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<br /> _ ��'G'.r�,ry , _ ' ��c- . .. � /. . � [ � 2` . � . . , ` ' '� •� ., , " �.t L _ c .
<br /> _ 4 V ,V Q.. .`l! � � .t�.
<br /> .. N ..�� ` ( .�yC` a}. .. .
<br />� : � f <<<t •. . 5.Hazflrd a�F+ropxrty l�mra�e. Baa�wer sLall�p the imymvem�m naw eais�ng oz Gaeaftrr��the°�Pr�op�eety r > . -' ��v t
<br /> n ,.
<br /> ° . iauuc¢d�ase Ioss by�Se.4a�ands incWded cvithm the tc�m"exteaded wve�age"aad auy other ba�rds.inclad'm$IIuods� � ` '�� �.
<br /> � .. tloud�ag,for whict►I.ender r�quin,s�This ma���;sball 6e mai�faed in the amon.uts and for the periods that I�euder � ` ` _
<br /> P�fl
<br /> '` ., re�.31ie�ance c�rnt�psovidiag the iasmance shall be chnsea 6y Ba:mw�subject w LeactQr's appmval wbich sbail nat '' �
<br /> � ° be+�_.s.,^TA�+1y wit6held if�Oaower fa�7s w maiadin vover�ge des�ed a�ove, Leud� may,ai Leada's aption, ab� , �� `.i:. `'°`
<br /> «.........,............._ _..._,_w_.�_ ,... .. �`�
<br /> .v..osg;..o,j....ar....oa�s o s`;su�ar auo raarpasj in�wraw lrmi�tiqm i• - -
<br /> ..,. ,�� All insu�ce Fahcics and seuewats s6a11 ite scce,ptable to Le�adea and shall iaciude a standsrd moitg�age clanse.Iender shali ��,_:T_ -
<br /> • Lave the right to 6old'rhe po�CIes aad reaearal.s.If I�ndca tequires,Boaower shall Pm�P�Y SNe tv I�ade,r aIl rereipts of paid _`�-' `_
<br /> _.., . ... psem�ms and re�ewal notices.in the eve,at of I�ss.Boaower shaD give prompt notice to the insutaace canrier and L�drs I.end� � '� -�
<br /> P. �4•>,. .
<br /> , aaay make gmof of Ioss if not madepiomptty iry Baaower.
<br /> . ' UnI�s Ie�d�r�Boaower ot�asvise qg�ee in writimg,msuramce pmceeds shaU be applied to reswiarion or repai�of the �� � -.
<br /> . � � �
<br />, , . . - Propatyr damaged.if the restotation or m,pair is ecanomicaRy feas�le and Lead�'s secmity is aot lessened ff the�swrarion ar c. f-:.: , _
<br /> . repah Is not eoonomicaIty f�Ie ar Leader's s�urity wanid be Iesseatedr the ins�aace proceeds sLaII Ue applied w the smr� :.� .�``. - ,_
<br /> �' . � �.. `: secrued by dris Sec�ity Instrumeut, whethet or mot thea� dt�with may eacess pa� tn Bormwer.ff Barcowea ab�tdons the --...__
<br /> . . �` •
<br /> . � : ,- . Pmperry.or daes not answer withia 30 days a notice from I.en�er t6at the�ce canriea bas offeeed¢a seu3e a ctaim,thea � _�..-
<br /> . Leadea may oot�Ct the iasmance psoceed.�.Lendex may ase the pmceads to iepair or res0ore the Ptopeaty�m pay sams sec�aed - 5 `-`
<br />_ ' r.,,�.
<br /> , .. � .
