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<br /> ` I , era�doa o8 the sur�s 6�by t�s Deed a�Tnrst and sste of tic�I rugertyr-74�notice sLaU �`��� . _
<br /> . . .. ;E.. may e+esait in ao�! to bris�g a oomct acKon W ,
<br /> � ;�. '�.° �ar�ar tnform Bomower of the rl�ht to e+¢tnstate�!'iter ac�ersti9n aa�the rig� ` . ;' .'f�.:
<br /> essgt the noaesistea�ee oY a defanIt os�nY otit�defease of$arrn�er ta enoe�e�attoa�end sate.If the breacQ�is .
<br /> .;�- . � `��'` not e�u+ed oa or 6ePon the date speci�icd tn the natto�Lendar.at I.�nide�s aptioa.maY deeTare aD oi We su�s e���c�. , .
<br /> .:�Y seeiued Dy thls Itr.ed o�'lYust 4o be Imffie�atety due and payabie witha�E forth�d�an�end maY fuvo�e the :i
<br /> ° �, pawer of�Ie ea�esV otder remeBIes peimitte� by appiicaMe Eaw. Lend�shsdl be e�ftl¢d w���b .
<br /> r , ,/ re�so�te o�sts ea3 ex�enses i�o�in pmsaing the s�e6ie9 provtded fa�ttds pa�grap `, `
<br /> �.`�,� �s
<br /> .......... ..•...,....,,�.w+v.,�:
<br /> ain t�saeo svs ic�..••••----.r- --
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<br /> YP�jtaV�Ft OY SAIC LS�YO� 'Y��i'0C8Y1'�9 tiO�C2 OY�8ifg�II �C�1 CO�Y��ICII 4I1C ��?_�.
<br /> A
<br /> �roperiy or some pa�t tbareof Is lacated aad sl�D mai!copies of serh nattoe in the mamna p� bY L --
<br /> � applic�ble iaw to Borrowes a�to ihe ather Reesaaas pr�crttied by appllcable taw.Afier the lapse of sacli t�me
<br /> I b ees 4,�.
<br /> . -,•;: as may he�6y appliceb2e taw,1'r�e sba91�jve pnblic aottce oY sa�e to the pesons and in the mamier ,F< �� .
<br /> s�sl1 seII the Piop�ty at pabt�c audion s•.�<t,.�:
<br /> ;° pa�s�ed by appHsab2e Iaw.Tro�ee.wiWo�tt�sud on Borm��er, � r�f ' . .
<br /> ,< to th�6igt�est bid+der at the tE�x aad piere and�a2�the terms d�tn thQ c�ttce of sale in one of t� .���"' '�� ;
<br /> '��"i- � �nd�s�osc4�s as'ilr�stee t�Y�e.Ttu�m�Y Pm��e s�aTe oI all nr sAY�a�e1 ��.. . � . _
<br /> : �-��� " �� ��sy�73c�s�eat at t�e t�sna p�sce o2 a�Y�9 schc�aledl saL�I.�des or I.�de�s ' _�a._�
<br />__:.�;. .�':€.�:::'r�i:,:� , :: �
<br /> :. . �maY Pur�ase the P�perdY s�any saie. .-;-=:;°-
<br />;�.,., .,, , �,��;. '��" '�'Bd�COAVey�$ ``' , :,.,q;RsiY+ ,
<br /> II�on receip!of payment o8 the prYce bid,�sl�aII deHv�4o the piur�s�
<br /> P
<br /> .' tl►e ptoperty so2�.'l�e ce�taLg ta the Tc�te�s dezd sball 6e pr3me fac[e evldeuce of t�e tram af the s�e�s -�''��--
<br /> • made th�du.Tra�,�Yee��PPjY�P�of the saIe ta the foIIawbg oader:(a)to aU r�asoaa6le oa�ts and
<br /> ; . .:
<br />_ . . � c, •� expeasea oY the saI� IncIad�� 6ut not Itmited w„ Teastee's [ees actaallY tacar� of nat more tdan . . . .
<br /> , :. � - 5.000 %a AY the�ro.ss s�ite p=ice�t+eusonsble sttoRt�ys'fees uns aa�ts of t[tYe evtd�nrei��� r.,.•<'r. .
<br /> � . .���` � atl smss s�bY t0ts Dexd o�'i'eus�esad(c)the��[f enY. to the pei�enn ar p�eesons[�lty entt4le� .�`` _-
<br /> - .._� ,.' , ' �'':_`_ -
<br /> �x....:;- t�tr�to. , - —
<br /> - - --�-, -,; 18.Borea�ver's t�ig�t to Relnstate.Notari�hstemding Leader•s acceleratIon of the sums sewr�d by this Qeed oY =_
<br /> • ' • °'• �. Tnist. due to Borcower's brer�h.Bomnzver ehaU have the ri t co h�re an pm btgun by Lender co enfotGe ;�._.,.
<br /> tt►3s Qeed oT Tn�st dlswatinued at aay time prior w the�r w occur of(i)th�day Oefore the saie of the _:���.:.
