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<br /> �r q� �t �� T— 5 - � f- ` � t. c �'� q .,r � F ..Ef� �tl c �-_c
<br /> .� •'K`. �:Ga .. -'�` { .� t`1. ta - .S__ `.t�... . ��� .u �l . . .(i `.FZ.'" .
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<br /> ti. 5.,. e o .
<br /> ` � 16.�ortowes's Cop .B�rrower sliall be givea aae mnfotmed cogy of tha Note and af this Security Instrumen� R � ..
<br /> . 4 „ , ;' !T.Trtanstee oi tha�aper�y or a Heneiieisl Inter�st ia�onower. If sU or any patt of the Property or any .., .. ;.
<br /> � intereet in it is sott!os tsanqterred(ar it a ben�c�al iauKest in Borrower is sold or transfesred and Horrower�s not a �,� �:N ,�
<br /> naturel g e r s on3�i����''s prior cvritt�a coaseat,l.sa�e*may,at its aption,require iminediate papmenYia fnll of .
<br /> � . all sums secw'ed bY this 3�urity Insstvmen�H owe v e r. t h i s o p Y i o n s h a l l n o t 1� e g e t c i s e d h y L e rt�e r i f e a e r c i s e is .; '-:_t`�r�° -
<br /> �F.<..�� < �.�4� prohibitedbqfederallawasoftiiedateofthisSe�ucitytn,stcumen� ;°_� _.� -;: 4 ,;;
<br /> : °�^ � , .. If I.ender eserci�es ttus opx�on.Lendee ahall giva�orcawet notice of acceleratioa.'I'tte notice sR�ali provide a t�eriod ; ;. . .
<br /> � ai not 1�than 30 dayra trom thedate�the aotice�s delivered or mailed within which Honower must paq all suma securea .:��
<br /> . . `. . by this Security t�men�I�Borro�ver iails to pay thase suma pnor to ti►e espisatioa of tiiis period,Lender may invoke --`..�; ' :_-...
<br /> _. � ���''` anyremediespetmittedbq.thisS�unityInstreunent�vitha�rtPurthssnoticeordemsndoa$orrower..�.: - . .:
<br /> . . t8.8orroi�et's Iti�ht to Qeinst�te li Borr�wer meets oertain conditions�$orrower shati t�ave the rigAt to heve 'N � 'r_'.5`
<br /> • enforcement of stus Securit�r Instrument discontiatt�d at any time prior to the ea�rlier o4(a)5 daYs Ior suah other p�rioct � �.k.`.�`
<br /> es a ltcable law may spec�fy 4or reinstatement)before eate of the Pro p e rt y pursuant to aaypower of sale contained in . ,
<br /> -'���� this� Insttument;or {b) eatry`o Y a�'ttd g�n e n t e n f o r c i n�t h i a�e c u t i t y I n s t r u m e n x T h o s e c o n d i t i o n s a r e t h at , •
<br /> "-, z-� Borrower.�a y Pa3ra L e n der s l l suins w h ic h t h e a woutd be due undes tlus�ritq Is�sMsmeat aud ihe Note as if no =s-
<br /> , � '. all e incutred in `�
<br /> .. ;{,;��, � acceleration had occuned;(bl��et►Y defauh of any other eovenanta or agreement�I��PaYa �� .
<br /> enforciag this S�curity Instrument,inetuding,but not limited to.teason8ble attaraeys fe�es:ead(d)takes such a�tioa,ss •; ;'�,, . - �
<br /> . . Lender may reaaonably reqvii�e to ss�ure that the lien oY this SecuritY Instrument�Lende�s rights in the Praperty and � , .'_ �.;:.`�""^
<br /> , • ,� $orrower's obr�atioa w pay the sums se�ured�this Seeurity Instrumentshall continue unchaaged.Upoa reinstatement . . ,
<br /> ` ' . by Borrower.thisSecutitg Instrumentaud the o ligatiot�s secured hereby s3aal1 ramain fuUy efPective es ii ao acce2eratius� � - -
<br /> . � ,, ,had occurred.However,this right to reinstatesball not apply in the case oi acceleration�stder para&sPh 17. •: � _ _
<br /> k.`•_ _` i .c � ' _ ..
