. , . �-- _�___- ,
<br /> _ . .0 . _
<br /> .. . _
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<br /> —�------+� ' __rv„'. C` �' -� _ _ - _ ' - - ��
<br /> �` ' ° � J� `� ` _ :a 2. � - �� '.� ? � c� < -,�4 Y, r L Z � � . .
<br /> _ .�„C�, r-E .. .L ,<. � `_ `A L _ D � 4 � �r s .. _
<br /> ;k � a- 't F` ! �, :Q`.R'
<br /> ` r (,`( i �F � � 9� ��7�`�a�� � _ ..
<br /> f` r—�-. . . . � �` v$ ' 'r
<br /> `� ��.° � �:`�'� � 5 Hn�d or PeapxttY I�ssusaasse.Barrower ahaq ke$p tlie improvements Qosv esisting or heteaftet erected An s'` � .�r ,;
<br /> i�zards inclvded within the term°estead�coverage"aafl any other It�rds�, �..':
<br /> �`' - . ' t l�F ro p e rt y inaured against t�sa by fite. s h a l t b e m a i n�i n o d i n t h e a mous�ts .��' .
<br /> ����: �`:; insurance.This insurenc� � • •
<br /> inctudiag tloads or fiuod�g�f or w h i c h L e n.�requir�s :".
<br /> - and�or tihe periods thai Ixnder req�:rea'Fhe inaiu�ace carrier provi�ing tAs insurance shall 6e chos�en by Borcower K
<br /> ` �
<br /> ^ sub�ect to Lendei's agproval�vhich shall not be unreasanablp withhetd.If Bosrower faile to maimain coverage descn'be3 . `:
<br /> `�r" IA 8CCOfaStlO@ W1�1. ' .. �
<br /> � � � above,Lender may.at Lendes's optioA.obtain covesag�4o prat�ct Lendetre rights in the PrdpertY
<br /> ,. � : .. ' f ,. P��Ph 7. teble to L�tder and shall include a standard mortgag�clausa. °:': ' y
<br /> ,�,�� All ir•surenca policies and renariala sh�ll t�acceF '
<br /> Bamo er shalt m tl ve to ���..'° `;
<br /> . •.° l.ettder ahall Piave ttte right to hold tDe poaides and renewata df Lendee�quires. W P� P Y � ,. ;<<
<br /> }.endersll r�cei P t sof paid Prea�iumsandreitewal aotices.latheevent of toss.Borrower shall give pmmpt notice to t�e � <<. 1 �`_ .,� ,
<br /> � �`�,� insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proo 4 o f loss i f ao t ma d e p r o r a p t l Y b y B o r r c i w e r. ...;.< :
<br /> shall be a lied to resWration dr repair �_
<br /> Unles�Leader and 8oteower ott�ersirisa agee in writing,insurance psoceeds PP
<br /> Le
<br /> =`�-- ai t�e Ptoperty damaged.if ths r�raEion or t+epa�r is ecoaomicaliy fe.aszble and Lender's security is not lessened.If tt�a '_ �
<br /> : .��. � restoration or r e p a ir is not economicalty feasible ar Lender's security would be tessene3,tha insuraace procee�s sha�t t�s
<br /> � ' . � applied La tha sums secured bY this S�urity Instrument,w he t Aet or not t hen due,wi t h a n y e s c e s s p a i d t o�a r c o w e r.I# . . `
<br /> • . .' Borrower abandons the P�opertq.or daes aot enswes within 30 days a notice�rom I.endet that the inawance carrier has � � ,';,s:._
<br /> .:� :: o f P e�d t a s e t i l e a claim,thesi Lende'r cnay coAeGt t�e insarance praceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to sepair or .,,,' :c ,
<br /> �',, � � . �,` PaY this Secvri Insirumeut,whether or aot t hhen du�.'F Ae 3(3-d a y p e n o d w i l l �
<br /> �. . t�aLose the P�rLo�pwert♦Y�or w neums sectued bY t3► . �
<br /> ' , �� �2. '��W��{/1G11vN{�i Ts�YVH� �� `- - 4-4�`:...
