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<br /> °�; . . ' , �RE-��CC�s�£�`�os �����✓ W���erectedon Y. :Q.,4_.�
<br /> .. , - . �'S.�zard or Prop$rty Insurance.�wer s2taU keep the impsQVements no '`f � `,
<br /> Ioss fire.hazards iacluded�ithin t�e tena°estended wverage°aad any ot�er hazards. ��':t.
<br /> � the PmpertY ins��s'�$8� � �ce.This i�suraace sball be maintained in the araouats � -��,`' ;:
<br /> ,� ' iacl-':Kg itoods or floodiag.for which Leadet requires `� �::.
<br /> �or the Periods that Leader re4uirea•The insurance canier providing the insuraace sball be ctwsen by Borrower �.
<br /> _ s_'-� wHich sha13 not be tmreasona6lp witbheld.If Borrower fe�s to maintaia coverage describzd ' , _ o �
<br /> < snb�ect w Lende�s approval w mtect Lendet's rights in tha Pmpert9 in accordaace with -
<br /> - above,Lender maY,at Len�der's option,obtaia covera8e P .,y..... :
<br /> � '���.. � .� paragaph9.
<br /> hcies and renewa]s sball be acceptable to Lender sud sltaU iaclude a standard martgage elause. . -�.ti`,:;
<br /> ' . All insuraace t'�� Borrower sball pramptlg gtva w :�..:
<br /> .. , I.eader ehall have the right to hold the polici�aad renewals.If I�nder recNu+es. va mm notice w the '� 'a,�•
<br /> ' ' I.ender all receiptsof gaid preiaiums and rene�al aotioes.Inthe event of Io�.Barrower sLall gi p Pt ,,
<br /> � � ins�rance c�rrier aud Lender.Lender map make praa�of toss i4 not made promptlY by�Bartower.
<br /> ' � m writing,iflsurance Proceeds s�t��he applie�d to restaration or repair.
<br /> Unless Leader aad Bosmwer otherwise agcee� feasibleS�ad�.ender's se�it9 is not le�ened.If the .`
<br /> . of the Propert9 dam88ed,if the reatoratioa or repai�is economicalty � .:
<br /> reatAration or repair is nnt economically feasYble or Lendes'e se�uritq would l�e Te�eaed.the insuraa.ce Proce�e ahalt be � . ,r.�.±.,�,�.__-
<br /> ,:4 apphed to the au�s secured by ttus Secu��mwi�r.►38 daps a no�from�Lender that the'in.�suraace carrier has � T�i �,- _- -
<br /> � .., Bormwer abandoris the Pmperty,or does �,Lsader map.usa tne pracReds to repair
<br /> �; � • offered to seEtie a claim,the�Lender map coltect the insuranca Pro od will�,�t ��� -
<br /> re�sonre the PmpestY or topap same secured bY ttna Se�uritY IpsWment�whethes or not thea due.The 30-daY P� Q� �, ,:-��
<br /> '` ,,, rn
<br /> � ' ;•,-. ' ,,�'� be�in when the aotice is g'ivea. aaY aPPlicatioa of procee8s to priacipat s�all nat eatend or�� _
<br /> 4:;.;.;.�`�_. ' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in writing, 1 and 2 or change the amouat of�e paymeats�� `:
<br /> t�i ' { -
<br /> . ' postpone the due date of the m�nthlY PaYmea��fetred w uf parag�p� olicies and gro ¢ .
<br /> � , Ii under paragraPh 21 tha Propert9 is aaNired by ��on shall�p e to�Lender to the estent f the sums secured b :, =
<br /> . ��;:_ ortothe � _
<br /> resultiag from damage to the Propert9 Pn a�� p _ _
<br /> ,` ,� tbis SecUrit9lns�rument immediatelY rior to the acq�nsition. licatLon;
<br /> , �.._;;��::..._:,.i.� � ` 6.��p��y.Areserva�o�,��tenaaca and P:otection oi the Prop�rty:Bo � �i�w�s�ty d�Ye .. '`�
<br /> - Leaseho2ds.Sorrower sball occuPp.estat�lish,and vse the Propert�as Hflirowc�s princip
<br /> _ . _ ent aad ehaU contiaus tu o�cug;7�.�'rogertY as.Bono�?er's grin�ipat �-_' -
<br /> . after the ege�utioa of t6is S�curitF Instrum .°., --
<br /> � ' r e s i d e n c e f o r a t l e a s t o n e y e a r a ft e r thedat�oi occugauc9.vnless��w h i h are t�y o n d$a n v w e's n t r d.B o n o� � �- _—
<br /> ' �.�': aot be unreasos�bly withheld.ar unte�eatet►vating circumstances . �deteriorate,ot oammit cvaste on the Property.
