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<br /> �- , ° . _ '. L�b.Borrower's Co� .�orrower s�aU be given one conformed copp of the Note aad��tbis S�aty�L��'rutnen� `�` .
<br /> � . � . .• " 1 T.T r a n s ter o f 4 he�rop e a ty or a Hene�e i a l I a t e r e s t ia Horrotver.I f s i l or aay p a r t a f t h s Pgog e rt p or aay `�;�.�:,;`,�.. `
<br /> (�: � � � interest ia it is sold or trandesied(or if a beaeficial iau�at in Barrower is seld or transPerred and Borrower ia not a ,-°.
<br /> � - ��peison)without Leadet's prior written consent,Leader may�at i�ogt�on,require immediate payment ia fu11 of ::�_rt�� � �;. : � �_
<br /> � aIl sums secured by this Sec�uity Instrumen�However, this opiion shal[ not ba esercised bq Lender if euercisa is
<br /> � • 'protu'bited bp federal law as of the date of this Se�rity lnsttnmen� � �<;. -
<br /> ��� If Leader esercises this optioa.Lender ahall give Borrawer notice o�acceleration.The notice si�alt provide a period ; s•,`,.-
<br /> , af nac iess than 30 dsys frum thedate ths aotice is deliv�sed ar mai�ed wit�ia which Bc►rraiver must pay all sums a�c�ed u :.�
<br /> . by this Security Instrumeut If Borrow�r fails to pay these sums prior to the�apu�ation of tbis period�Lender may iavoke r �
<br /> , _ anp remedi�permitted bp this Security Iastrumentwithout fiu�ther no4ice or demaad oa Horrower. " ` _• `•
<br /> ' : 18.Bonowe�e Itight to Reiast�te:If Borr4Wer meets certaia conditions,Borrower s�all bave the right to hsve ,'. � -_� -_
<br /> enforcement of this Secuiit}r Instsvment discontiaued at aay iime prior to the earlier o�(a)5 daps(or such oiher per'sod �. ��' =-
<br /> ,-< � .�....
<br /> • asa�p�cable iaw a�ap spec�fy for reinstatement)before sale of the Property�ucsuant to anppower of sale contaiaed ia -� �� ---
<br /> this-$ecurity Iasttument;or (b} entry of a jadgnent enforcing this Secor�ty Inscrumen�Thcsse conditions are that� . , -'� - -
<br />_. ` Borrower: (a) aYs Le�ader aU sums which theu wauld be due under this Security Iastr�imeni sud the Note as 4f no d `
<br /> ��::.,., . ; f . g --j- . _ --
<br />";�:�'; . �. acceleratioa bad accuried;(b?cures any default of aay other covenants ar agreements;(c)pays all eapeases iacurred ia t � ��� � . _-
<br /> ' �' ,s�?;.- enforciag rtLis Sa.vrity Iastrament,iacluding�but ant timited to,reasonable atta fee�and(d)takes such action as � , � -_-__
<br /> • � � .
<br /> °sy��. L e n d e r may reasaaa b lp require tu ass�ue t h at t h e liea o f s h i s Securitp I a s w m e n t,�e a d e r's ri g hts ia t h e Praperty a q s i �� '�
<br /> :s,_:
<br /> � '�° � ��'����,= Borrawe�a pbli�ation to pay the aums sec�red tsy tlus Security Iastrumentshall oontiaue uachaaged.Uponreinstateiaent � �� � -=�
<br /> - .���:;�.;. . _ -
<br /> . .. . byHornower.tWsSecvritginstnfineatandtheobligationssec�eBlierebyehallremaiafultyeffectiveasif.swacceleration � � � .
<br /> ,. ` had occumd.Hnwever,this right to ieinstateshall nnE applp sn the case oY ecceleration under Pa�g�Ph g7. � � ` �
<br /> � "< �' 19.Sate of Nota;C�ange of Loatt Serviar.'fhe Note or a paztia!interest in the Note(togethet�this Sece�rity � rs: , `�r:�;`
<br /> . :�. F' ``:: '.:.. Iastrumeat)ma ise saldone ar more times withoutptior uutaceto florrower.A saie may result m a changeia theentity� � � -
<br /> , :;�•;.'��; (known as the"�su Serair,er")tbat collects manthlp gayments�ue under the Note and this Seeuritp Tnstramen�There �':�`.,;
<br /> ��:; , .
<br />- .:. __ ..�.,-��:f; � . '_�_ =--
<br /> also maq bz oae�or mnna changes of the Loaz►Servicer uarelated to a eaIe of tha Note.If there is a cbsage o4 the Loan � �
<br />_ •;; ; Servicet,Bortower ws1l 6e given written notice af ttie e�ge ia accordancs with garagraph� 14 above aud applicabla law. . .;, '• :----=.—
<br /> :�` The notic�will state the name and address oi thenew I:oan Setvicer and the address to wLich papmentsshould be made. ' -
<br /> . TAe aotice will atso coataia aay other iaformatioa reqwred by applicable Iaw. ' � °; -.=
<br />_ , ,''" 2D.Hazardoas Substanves.Borrower ahaii not cause or permit the preseace.use.di.sposal.storage.or release of r >?, ��
<br /> �:.
<br /> ..._ ...,-x,' enp Hazardous Sutsstaac�an or in the Propertg.Borrdwer aball aot do,nor altrnv asyone elss to do.aaY#hiagaffectiaS ' w:.,,.t.. -
<br /> = the Pmg_�rty tt�t is isti violatian o4 any Eavuonmental La�r.The precedissg tara�teacxs s1�a31 nat apply t�s tha gr.�.,°ace. ,. __
<br /> use, ar sWrage on the Property of smaU quaUtities of.Hazardous Substancea that are geaerally recognize8 to ba •-.
