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<br /> �C, � ` C . .
<br /> ' �`�� �-�`' � .. • SII�� ���� `R`�� .,` 4'.I t�.
<br /> 'P, . . ��.r . � 'C.` .� '�?
<br /> �` ,
<br /> � • 16.Borw�er's Copy Bo�wet sLaU he gi�►e,n sne oonfnm�ed copY of die Note and of ttiis 5ecurity In�um�ut. ,::!... F
<br /> t is
<br /> � I9.'i'rat�.�er of tiae Pra��ty us a B�ne(Ie�al Eni�est ir�Borro3ves. U aU cu any part of the Pcop�aty or auy iateaest ia it is �: `
<br /> ` s o 2�o r t r�w s f e r t e A(m i f a b e n e 5 c i a l i n t e re s t i n B o i m w e r i s s o l A a r t r a n s f e a r e d a n d Bmroaer is not a�nual p e i s o n)withoat . ;,, `
<br /> � �` ' =�� I��der's priss ev�n�oor�I.e�may.at itsapt�� .��pay�t ia fiili of all sums secaued by�WS S� ; � _.
<br /> c ap ercised by Lmdea if exec�Lse- is !u'bited fedaal iaw as of the da2e of tWs .
<br /> _ insburnc�nt However,this �on s�all cot be ex Fm bY ` -�.�.
<br /> .�=�s S i�t t��c�thia�t�sui�n.i p.rutes r�taA aive Bartower natice of acael�ian.'fhe notlCe shell gtovtdC S perind of not tes9 `,'•� .
<br /> —F�r-"""'� tLan 30 Aaya fmm the dat�16e notice is dcliveaed ar mtu�e�within afiich Boaaw�must pay�sums sec�rea oY aus s�+m�Y
<br /> `.-.` -->`=� �rmaeaL If S�s+ow�r fails ta psy t�se sams�r t�the ea�iration of t2;is period,Leader.aay mvoke aay te.m�ies petmiUed � � - -
<br /> . , b y tbi9 S e c a u i t y Ias�umen��ut futttt�coime arde,m�t Borcawer. .�::
<br /> ; s _
<br /> � � �: 18.Sarrawer's�ht fldr�te:' -IP-�8 � c�in can d idons. Bolmw� s 6 a i i h a v� t h e ri g h t t n h a v e
<br /> _ . `.� ea�f�o�tLis S e�t�@�sgdA .�at$ny dme prior to the earlira o�(a)5 days(ar sud�othe��iad es
<br /> � �. � a�tplt�able laa�r may�y �i ,s �ean�t).be�dYe'Sale'oY th Pmgesty pursuant to a�y powet of�ate wrrt�ed in this Securiry . �h :
<br /> `` Iasuvme�or )eau7►- af a ` e�t eaf'o�g�s meauuy�asaumeat�hose oonditions ar�t�at Bormwraa:(a)pays�dca all
<br /> * = i h 14 ... , ,� -
<br /> . ; <:.•,, .�� s�ms ahicb t�a wonld be dne uadea tbis S�nriry Inswment and tba Note as if no aeoeleaafion 6ad axttt�d:N3��Y , -
<br /> defaWt of aay athea cuveoanta ar ag�em�ts:(c}pays aU expenses incuc�ed in enfarc�ng this Sec�ity Instrumeni,incL�d�g,but , .� ���,.�.� �
<br /> �d
<br /> ` ' `� QOt 1iAtil2d Ws LP�.90n8b1S 81m1IICyS'�4'.ZIId(�[8$ES Slil�8Ctl4D 8S LRIId��S�t ce8S�A8b�i ICtjaIIC LO BSSIII�@!ffi tliC�ICd!Of tl]iS << -
<br /> . . . ,' � Secutiry Iasuume,nt, L�rder's right� ia the Ymp�► aad Bmmwea'a ob��n ta pay the sums s�m�ed hy t63s Sec�aity► + -_-
<br /> -t �i", TnsOrametti sba11 condnue imchaaged tlpon reinstatemeat 8y Bonower.dus Secunty lnsuume�t and 8te obli secumd --=-
<br /> ��.� hereby shall i+�onain fully effective ag if ao aa:elerauon had aa�red.Howeva,this right w rem�shall not app�the case of •
<br /> • . a�e�inn aadapa�agtag�17. ' .}
<br /> �� • •�T��, 19.�ale oY Not�Change of I.uan�ervtse�r. 'Ihe No�e or a paztial mte�st m ths Note (rogetFirea_w�h this S�r .
