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<br /> : : ` ' .. Of award OI cia�m for dama�ges.di�ect or�+in oonaecaian wItL .<< '•.`�. . .�.
<br /> . . .9 Caademnstian.11iepmce�is anY eyaaoe fin 1i�of coademnaHaaa,'are ��, .. � �.
<br /> °�' ' �y a,na�±±a+�on o:other taking of the Fmgeml.+nr patt the�eof.or far conv _ , .
<br /> .�; � '
<br /> . he�eby assi�ned and ahaU be paid w Leader.sabject w the tetms af aay martgdge.deed of nust or other sec�ity � .4,,.
<br /> : ` ageement �itD a lien whish has pr�ority over this Deed of Ttust. `_� ;�r--`=
<br /> ' , 10. Sorenwe�1eTot�eleasedi ForDearense BY Lr�d�Nat a Weiver,E�ueasion of the d�e fos gaymeat or
<br /> . . modIfication of amortizatioa of tl�e sums se�v�d bY t�s �eed of Tzust granted bp L�der to any successos in ..
<br /> .�. ;:� of the aci Bu:marer aad ` k
<br /> � �nte�st of Boirower shall aot ap�rare w telease. ia aa� mannet, the tiab�7i� ��successor or
<br /> �'"'" �. �. Bo�cawer's suocessosa ia iaterest. Let�der si�all not���.�ws,��pms serur+�hy�this Deed of T�ast bY �_
<br /> ,-- . re�e w e�a�enu�roi.yay��; �.,,�^-�'.•�:�••.., in inte�est- Ar►Y forbeffiaace bY � .,.� .. -.
<br /> � �ason of a�r demand ma�e by the origiaal Boiiower aad Bormwer's sucoessois ,�,�,_
<br /> - :�.1' ; ,``: tender ia exercising anY rIght or remedY�eaeuader, vr othezwise afforded bY aPPlIwble law,shall aot be a waiv�
<br /> � of or pr�Iade the eaercise of any s�►right or rernedY- `�.�4< ,
<br /> °�. ' . `: 11. Sucocstors ead Assi�ps Boundi doini snd Severs4 Uab�It9;Co�tgae�s.The oavenaats and agce�aents �t .
<br /> . �'�' here� contain�sha�l bia4�d���r s b a U i a u c e w,t h e r�p e�a v e s o m e s s o i s a a f��wre�r sLa11 eb � .�: `
<br /> �d Bamowec, su6ject to the grovisians o f p a r a g t a p h 1 6 h e r e o f.A II c a v e n a n L S ai�d a�m e n i s G�
<br /> . joiat aad several.AuY��who oo-sigps this D a d o f Tmst.b n t d o e s n o t e x�u t E t h e N o t e.(a)is casi S�S �;���:,;;_.
<br /> .y ` � tbis Deed of Tmst onty m ga�an�oou�c�l►that Bormw�r's inserest in the�Y w T�stee under the tetms of� �:t��.,�.<:;-
<br /> �� ' liable on the Note or uaQer this Deed of Tivst.and(e)agr�s d�at� �::'��t�s_�
<br /> Deed of Tivst,(b}is�o't�SanaBY ,r�,� _
<br /> : � a�r other Bosmwer tc�uder maY agc+2e ea�.�Y,fat�ear,or make a�r ather accammodai£oas with regatd � �`��,
<br /> ��•.<.: :: � �a the teruis of this D�t of�Yase or�e Note.withoi�Y 4haz Hormwer's oonseat�d arithaut rete�ing thai Botmwer � :_
<br /> - -,`;,, cn modifyt��is U e e d o f T t a s t as t o t t a a t Bomawer's im�ecxst in tHe Pc+opeity►• •.,
<br /> , e�S
<br /> � . 12.Natic�Exoepi for aay notice iequir�d under agplicable law w 6e�ven isi aaother matmer.(a?�Y notice m ;� ,t
<br /> � r � gonower pravided for ia this Deed of Tmst shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such nodce[ry ceidfi��� .�. � .-
<br /> add�ased w Barmwer at the Property�ddress ar at surd� ather add�ess as Bornswer may desi$uase bl► ,
<br /> � � •-
<br /> ° . l.eadet as grovided hereln,aad(b)aaY amtioe W Iendes shaII 6e given b!►ce�fied msil to E.ender's addsess state3 ., .
<br /> F - � � . �•- heteia or w sucb other adat+e�s as Lender maY deaign2te b3►aotice to Boirawer ag pm�ided hez�in. Ai►Y ?inttae . - �� -
<br /> rawer •
<br /> .. .,- ,.: r
<br /> : � . � pmvIded for in t�is Deea of Tnist sLaU be dcemed oo bave beea given to Borrower or I.e�er when given�the -
<br /> maaaer Qesignated herem. --
<br /> � ' 13.Guvarnlag I.sw.8everulatUty.'i�e state and tocal laws applieable to tbis Deed of�'mst shaU be the laws oY . :. .