<br /> .. 'shall�ot desttoY.dama�e or impair the Propertq.a11ow tLe Propert9 -
<br /> . : 9a3rower shall be in$afault if aay forPeiture�ctian or praceeding,whether civil or critninata�r the h�'en�cr�#1sY tLia =�----- —
<br /> � `:.`,., � . good faith judgmeat coUld result in torYeiture o4 the Property or otherwise mat�ri.ally imp ' vided ia �:.:�;=�-.',"w-
<br /> �?: . Securit9 Instrument or Lendei's securit5'int�;est. Bonower may cure such a default and reinstate,as Pro � �.. --
<br /> . P�S�Ph 18, by catrsYng ttte action or proceeding w be dismissed with a ruling that, in Leader's goad faith � � --_ - -
<br /> t1S IIg
<br /> .�,,� � datermination.precluc�s forPeiture oi the Borrower's iaterest ia the Propert9 or other material isapairmeat af the liea __ _ "
<br />-_ 4 :��_ `.� . �^� created by tbis 3ec�mtY Instn�meat or Lender's security interest.Barrower e1�all atso be in dafault if Borrower,during -__ ----__ .
<br /> - t h e l o a a a p p l i e a ti o n p r o c e s s. g ave,materiall y ialse or inaccvrate is�formation or atatements to Lender tor failed w _.�W_T�
<br /> co oa wit h t ha Ioan avi dea c e d b Y t h e N o t e.i u c l u d i n g,b u t n o t �,;;.a�a�_--
<br /> '. ' . � .. ....,.� grovide Leader with anp ma�ial�formativa�in ��t of the Pro as a ci resideace.If t�is SecUrity =�--1-...-_�'
<br /> limi t e d w,r e p r e s e a t a ti o n a c m n�e r n i n g B o noweds occu p a ncY P�Y P� P� .'=���;�,�,..`""
<br /> • � _?..,, ; Instrumeat is on a leasehold.Bonower e�ha11 cor�iply with all the provisioas of the lease.I f$orrower acquir e a f e e t i t l e t o �-���,.�.�__f
<br /> . . the PropertY,the leasehold and the fee title ahall nnt merge unless Le�..r agtees to the merger ia icriting. ._
<br /> " , ;�' �.Protection of Lena'�'s R.ighte ia the Property.If Borrower faila to perPorm tha covenauts aad a�eements �'a"4 =-
<br /> � '._ ,:� or there is e 1 pmceeding t6at may si�cantly affect Leadezrs rn�hhts in the .-_�
<br /> � con�iaed in this S�curitp Ins�ment, �
<br /> , ,. � ' , Propeirty (auah es a proceedi�g in bankruptcy, prubate, for coademaatioa oz forteituse or to enf�.'ce laws or �a
<br /> •4.
<br /> Y� � regul8tions)�then I�ender�nay do and Far fos whatever is necessary to rirotect tDe vatue of�e Property and Leader's �_
<br /> . � .� rigDts ia tha Property.I.ender's actions�nay iuclude paying anq suma secwed by a lien�a:ch has prionty over this . . "_-- -
<br /> , . , . Secutity Instrument,aPpearis�ia court.PaYing reasoaable attorneY�fees and eatering os�tha Propert9 to maka repairs. �,s;,_-.--
<br /> � ' ' Although Lender may take arEica under thia paragraph 7,Lender does aot have�im 2n so. __..___
<br /> .� Aay aznounta disbursea�'�y i�eader under tlus Paz'agcaPh 7 shall become sddit�oual debt of.Botcowgr sec�ued by this ,
<br /> � :„ � Security Iastrument�.�nl�Ba�th N�roedsat�and sha�pay ble with iate eyst.POII IIOt��OJri��Borrocver .'!.�; ' ar
<br /> . . , ' � ' from the date ef dis . . � ...�, '.
<br /> .. - requesting payment. , --
<br /> . ,: :;�;::;` . � . �8.Mortgage Insuranc�Ii 1.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this �
<br /> nc
<br /> c�urity I�Strument,Honow�r sha11 pay the premiuma requ�sed to raaintain the mortgage ins�3tence ia effect.If.for any . .,...
<br /> :� .� ,;:: the mortgage insurenca coverage requued bp Lender lapses or ceases to ba ia effect,Bonawer sha11 pap the
<br /> . � reason, . .
<br /> ` �. premiuma required to obtain coveraga substantlallY equivalent to tha martgage insurence greviouslp in eftect.at s cost
<br /> �_;: , , .. •: ' ' substasitially equivalent w tha cost w Bosrower of the mort�aga insuraacs previously ia effect.from an alternate
<br /> _- ' � • rrortgage iasurer approved by Lender. If substentially equivalesit mortgage iasurence coverage ia not available,
<br /> � � Borrower shall pay to I.ender each manth a sum equsl w oae-twelith of the peatly mortgage insuraace prenaium being �
<br /> a
<br /> .: .,.:�.
<br /> . - paid by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to ba ip eiPect.Leadet will acoept.use and retaia thesa . ,
<br /> , .-. - , payments as a los�s seserve in lies of martgage insurance. I.ass reserve payments may no longer ba required,
<br /> . � . Fotm 3028 �On '.
<br /> � . „ . �-6HWEI�aeoaio� wa•a m o Inte�e�a �. •
<br /> � � • • :
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