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;C haage o f I.aan�erv icer.T h e l t i o t e a r a p a t t i a l i n t e r e s t i n t h e 1 1 j o t e(to gettter with this Security -*-�=
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one ar mare times without piios aotice to Bonower.A eale maq t�ult in a change in the entity _
<br /> � (known as the"Loan Sesvicer")that collects moathlY QaYmenta due under tha Nots and dus Security Instrumea�There ( ^' < <r ".
<br /> ��F ' � a lso may b e oae o r more chaa ges of the Loan Servicer anretated to a eale oi tlie Note.If there is a change of the Loan � __
<br /> ;rL�:- Servicer;Borcower will'be given�rittea aotice of the change in accdrdaAce wtth paragraph� 14 above aad applicable law. ;. 4., ;
<br /> ,� , , . The notice wi11 state the uame and sddre�04 the new I.aan Servicer and the address to which payments should be anade
<br /> The aotice will also contain asiy other infosmation required 6y appliaable law. '
<br /> di stora or release of
<br /> . - 20.He88td099 SIIb3bACCe.B�fCOAtEf 8I181�IIOt CBUSC OP parm�t the pr�ence.�.ae. sgosal, ge.. �, —
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on ar in the Pm�serty.Borrower aha11 not do�nor allow aayone slse w do,siiything affecting _
<br /> �- .<. - tha Pmperty that�s in violatianof any Envrronmental Law.The precedin two aentencea shtill not apply to the presence. �: —
<br /> use� or sWrage on the Fmpertq of small �,�nti��oefo4�zarp us S�nces that are generaliy�recagnized to be II..�
<br /> ,t : apprapriate to normal resideatial uses and to �•. �d,lawsuit or other actiaA by ��---
<br /> Borrower shall promptlp give�ender written notice oY any investtgauon,claim. ��
<br />�"^ . �, aaY governmental or�egulatory agencq os prIvate party invalving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or .` �- ,_,%,,, _
<br /> ' • :`�+:' Envitot�enta!Law of w1u�h Bonower has actuat kttow2edge.U Borrower learns.or is notif ed by anp governm�nt81 or .� .
<br /> `'_... ',�:;;,.�:,�,.�.., �'_
<br /> ' - -.; ,, reg�iawry suthority. that any remaval or other semediatiop of ar►Y�Iazerdflus Sut�tance affecting the Pcoparty is
<br /> ::.•�' ` ; . � n�iY Bortower shall prom�t1�take all neoe�aty remedial actions in accardance with Snvimnmental iaiv. ���'G- L
<br /> .��:. ��� As u'sed in ttus FaragraPh Z0. Hazarduus Substaaces"are thase subst�ces defined as wsic or hazardous sut�stances .
<br /> . ,. r=
<br /> ", �..,, :':f;, ' by Environmental Law aad the fallowing substanc�gasoline,kerosene,other ftammable or Wsic petroleum products. ,,: ••-.. --
<br /> '' � tosic pesticides asid h+erbicides,�volatile saIleents, materials containing as�besws or formatdeh�d� and sadioactive
<br /> en �:,•�
<br /> � :�,��,;';:,'� -``�''' matenala A�used in this. �2(f."Bnviranmental Law"means iederal iaws aad lawa of the�unsdictian where the �,. , .,
<br /> . P r opertq is locatedthat se ate ta�lth.eafet9 or envimnmental prnt�ectinn. ��-
<br /> ;. ' -N ON-UNIPORM COVEI�A.'`''"i'S.Borrower an d L e n der fu rt her c o v e n a n t a a d a g r e e a s f o l l o w� • -- -
<br /> . � 21. Accelerr��ion; R�edies. Lender shtill gtve notice 4o Bonower prlor to scceleratian folloc�ing ': :�
<br /> h '
<br /> I '' Boaower's 6sez�h of�sny covenant Qs ageesn�ut i a t h ia Securi t y I n s t r u m e n t(b u t n o t p r l o r to acceteratio� •,. .. , ��..