<br />;-.s ' . BY tLis�S�mi�►In�t,whethea oz not the,n dne.71ie 3U-day pmod w3I1 beg�a whea�the nofc�e is given. . . ;• ._
<br />� � -:``° � _ � Untess Leander and Baaawer ot6�wlse a,�ee in wrmag,any appfis�tian of pmceeds to priaLtipal shaU not a�d or postpane -
<br /> - • • , die due date of the monthiy payments zefened w.in par�s 1 and 2 ar c4�ge the a�aount of the gayments.If�mdea p�h - -
<br /> . 2l the Pmg�tjr is acqtrired lsy I.�ad�,Bmmwer's right Eo aay iasu�aace po�aes and p�o�r�g frow damage m the �,-r: �-�
<br /> � , ..� . Progerly prior o�the acquisltion shall qass.ro Leuder td the exteni of tt�e swas seaaed by this Sec�dty Iastramwt immediarrly . � � - '-
<br /> � �... . plior tn the aoqrosItioa. _ : -----
<br /> :. G.Qcc�paacy PreservatFoa,M�intena�ce s�d P�ntection of the Pm � , " �` -
<br /> p,,�,, -`_„ Perty, Borrower's Loan ApplIcatfon;LeaseY�utds. .� -
<br />�v h.,. ` � ' allJ1V��.731�Gli � �.i`�`- -- --
<br /> . , occapy,establisb.and use the Ptopesty as Boaow�s�ainapai s�d�cc within suty days aRa the exe�n of �:. . :y.
<br /> , `•,', �.�.-
<br /> .. dils Seauity Jn�^uame�t and sl�aaD cont�aae tb occupy U�e Propeary as Boauwcx's prmcxpal reside�ce for ai teast oue year afica the ����. ..'�..� ��a;'�-'�—
<br /> �. ,.._�._ ..�' date of occupancy,anl�s Lender otheawise a�rees in wsiffitg,whicb canseni shall not be�onably wlthhetd,ar �n�ss `'_� _ '-_ • _ -,
<br /> r� : extr�naf�g cua�msfiances exist which are beyond Bmrower's cantrol.Boaaa�er shaII not destroy,damage oz impair the Prupealy, � _"�:��
<br /> _ allaw the Fmpeaty w deteriniana,or cammit wagte on the Ptoperry.�aer shall be m defanIt if any farfeitme r.ctian ar - '`��-�_
<br /> , � proceedmg.whethea cnnl ar c�minai,is 6eg�m that ia Lendea's goad fa�s�dgme�t c�pW ses�ilt m forfe�ae ef the Ptoperty ar �'`.--�`
<br />.,i�,' � otherwLse mateaiany�a the liea created by ttds Seauity Instmment oi L�der's sec�nrIty intaest.Bosmwer may ca�'e sach a t,`:r;.i;,,.�.;s:+:.=;—
<br /> ca •r ��>-T_
<br /> default and r�mst�as provided in par�aph 18,by c�using the xqion os gmoeed�g.tu be dismfissed wi�a ruling that,in .'�,� �,•�
<br /> . ,;, � Leadea's gaod faith determ�aiion,pleclodes farfeidae of the Boimwea's inteaest in the or other mataial ent of ",;: . .� _�--
<br /> . . �P�Y �P� ��,.,<.'.�;:'::;..�.,_
<br /> � � the lie�caeated by this Secittity Iusuument ar Lender's seaaity�terest.�wmwe,r sLaU also be in default if Hoaawer.during th$ �:�.`�'.�::�.• �- - -
<br /> Iaan application gruoes�.gave mataiallY fatse or inacaaate uifarmat�on or statemenB to l�d�(or fa�ed to pmvide Leadea wi�.'a •�,.�;:= - -
<br /> � . �' any mat�iial inforaiarian)in cannecdnn wIth the Ioan evidenced by the Note,inclading,bm not tunite�tn. representadons . � _ -- —
<br /> . eri _ ', •..-;x' °. .
<br /> .� . cancemin$Butmcver's or�upancy of the Property as a ptlaeipa!resideuce.ff this S�iiy InstRmeat is on a�easehola.Borrowea �`.,,<. �-.--
<br /> '.�:. � ' st�camply witb all the provisIons of the�.se.If Barmwer acquires fee title w the Propcaty,the leasehold and the fee 6tte stiall .��.,, ' .'., � ��.!
