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<br /> _ S_� ♦ . . 'c .' �_ - . - � - 'i... , : i.� .. � ��. �f' - .
<br /> ,i < ,' - � . < (�;� \� 1 - - . i t . � . . , . -� . � :�7-
<br /> � _ `� �. .'�5 . ` c t - _ . ' Y . � ` `c . . �� � �,4 4�' � ���'`
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<br />- �' C� . � , `X�, ` . . <✓:.� .. 4 •� '1'' T •• ',C . �!
<br /> - . -,4��, - F' - �E.. . .
<br />. . ' :�` _ , ' .ah: .�.
<br /> , � .. �C-' .1 ' �������� C .' - � l� � .
<br />`f� '` " .�' f if e insosance caveaage Cia t4te am�mu and f�the peai�d �r,,,:.( F : '�4
<br /> : � � yaym�ts may no longcr be requiced,at rhe option o Leade� mprtgaS ia Feaz , �- ` �_
<br /> n, �r'`�
<br /> ``-r� ,�'`� tkat Leadet re�qairesj�rOVided bY an sns►ue��ved by I�eader again betomcs ava�ab2e and is obtained.Bartowar sball g�y the `�� •,
<br /> .�. .,'j 1It't ;;r� ,�.'::r
<br /> . , pr�ms ce�ed to ma�n�mo�age instaance m effea.os to p�avide a toss res�re.u�the re�luiiemeut for moitg�ge 4Y'�- - :�.
<br /> � � `.`�� ia.surance wds in aa�rdance w�h aay wrlsi�a agtee�eat betwee.n Bairawer and Leader ar agp�Cable taw. ',.� °
<br /> -�'-�' 9 In5�. LE�Res or as agent m�y�aa i�*�+�:���='�'�--r--"'�'"'�""-°n4 rhw P�amP.ety. i.endes shall sive `
<br /> � �T~'... --t Eoimwer notioe ai die t�e of ar prinr to an mspecrion sFecefyjng reasanable caase for tk�inspe�inn. - . _ _"
<br /> .. �; of an award or claim far damag�s.direet m consequenval.in w�esoinn witb anY ` , 4
<br /> ,; - . 10.Caademn�4tan. 'ilie pmceeds Y ` :
<br /> em
<br /> ,�.: �= condemnaQina ar other takiag of any past oi the property,or for oonveyaace m rxn of caade�aation,are he�rbY asv8ne��d. ._ . � ��`,2`.:
<br /> ` � R. ,shaII bB paid�o L�dea. •° '-'"`
<br /> � .�� � In the event of a total talmng of die Pmpeacy.the graceeds shall be'apgli�d m.the sums se�red bY tfis Sec�riiY Insbumeat, _ :s -�
<br /> . - f �,` whether ar no't then du�wiih aay e�ccess pa�m Bosrower.In the�►ent of a pardal�king of the Pmpeaty in wdich the fair market '� , _ .
<br /> ay , � � , _
<br /> va2ue of the Ptope�ty immedaar�iy before ihe m�ng is eqnal to or greatec t6an the amoant of the s�uns seaucd by tlris 5ecuYity • �f __
<br /> ' � Inslrument iffimediately►6efare the ta�ag,�mtess Boimwer aad Leader oth�nvise�cee in wciting,the snms sec�ed bl►� --
<br /> _ ' . Se�mdt�►Instcnmeat shall be mduced by the amomat of the pmceeds mW�plied by the folbowmg�n:(a)the wtal amouat of .,_:___-
<br /> � - the smas fiecaued�iately befare the takiag,diVided by N)tIie faff market vatue af ttt�Pmpesty imm�iY beFore the - '-�'`
<br /> � lI
<br /> � � . . ��: �ng.Any 6alance s6a116e paid m Baimwe�In the evem of a partial takivg af t��Piapcaay�w�ttze faa m�ket valne af the ---_
<br /> ai
<br /> � � � �'�� �a�Y �Y �� the taking is Iess tban the amount of dte sums seaued itnm iar�y befoie the taking,uatess �
<br /> �Boaower and I.eader otherRrise agree ia writimg ar�ndless applicable iaw otheawise pmvides,the pmcer,ds shall be appfied w the -- --
<br /> �.� s�s secm�ed by this Seamty Iusnram�t whether or nai the sams are d�dae. _.
<br /> � :' If the YmPeitY is aba�adoae�by Baaowea,ar if�after notice by Lc�dea m Borra9va th�t the conde�uor offers W makc an �` R=,t
<br /> ri .--_
<br /> ` � ,a`. award ar set�te a ctaim for damages,Borrowea fa�7s tu respond w I.ead��30 days a�the date the notice is given.Leeder . ;_.. _
<br /> y: j ' * --
<br /> --- ----��. is a�horized ro colIect�d apply the proceeds.at its aption,either tn resmration ar mpaa of the Pcopeaty ar to tLe sums sesured -,-- --
<br /> .- ,: by this Secariiy Instrameut,ahetl�er or not thett due. � , - __-_
<br /> �.. �%: UNe�I,eada and Bormwer a�eiwisa agree in arrismS+�Y aPD�on af proceeds w p�cipal s6a1t not extea�d ar postpone � °'_�- -__
<br /> `.--:r:y, �he dae date of the monthly pay�ats mS�red to in p�ag�pAs 1 an�2 or cl�ange die amaant of such payme�ts.. ` _=T-�,
<br /> ; ; ;+ � ld.Borrower Not ReIeased;Fo�bearance By Lcnder Not a Weiver. Ext�on of the tirne f�paymeat�ma�cation }� �
<br /> . . ;. . � ���s; of amarti�tinn of the sums secviced by this SecuTay Insuvment�anted by Lenda ro any succ�.sor In mteaest of Hoaowea shaA ..,°:�;;�
<br /> � :. � � ' not apeaare tn r�ease the liab�ity of the original Bomuwea or Barrawea's sncce.ssors in inteaest.Lendes shaII not 6e req�rcal�w , °-�.-.�--
<br /> co�a�ca pr+uceectinSs�sin�ffi►Y saccessor in int�st ar=efnse w eateud tane for paymea�t ar othawi4e raodify amo�ation of `-•�":—".,-.
