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<br /> .Y�Z,�`-`'P._. . . . .0 � F� f� L v' � -K 5 2 I 4 rs IJ� t�f.
<br /> `� � 4. .S : A�� � � �. � . . . � f�k r _4 c y 4 u ��� � � . .�..
<br /> �. �y f� yy �,y{.H qf �-a-G . � -.(F \ � � . �. . '
<br /> G L 4y', T �G 4 C� � -y �y. .f
<br /> �c` G p l: t��
<br /> t�� _ O_(n ..� �y � .�'. . ,a� f ' � - ti 3� r �S• i t ��'`-ti .�' -�•J_ F�r.
<br /> s. �t�. � v -'�� t . v L.`�� 'r�� . � '�_ . (� w :�. .,i ., tiY�c _ _ ; �. � ...�4�.
<br /> . S �'� . , r ,- _.� - . L` � r .• ' h �t, " -,. .aR �� � y: - � ,.
<br /> E,� �.`� . G' ! s. V k ;` 4°` K- - -�� kr -.'r -.S t�.._�` t 7 ; c G^ -: � f"' .,6 � �.
<br /> � ,a �r`�, � F � �� � �r �.�p y. . ' •��
<br /> c< t , � � � � < . �t'., r- t ,
<br /> f f \,4 y f ,'`. :�.� i ,' �.'t F F � ` ; x- `. r ' , ' a�<.« _ t ,
<br /> i_• .c E��r,. � r. - c �t_
<br /> ��' `�• .. �. ' . ` . . �t~° �:
<br /> 9 � � . � � � ' � ` . � s ��a��.��� ar �� on tt�e �;�- _
<br /> `` . 8armwer shatl keep the imFm��� ��g ' -- -
<br />- °°''�`' S. 8s�srd os..Prng�rip d�ur�s�- sha 1 othQrb�ards.incln�iag ..g�; � �
<br /> property insured against I�s bY f�e+b�'ds ictciuded_vlithin the tetm°extended aovetage"aad anY :4�;.�fc�
<br /> `��` .�` ' m the amuuats aad for the periods
<br /> �nce sbaU De maintai��� '�``' �
<br /> r�;�,�;t,; tToods or ftoading,fotw�ich Lender.reqaires.�-T� �be chosen by$ormwer subiect to Lender's approval ::�:
<br /> < . . � ��a��ites.T1te ansutanoe ca�ries.providinp�tfle� �� �er may.�at L�ender's
<br /> �.t..-...::� - . covera e descri�ed ; , ',.
<br /> 1y vntbheld. If Bomo�ver fails ttt�inmi� g ari6
<br /> � ,`;. whicfl sS�a1!not�be unreasanab pro � in aocordauoe arith paiagmph T.� -�'�
<br />- , ' -• , opuon,a6tain sovera�e to pmte�t�ender's�1g6Ss in d�e P �Y u ` ;�>:,:� ,.
<br /> F ' 1icies and c�nevvals sha116e aoocPtable to Lender and sball include a standard mortgage�Imise: txndes
<br /> _ 4A1�insuraqce Pa �Barcav�t�sball�mm�pilY 8�ve m t�nder all r�eiPts of ,_ '
<br /> v .� w shall tiave the�right to ho3d ti��olicies aad renewais.if Lender reqtut�s.; ` -
<br /> , -
<br /> f ��.� . o�prr�it�ns an4 Tenewat uot�oes.ta the event of la�.8oaower stiall g�te prompt notice to die insur�ce c�rrier mtd Leafde� �v,�
<br /> ` .--I,cnder may make-ptoo�o�toss tr ncn made p�y�r��•�- - - — -
<br /> ceads s�li.be applied to�escoi�don or repu`r oftl�-- ,��-
<br /> ^ ' .'' . Unless�.eader�nd Baaow�r otherwise egree in wrIting.insu�uice pra �;�4-�
<br /> ��- . ` Peop:Ry damaged.If the restoradon or regair is eoanamically feasible ead L�de;'s secur'sty is not tesse�sd.if tke resto`rat�oA or � ��- :.
