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<br /> ..� ,` _ < �, .<4�r_ t � 1� .r � � ,� �R: �6 - � �`c` k.k� r.
<br /> `4 t ' -t s .¢ ` � _ h . ,oc r �f �.t� � � '�Fa`� _ ` .�_ii _ :� ., a ��c - • cs;• � .
<br />. x . P,\ r-V is s-�c .t Y "�. �. S�` b.r _ .c� ' -F 't t rc �. '" .
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<br /> u S�' � -��rG << . 1 c F � . � ..�'d. �. � . .
<br /> i << - � -� r . ,f -
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<br /> .. . 't� `r. i. .`.�:'.5 r. `° T� r
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<br /> L`.'t� ��f��.R�'(; -. � . . � . . .. � . � . . .. . ' �. ���.5_
<br /> � f`, � .
<br /> T�G���3�t�1C lIDpTOV�AIPAffi IIOW Of bEICB�C!�OA tj1B plOp�s 8IId 8ll e34CmEIIiS,S�U[I8fl9DDES.� � `
<br />_ . � uov� oT`herea$er a gart af the praperty. A!I rPpIa�eats and a�ditio� �Lall aLso be covered bp tT� SeauitY ,�•-,_.
<br /> ���'� � . Instrtimeni.All of the faregoiqg es r e f e t r e d to in t 4�i s S e c u r i ty I a s t x u m e n t a s t h e"P r a p e rt y" ___
<br /> BURfl��i�VE'R CUVENAI3T3 that Borrower is lawfi�Ily seised af the�estate�er�6y c�onveyed and bas t�e right w grant aad �'` �-�.
<br /> � �_h.
<br /> cronvey tli�.Prtipeaty mid t1�at ttte Fraperty is smeaeumber�d.accept for ensumbrauces o f reoo r d.�orrower w a r r a m s a n d w i ll �
<br /> cn �
<br /> -` �r---� . . rtefe}��g�3Iy the tifle w the Prnpertq against all daim�and demands,sub,ject to any enaimbTances of record. , '
<br /> , �� . ` �z��7R1TY iAiStR�fA�EN#'combi�snifcirm usve�nt�for aat�nal use and uoa�tsniforrn covenants with limited '`.
<br /> N��i� < <
<br /> r `X`?��.�a'� variation4 by jarisdicti�n m constiEate a umform seauiity 3n�crumgTt caveriug re�a+l pinperty. , ,
<br /> __ F. _—__"'—'—'_���.�.I�1'C�-l�—011IivRpr ww.�� �-O��AO fsH�i►WC�_—._ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ — ___ ' _ . . . . �l '
<br /> � �'� � � . f.�ayme�t aR 1Ptiftcipa!°�nd Inier�st:1'�aYme�a�d Ir�te A��•Eorcowes shail proml�3� P�l► whcp due the , _� ._
<br /> ' _�� ,: :;�� p�incipa!of and i�rest on the debt evxdenced by the Note aad anY QrePaNme�and iate ct�arges due under�he Nata. � _
<br /> �'`. ` ` • 2.Fands for Taxes aud I II S n r a t c e r.'S u b° fa app li i�b le!aw or t o a w r i tt e n w a i v e r b y�.e n d e r.-B B t r o w e r s h a l l p a y t a -
<br /> . � ;�:..:.. ..,`.c, }�" � !�__-:_
<br /> ;.�~,. .�� �.:�; Cender on the day tt�nthlY P�yments at+�due t�nder the Nete.untit ehe Note is p�id in fu11,a sum('Funds°)for:(n)Yearly taxes � _
<br /> ' � " � .'�;A aad assessoae�ts which may attaia riority over this.Secutity ipsttument as a tten oa the Property:(b)Year1Y leasehofd payments v_-y-;.
