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<br /> r c .r. ��.� t t`. C� �k+ � . f/- p:c !,. k.if.. . . . -t a-' < <S .
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<br /> . '•r .�e r.9 • t� '7 �,/ � ° 4,- -. . .. �, _, _c ,z � 'C'.-< . -e ' . .:. _ .
<br /> .o- r k ° ' . � '� - �.• t' 4 � E ' .F, ' �'t'�
<br /> � i f, '` -.�_ � ' y�. � ,`3 6 ;_ 4c�^* `% h„ 1 � . s�.�.. . p i U F .�',
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<br /> f��� � ..� . • . ' , � ��°' :�.���°t�s� ' , ��-
<br /> ° " * �' �Y���Y na to�ger be requlied.et the ogtlar�of Lettder.if martgage instuance¢aver�e Cuz the amount aud for the perfod
<br /> r' � . that Lerider ieq93res)Pmvided by�an insur�r ap�roved By Leader aga+n 6e�mes avaitable aad is otKaiaed,Sorrower s�atl P3Y '�'�;
<br /> ; ,,;r� ' the premiva�s reqnirad ta maintain tasrtgag�in..�in effecx.or ta pmvide u tass reserve,until the ret�uiremeat for�martga�e ���
<br /> " .:`-.ti� " ' . insv�ane�e.�'. �ry sveitten ag�emeni betWeea�ormwec and Latder or applicable�[aw. � . � :
<br /> 7 , ur�co�nae�tfh .�-�sn
<br /> � ` � 9:��nn.I.ender oi fts a�ent.anay maBe rPasflnabte entries upon sud insg$cdons of ehe Property.Lender�s9�at1 glve
<br /> k. . �: 8ouawer notice at¢he time cf or prioi ta an.inspectton spec�fyiag r�asonatile cause for the inspee4ion. � � , �r�
<br /> 10�CeenBemna�ntt.'phe proc�eds of aay &ward or stainrf�r da�nages,dit�ct'or consequeatial, in conneetioa �vith aay � -
<br /> ' � � . ooadep�aation Ox other taking of auy part of the Property,or for oomreyance in ti�of coudemnation,me fl�ceby sssigaed and
<br /> ._� 'oudemna �
<br /> � x' � ' ' ef`
<br /> 1 5113116e pald tQ�ttd2i. � _ . .
<br /> � `� ---- In ths evelnl o WtTi�ng�Pthe FmpL�t. -. �. sppitcaivm�-suim�c3'.ij�°-�^'�`iJ�--�""�`' - —
<br /> m ����.
<br /> ` .. ��rhether ar uot thea dne,witi�auy��cess�Paid to Bomuwu.In the evenr of a part�al taIdng o€the Property m whicY�the fair� �
<br /> Y. °. °muket value of the Pmperty imnt�iately befote t€�e takutg is equal to ar greater that�the amount of tlte suzqs seca�l by tfris ��::_
<br /> , �Seauity insdvmeni immediately before the tatdng,unt�ss Borrower and I,ender othervvlse agre�in writing.tI�e s�ms s�iued by � _� ...
<br /> . '� ���� thts S.,eurity rn�n�,,.r►,�rt shall be�coed by�the amnant�af the proc�ds mnidpHed by the followiag frac�on: (a)the mta!' .- -
<br /> '� �:�`<:e�. .
<br /> � �.� .,.• � anmunt af the sums secared imm�diately before the ta�ng.divided by(b)the#'air market vatue of ih�Propeny immediazety � _.
<br /> , :>.,y :,`.;�; 6afon ifle taI�ng. Auq 6atance sha116e paid to Barrower.'In the event o�'a Qartial ta�ag of the Property in w h i d s t he f s l r = _
<br /> . � :-=_
<br />;�.`�;: �' � ,-. n�arkgt value of tt��Ptoperty ianmediatetY bef+ora the.takiag 3s tess than the�anaumt�of t6e simas seciued�Iately before the _-- -
<br /> , � : - .�;� , `talang.untess Borro�wer and I.ender piherwise agree in writing or uniess agplirable law oth�►iss p�ovides:the Pmveeds�stfall _
<br />- ° ' ' � • tie applied to the sgms secured b7►tt�Ss SeauitY 1nst�ent whetfier or not the swas are then due. _
<br /> �` ;�' � '�- If che Pcoperty is abandon�d by Borrower��or if,aRer nutice by Lender to BorrarYer tbat the coud�m�tos offers to make an , � _
<br /> !t� .' , . �.; award or seitle a ctnim for damages..Borroaea faUa ta responjd to I.eader a+ithin 30 days after the dafe fhe uotioe is given, . •� _
<br /> ::-,:��r__�-^. Lendei'is authorized to couect and apply.the praceeds,at its opticm,eithetta restmation or repair of the Rngertp or to t$e sums .. . � � `_..