<br /> °i •��..,w•..�.
<br /> • ' ; the soims seaue�by tLis Secarity Ee�sameat by r�ason of aay demand made by the orig�Barmwet ar Baaower's successars '�``r;' `---
<br /> s
<br /> � [_ : '�.f in intecest.Any farbeaiance b3+I.en�in exacising auy right or remedy shati nat be a waivEr of or.preclude the e�cea�ise af any � , .~.+;�°` ___
<br /> • ::t : ,��nto��ay. , : . __.._-.
<br /> h �
<br /> . . � � 12.$accessars and Asqigns Bonnd;Jojnt and Severa!Liabit�j►;Ca��abi�s. 1i�e covenants aad agreeanents of tftis .-.. ,_�-.
<br /> . A igns
<br /> ' �� :. ,.,�;,r. .�.
<br />. - � '.,;__� Seauity IasG�ume�►1 sha11 bind and benefit the snocesso�s and assigns of i.ee�der and Boriawes,sabject w tlie pmvisions af "..�:y�:,� ,
<br /> `.:�' ��. .. ` parag�aph 17. Bormwe,r's cove�ants and agreementa sitall be joint and seveaal. Any B�rawet w ho co-signs t h i s S e c u t i ty . ' "`_'__�.
<br /> , �� � �' Inst�tent bat does not ex�the Noicr. {a)is co-sigaiag this Secauity lnstroment only w mongage,�ant and oonvey tbat :��---
<br /> . . , `�` , �s not nalt obli to a ihe sams -- .',�� .
<br /> ' ' . . �,_' Boimwea s interest ia the FmpatY under the teams of Ihis Secmrityr Inswmenfi(b)� P� Y S� P Y
<br /> seaaed by this Security Instr�men�aad(c)agrees that Lendes and any otit�Bmmwea may agree w exter�d,mod'afy,forbe�or .. �'_�.". -_���
<br /> � �, make any atcommodarionsarith regazd to We t�rns of thia Sec�ty Insaument or the Note without tbat Bonowea's consent • .,.j:.;.;,. _ -
<br /> . .:�5;:.� . '. 13.Laan Chargea If the laan sec�ued by this Security L�sttum�t Is subjea to a law which sets roaximam Iflan charges, _-�.
<br /> and tbat law is Snally iatapmted so that the iate�e.at ar other loau charges coltested or to be coIIected in conne�tion witb the loan .;;;;:;�;
<br /> � . .:� exceed the perraitted limits�thea�:(a)aay sach tosn charge shaU be reduced by the amoant nece�ary to reduce the cLarge m the ---_
<br /> . � .? : peamiueA 1im�aa�(6b any sums already coIIe�ted fro�n Buaower wt►ich e�cceeded peamitted limits aiU be refun8e�to Botrowes. -u°_
<br /> � Leadear may choose to make thSs refm�d by reducing the principai owed undea•the Note or by maku�g a direct payment w , ._ °_`'
<br /> . �..
<br /> f , Bmiower.If a refund:edaces pdnciyal.ttie reducxion will be treated as a panial prepayeient without anY P��Y�t�e .. . '-�-,;,�
<br /> y t ��Y---
<br /> ' undea the Note. � �� - - _
<br /> � 14.Notiac�. Any notice to Borrowea provided far in this Secauity Ynsttame�nt shaU be givas try delivesing it ar by mailiag it ":,!,' . �
<br /> . ' � � by fusl class ma�7 unless applicable taw requires use of�other aiethod.The notice shall be directed w the Praperty Address or . , . --
<br /> ' �• a�►y o4ier addres�Bolmwa designares by no�ce w Lendea.My ao�ce to Lender shall be given by frsst ciass ma�to Lendea's . .
<br /> � : .�..;�. . � address sKated herein ar any ot�er address Lende�designatr,s by aoflce to�omawer.Any notice provided for in tfls Secmity . ' �'
<br /> ;`,'. � .
<br /> . lnswmcmt shaU be deemed to��t�een given to Borrower or Lender when given av pmvided in this paregrapb. ;r:::;T.. . '. ..
<br /> 1S.Governing Law;Severability. 79�is Sec�aity Instrument shall be govemed by fedaal iaw and ihe Iaw of the , �•.���� • : .
<br /> . . � . .� i jnrisdiction in whicL the Froperty is located.ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insaument or the Not� , • :
<br /> . . � '� wnflicis adih app�te 1aw,such conflict shall not affect oth�pmvisions of this Securlty Insuument or the Note which c�be . . . .
<br /> � given effect without the canfYictia��rovision.To this end the provisians of this Seauity Inswraent and the Note are�lared to . .. . , .
<br /> `"' • be sev�a62e. . - � �
<br /> : � � Fom�aoza s�eo , • .,��
<br /> , . �-8R(NE)to2�2�.0� VagoAOf6 rnnia��: ----- .
<br /> • • ,�o. '';��.�') . .
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