<br /> e a � «•
<br /> . .. . `'1 Insuument)may 6e sold oae or maie timcs without prIor no�ee w Banower.A sale may r�lt m a change m the enticty(knowo ' .4,�:,.�.'_
<br /> , . as the'l��SeavicEC'ry thai caltects man�iy is dne undea the Note and ttda Sec�iry Insavment.'Ihe�re afso may be oas or '�
<br /> . . more dtt�gea of the Loan Servtc�i �a�le of the PIoie.If the�e is a ch�ange of the Loan Seavirsr.Boaawer wn7l be ';,� f� ;''',; ,_-
<br /> >° � �a�antIce of tha ebange in aoco�dauce wiih pa�graph 14 above and apDltc�ble law.'Ihe notice w�l state�e name and , ��
<br /> �'`�<� a�dns�wf the new Loan S�oer and We ad�re�to which payments shanid be made.'Ihe aotice'wU atso coatain�►y oiher r -
<br /> ` � iafoimsttnn requBrrd bY�PP�ble law. _
<br /> tm
<br /> � Z4.Nazar�dous Sn6s�ces. Bormwa s5all not c�use�or permit the preseace. ass.disposal. straage+��of anyr •;. ,, —
<br /> Haa�dona Substances on or m the Propaty.Boauwea shau not do.nar allav✓anyone etse to dn�anythu►g affec�in$the Property :. �=:�
<br /> . < : that is in violation of,aay�F�vironm�tal Law.�he pseceding taro seateaces shaU nat a�phr ro the pre�ar�,u�r:.or storage un the -5 _
<br /> 1 4h
<br /> , ,,• Propeaty of small quantit�es of H�rdoas Snbstances tLat are geaiaa]Iy recagnizeB to i�e appmpriate w narmal restdenttal uses .
<br /> :� �. � , and m maiat�ataace of the P�oyeaey. ::y� �
<br /> . � Borsowea shall PromgtlY Sn►e Leadea wrnte�nodce of any imvestigatio0.ctaim,demsnd,law�rit o�oth��aA by aay .. ` .
<br /> ritt
<br /> .. . : , gaveaa�mea�tai or regulatory�e�cy►ar P�P�Y involving fhe Pmp�ty aad any Hazffidans Subsmnce or Envaonmewal Law � ;�, --
<br /> ea me .
<br /> ' ' of whish Bmaowes bas lmow�Bormwer learns,ar is noti�ed hy any governm e a t a i or regntaooay a u�o r l l Y.tdat aay �..,,..
<br /> � r rzmovat�ar oihea remediadan of any as 5ubstance affecdng t�e Pro�eny�S n�.Barmvuear sball�grompdy take sA ""' -
<br /> � • necessaty reanedial ac�ons in ac,cordance am�Eavaonmeatal l.acv. _
<br /> � As ased in ttus paragraph?A,"�iaz�dous Substances" ar�those subst�ces defined as toxic ar ba�dans substances by .
<br /> . Bnvironmea�tal Iaw and the foRowing sabstanee� �ol�ne.kemseu�. other flammable ar tfl�dc petm2eam pmduets. toxic -
<br /> ' � pestiades�ad 6dbicides.volaa'!e solv�te,mateaiazs oa�#a�ng as6estos or fommtdehyde.and radioaarve matenala As nsed in � .�'• v�
<br /> � - this p h Z0."Envimnmental Law"means fed+aral laws aad taws of the j�an where the Pcopeaty is Iacated that relafe .� _--
<br /> S . � .. -� iD 11C8IIZf�eLy 01 CAY1DODII1PAt81 j3I0f,CCt[OA. �. i.:f�=_
<br /> •' . ��.-
<br /> ' . �` NON•UNII�ORM COVENANTS.Boauwea and Lcatd�fwther covenant and agree as foliotivs: ,.:..:�.-
<br />=3 ,. �, 21.Accederation;RemedIa.Lender etiaD give notice M Bon�ower prtar to acceisrettfln foDowfng Borrawee's breac6 of �.t. �'.��.'