<br /> . secureb.�y�t}�s Se�arity Ins�nt,at�er ar ao[thea due.� . ' L:; :�
<br />. . , • 'Un2ess Le�tder and BorroweY�otherwise agree in writiag, anY apPlication of proceeds to ps�ncipal sha11 not e�ead or ��_;1`
<br /> . �..-
<br /> ` ` , postpone the due d'a,�a#the raonthly payments refemd W ia paragzaphs 1 and 2 or chauge tbe amount af such paymen�s.. • ..� _
<br /> lI,tior�awec No!8e3eas�if;Fmrbear�¢ee By Lenda'N�t:�Waiver.Extension af We time fo;pa�r�ent os modificesion
<br /> .' . of a�on of ihe snms secare�iry this Securify'Insorumem;granEed by Lender to aay saccessar�in irtterest of Barce��sbafl " • R -
<br /> � .. � � ` . not a�aiate'to re2ease We liability of the orI„nal Borrower or Rnrrower's sucxessois in iatesest. I.ender shall tot be tecluireQ.to � _
<br /> .• ��'.•� wmineas�proCeedi�gs a�ai�si arry successar in imerest or iefu$e to extead time for payment or otiierwise modify amortir�tian • ���_
<br /> . .�` of the sams serur�d..6y ihis S1�curitY-InstrumeAt 6Y?+eason of any deir�tul made BY t�e ariginat BoRO�sver�ar Barivwei's � _ -_
<br /> 1r ` �.4. snccessflrs in intere�i: Aay fot6earaace bp I.ender in�xercising.anyy r�ght or remedy shalt not be a waiver of or preclude the , _
<br /> `r 1 `? exentis�of any rig'6t ar temedy. . � � ' ..
<br />. :,r:':,�� . .�':';i' �. �uccessors and �igns Bouad,doint aad Seve�-a!Ltabiltty, Co3i�ners.'e'�e cavenants aad agreements Af thts `.o_�°.
<br /> - � >} Secmiti��Inst+ument aball bind and benefit tlte successors�nd assigns of Lender and Bormwer, subjeci to the provisiams of �
<br /> , ;�, �,.,.� . � �:�_�:
<br /> . - ,_x . paragze.p7� 27. Borrower's covena�s and agreEments shall 6e joiat and several. Any Bomawer who co-sigas this Sea�rlty .
<br /> .��' Insuument but does not exe�vte the Note: (a)�S eo-signing thLs Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey that •. =_-
<br /> . �.. �,.�'�� Bairo��s's interest in the Ptoperty under ths tern�s af tLis'Sr,carity lnstrument;N?is noc persmnally ablig,at�w paY th�snms • �;':""
<br /> : . , .:.�� secuce�i 7�y this Secu�rity Insuumcnt;and(c}agre�s that I�es►der aud aery other Borrower may agree•to extend.modifY•'�e�'bear or c--
<br />� • ,.^ .'.. . ..4 make any acmmraodations'arith regacd to the terms of this Security Iuswment os the Note�vithout that Bomower's consent. ,• G.,,
<br /> .� _ �� 13.],pap eharges.If the loan secared by this Sesuricy Instmment is sabaect to a law which seis a�aximuin loan char�es, � � =
<br /> � and that Iaw is finally interpreted so that the i,:.erest or other toan cuarges eullec�d or to be coltecte�l ia connection with the . • ;
<br /> .".��'�,.:� toan excced the permitted limits.t�en: (a)a�ry snch loan c e shall be reduced by the�ount neceasary to t e duce i�e c h a rge ' ` -- .
<br /> � �=`-;
<br /> . - ' '�.,-,i.. ' to ttce�umitted limit:aad(b)any sums already collecced f�n Borrower which eaceaCa:t permitted timits wiit be�-..nded to
<br /> tte
<br /> '•'' ,: , Borro��r. l.ender may choose w make th3s refurni by re�.:c�ng the prli�cipal owed ca.�er the Note.or by:maki�o�direct �.:``.
<br /> ` .7 ' ».. _
<br /> � �• . � � payrriont to Bormwer. If a refi�nd reduces principai,�the reduclion will be ueated as a partial yirepayment without any _
<br /> �. � prepayment chargs under the Note. � , . �.= '�'
<br /> �� � ? t4,leiotta�..Airy notice to Borrower provided for in th:s Security Insuument shall be given by defivetin�it'or by mailing �
<br />? � ` � :i it by fizst dass mail nnless applicabte law requires use of u�'�1ter meihod.Ttie notice s6a11 be directed to the Prop�:C-,�Address
<br />_. �' • � �`i or airy other address $onower designates by notice to Lea�er. Any notice w.Len�:shall be given by first �s mai� to .; ��-
<br />_ � • '�_ ., .•i . � Lender's address stuted 6erein or any other address Lender designates by noGce�to Bosower. My notice provided for in tfus ,�. �_�;
<br /> Secvrity Insavment sha11 be deemed to have been givea to Borrower or I.eader when given as provided in tbis parascaph. •
<br />_ .. � • lS,GoverNng Imw; 5everability. This Security Insqument sha11 be govemed by federal 1aw and the law ofthe _ � ��
<br /> � .' ' � . jurisdiction in which the Property ys located.In�the event that any pravision or ctause of this Security Instrumsnt or the Note �`"
<br /> ..� : � �� j casitlicts with apQlicable law,such conYlict shall not af:Fect other provisions of this Security Iastrument or the Note�'nich can tie• � �'
<br /> �ii':.
<br /> � .�'i . given effect without the conflictin$ptavision.To this end the p�visions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared =-
<br /> � � ' � to be severabte. � • ,
<br /> „ � ��; 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one ronformed copy of the Note and of this 3ecurflty Instwaent. � 4�. :
<br /> : � �, . ao�aoze a�sa
<br /> _ ,: . �, aa�esma � -
<br /> .. �' ' `.
<br />,F' . i�. 3' . . . ' � ,
<br /> .•_ �. . . . . ,. . ,. . . .. . . _ .. . • . , ..
<br /> , . , . .. ., . . .
<br /> � ,. .. : . . ,. . . . .
<br />. . . . _ . •� ' ' . . • , ,
<br /> , . . . .•�- . . . . . , .
<br /> • . • . . . .
<br /> ._ .. . . .
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<br /> .. , ,' . ..' � . . � •' . . . ;. . :. . • ' ' . • .. . . • � . �.. ., .
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