<br /> 6s lied w dae sums
<br /> ` � ` �� ' . � repair is aot ocon�mic,�1IY feas�'6Ie oi Leader's secauIty wo�ld�a lessened.the insurance pmce�ds sball. aPP �"y s_
<br /> '�� + s�cured by this Seauity Insuamene, whether or not then due. antb any excess pt�d to Boriuwer. I f Borma�r abandons the . � , �,-
<br /> . ti
<br /> , . � Prqperty.or does not answer within 30 days a nouoe�fram l.eader tbat the insusance or restore �P���� • -=
<br /> ? t.ender may solYecx the insuraflc�e prace�s. T.,ender ivay use the pmc�;ds to repair� ,
<br /> - - - - �b p-day periad will wbea t�e.noiice is g�ven. - ':�
<br /> '�' s�xi�by thi�Saurity Insunmeat,vuLether or�uot then dne.The 3 � � � ' �: -
<br /> � ,.� �. un slmll not extend ar '=�---
<br /> � 't � tJnles� Leader an¢ Bot�wer.otherwise'agree tn writing, anY aPP�catiozt of pt+oc�eds w P�P� -
<br /> " i�,'� refernd w in paragrapbs 1 a�d 2 or change the amonnt of the paymenis-,If ti
<br />- .... - ':� postpon�t$e due date of the monthlY PaY�r� �sutting frnffi . ��_.,. .
<br /> � r �l the �s acquired by�l�eader,Borrawer's rigfitt ta arry insuraace Pulides and proceeds —:
<br /> ` ` ' `; ` � p�� �fl� w I.ender to the estent of the sua�s secu�ed.by tbis SecuritY Insu�ment ' -
<br /> -;� damage tp the PmPertY Priot m tiie acquisition si�al!p�ss '
<br /> .=
<br /> _ � :`s � immediate�y prfor to tbe acqai.+�i�ion- _ ` • Leasehollis. . .
<br /> • ''" ' ce sad Pcotetttos oY the�copstyi.Bortower's Loau A�p}Iar�Ion: ��
<br /> r Pteservutian,Maiutet�a rtz,�r;:
<br /> 6.Occapane9. S al resfdenoe within sixty daS+s after ti�e execation o� ,..r:��K;;,
<br /> . � �4;��• •�orrowet.shal!occupp,est�lis6;and use the Peoperty as.Bormwer' PrinsiP �__5�: f
<br /> , �.'�;.�� this SecuritY Instrament and shall wntinue to,occapy ttie Property as 8nrrower's priacipai residence for at least oae year after n,,,.�{..�
<br /> 1 ; which conse�shall not be unreasona6Iy withhetd,or unless ; �,^� 4;
<br /> the,date of occapaacy.�ess LEnder osherwise agrees in vrriting,
<br /> • . . .�';f��r-; eateiivating circumstai►ces exist w�ich ar� beyrond Borrower's co�trol. Borrawer s�all aot destroy. dama$e or.impair.Ehe .. �- ,�-7
<br /> , � : 'Praperty,allovu the Pmpercy to deteciorate,ot couuait aaste on'the Propercy. Borro�,v,er shall be in default if at►y forfeiture ��`"`-_-
<br /> �w,.
<br /> � ��' actian or p�oceedinS,�yh�tivil oi crnmml:ia begnn taat in Le�tder's good faith�u?lgment oauid sesvlt ia forfeiture of t�ie °
<br /> (� � _
<br />= ' :.` ,';-.; � Property or othenvise materiaily impair the lien creased bS+this Securiry Ia3trunKUt cs Leader's secuiitY interest;Borro�r msY , _--
<br /> � • cure suc6 a dePault and reinstate,as Provideil iu P��Ph�8,by causin�the action or praceedinS to 6e dismissed wltb a n�ling' � —
<br /> ' '� that, in Lender's good faith d�te�o�+Pr��des forfeiture�of the Borrower's inierest in the PcopertY`or other�aatenial�. _
<br /> • . � impainnent of ths lien created dsy•this Secuiity Iusuvmeut or Lendec's security int�rest.Borrower shaD aiso 6e in defaalt i� � _
<br /> �' �'' Borrbwer.during the loan applic�ion process.ga�te matenaUY false or inaccurate infoxmadon or statements to L�ar�er tor failed
<br /> �_ '; to provide Lender with any material informatlon)in coiuiecaon arith th�loan�videncxd Isy 1he Note.incIuding.6nt not limited � ._
<br /> i '. ;.� to,reAreseatations conceming Barrowes's oceupancy af tite Property as a prinapat resideav�.Y�this Secudty.Iasuannent is on a =
<br /> ,. `'',,. .�:. .��: �.::;i. leasehold. Borrower sitall compS}+ with aU the provisions of the iease. If Borrowex acqnires fee dtle.to the Propetity. the , , ;_
<br /> '`�� ,' ;� leasehold and the fee afle shali nat merge unless Lender agrces to the merger in wria�• • ' �
<br /> .: � 9.Protedtoa of L�nde�'s Rigt�ts in the YropPrRy.Yf Borrower fa�'ts to perform the covenants and aP,reeme�'��°ntaiired in . . ;,
<br /> �
<br /> . - . :} this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceed'eng that may significantly a�ffect Lender's rights in t�e PropertY (such as a ' � �'
<br />= • • � proceeding in 6ankr+�Pt�7+.Probate.for condemnatian or forfeitare or to enforce laws or regulatlons),then I.ender•may do�nd • . �.._.i?:.