<br />`°` � �' aPpra�riate to aormal resirteatial us�a and to mainveaaace of the Property.. , r r;'�+,, : _--
<br /> ry , us a - -
<br /> ` ` : Bonowet shall promptly give�,ender writteu notice of anp iaveatigat�on.claim,demand�lawsuit or vther act�oa by �,�:, ; v
<br /> ���}� any governmentsl or r�atory agency or private party involving We Pmperty aad an Ha2ardous St�bsta�ac.�or � ��.� -
<br /> ` ;�,:. :; � Euvimnmeatal Law of w�iicb Borrower bas actual knowledge.If Banower learns.or is no�ed by aay governme�tat ur �-- __
<br /> • regulawry authority,that aAy removal or other remediation of suy Hazardaus Substax�ne affecting the Prope�ty ia -'���.,�.=�:��_ `-"- �°
<br />'�.,- � . � �; neces9ary,Borrowezshallpromptly__takeallaecessarpremedialsctionainaccordaacewithEnvimntnentalLaw. 3:�, .4,� : :"�.�.�''e-'�'
<br /> ' A s u s e d i n t h i s p a r a g r a p h 2 0."H a z e r d o u s S u�c e s"az e t h o s e s u b s t a n r,e a d e f i n e d a s t o s i c o r h a r�r d o u s a u b s E a n c e a -�., --
<br /> �'�` by Environmeatal Law aad the following substances:g�oline,kerosene,other f lammable or waic pet�aleum produats, . �4.;,,_, ,,.,__-
<br /> �. • - m�e p�ticides and herisiaide.a. volatita solvents� material� contsining asbestos o'r fora�sldeLpda, and radiaactive
<br /> ' materiats.As used in thisparagraph Z0,"Enviro�aental Law"meaas f e deral laws and lawe of the�n�isdiction wher tha ,•,x' :��=
<br /> ,. : . . •' ; �:f Progertp is located that relate w health,safetyor environmental protection. , . ..�,�:°L_
<br /> NON UNIPORMCOVENAIVPS.BonaweraedLenderfurthmrcovenantsudagreeasfollow� �� ���_-
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender s�aII9 give notice to Hosrower prlor to accsleastion following . � _ -
<br /> ' Bonower's breach of any covenant or agreec�tnt in this Securi#y Instromeat(but not �to accelerat�on . � �-� __
<br /> ��:' � uader paragceph 17 unless epplicable law provides otherwtse).The notice sball apscify:�(a�he default;(b�the ' �`�"
<br /> actioa reqnired to core the defaID4� (c)a date,not }ess QTMan 30 dapa iram the dste the notice is give�to l;' _,. "�—
<br /> , Bostow�r.bp wLich tha defavlt mvst 6e ense3;and (d)that 4ailure to cure the detault oa or before the date "_
<br /> •.� ' s ec i f ie d in t he not ics may resu lt in accelera4ca�04 the soms secured by thle Secutity Iustrument end s�te�f . � �r' --
<br /> � !,.� . t�e Prope�rty, �'he aotica shall farther iafarata Boztower of�the right to reinstete after acceleretion amd the � . �, �,,.�;�;,;;�:
<br /> _ right to bring a coart aetion to assert the aon-asisteace of a defonit or aaq other defeasa ot Bonower to • ��_
<br /> , � acceteretion and sale.U the default is mot cured on ot before itae date specified an the notice,Lender,at ite '"--
<br /> , optioa, may reqoire�mmed�ate paymeat ia Yo11 of all suma secured bq thie Secarity Instroment witmont � �'�3�s
<br /> , . forther demand and may invoke ihe pawer of sale aad any othos remediea pesmitted by applicable Ilaw. � : •
<br /> , ' , Lender sha11 be entitled to collect all.espenses iacnned in pursutag the remedies provided ia tLia paragraph . . '�
<br /> 21,iacluding,but aot limited to.reasonable attoraeqs'fees and costs o!title evidense. �
<br /> � � . If the pa�ser oi sale is invoked,Trnatee ahall record a notice o4 default ia each couaty in w�ich any part af •.�� �� "
<br /> � .� � . � the Property ie located aad shell mail copies of sucL notice in the menaer�rescribed by app9icab2e lacv 4a ' ''°''�`v`��"-_
<br /> . • . . ' . � Borrowet and to the other�ersona rescnbedby applicrible law. After thetime required by epplicab�e Aaw, � . '
<br /> p c
<br /> . . Trostee shall.give public notice of sale to the parsona aad ia the manaer prescribed by applicable la�.Tt�s4ee. � �
<br /> -. � ' • ; without demand on Borrower,ahall sell the Ptoperty at public auction to the highest biddet at tha time and � � . � .
<br /> � • � r place and nnder the terma desigaated in the notice oi sale in one or more parcels and ia azsp osder Trnstee ;'� :'
<br /> • determiaea Trustee may postpone sale oi all or any parcel of the Property by public annot�cement at the � .
<br /> . : tima and place of eay pseviously schedu2ed sa1e. Leader or ite designee may purchase the Property at any • `
<br /> . � , �.eale. , . .
<br /> - � , .. .
<br /> .. „. • � �
<br /> ' ' �� . Farm 902 9p� ,
<br /> : . .. �SHU11Eltsaoano� v�a.e or e IMt1a1����� , '
<br /> ��� , . . _ . �
<br /> . . .. - . . . , .. . . . , . . r .. . . . , .
<br /> � • ' � � • . . . � . � . � �. • • , � .
<br /> � , ' � . , � , . . • , . � .. . _�T�_.,_..-.....-, '.,-�,._�.�. ' •-�.-.,. .—:-..-...-'-��-. ,-
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