<br /> ,�,r_
<br /> . � � notmergeaal�ss Lender a�ees to the meagea in wriring. . . --.-�
<br /> . . 7.Protectian of Lender's 8ig6ts in the�ioperty. If Borrowea fails to perfonn the covea�ats and agm.ements wntained in . �—
<br /> tlds Secauity Instrament,or theae is a IeB�D�g��Y�8��►�1►affect Lea�der's rights m the Pmp�ty(such as a � '�=�-r -
<br /> . � � � P�8�banluupuy,pmbate,far condemnation or forfeiuue os ro e�fo:ce taara or�8ulanans).thao Le�dea may do and pay - -�Y•` - - -
<br /> , .. , for afiatev�Is necessary w pnot�ect the vatue of the Praperty and Lender's rip,Lts m the Propeaty.Lea�der's aaraasmay iac�nde -_-
<br /> -� ' P�&�Y �secured by a 1iea� which has Driority aver tuis Secruity L�ror�nent,aPDearing in coutt.Pay�g reasonable �. `�: ';. ----_
<br />-.�;' aumneys'fees a��e�ter�g on the pi+opeaty w matce repairs.AIt�ougb L�dea may rakc acdan under t�L4 pmagapb 7,L�nde� .. ��:�r�`.'�.
<br /> : � . doesnoihave toQoso. � . - :�h,,�::.:,,;
<br /> '..:� .. Any amowtis disbursed by I.e�der undea tlils parag�b 7 shall become addidonal debt of Bmrowcr sccmed tsg this S�uity .. �.. . � =.�-~~r-,
<br /> .. .. �� � Instmmeart UNess Borrawea and l.eaeder agee to other teams of payme�L these amounts shaU bear interest fram tbe date of . . � -
<br /> �. .� disb�t at the Note rate aud shaU be payab2e,aiW intaest,npan notice from I�dea to Bonmwer re�N�B P�l+m� � . .
<br /> , �.Mortgage IInsaraace. If Lendet regaaed mongage insurance as a conditian of making the lo�seruied Isy�is Se�ityi' .� . . . . .:. :'a:.
<br /> _`� . Ins�utnent, Basr�wer shall pay the p�ernimns required w maintain the mortgage�suQance� effect If, for an reason the '�':��� . � �..
<br /> Y , �;,;:;:;' . � :
<br />..;�,;�;. .� mortgage insma�ce coveiage seqtmcd by Lender fapses or ceases w be in effect,Boa�wea shall pay the preani�s required to � ,
<br /> - _ obtain covelage substantially equivalent to the mor[gage insureuce previously in effect.at a cost snbsranti�ally oquivalent to the
<br /> lI
<br /> . ;�.::,� cost to Bonoara of the mortgage insurance Dreviously in effect, fn�m an aItemate mortgage i�siuea appmved try L+e�dea.If ,
<br /> �.` _ + snbstanbatty�alent mortgage insarance covelage is not available.IIczrowea sha11 pay w Leadea eac6 month a sum equal to '
<br />. °;.;.. . � on�tarelfth of�:�e ye�1y mortgage lnsivance�remium beimg paid by Bc�r:ow�when the insurarice coverage lapse�or ceased to . . • :
<br /> : 6e in effec�Lender will accept,use and re�in these yaymea�ts as a loss reseave in lieu of moitgage�nsurance.Loss resave
<br /> ,,, . .
<br /> :�::'
<br />���`'' • . ° � Form8020 9180 . . .
<br /> �' � � �-6R(NE)caz+z�.o� Paeeao�e mmen: _ ' � .
<br /> ,.,.• .
<br /> ... . � . . ' '. �; �„c' ; � ' . . •.
<br />_:iSi. .' � • � " � : •
<br /> � . • . _-�-�"_"''...._"""�-v_,._..- . . --»-� . . _ . . . • ' .
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