... ���. _ ':�..:l:._.....,"��:�1:.� _.i_"�.-r}_- _r�':"�r 4 ._� as'^"_sr'.�'-`� _.Ctc.�c_i: YP�.'c.._� �
<br /> ` �r _ " a , t �., ,� �� _ 4 - x4- -- -�-- -� ��._ _� -. , -
<br /> . .. � . ♦_ . � _ L � 4 . E y �_
<br /> " �.....�. i r i - S + ' 'C' f � -�.. < ti� ( �+` � i.- .� � 4��� -``� F` 7:, � o-
<br /> ��) � '.L���t. �5�4��t� �C -�a, •. � . .. . ,
<br /> �1 � . ` � a/� `�����c . . 4 ".
<br /> . 1Y ��, . . . , , ' . . . �p�� , , . . . � ,'�"'=r-.
<br /> � �`�. c o � - �. � ' � ,
<br /> °:���:-'`-3 at tt�e aption af'1.�ttder: i!�ottga�e iasurance ooverage (ia ti�e amouat and far the period that Lender requi�? '';.
<br />' �"`` .. ....". <`. � viaT�b en ir�svrer appzoved bp Leader agaia becomes avaita62e aad is obtai�.Borrawer shall pay the pre;n' .
<br /> ent for m e
<br /> . ��� y ' in effect.or to rovide a!�s reserv�uatit t�e requirem �S �
<br /> , ' <,;;- ' requiced to maintain mottgage u�sureace � licable law. � '.'�.
<br /> '..`�.,." �,• in�rance ends in sa;ordaa�e with anp written agreemens Uet�areefl�ormwer attd Lender+6r app . _ :-
<br /> . „ ,,: .' apo ons a€the Prnpesty.I.ende�sl�at! , , '.`"�`�,
<br /> ` �,`.�t - . • 9.Inspection.Leitder or i�agent snay mate reasonable entries n sud iaspecci . , .
<br /> ' ° ' - give$orcocver nfltice at tha time of os psior ta an insp8ctiaa specifying rasonable cause for ttte inspectioa. �e `.� ',:
<br /> c, iU.Condetmnatiba.T[te procee�of any aa�ar�or claim for damages.direct or consequentisl,in c�fnuection wit$ • ,::. .' '
<br /> F.° . ', any oo�zdemnatioa or other taking oi any parc oi the Fmger4y.or for oonveyance in tieu uf can8empation.�are hereby , 4..' . .
<br /> � y . e�sign e d asi d shaU he paid to L�nder. � .,_
<br /> � � In the event af a tatat takiag o#�dee Property,the Pmceeds sbaU Ue spplied to �s��t.*,ed bY tbis�tS! --
<br /> 5 ` � . •��� !` Iristrument,whether or not then due,with any eaoess paid to Bo:ro�r.Ia the event of a of the Pro ia
<br /> � '' .,, ' wluch the fair msrket value of the Property insmediatety i�ePore the taking is equal w or geeater thaa the amount of the
<br /> '�-- surs�s secuced hY t�is&�cusit9 Ins�vment immediately ts�fore i�taYing,unl�Borrower and Lender otherwise ag�
<br /> . `'�.�,: ia�writin�.ihe sums sec�tsed b3►this Security Instrument shsll be reduced by the amount of the procee�multipfied by ,-
<br /> ' " � ' ` %°"..�:: the following fraction:(a3 the totel amount oi the sums secured immediately before the�cing,divided�bp(b}the fair . �
<br /> � d to Borrawer.In the event of.a `r. ,`
<br /> .: .` I . �. market value af the Property immediately isefore the takin Any batanca sDall be pai .
<br /> `,�,���...�`.�.;.-�-c�-,. pajrtia l t a k ing of the P r o p e r t y in whicb the fair market,vatue o4 the Property imme4iateip before the taking is tess shau ,LL .
<br /> . . ;f; ,�':; : the amou»t af the sums secirred immediately Uefore tha taking,unlesa Borcower aad Lender otherwise agree in wsiting �,� ;�:.:
<br /> ;1��.:' : � ; or unlesg applicable iacv otherwise �rovides. the pmceeds shail be app1ied,to the stmns secured by,thie Se�urity .. ;
<br /> � sg
<br /> �'`,c b6je' , , , . �!,`�-
<br /> Snsuumeutwhetitetor not the sums are thea dus. =
<br /> ' � ' If�the Pragetty is abanrioued by Bormwer,or if,after notice by Leader to$arru�er t�t the condemnor offers to ,.;,;
<br /> � . f`. , make aa award or seitle a ctaim gor damag�Borcower fails to respoud tm F ender within 3D d�ps sfter the date.the '. �_
<br /> ' notice is given,Lendet is suEhbrized to caltect and aPF1Y�F���►at ita opsion,eitb,er to res0oratioa ar repais of the „-`
<br /> �:�.:,{.,.. :-,.�
<br /> _ property or w the su�s seeured by this Secu�ty InsMumen�whether or nns then due. � aI elialI not aste�dor
<br /> . . ��.�'�:,2•`:-.. � Unles�s I,ender and Borrower atherwise a�e.ia writislg,anY aPP&cation of pracseds to pri p ,
<br /> � ._ , Postpone the due date of the moattilY PeY.ments r�Yerred w in pasagraPha 1 and 2�r,change the ampunt af.such . _
<br /> �. :,� : }y� ' . � .
