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<br /> �f�,,f.. �. .� .�' s i . k ._ __..,,1 � _� _ . � .t y, `'e � , 5�,�+��c_bt.•.. , . �
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<br /> ` tL' ° .`> .#c` i. f •4Y- .` . . . . c� `�� k.� `�' r- .
<br />,� .. - e . • '`. F . . a< f �
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<br /> ,4 -k ` �;t :` . .. �. '. T C \�, ..ef :c '' .; � r � y" ' �'�, .r ."
<br /> �<.'� r•�i ' � s
<br /> r� , ` i �c �G` � £V'.., t� �'. `�, ' S. `c h",• t .c
<br />- i ��i f , d ' .' , �}' � i : , �r� . . - .i_ .
<br />� s <� , o � ' �y'. - •' 4�. . _ � �,' ft." ' r ' ` -.
<br /> _ �
<br />_a .. . . . ` � - . � � • . .4.!,':.'.
<br />, , .:�.�' i' ' .Ftr �C�L;`���°��"'" atinouat and for th�p�eri�ad`tTia�� �) ` `Y `
<br /> insuraace covera� (�.� .,.. .
<br /> ` � at�a optioa of��er;� mort8a&e ��mes available and is o6tained.Borrawer shal1 pay e premiums ;��"_*.�` .
<br /> .;"•,;. -' pro�ded by aq insiuer appmved bg Lender again �vida a toss reser�re.until t�e requiremant for mbrtgage :�;���.=;
<br /> . . ., .° � �+d Lo maiatain taortgage insuraaae ia efiect,or to "•� ..
<br /> eat betweEa$orrower and Leader or applicable law. <
<br /> �,.nce sada in aocordsace with any writtea agceem ons of the Pro `�Y`•.�f�:=:
<br /> '. ° ' reasonable entries upoa and inspecti perty.Leader s1ia11
<br /> ,.-�^"�"'` 9.Inspectfon Lender or ita ageat saay make . �� ,-,
<br /> , _--��_ give Bosroavet notice at the time o#or prior to an inspection epecifYi�g r�s�nable cause for the inspection.
<br /> , - 10.Cande�aation.The praceEds oi aaY award or cla�m for d�unages.diseci or conseqaent�el,�n connecuon with _ .�
<br /> ^. of art of the Yr.aperts►,or for conveyance ia liou o4 candesnna�on,are herelsY ,°
<br />; aay c o a d e m A e t i o n a r o t h e r takia g aaj►P � `'
<br /> � „��.�, � _,;,�� assigaed aad et�1�a Paid to I,eader. tlus Securit9 :t: .•.':;
<br /> - . I a t h�a v e a t o i a t o t a l t a k i n g o f t h e P m p e r t 9.t h e p r oceads ehall be appli�w the stims se�ured i�y -_
<br /> • T.ositvment,wheEher op not then due.with anp escess paid W Bon+ower.In the evEnt o f a p a s t i s i t a k i ag o f t h e P r a p e r t y i a °.
<br /> � t� is w or greater t6aa the amouat of the , - �: �.,
<br /> . :,�;, . which the frair marlset value of the Progerty immediatelp before the takiag�Barmwer and Leades otherwise agee� �'
<br /> - sums secured b8 this Securit9 Instrumeat irnmediately before the takin8► � `� � �-
<br /> • ... b t�is Sec�mty Insttumettt shall be reduce�bY the amouat of the proceeds multipli�d,bp� , - -
<br /> , in writiag,the suma sectued y e divided b (b)the fair rn -�. L-:
<br /> . � the following fraction(e)t he to t a l amoun t o i't h e.s u m s s e c u r e d'u a m e d iatel y befoi�the taicing, y � � . _
<br /> � imme�diate li�ore the.takin&�nY b�an�ehall be paid to Borrower.In�he eveat of a� -;,� � �
<br /> . . ��` znsrket vatue of the PrapertY' �' uame�atel before the taking is less t1�aA�� -
<br /> �g of tha PtopertY in which the Pair market value of the Ptoperty' Y `r.,. ;:`` :
<br /> - . ' the�amount of the swns secured immediately beYase the takiIIg,untess Borrower gad I,ender othercvise agree in wre+ing�� -:_.�.��.