<br /> ° `.. Uales4 Lenderand Bonower othernise agt+�in wtiting,anY aPP�icationo4proreeds w pr�ncipals4�a11 not esund or
<br /> ��`.L ���` pustpone the due date of the montbly paymenta rafetreti ta in paragraPhs 1 and 2 or chsnge the amouat of the payments. �,:_= E -
<br /> ,`. . If under paragr�ph 21 the Pmperty is accluired by l.ender, Bottowei's right to anp insurance poticies and praceeds �- •...-, a-:��:
<br /> <`. resultiag irflm,daxnage to the Property pFior to the acquisitian shall�to Lender to the exte:it of the sums�air$3 by ���:.::��� :
<br /> ;�'.:. � �` `'.3; tius 3ec�nity Instru�ent immediately prior te the acquisition. �``�_`�`�:
<br />.t - _ -;-L � 6.Occu Freservas�an,Maintenance aad Pmtectiaa oi t�e��roperey;Hoiroc�e��Lo'a�APP1iCetiob. : i:t
<br /> F�, . Pancp.
<br /> �:� ' `�' as Borrowerrs acI resi�ence withi�sisty days ,``��`_.
<br /> ` c Leasehalds.Bonower shall accugY,establish�and use the Prog�rty Pn P� as Borrowerrs :��'"
<br />� ' .'.� , after the ese�utian o�this SecUnty Instrumelnt esid shall continue W occupy the Pmperty P��P� �'�..;:s.�:- �
<br /> ° ` ' � .• �`�•,. tesidence fot at least one yeas afier tha date ot occupancy,w�tess Lender otherwise agtees in writing;wtuch corisent shall �,;_-�.--.;
<br /> — '�; . _.,�`:": not i�e anreasonabty withhetd.or unles4 estea�ating cucumstances e�iat which are i�poad Borrow�s oaatral.Botrower ,�.._.
<br /> � t� � 4 shall not destroy,damaSe or impair the Propercy.a11ow the.I'ropsrty to deteriorate.or cummit waste on the Property. � �.
<br /> . ��_��
<br /> "� .;. y . ' ' that in Lertder s
<br /> �-- � . � . • Honower shall be in deYsult if an �Of'�Cit1If6SCtipA Of ptma'd�111g,whether civil ar cnminal,�s begurs ; . _
<br /> -.: , t �__
<br /> �.� '�." < - ''. gaod feith ju�gmens could result in farteiture oi the Prop�s.gy or otherwise materiailY imPait the lien created by thia `•': �..--'�:i
<br /> '` . . .�����. Security I�strumeat or I�der's seci�rit9 interea� Borrov�er maq cune such a default snd reinstate,as provided in �:.,< . -� -=..
<br /> oc! isith " `', -
<br /> '' V ; K::-��- � P��Ph 1& by causing ttie action or prdeeeding w lse d'ismissed �xith a rulir►g that. in Lertder's ga _ --
<br /> ��_ _� determsnation,Precludes forPeit�u e ot the Hurrower's�aterest in tha Property or other material impaismenti of the lien :y
<br /> �i, �� ; ` � � �� '` � created by this S�ecurit9 j��meat mr Leader's seccuritq iAtereat.Bonower shall also t�e ia d�au�t ii Borrower.during —__
<br /> . . , c o
<br />� ,. �' the loaa apglicatioa prncess. ga�e�nateriallq fatse or iAaccurate information or stat:ments ta Lender (or failed w � -
<br />� � ��.�'�" ...•= .�� , ,provide-I.ender witb a�y.matenal iaformation)in connection�with the laan evidenoe�bq tha No�e,iAClnding.but not _
<br /> . � limited to,rePr. nci resid�.U this Security -
<br /> ' esentarion�caaceming$ortower's occupancY o4 the Pmgzrty as a pri pa1� _
<br />�` .I .:.. , "': Instrument is on a tesse�iold,Barrower shall camply with all the provisions of the lease.If Borrower�aquires fee titie to
<br /> �,� . .. �—...