<br /> �� t�e jurisdiedoA ia whfch the Property Is loe�ted.The fongoing senteace ahall nat limit ehe applic�bilit3►oY f� � -_
<br /> ' `; �� law to tmis Dud oY Tnu�[�the ever►t�hat any pravlsiun or clause of t�is De�f of Ttust or the Noua c�on9tcca wIth . -
<br /> � � �: agp3icable law,such coniiict st�all not affect atlier pr�vistons of this D�ot Ttast or the Mofe wLic�can be givea
<br /> � .4 ��' e�{ECf witmout�he canflfcttng PmvIsion,and to this end the p�ovisions of thls Deed of Trust and the Note are Q�taz+�l ��%�_ �_
<br /> . . ..� `:. W 6e severt+b2e. As u r e d h e r e i n. 'cos t s.• •�e�a�s„ � ••��YB• f�,• �nctade ell sums.w the exteni not .r.
<br /> �'�:; �
<br /> � prohibiteQ bji ePP�Is Iaw or limited hesetn. •.�, _
<br /> , : �.�.- �•:� 14.�oaawer'e Copy.Borcower shall he fumished s eanfosme�csapy oY the Note�d of this D�cd 4f Trust at . ��N._-
<br /> - � � � •• � the dme of executlon or after rervrdattoa heROff F'`,_.
<br /> 15. Reh�6ili4atito�Loan Agse�eat.�orrower shall fiilfiil atl oY Bomavuer's obli�tions umder any home ,;?.';.�.-
<br /> A e
<br /> . iehabiiitadon.impmvement, zePair.os other loaa agreement which$orrower entets into wit1�Lender. Lender,at � ___
<br /> � � Leader's opdon, �Y require Banvwer to exe�ute and deHver w Leader, tn a fona accePtable W Leader, aa _ .
<br /> . .,� • assigam.ent of ar�}r riBhcs.claims or defenses M�ich Bomower may have against parttes who s�ply laDor.materials or _- --
<br /> � services in connection with impmvements made to the Prop�rty. .�.�=:,:Y:`=
<br /> . � . 16.35rasi.sPer of tY�e Yropeit9 or a Bcnefidal Iu4e�Zn Ban+ower.lf all or aay part of the 8tagetty or aay ;�;,,.:.`
<br /> " ' � •. iaterest in it is sold as transfemed(or iY a beneficial intesest in Borcower is s�o.td or�immediate p�� in�fa11 � , �� . -
<br /> � aataral petsony wlthant Leader's priox wriueu conse�t.Lender maY,at its o oa. �;,:�.;: �-
<br /> ' ma
<br /> � •og aU sams s�try tbis Deed of Tn�st.However, t h i s op t i o n s v a i l n o t b e e x e r c i s e d b y Lender��xsrcise is ;.,.i.'};
<br /> .. prolu'bited bq federal Iaw as of the date of tbis Deed of Tmst. . �: :
<br /> . If Leuder exe "n�s this option,Lender sbaU give Borrow�r nfldce of axeieration.1Y�e notIce sbait yrovide a ° ,� .
<br /> � pertod of aot tess thza?�D daYs from the date the r tice is deliveired oi ma3Ied wit�wt�ic�Eorc+awer�.st ap y alt ��r,
<br /> .. � :t:.� sums sewred by this�of Tmst.It Borrower faTa to pay these sums prtor to the expiratian of ttsis ge�i.Lender ��s�;?_;. _
<br /> . . � , may iavoke aay reme0ies permiaed by chis Deed of Tn�st wfithout further nodce or dema�a3 0�Borrower. �;�° :-�
<br /> , r ,....,�� NON-UNIFORI+�COVENANTS.Bormwer aad Lender fnrther wvenant and agee as foltaws: ` � '�
<br /> � . � � � �� b 16 hea�uS,upon Bon�we�s breac�of ahy ��I ''` :.
<br /> -` s� ,: .. . � , 17.Accetera4io�;LRemedtes.Except as mWded io paTegraP .
<br /> '; ��. asvenant or ug►'ces�of Eonowes in this�xe�o�7Yvst►inctading Baas��acr's falluse to pay by the end of �::u'_=.= _
<br /> IO catendar days after they�re due,anY s�s sec�by tWs DeeO of Tr�'t,Lencler prlor to aocetera4Loa sbaU �„
<br /> Ie
<br /> • " : gIve nottee to Bormmer es providerl In paisgrapD l2 hereof s�C[fy� (1)the breacb:(�the adion reqatr�W � .�:';�-'�; ;
<br /> ,. . than 2 0 d a f r o m�t�x�t e t�e notdce.ls mafte�to Bbsrowet,Dy wblch �,_'._�..:. . �.
<br /> c�re sac�breac6;(3)a date.no3less YS
<br /> .' . � such breacb must be qued;and(�that 6a�ure to c�e sucb bireacb on or before the date spedfied in�n� .
<br /> z. . . ��: � ._ �-T&{�EI196021 7ago4ot8 INUati:�,�c. � . �
<br /> . � .
<br /> � � . ,
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