<br /> - any covenaat ar egrcement in t�is Secmlty Instrument (but not prior to aeceter�tFon auder pare�raph 17 anles� _ -.
<br />- � .-';;���; aPPltco62e Oaw provides otherwL�Q).Tke notlre shail specdy:(a)the detaol�(b)the actton rQqaised to aire the defad�(c) �-_,:;�y'_".�,
<br /> � a date,not ir�Wan 3Q days irom tEr date the uotice is gtvea b Sosra�w�er,by wh�Ch the dePauIt most be cared;au�(� : °_ ..
<br /> � . '- ,, tbat faIIure to care the detaatt an or betor+e the date specif�ed ct the notiee may resntt in eoceteratiaa of the s�s secared ' - �,�:.
<br /> -: . . . � 0y Ws Srrusity Inatram�t aad sate ot t�s Property.Tbe notice s6aD itutL�r iu�orm Bormwer of t�e rlght to reinstete . _ �__
<br /> .�� , � � . �,}1. atter arceIerBttaa end t��rigbt to brtng a oourt aRtoa to assept tiae noa�sieuce ot a defauU ar any o4her detwse ot , ' :;,-
<br /> �� � Borrower to$cceleration�nd saIe.If the detanit is not cund an or bdare We date speci�casl in the notie�I.ender,at iIl� � ';�,,�:
<br />- ' ' . . opt�nn,may seqaire i�medtate pay�senf in tuD of s0 s�s sec�ed 6y this Secarlty Inst�r�ent wilhont Parther demand . =' •'�=
<br /> a s
<br /> �..:r. . . an�may mvoke the pawer oY sale�e�other remedies permittetl by applicabte taw Lender aba0 De ee�titter�to coIIect n'��`• �. .
<br /> . � aD eape�scs incurred im g�mrs►dng the�remedte9 provided in thls par8tgrapb 21,iamiuding,Dnt ao!limited to.reasona6fe .
<br /> ._ . . a�toraeys'tees aad cagts mf tNie evidentce. '• .
<br /> � � U the p2�er of sate is invoke�,'Prastee shaD record a notioe of defaalt in eacb a�anty in wLich any part of We " �
<br /> • � . Property t��cated and shaD mail oop�es oY smcb nottce in We manaer prescr�2d by app�Ie Isw to Borra�er an8 to the -� ��'��• . '��;
<br /> � oYher pRrsons pressrtbed by eppltcaDIe law At'tes the time requffe�6y appUcabte law,Trngtes ghaII give pnbllc no�e of .
<br />� . � '. aate to the�ersons and in the�nnner prescribed by applicabie law.Trustee,withoat demaad on Borrower,s6uII seD the _
<br /> � . , • Properiy at publlc audion to th�6tghest bidder at tde Eeme at�ptace ead under the terms de�ignated in t6e notice oP sale � , .
<br />.. . . .�,_ . �
<br /> � ' � � Form 8028 9190 ' �
<br />_�.:. � �-BR(NH)(e2t2).o� � Papaeo�A inmai.: , .. . '
<br /> •y,• �a,�e
<br /> .. ' . . , •.�i� ":bt ,.. .. < . .
<br />� • � ' . � _ ' . . ' � . . . - . ' � �- � < . . . • . . . • . . .
<br /> . .. , .. . . ' . . � . . ' ' . .- . - . . _ ' •. ' -
<br /> ' _ .. _ . . . .. . . .. . � : .. -u �
<br />. . _ _ . _ . " . . .. . ,. � • '... ' . .-�. . . _ _
<br /> � . • . . . � . � . . . . . . . . _ .. , • � " . ' , .
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<br /> .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . � . ... _ � . . �. �_.. .� .. . .. . _ . ..._� . _. ___ . . . . _ :d. ._ . .. _... . .. .. .._.._. ._ _ . ... . _ . .♦.,.:*s_�.. _ . � ' . _,.-. -.
<br />