<br /> ,_, eball 'be e lied to the suma secursd �iY this Secucity� - Y�,.< .
<br /> ,. �- ar unte� epplirable law atheravise provides, the prE►ceeds PP o . -
<br /> �� , . I n s t r umen t w h e t h e t o r n o t t h e s u m s a r e t hen due. �.
<br /> .y�� ': `� If ttie Pm g a rt y is abandoned by Bonower,.or if,after notice by Leuder to Bortower t h a 3�°O after the date the� ',. -:�,�:..
<br /> .�.• `-`:•=�,-'`--�' make an awsrd ot�ttl�a claim for dataages,Borra�er fails to respoad to Lender wrthia pa . - ;_
<br /> � � notice is g'�ven.Leader is suthorized to collect and apply the prnceeds.at its optioa.�ither to re.siotadoa or repair of the. � :�: _. _. -
<br />- � � . Progert9 or W Ehe sums secured bp this Sec�rrit9'Instrum��,whether or not then due. . ahall not estend or � _ --
<br />::.,.. :`. Unless Legder and Bonower otherwise agsee ia writing,anY aPPucation��r cb�ange�the amount of such _ .
<br /> °. �'; � postpone tha due date of the montlily payments re4erred w in P�S�P
<br /> � -? ,� �.�� pagments. , , �.; -
<br /> c,�� � ' 11. Honowes I�Tot Beteese�3; Fort�earan.ce�y I.esder Na`8 Wairer.� Lender W suy sPiir,yc�sor ia ��."--
<br /> madi�icatioa of amorri7ation af the sums sxured bq this SeceuitY Ynstrument grau �Y +�...�._.-'__
<br /> �. � ` .interc�t of Bonowar shAll not aperate ta a�lease the liability of the origiaal Bosrozver or Bortowefa successors ia ---
<br /> . ' , inter�st.Lender shatl aoi Be required w cosamence Proc�din�aSai°st any auccessos in interest or refuse w estead °_=-_ _
<br /> :: �:•:..`;::±i;:'���; � time for payment or otheraPisa�odify amortization of the.s�rffis secured by t�is Security Instrumes�t bq reason of any `f-===:_
<br /> . �'''.r demand made by the orig'inai�vnower or Borrowe�s sa;c�oss in interest.AnY.forbearence by Lender ia esercising �
<br /> � . . ,� '��: � auy right or remedy ehall aot be a waiver of ar preclude the egercise o4 aay right or.remedy. �,y:�,�
<br /> }Z. Saccessars amd Aesigas Houad;ioiat and Several Liability;Ca-signers.The covenants aad agceements �-_.--
<br /> subject W the ��
<br /> k - - of thia Secutit9 Iastrument shall bind aad beuefit the successors aad assigas o�Leuder and Bonower. �_ _.
<br /> . provisions of paregraph 19.Borcowe�s coveaaats ead agceementa shall be joiat aad several:AaY Borrowet who oo-s,i�►s �.�
<br /> . . this Security Instrunuent but daes not esecute the Note:(a)is co�signing this 5ecuritq Iastrument onlp to mort�,age. �:<__ .
<br /> .., f, . ��
<br /> . '. ' : � ' .'-' grant and coavep that Borrowes's interest iu the Property under the terms oi this Security Iascrument: (b) is not -,�..-
<br /> , . �._ .. persoaallY obliga�to pay the sume secured by tbis Se�urity Iastrument;aad (c)agrees th�t Leader and any otlier �°;r�`.,�
<br /> ' Bonower may agree to asteud,modify.forboar or make any accommodations with.regard to the terms a4 thia Security � .N�_�
<br /> ? � ' �'�' In.9trument or t he Note without that Bortower's consent. -
<br /> ,s � � d 3. Loan Charges.If the toan secured by this Security Instrument ie subject to a law which sets mesimum loan . � _:�,.:;=
<br />�. ::.; `;``r`` .: , char�.aad that law is final3Y�AtsrPreted so that the interest or other loaa c�ges collected or to be coltect�d in : .., , _
<br /> � � c o n a e c h o n w i t h t 3 z�1Qaa exceed the p e rn utted limite.then: (a)any such loan cldarge eha11 be reducul by tlae au�ownt _
<br /> ,�..: .. ne�:e s s a r 9 to red�.-e the charge to tha permitted limit; and (b) any soms a l r e a d y�co l l e c t e d t r o m B o r r o c�e r w b i c l a . __.
