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<br /> � ti: '��4 If ttie am�uat oi the Funds Letd by Leader,Yogether�+Ith the fnnue montbly iastalt..,env�of Eumds payable prior , ,
<br /> ' �� . A��� a insutaase remiuias and gmua�ients•sh�l excced the amoimt tequit�ed to pay � ;, :;.
<br /> :'��� .�. = a` w the du�dates of taxeg, -.,..�-t , P s h a l i b e.a t B a r t o P�et's 4. ` .
<br /> �..� ��. said taaes,?��Q++��4, ��P����'0��s as they fall dae,such e�ss ,�`
<br />. . . . . opt�on, eitLeY pron�ptiy iepaid to Barrower or cmditod to Bomower on montbly installmeata of F�.ds.tf the�unuat ��-u��� �'. ;`,-`��>-�-`
<br /> e . � ` t
<br /> ...- of the Fcmds held by Le��sha13 aflt be suffident w pay ta�ces.�.insur�cae pnmiums aad groun�raats �'4� '•,,
<br /> � �. `�.�` � ag they fall due, Sorrow�sDa11 pay w I�ender asy amaimt necessazy w maks ug�I}e defcc�ene.y in one or mare . ;:. � .
<br /> °.�,�-�s, Daymenss aq Lender may tequire:
<br /> ,�..a.s..s�..,r,re T�t,�toq chall amt�sotly Tefimd to BO�OW2i anY
<br /> _ v�ro�FaY�cm in ini�oi au sum�e�iic��.�,.o....,. is sold os the Ymperty is o�ise acquired bY �`
<br /> F�mds hsld by l.ender. L under pazagidph 17 heteof tHe PtogertY �
<br /> ` � S S cu' Leader.LEnder shall aPFIY,no tater than i�mediaiely Prior w the sa2e of the P�peny oY its acquisition iry Leader.
<br /> �:
<br /> , aay Fuada held by Ixader az the mme of agplic�ion as a credit agaiast the sams sesuted by this Deed of Tr�t. � _-
<br /> � teceivedby I.endertmder '�" ..
<br /> � ' - 3.�pp��n oq pgym�ts.UnIess appiisabte Iaw provide.s atheiwise.a11 payments �� '.: ,,� ---
<br /> _ �.. f-.' . ' ��`` � the Note and gara�aPhs i and 2 hereaf sHali 6e applied bp Lender fiist ia payment of amotmta peyati�e to Iender dS► �;
<br /> `..��'.� Bnrmwer uader patagrapfl 2 hs�seof,t6en to intecest payable on the Note.and tbea w the prlacipal of the Note. � t j�;.✓�Y��
<br /> :4 ` . 4. Aior Mortgages and l?e2ds of Tr�N Ct�argQS: Idea�. Bomuwer sball gerfoim all of Bormwer's ��,. -_-
<br /> '.'�;�;; • --_
<br /> � ` oblig�tioas�der any mortgage.deed of mut or otber se�rtt�t ag�ment with a liea which has pilo�ty over ttiis �f= �.,
<br /> der when due.Bonower sbaU pay or canse ta be pai� -
<br /> _ `�`:, �`p Deed of'Tmst,i�z3r�ing Boaawer's coveaamts to niake payments '-_-__--
<br /> . alI taxes. ass��other c�arges, fm€s and impositions am�wrable to the Pnoperty w3uch maY attain a ..�.
<br /> •�. �'��b<<; griorhy oves tbis Deed of Ttust,and teasehold paymeats or grouud rents.if anY. .
<br /> ` 5.Ha�ard Iasnranoe.�s5all kcep the impmveaeenrs now existing os 6�erected on the Pcoperty -�=
<br /> .�s. .;:.ti: . and sac�other hazazds as Lender '` _
<br /> yf ,, � . �sosed ag,�inst ta4s py fue.Qazazds inclwdcd with�a the term°extended covera�ge," �` --
<br /> ` may tequire and ia sach amotmts aad fos snch psrlods as I�der maY requ�• . r>� � -
<br /> Boirowet sub to v a l by La�der' �"="" __
<br /> . . ' '.• P�uvi�, that�sucbce�s$a a�ot nuneas�onabty wuhheId.�All'ms�mrance Folicte.s an�d=ea�thereof s6a11 be �:.;°..-.�
<br /> ea * '
<br /> . � ,. ' :".;�. in a foan a�eptable w L�nder and shall iaclnde a standard mortgage ciaase in favor of and in a form accePtab2e.w� .. .`,..�..:-,-..� .
<br /> ` ` L�der.Leader sha11 have the right w hold the policies aad renewals thereof,subjea w the terms of aay mortgage. w�--.