<br />`,y., . � ' � the Progerty.the teasehold and the fee title aha�l not merge usilesa I.eudet a�es to t1►e merger in writing. -•: '��-__
<br /> R:�. ' 9.�siection af I.ender's Rights in the Property.fifr$orrower faila to perlo�m tt�e covenants and agceements _ _
<br /> � c o n t a i n e d'm t h is Securi t y Instrument,or tflere is a 1ega1 praceeding that may eiguficantty sffect Lender's rights in tlie ,a __.
<br />� , r,obate, Por oon d e mnation ar.f o r Pe�t ur e'o r t o e n f o r c e t a w s o t .
<br /> �: `. �P�Y �sttch as a proceeding in bankruptc9 p -- —_
<br /> � � re g ulations),tt�en L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to grotect the value of the Property and Len�er's �""�' _ -- _
<br /> i: ' • ' righis in the Pmpert�r.Lender's actions rnay inc lu de paying a n y s u m s s e c u r e d b y a l i e n w h i c h h a s p r i o t i t y o v e r t h i s ' �'�"
<br /> '�'��� . ' ' Secur�ty Ingtrament,aPpearing in cour't.Pa9ing reasonable attorneys'fees and enteriag on the Property w make repai�s.. �, ----,�:-
<br /> �• �,.�1� Although I.euder tnay take action us�der thia paragraph 7,Lender doea not h�ve to do so. ���r�,.:i __
<br />��`' ��`.. Any amounts d�'sbursed Uy Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt oY Horrower secured by thia � ._; _
<br /> � . � � , � :�.,f.,.:: : _---
<br /> � � � Security Instbumen�Unless Barrowet and Lender agree w other terma o4 payment,these.amounts shall bear interest .�,,.-,�...
<br /> , .. .> . _''�,"�:c -• ----
<br /> from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and ahsll ba payable,with interest.upon notice iram Lender w Borrower _ �
<br /> � , . ' �N�i�P�YmenE. � �`' '
<br /> �,:. � � 8.'�iortgage Insurance.�If L�nder reguired mbrtgage insurance as s condirion of making tha loan secured by thie �l_ __ .n�
<br /> � . Secusiry Instrument,Borrower ehall pay the ptemiuma requnced w maintain the mortgaga insurance in effect.If,�or any , _
<br /> . . . reason. the mortgage isisurance coverage reqinred by Lender lapsea or ceases to ba�n effeet.�oreocver sha11 pay the _••.,
<br /> �• '� pnemiuma requ3tea to obtain coverage su4sstes►tially equivalent to the mortgage insutance previovsly in efPect,at a cost __
<br /> €'`� � �' � substantially eguivalent to the cASt to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, Yrom an altertiate . •:___
<br /> r � � � � mortgaga insurer approved by Lender. Ii substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is noi availabla,
<br />� Borrower ahal}pay w�..ender�ch month a sum equal W one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being �,_ ,;j_. _
<br />.F.��•,�' ' .. • paid by Borcower when the insurance coverags lapsed or ceased w be in e4fect.T..endes will accept,use and refain tliese . ,:..,. .
<br /> � . payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgege insurance. Loss resetve PaYments may no longer be required, ;
<br /> rR .. . _ ' : . .
<br /> ;, . • ,. : , Farm 30Ya 90 .
<br /> ? ' ..'. . �-6R[111f]�oi�a�.ot v.s�a a•e io�s� • -r—
<br /> G; ( . . . " �u, .. �F���'�%�0 �i. .
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<br /> 'Y:_ � . .. . .. . . . . - . .. �_ . � . . � ... . � . . ., . . � . . � � � . - .
<br /> SIF.L.'�''. � . �- ' ^ �. � . ' . . • ' •. ' ' ' . . ' ' . . ' � � . . . _ . . .. '. .
<br /> � ' . .,' - .. . . - . _ .. . . . . ' _ . . .. ' ; . • . . . . ..
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