<br /> A
<br /> � ,, '� �'`, PaY for whutever-is n�ssar5�`to Protect the value of the Property and Lender's rigp►ts 9ri the Prog�g��'��o pa� --
<br /> .`.:` -;S�'= include payin8 a?yY'sums secu�'�d by a lien whicb has psiarity over t4is Seeur+nj Insuument, app m .
<br /> . `.i`:` reasonable attosneys'fees and eatering an the ProperiY to make tepairs.Although I�der�nay tatce aciion unde;�is paragraph �,,Fw:,.
<br /> u ' •� :i•,; 9.Leader daes not have w do so. ' � � � �
<br /> - ' :� ; pny amounrs disbursec�by I.er►der under this paragcapb � shall become addiaonal debt of Borrower•se�ued hy this � .� µ
<br /> ' • S�iiity Ins�rument.Unless Boaower and 1-ender agree to other teims of payment,these amounts shail bear interest fronm the ,
<br /> - •. . � '�:�
<br /> ` .i date of disbarsement at the�ote rate anA'shall be payabie, with lnterest,upon noticc from Lender to�rrower requesting � _=
<br /> , ''•;, ; payment. ' i� -:
<br /> , 8.Mortggge Iasusance.If 1.ender tecNired mortgage insvTance as a conditian of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> .�' .� Instnrmeat. Borrovuer shail pay the prenwms required to maintain the mortgage.insurance in effect. If;for anY teason. the � - -
<br /> `_;�'�; .�- . ' ., � mortgage snsurance coven�e arequired by 1.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrowgr shall pay the premiums requicecl.to _--
<br />=``',:: �. ' � " obtain cu�eraSe substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previonsly in e�:cct.at a cost snbstan8a11y equivaleat to t�e ,;`:
<br /> - � ' .� %'� � t •
<br /> wse to Botrower of the��rgage insurance previousty in effect, from an altem;�mon8�8e jnsurer a�rprov�+d by Lender.If �;._,
<br /> . : .�" ' substantially e,quivalent mo:tgage insurance covetage is not avaiIable.Boaower shall pay to Lender each month a sum egual to .
<br />` • � • '� : ;� one-twelfth of the yearly caortgage insurance Premium being paid by Borrower.when the insurance coverage lapse�or teased to
<br /> �� .�• ' be in effect.l.f.mder will aoaept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in Eru of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> �:., � , f fc�m 3028 .9190 .
<br /> ` ' , . Papo 3 ot 0 •
<br /> � . . S . ' � ,
<br /> .. + • . .
<br /> _ • . . 4 . ,
<br />." _ - . . t . - _ ..1 ..
<br /> . .. . . . . �. . � . . .
<br /> .. ` .... �. � '. . . .. . . � - . . ' . .. . . _ _ . . . . . .
<br /> . � _ . , .. _ ' . ' . . . -t • ' . . � .� . . _ ' � • .... . , ' ' , - . ' .
<br /> ...._ .. � . ,. ' . . .. . � . . . ..r „ . . . . . � . ' . � � . � .. . ..�r,. . . ."1.. . .. . ' _��. . . .. .• . '. ..�
<br /> . . . . . . _ - - .. � • -' �� . 'l ' • . __ _ . _ . . . ' _ . t . .'.
<br /> . , . . . . . • . , • . . 1 � _ � . . . ' • ' _ , " - ... � . .
<br /> . � • - - . -- . .. , .. . . . ' - _ . .. ., . .. - . ' . fl . . ' .
<br /> ' � . . ,- . .. . . � . ' • ' .. .. . , I�� II1 ' _ ' ,. ' . , � - .. - . . ' � ' ."
<br /> � ._ . � ., . . � � . ' - • . . . . . . . - . . , . � - . - -�r " ' '' .
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