<br /> - ..�. .Y; �}� .`� '. C���� . ' �..
<br /> � I1.�Harrower I�Ima 1�eleased;Fosbearance By Le�der Not a Naic�F.atension of the time for gaymeat or � ..
<br /> �.. ` :: . modi�cation of amorti�tion of the�ums secured bp this SecuritY lastrume�t graate��LeAder to aay�suce�asar in . .
<br /> Y
<br /> ' � iaterest oi Bonower ehatl noi operate w selease the Iiability o4 the original Borro�mt�Borrower's sitccesms.s ia ` �-----�`��
<br /> h � _ �
<br /> > ' � � iaterest.Lender shall not be r�mred W commenca pmceedin�against sny eucc�os i�t interest ar re4use to eatend '
<br /> time for payment or othenvise madify amorti.zation of the snms sectued.by tlus Secucirg InstrumeAt by i�asoa oY any �...
<br /> . _ . - demand made by the originai$oraoy�er or Bona�e�a successors ia interest.Any forbearaace by Lender in esercisiag , � �'.�..,"':
<br /> ' :�-° aay right or remedy shail not be a waiver of ur pseietude�the es�erciss of anq rigbt or ren►edy. �
<br /> . �:;�.:` � . �12.Successose and Aasigns Bonnd;Joiat and Several Liability;Co-signers.'The covenanxs and agreements. ��,,,;�._
<br />_ _.:t��.����, ��ws s��r in$c���,t�u v�Aa�a��s m$��org�a���r.�e��a Bo�W�.sub�t Eo the i
<br />__ , •. . provisipns of para�raPh 17.Bornawefs covenat►ts and egeements sl�all be Joint and severat.As�Y Boeracver who co-�igns �'�,_�`;_.
<br /> � this Security Instnnnent 6ut aZaes not eaecuie the Nota Ie�}i8�'����S����ment an3y to mortgage. ��_,•�
<br /> , . . : graat artd convey tiiat B.�rrowefs intesest in the Property under the terads o!this Security Isrsttument; (b} is not
<br /> u
<br /> �.!� . � ' .. personalDy obligated ta p�y the sums secured by this Security IrisuumeA�and(a)a�ees that t.ender and anp other �;,-';
<br /> �.. Bonowes may agi+ee to e s ten d.mo d i f y.f o r b�r o r m a k e a r�y a c c o m i n o d a t i o s�w ith c�e g ard to the�teerma of thia Security
<br /> �. rm ,—
<br /> , ...'�`,�;': Instrumentor the Note�ithout that Hosrower's corisent. ' �"'-"`..`'
<br /> . _• . ':.r..r_
<br /> � � 13. Loan Cttar�es.if the toan.secured by this Secusity Instrumeat is su6�ect w a law which ssts masimum toas� �.� �:
<br /> - • • � �.. charges� and that law is�nally interpreted so that the interest or otJiet lai�n charges collected os to be ooilec4�ed in �__:
<br /> n;�
<br /> • • � connection with the loas�egceed the germitted ltmita,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount �,.,:,
<br /> '�',�,�. . . n�ry to reduce the charge w the permitted limit; sud (b) any sums already collected from Borrower�which. :�;_:
<br /> • ;;,,, esceed�d pesmitted limits w�U ba refunded to Borrower. Lendar may chaose w make this re:und.by redueing the ;
<br /> � principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Horrower.I4 a refund reduces principal.the reduction 5;,�
<br />-'','.,. ., ' .,;: �; will be treated as a partial prepayment�vithout anY PT�Pa�►ment charga under the Nots. [�L:,�
<br /> � 14. Notices.Any z�otice to Barrower provided for in thi$SeanritY Instrument shali be given by delivering it or by
<br /> . m�iling it 1iy�tst class mait unt�applicable law reguit�es use o4 another method.The notice shall be difected to the �•��_
<br /> �';;;;,. Progercy Addr�.a or any other sdds+�Borrower designates by aotice to Lender.Any aotice to Les►der shall be given by � _-
<br /> _ � � � .• '..�''' � �ist class mail w Lender's adds'ess stated hc�rein or any other�ddresg 1.ender designn�by notice to Borrower_Aisy
<br /> g
<br /> . . .•:. ,;.: • :
<br /> - � . • : • � notice provided Bor in thue Security Instrtsment shall be deemed w have been given to$ortower or Lender when given �`�'J.�
<br /> � � .''3, as provided in thia paragraph. ' � ._
<br /> �� . . � � _ �15. Ooverning Lew;Severability.This Security Instr�ment shalt be governed by,federal lac��.nd the law oY the
<br /> � . � �..' �' JurisdictioA in which the Property is located.jn the event that any pruvision or clause of this 5ecusity tnstrument or the
<br />- � Nota conflicte wiih appticable law�such confl�ct ahall not a4fect other provisions of this Security It�sttument or the Note
<br />` ' °' , wiuch can be given effect without tha con?lictin�psovision.To thia end the provisions of this Secwity Iiist�vment sad
<br />,' � � � the Note are declared w be severable.
<br /> . . ,. . . � ,.
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