<br /> . . ` , t enforcia thls De� � ;.Qf�,-__�
<br /> pmPe�ty pursuaat to the power of saIe wAtained ia this Deed of Tn�st or(ii)eauy►of a judgc�en � �, .s,.._
<br /> . '� � . af Trust if:(a)Sflmex+erp�s Lender a31 sums atdch wouId 6e thea d�te under tbls O�ed of Ttust and the Note Oad f =--
<br /> � ` ,'� no acceteiation occiuied; @) Bo:rower aues eA hreacha of any other covenaata or a�ts of Bomnwer _�,
<br /> ., . . cantained ia tWs Dead of Tiust: (c) Bo:rawer pays all reasonabte expenssaa incumed bY Lender aad Tcustee ia � _-
<br /> ` ' , .. :;;, enfon3ag the oavenants and agreemeats oY Bo�ruwes cantaimed lr►tLia Deed of Tiust . ':'�..,__-_
<br /> ' .. aad in enfo�in�Leadec's and Trastee's remedles as grovide4 in patagrapb 17 hereof.inct .but aot timited to, -
<br /> . � . �, � z ,. reaconabie attomeys'fas;aa@(�Eonawer takes such action as Le�tder maY reasona6ly�to a�ure that th� _v
<br /> �. rea „�;�
<br /> � lien af tbis DeEd of Tmst,I.ender's interest in the ProQerty aad Bomnwer's obligation t�D os��� •1'�;�`,..
<br /> .� .�,.,�� ` this Deed of Ttust sball continue unimpaired.Upoa snc�payment a�nd cure by Bormwer, � ,:. : --
<br /> . ", � obligations secured heieby shall nmaia m fnil force and effect as if no a�ce2esation had accune�. ..�. ::��
<br /> 191.Asgignmeat oY geats:ADpoia�eat of lteceiver;Lender in Passe�ian.As additional securih►hereuader, •r �,�:�•—_
<br /> ' Borrower heiebY assi�as to Lender the rents of the Property,Pmvided that�amuwer sLali,Prios to acceteration -:�-_.. --
<br /> . , . . _ under paragraph IT hereof or abandoament of the Property►,have the si�t to coltect and retain surd�ients as they ,';,;, . ..�:_`_=
<br /> . . _ become due and payable. � on,b a eat os --- ;��-
<br /> , � � . ' � Upon accelerauon under paragaph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Propeny.Lender, pers Y g -� .:. .._
<br /> �udicialIy appointed teceiver sha1D be enritled w enter upon.Eake gossession of aad�nanage the Property an3 m < '„ ,.';,��_
<br /> � ' � . . ' c�ol�ect the mnts of the PropertY ineluding those past due. AU reats coIIeaed by I.ender or the c�oeiver shaJ be �_
<br /> a p plied fiist to payment of the costa of a�anage�ent of the Property and collection of renu,includ�»g,but not li�itsd ^'.:,ry.:�. '_
<br /> . . ao.receiver's fas,Dremiums on receiver's bonds and r e a s a n a b le attomeys'f e e s,a n d t h e n t o t h e s n m s s e c u r o d b y this :_.. ..
<br /> ��.�-:,:_
<br /> � ' 1A�of Trus�Lender and the receivet aha11 be liab2e to as�ouut only for those rents actuali�►received. _ -.--
<br />�-' ,`'� �� ?A.Ete�o�eyaace.Uponpayment oY ail sunos secared by this Deed of Tmsi.g.ender ahaU recNest Tios�eo . _- _
<br /> „ , and shall:uaeader this Deed of Tnut aad all notes evtdeneing iadebtedn�ss secuted by t5is
<br /> - � reooavey the Prapert3+ without wazranty and without charge w the person or -- - -- - --=
<br /> � � . . Deed of Trust w Trustee.Tiustee shall reconvey the Propeny �;:�
<br /> . � . persons legaUy entided thereto. Sueh peisoa or persons sball Pay all costs of recordation,if any. ; -a
<br /> . . 21. �nbstitate Troslee. Lender. at Lende�'s aptio�,maY from time w time remove Ttustes ana appoint a _ -
<br /> � � ' su�cessor tr+�stee to azry Tmstee appointed hereunder by z�insavment recorded in the oounty in which tbis Deed of ..
<br /> � � . � Trust is recorded.VlTith�ut cunveyanoe of tlie PrupertY,che successor tnutee shall succeed to all the dt�e,Power aad = .. -
<br />'�' � ' � duties wnfened upon the Trustee hereia and bY aPPlicable laar. � , ,•
<br /> - . 2Z.Regnest for Notices.Bo:rowcr requesta that caples of the aotice of default and nodce of sale be sent to - �
<br /> .. .,� • � Borrower's address which is the Properry Address. Form 3e28 .�: . .
<br /> �'�r... �-7B��198021 oaII9 B af 8 tNtW3l��. ' —
<br /> A
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