<br /> . _�`.':� deed of unst or other seauIry agceement wi8�a lien whicb bas p�iosiry over this Deed of Tn�st. • � � '�_. _
<br /> . . Ia the eveat of los�,Bon+owez sha11 gtve�rampt n4dce to the iasuraace ranies and l,ender.l�endes anaY make `�� .�• �:
<br /> . . .. :� ���° �. pmuf of lo�s iYuoi made pmmpfly by Borcower. � --
<br /> � If the Pmgerty is abandaned by B�srawer,or�f Bomawer fails w respoac!to Iender vrIt�ir►30 days ftom the ,: -
<br /> � � ' datc no8ce is a�1ed by leader to Bonower tLat the iusuraace cazrter offers w seitle a claim fos.insuraace beae�ts. �_.: y
<br />��;.�,.>::` � . ` , Lender �s authorize�w col�c and apDIY���Proceeds at LEnd�r's opt�an eithe:to}�tatattau ar:epait of ....._J,^,.,�- -
<br /> „ � . `�t the p7opetty or to the sums se�by this Deed of Ttaat. � ._---
<br /> . , 6.�ee�rvat[un t�rtd Flf�inteaance of Prope�ts►: Lease4toids;Condom�nium��ed[Tait Deveim,�me�s. �c� .S
<br /> _ ..� � t :. ' Bomawer shall�p the erty ia gaodrepair ead shall not commit waste or permit imp�t or detertarauton of •� �� ' ;�.
<br /> . . ti�e�m p e rt y aad sball ca��y vvlth tLe ptovlaians of aay tease if this Deed of Trust Is on a leasehold.If thLs Deed.oY •� —
<br />-- . . . ^�;`� Truat is aa a uuit in a condominiwn or a plam�u n it deve topment. B osmw e r s 1 t a U p e r f a;m a�o f B o u a w e r's ':* :.-�
<br /> , .:. �, �,, ob]ig�tions under tDe declaratiun or wvenaats creadng or govemiAg the coadominium ur plaaued unit developsneat. _ =_ .- --'
<br /> . � the iry-taws and ie�nlattons of t1�condominiam or planned unit devetayment,aad constitaent dacumenta. �r�=
<br /> �T �
<br /> � 7.Protecttan of II.cader'g��artty.If Bo:mwer fa�s w perform the coveaants aud a�eemeats contained�� . �n... .__
<br /> .. � . ,::,.. Deed of Trust. or if any action or prncerAing is commenced which mater�alIy a:fetts Lender's iate�esE �.y.;:jy :_,_.
<br /> n natice to Bomower, make suc� .disbnise such �;,._-
<br /> �P�Y. that LEader, at Leader's optcon,upo �Y �
<br /> . sums. inc reasonable attomeys' fees� and take such aaion as is necessary to protect Leader's intetest. If .�-�r.
<br /> -� ' ` Lender n��mflstgag� instuance as a conditIon of making the loaa secured�i+th�s De�d of Tras3,Borfower snall ��� ---_
<br /> � the remiums sequited to matntaia such i�urance in effect unu'1 suc�a�me as tbe reqnirement fiu3 p��n�ra�ce � '°- __
<br /> � : . PaY , D ��
<br /> . . termmases in�ascoraauce wIth Borrawer's and Ixnder's written agteemeas or applicable law. , --
<br /> .,, � � ' ' . quy anauurits disbutsed by I.ender putsaant ta tl�ia p�ragaph 9,wtth interest theteon,ai the Nate rate, s1�a11 �f--'� �
<br />-°- .. , • besome addidaaai indebtedaess of B�aower se�ured by tbis Deed of TnLSt.IIaless Bormwer and Lender agrea to #
<br /> . . t,such a�ounts sha116e payable upon noflce from Lender to Borrower requesdn8 Dayment ���_ ' '�"
<br /> . �� � other temis of paymen oz take action --
<br />..;��� thereof. Nothing contained in this paragapb 7 shaU require Leader to iacor �►y expense ffiY . ---
<br />��;:. �:. . hereunder. . �'�:�.�. �'
<br /> . . ' 8.Iaspectton.Lender�y+malce or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, . .. . . ,
<br /> . . . provided that Lender shaU g�,�e Bonower notIce prior to�yr such inspectIon specifj+Ing reasonabte ravse�ef� .. ,,��:.Y-.::..
<br /> . � related to l.ender's interest in the Property. �(/J]�/, . . �
<br /> • �.` . • ��76�'�E118802f Pap�8 018 tNH6s:��� _ ��,., — _
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