<br /> �!F or grolmd rer►ts bn tfie Pcoperty,if any:(a)Year19 tnamrd or pmpeny insurance premiums�(d)�StIY f2aod insurance pretniums. �-
<br /> ` V� " �F F"54 �f enY;(e)YeailY trtortgage insuranoe Premiams,.if any:and(fl.anY sw�s PaYabte by�onawer ta I.eader,ia aocordaace with • , �l.�__
<br /> ' . �:,�.t� �the gmvisibng of patagiaph 8.{n lIea'of the�nt of mortgage it�surance pz�effittms.T6ese items are called"�scmw Items.". —_..
<br /> ' 'f� ` ''''.e,` ,� I.end fs paaY,at'any time,coiled and�hoid Ftwds an an amount not,w exceed the ma�cimum gmow�st a lender for e feder�lty ..�::_.
<br /> ' - `;'� `,� relr�d mortgag�toa�maj+reguire for Borrower's escmw acxouat under the federni Rea!Fstate SettIemeat Pracedures Act o€
<br /> ��-��-
<br /> � "' -.. ,.: 1974 as a�nende�'from dme w time, t2 U.�.C.Section 26()Y et seq. ("RESPA"),pnless another lnw that applies to the Funds ��_
<br /> - -,��,�`�; • seis a tesser amnnnt. if'so, l.eader ma3►.ai any time.ooUect and hold Funds.in an amon�aot to exceed the l�sser amount. �
<br /> ° . °:r Lender may estimate the aiaount of Fuads due on the basis of Gur�em data arnd ceasoaa63e e.stiinat�n of expendiw�s of fawre • �= i.
<br /> � Y-;.` Escraw Stems or at6erwise'u►aecordance with applicable Iaw. . • �`r� 4
<br /> •,:., .: • .�.;, . The fiunds siial2 be held in en insatuaoa�hose depasits are insured 6y a federal agenc.y, insaumentality, or entity � �� ..:_
<br /> �.:
<br /> ,;,��:��.::^.� (including Lendsr,if Lender is such an instiwtion}or ia any Pederal Home La2n Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds w pay the f.y:.
<br /> � Essruw Items:Lead'er may'nQt c'haigeBorrawer for Iwlding and aPPiqiag the Fau�ds,aannaliy an�lyzing the esc►��account,o� ��-
<br /> ,: . , �..._
<br /> ; , �,••,• �..;�. . verifydng ihe Escrow'Itans,or�tess Leuder I�ys Bor�awer interest on the Funds and applicable law permits�tder to make s¢ch. ___
<br /> {`�' ;i ' �cd�arge.However,Lender riiay rxqaire Borrower ta pay a ono-time charge far an independeni real estate tax repoidng servlce � � �
<br /> - .<,,..:,, ,.�. '. ased by.L.ender in com�ecxiQn aritbt t�iis Ioan, uatess applicable law.provides aiherwise. LT�3ess an egreemeat ia made or . . �
<br /> '�. , '..;� • apPticable law=ec�uires interesc to be p�id;I.ender sbail not be required to pay Burrower atry iateiest ar earnings an.ti�e Fmtds. _
<br /> . ;'.,• .. Borrower and L'ender may a�ree in writing,however,that imeresc shall_6e paid on the Funds:I.ender sha11 give to Bormwcr, �--,
<br /> � � �% � without charge, an annua3 acconnting of the Fund�;showiag credits and debits w tha Funds aad the pnrpose fqr which each �` ''
<br /> ;�: .''��t�;;,.. :.'' debit to the Funds was made.'The Funds are pledg�a's additional security for all s�s secured by this Sec�ity Insdcument, �r `
<br /> .. a.::_. :.. .�_.•�� , - -
<br />- . .. :; .If t�e Funds hetd by l.eader exceed the amnunts permitted to be held bY apPiicabla taw,Lznder shalt accovat:ta Bor�ower� �,�,
<br /> . far ths ex�ss Fuads in acxoi+dance e�ith tlie requirements of applicab�e taw.If the anaount of t6e Fands heM Ky l.ender at any � �:�T-:
<br /> ��.� ; time is noL sufficieat to pay We Escrow Items whsn due,Leader may so notify Borrower in�riting,and,ir�such case Borrower g_..n::
<br /> shalt pay to I.eader the amount necessary to make up the deficieney.Borrower shal!make up the defici�ncy in no more thab —_;.-
<br /> • twelve monthly paymeats,at I.ender's sole ctiscreuon. '=
<br /> �. �•� Upon payment in full of all swns secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptty refund to Borrawer any _ _ -
<br /> . ",. ..' ��`°� 3�unds hr�d by Lender.If,.under patagraph 21.S.ender shaU acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisi t t an or s a te .