<br /> . � :;, ..,. 'esceeded permitted limits w�11 be re f un d e d to Bonower. L e n d e r m a y c t w o s e t o m a k e t b i s r e f u a d b y r e ducin g t�: . - ,_- -
<br /> the reduction '
<br /> � � principal owed under the Note or by making a direct Payment to Borrower.If a ref�md reduces principal� . ."
<br /> � . • wit!be t�eated as a partial prepayment withauE auy prepaqraeat charge under the Note.
<br /> ' ' . ':;t} i4. Notices.AaY not�cs to Bonower provided for ia thia SecuritY Insttumeat ehall 1�a gven by deli�g it orbp ,. :
<br /> � mailing it by firac r.2ass mail unles9 applicabla law requises nse oY another method.The uotice sha11 ba directed ta tha.
<br /> � property Addtrsa flt any other address Bc:sqwer designatea by notice to Lender.Any aotice to Leade�'sha11 be g�ven by
<br /> � � first ctass mail to Leade�s addtess atated herein os any other addr�s Leader designates bY notica to$orrawer. AnY _ _ .
<br /> `� �� � � net�ce provided for in this SecuritY Instrument sball be desmed to have beea gic+�n w Bostower or Leader w11en g,iven . ,
<br />:�:��, � � . as pro�ided ia thie paragrap�• �;.� . '.
<br /> � `� 15. Governing La�v;Severability.This 5ecuritq Instsumeat shall�B governed by fedesal law and rz:,.°law of the
<br /> . �� � � . . � jurisdiction in rL:ch the Property is located.In tha event that any grovision or clavse of this Seceirity Instr�ment or the . ..,� .
<br /> � ��. ' . No t a canflict��it�s a p plicabla law.auch coaflict ehall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nots
<br /> � � . which r,an be g�ven effect without tha conflicting provision.To this end tha proviaions of this Se�vrity I n s t n iment an d
<br /> - � the'�ote are declared to be severable. �
<br /> . ' � farm 5028 ,19 �
<br /> -� .
<br />- . , ". . , A�?�f�s�{((Ij�iW10�1ot v�yo 4 of o Initlats • � . . .
<br /> ' • : . ��� �� -
<br /> ;..t � .'- .' , : ' � - -•� .. . . . . . � .� , - - . , � .
<br /> � ' . _ . .. _ � . , -._ . . . . � - . . . .. . � . . . � .
<br />.. - , .. .. . �.. � . ,. ' � � - .. . � ' . ' .. . . ' �... " . ' , . �_ . . _' � . .. . . '' .. r : . �
<br /> .. � ' . • : - ' . ' . .. ' . . . ' . � . , . . � � I . : - , � .. . .- � . -_,_ � .
<br />.�v• � . � . .. � .. .. ' _ � . . � � , � .. . � ' � . .
<br /> .. . _ . . - . . . .
<br /> -_�_ - . :. �_. � ..- � .'.-.s �• ._ . _..-- - - -- -- --- - - -- - -- - -' --- � - - -..
<br /> __.---- _ .._�.� -_.-..-. -._�._ . ' . . .J. .-..-- � .� '. _. ""_ ....... .. .
<br /> -. . � '- , • � • _. ' . . . . ��r , • . 1 • . ��.�._r�,....�'�r._.� L. . � �_
<br />. -�.-��..�..r�^^� � ..�-wr.�.�--;�T�w..w�.w.�r� . .�...-..�+..�r� . , � , , 1 ' - '
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<br />