<br /> °="� �'� �� � .' under paragraph 17 valess applicsbie law grov�des otheswise).The notice sh�11 specify:ia}the deiaalt;(b)the . ;-�: ,. .�:-o-
<br /> .y'w[yiv;.-y..;�_
<br /> � � � ,�:�.. ac4ios��required to cure the dpfautt; (c� a date. aot tess thaa 30 days�rom tIIe data the aotice is gLven to ,:.}�-. ,:�,--
<br /> � � � � � � Borrower.by wbicb the defar�4t must 6e cured;aad(d)that failure to cvre tb�e deiat�lt ou a�bafore t4te date ;..,;. �-�;;�
<br /> � � '` apecitied in the aotzces nany re�ult in acceleratian of the suma cecured by,tbis Security Instrument and sele of �:�
<br /> � � the Pcoperty.Ttie aotice sha11 iurther intorm Horrower of tha Yight to reinstose stter uccete�atioa aad the _ �;�
<br /> � � right to bring a court actioA to assert the non-axistence oi a default or�ap othet defense of Hano�ser to ._ ___
<br /> acceleration and sale.If the de isn it ia aot cur e d oa or be i o r e t h e d a t e a pscified ta tae motice, Lender.at tts
<br /> �:� option, mayreguire immediate payment in fu11 o'J all sums secured by this Security Insiruruent witbout •_�
<br /> � furthes dema a d and may invoke t he powes oi eale and eny ot her rem e d i��ermi t t e d by ap pllcable low. � � , , -
<br /> ' �''' Leader ahatl ba entitted ta colteet all espenses iacurred ja pnrsuiag the remedies psovlded in tbis paragrapb �
<br /> �;.� .:�; � �� �� 21.�ttclndiag.butnotDimitedto,reasonableattomeys'ieesaadcrostsoTtitteevtdence. . a:>,:_
<br /> � ��� � If the powet of sate is iavoked,Trustee ahall record a aoticae a�deiault ia eueL conntq ia cvmic8 aay part of � �': ':t-.�==
<br /> ..,.
<br /> ��•�-�----:�=_;===' the Proge:ty is laceted aad shall mail copies at suc6 aot�ce ia the manuer�rescrlbeb by applicobla taw to .;:';,:_
<br /> f . . �:. .
<br /> � ' Bonower and to the other persoas prescribe8 by ep�3icable law. After-the tiane ieqaired by applicabta law. ���.� ��°
<br /> � Trustea shall give publie notice of sele to the persons and in tha mannes psesc�ih�d by ap,�liceble Iaw.Trustee; _
<br /> � � � . � without demand on AorroWet,shall seU the Ptoperty at public auctioa ta a��highest bidder at the tinae t+nd '^..`�--
<br /> • : . p l a c e a n d v a d e r t h e t e r m a d e s i$n a t e d i n t h e a o t i c e o f s a le ia one or more parcels and ia any order Trnstee . �,.����.
<br /> . • � determines.Trustee mey postpone sale ot all or aay ps�rcel at the Psoperty by urchiu�ohe Pro ere tat any '
<br /> � � � � time ead place ot any pteviovsly scher8ti9ed s�te.d:�►der or its desigaee�esy p P Y ., . _
<br /> . . . • . saia . .
<br /> . . ". , iarm 9028 90 . .
<br /> • • . , - � �—BRWEIre�uio� v.a e e+o tak�alr ' •
<br /> �''� � ' �r . . ''�� � � .`
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<br /> • • . .. .. :'� .. . _ . � •
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<br /> a`� '- � . . . . . . . • � , ' � . " . . . - ' „ . : ' . . . ' . ,'. -- -
<br /> ' ___ --- --_-..—__ _.. _. .. . _ � '. �_.�. ._. - _ _ _... _. ' . . . • .
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