<br />" • .. � - s•� � oi the Pcopecty. shall appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqnisition or sale as a cndit a$ainsc the snms secured by _
<br /> . ��-��.`.
<br /> �. .;;. ,��:i �s$ecurity Tastrument. � .. - �: . �.::-
<br /> f � 3.ApplicatIon of PAym�ts..LTnless applicable law provtdes otherwise,all paymenis reseived hy Lgnde;under ara hs
<br /> _ P �P �,`:�%:
<br />_ ' ' . � ;:�'t� . t tutd 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due undes the Note;second,to amourits payabte under patagraph 2; .
<br /> � third,to int�rest due:fourth,to principaf dus:and last;to arry.late charges due under the Not�. � � '
<br /> .. :.,.�•� .. ,
<br /> � 4.C6arges;Ltens.Borrower shall pay all taaes.assessments.charges, fines and impositions attri�utabte to the Property •
<br /> �, which may attain priority.over this Security Gsst�ment, arid leasehold paymerss or gtound ncnts. if aay.Borrower shall pay �
<br /> I .'��i thes$obli tio�as in the�nanaer grovided in paza,•raph 2,.or if not paid in that manner.Bonower sha11 pa�them on time directly
<br /> � �. �
<br />,, ��,. ' �� .�.�t . . to We Qerson owed payment.Bonower shall prompdy futnish to Lender al.l nodces of amow�ts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> � • ,t..• ' tf Boaower mak�c these payments directiy.Bo:rower shatl promptty fiunish to Lender receipts evfdenang we paymenta. �`�
<br /> �`.-:":
<br /> " � Bonower shall promp�ly dischatge any tien which has pr3ority over this Security Insmiment nniess Boaower:(a)agrees in �•
<br /> . ' � � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(6)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> _ � . �;�':t by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in.�tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion oFerate fo prevent the
<br />- :' •� enforcement of the liea;or(c)secnrzs from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordivating the lien to � �
<br /> ". , � � } this Secnrity Ire�t►vment. if Lender determines that eny part of the Properry is subject to a lien which may atttiin pripriry ov�r
<br />- ' .. � � this Security instrument.Lender may give Bonower a notice identifying the lien.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> • ` more of the actioas set forth above within 10 days of the giving of�notice.
<br />_ ` : � , ' , { . . Form 3028 9J90
<br />- . . . � . Pogo 2 of 8 - .
<br /> . . � l:
<br /> ' . . . � �. e . � � �
<br />, � . . I . L _ . • .
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<br /> � . . , 1: . .. • . � , , p •• :• ' , , ' , . . � • ..
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<br /> .( ' ,; ' ; ; ' , � r .�' '. � , . . . ' . . . � . . . � . • . .� . . , � . ,.
<br />. .. w; . ---�..--.7..�,�,_...J�7„1'_ _._. � ._'-�•--,'_'_"_,_._, »�, .' .
<br /> — —'^ - .-`.y"`�^'..-....__. ���� y . te ' ' • i•' f
<br /> - ._ . ._ _.. ��l� _�..t � � .. _ . . _..__. _ .�. . _� ._, ,. - . . . . �. . ... . . - .. . . , .
<br />