cured;and(d) ..... --
<br /> �' � • � tbat faitere to care the dcfanIt on or 6efose t�e 8ate specified in the Qotice mep resaIt im acceterattoa ot the sams secared �_ -__.s
<br /> ' . . � . ,��, ' by tbis SecnrIty Inslrum�!and sate o4 the Property.T9e nottc�s�Yurifier infor�o Borrower of the rIght to reinstate : ::LL-_-
<br /> af�er escetetation and We sight to 6rin�a wnrt actfoa to essert the non-exi5teace of a Qefanit or any other defense of ������. ��'
<br /> � � � Botrowet to aceete�atton and sale.IP the det�Wt Lv noi ca�ed on or befpre the date specifted In the aotk�I.ender,at its �{- .
<br /> � � � aptina�mey�eqaire imatedtate��yment tn PaD oY a�sums secassd by thts Secarity Iastramwt wit6ont tarther demand . •,,.�°,-° :
<br /> . � and may invoke the pawes oY sate and any other remedi�s peirmitted 6q applicabie taw Y.ga��shaD 6e cntitled to ooilect
<br /> . , . : all eapeascs inenrred in pursaing the reme�ttas pmvtded in th�s DaragraP6 21,tnctnding,ba�cot Imiited to.reasona0ie �.. ' � .
<br /> ',��' . �ttorneys'fea and casts of tttte evidence. ,
<br /> � ' ..� � U t6e paw¢r o!aflle ts invoued,'DYastee s4taU rewrd a not�te of detaWt in eacb conntq In whtch anY pa*t oi the � '
<br /> ,: `.� � . � �oD�Y��orated and shaD ma�w��of sacb notice in the manner prescribed 6y applicab�iaw to Barrower and to the , -. -
<br /> � . otder pe�sons presczibed 6y applicable taw.After t6e Hme requtre,d by appllcabte law,Tras¢ee sdall give public noflce of .
<br /> . �. satx W the persons and in the manaer prescrWed by appllcabte�.Tmstee,without demand on Borrawer,sLaD seD tDe ' ��'
<br /> . . . Praperty at pnDlic anqion to the hJg6est bidder at t6e tiffie and place and�mdea t1�e ter�s designated in the nottce of sale � � � ' . .. '
<br /> ; . �
<br /> ' . Farm 8028 9I80 � . .
<br /> � ��BR(NEjtoz�2t.o� Page e ot e mu�au: ----- � . . .�.,
<br /> � : '. � ,;k, . ;" '�u,,
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