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<br /> . • ,.' � .'��•.,�'Upon re�celipt o�t p`aqmeat of tlta psice bid. Tras4ee shglt deliver to 2h�pur�������'s dee��`
<br /> E � � � • conv piag the Property.Tfle recitals ia the Tresstee's deed sHall be pris�a 4aciat evidence oY the tai�tb of.t$9 `, �
<br /> "�. , st�t�ents made therein.Truatee shall apply the proceeds oi tfle ealo ia the follawing order:(a)�ta all costs
<br /> �`� - and esgehsea of eaercisiag tbe power of e�te, sud,t�e sate. �ucinQiag t�e paya�ont af�daa Tsustes's fie's ��
<br /> •actually incarred,not to eaceed 6.00 °�c�8 the priucipal amoaat of tlte aoRe at tYte tiffie o� ,
<br /> ; :� :� ,;��i : 3he declaratioa oi de#sv2�and rea$os�abte attorneys'fees as perm�tted by 1aw;(bj te fill snms secnred bq this -� ,:�
<br /> 4 ��' 4 Secaxitp��ttrument;agd Ic)any es�s xo the psrson oY persoas legally ea4itled to i� . .�•�,
<br /> -..�y 22.Rcconveyaace.Upan paymeat af.all sums a�cuted by tfnis Secarity Instcwnent,Leader shaU=equest Tsuatee� <,
<br /> me
<br /> . . . �� , gn re�convay the PropErty suct.sbaIt surreader tt�s S�uritp Iostrument sud all aotes�eviciencipg debi secured by thts i � �:;`.
<br /> < ce ,
<br /> Sectirity Instrument to 1'�rnst�e:TrusteE at�all re�aoace�l:�Progerty without wanaatp w tfle petsfln or gersons kgallg ���,
<br /> a a ger s
<br /> ` entitied to'i�Sucb person cir persons eha11 paY at�Y re�4r�stip'trc�.Lender may eharge suoh person ar�ersoris a fe� �� � :.
<br /> ` ' for rec�vepinS t�e P�pert9,but only sf t�s fee is paid ta a tbicct party(auch as tha Ttusteey for service9 rendered aad es �n ;
<br /> �-s..��Y ' t�echargingof��i�periaiEte3under�pplicablelgw. � ��r�.��
<br /> } ' � �.23.Substitate Trus4ee:'�reader.at ita optiori,�fro�time ta ti�e remove Tiustee and�gai.ctE�sucs�r �`�. '
<br /> ra>; ��iGf Y
<br /> k-0. ttustea to any'Tiv.snee appointe�hereiuider by an inscrnm!eat r�corded ia the couaty iia which t,hi�S�auritY Instrusnentis �",,,
<br /> :.r � ,,�� _
<br /> �.:�,•;,,.. .
<br /> � � ," recorded. Withovs cvaveYastce o��the��Property,t1�e`succ�ssar trust�eheli ancceed to aIt the titto.pn4�et anc!dutim�
<br /> 4�; : ' .�.''� � coniecred uponTn�steelterein ai�d bp ap�lic�ble Iav�. ' � ,. . : �- '.,:
<br /> �.,�-,'- �;t .� 24�oquest`for Notiees.Bona�ver ieque�ta t6at copies of the notices oY default and sale ise sent ta Bortawe�s �- : -
<br /> ;�:';° , �
<br /> :,. ,.• �: .. addres9 which is the Property Addrea9.
<br /> ,"� , � Z5.Ridera to tbis Secority Iustroment.If one or mose riders ara esecu�ed by Borrower and recarded togesh�r :
<br /> . " with this 3ecurity Iaserument,the covensate aad agreementa of eaa�suoi�rlder ahall be iacospvsated iato and aea11 �
<br /> � ' amead and supple�xent t�e coveaaats aad ageeme�its oi tLis Secusity rastruraeat as:it the rider(s}were a part o4 tLis � `. � ;
<br /> _ �; Securitylt�stru��[Chaek spplicable bos{es)� . . . . . :. �
<br /> . ..;� � _ �[]AdJustable Rate Rides []Gondomini�n Rider � 14 Familg Rider �' ,:
<br /> , . :�� .,�., t Y� ��(3raduated Papment Aider .. Planned Gnit Deve2opment Rider BiweekIy Papinent Rider . � _
<br /> . � .. , �Balluon Rider Rete Lnprovement Rid�er SecQnd Home Rider, � .-
<br /> ` ,. � : .�� VA Ytider . (hher(s)fspecifY] � • . . . � . k _.
<br /> .._ r'. . ...- . . � e.-
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<br /> �._ , C-.. r"' -
<br /> � �... .. . -
<br />- , , ' f�t "°' �3Y SI(�NING BSLOW,.Borrower accepts and agee.s to tha terms aad covenants coataiaed ia this Security
<br /> �"�:`:� I�nstrument and i�aay rider(s)esecuted isq Banower and recorded with i� � �,
<br /> r � ^; VY 1tA�S.�. . . . . - `. � - t . � -
<br /> � � ' , ,•.•j�• . .. � - ���� .
<br /> - �;;� . KRISTi SPENCER -Borsowes
<br /> .. � . � , . : � i -
<br /> . . ,_ � .; i . . cs�s .
<br /> � EUG� . SPLNCE�, iutesroenes herei�rrower .
<br /> � he immovabl� ro ert � .
<br /> ^ • �� � to ac2aaowledge that t p F . y . �;._
<br /> - ��� � described heretu is ihe aepasate pzopert� y• r� ��
<br />;� t. ':..�;i {Seal) �_j�i8�i�.��l�e an�l forma na,part o£ tih��7 �.
<br /> .,; �.+ -HozrpWes community of scquete_aad gaina -aonowes , ,f
<br /> � �., ,. � `: �. , � exist�ng betr�eea them aud hereby 3oina hfe
<br /> ;���. . , � ; � spouse in the waiver of homestead exemqt�ons . "�
<br /> � • ; 3 STATE OF NEBRASSA, HA�.! �ereia �tipulated. �a�atq es: •
<br /> ' � � . " + ' 'fAe fore$oing iustrument�,vas askaowledged bafore ma th�s 2nd day oi Oa�ob , 1997 _ � ,
<br /> •.� ° � . � �, � ' b and. � ene S encer x�+� .
<br /> . , y �R i sT�e speHCea � P �, .-�.
<br />_�� �. . :���� Witness my haad aad notarial seal at t��t�d�� �1�,. ' in eai Co �the dats aforesaid. :
<br /> �.`
<br /> ' �exa � �
<br /> -- ' ; . . � i My.Commission Eapites: -a . i..•
<br /> - � '� � E ��(i1H�ERWARO t� . Nota lia .
<br /> - , � .. � ' � tL�O��a►fs�0:tt9.TG� .
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