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<br /> �,.- . .�� . . '�_-1.,� ` t��. � .. --z �<r `",' s,sz.� _ c . 1. ti. a•e s1�,,,.- -
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<br /> �MS `c.-M ,,.4`
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<br /> 4r i�� -4 �.,�'�� � $ :�
<br /> 4 � ..�Ft- ' + '. • - � . + � • - . �� ��� , f.t� �t.
<br /> ��; •F�� .ti
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<br /> �" �� . 31 Sh811 IIOt C7[tCIIfl • •
<br /> r � UnIess I.ec�er a�d Sorrawer a�ag�in vvnd�og,aaq aPPlic�on of pmc�eds 30�� . ,.:r
<br /> PP
<br /> ; _," or�postpuae th�d�e datp of the monfbly paYmenls � ta in guagraphs i atW 2 ar tUange t3te amount of snch .,t,'..
<br /> th '<`,, .
<br /> t ` � ��°�' I� Ia�a �laiv� 8xteasion of the time for Qayme� ar �:
<br /> me
<br /> ` '� il. Ldmt R� Paa6� �Y q��� (� '_,�^• p �y��/� ,
<br /> YW7 d� iW{iY�� �_�J�� �0�afil�T �� K 4 4
<br /> 'ti'�n, '•f 6 . ��O a B�O�p Il O f Q 1 P ffiIDS 5� � '.
<br /> E BOIiIiiVl2i OI 801N R f�i�S S a G O C fi S O l S 1 fl �:"'
<br /> � �. �.. im�rest af Boaov�et shaII nnt aper� to xelcase the 1W'�b11itY of tLe original�o�r in interest or a4ase w exteitd . .
<br /> ,.�. to�mmeuce Pm�•S8��Y t"f
<br /> �. int�st. Ixnder sbal]uot Ea reqaIIed �� by�soa of any 4 •.
<br /> - --- �e fos paymeut ar offieraise mod�f9 mmo�°n of ehc sums s�ned 6y this Secariry _ �_
<br /> °�� ` de�and made by the oIIg�iat Boaovrer or Buri+awe�'s su�in int�ss. Anp foibeara�ce bY Lender in acet�is�ng _
<br /> ° p�dx tbe eae�ise of aay riglit or�Y• � 1
<br /> ��. , any dght or temedy sball uot be a wai.ver of or -� .
<br /> � � . � _ 12.Smooes������Jou�t m�d Ssv�ea�I�a�Tsg:Co�B�• '�e cavenaats and aEcee�ents of tlds "�
<br /> f.- . ,`�-r: - Se�i �nt sball Uind and beaefii t�e sacce�oss sud as�t�s of IBnder and�ormwer,sabj�t��p�� ��� �;
<br /> �' ' , tY , ms sball bx jnint and several. Any Boaower ��,-`'�-
<br /> �•< � ., � , . ,� s cav�s anct agc�me �-
<br /> P�g��� �T. Saaawer �.'.t�.!�?.N�re� (al is co-st�ning tHis Se�ty lnsaumeai only to gtaat.bar&'►in+ � ;
<br /> — ! � 3�y 3�msu�a: 2�..r... gm � •
<br /> � ` -;Y. . �!,com,ey sud onnfiim tbat Bonawer's i�e�st. in Bie FmpenY �er We t�ms of tl�is Secnriry Ins� fo)�* � _ _
<br /> ` �ds Secu�ry I�e�; �(c)��tLat Lender and aus►ather. �'F
<br /> ,'' nut getsovally obligated m paq t�svm.s s��Y.. �ons vvI@t ngatd to tbe ceans oPtIsis Secuniry • Y -_
<br /> " . . BoYSawer maY�ag�ee to eaceu�,moditY•farbear,ar�ake aaY _-�.'
<br /> . . . 1ns�nem ot 8ie Note witflaut t�at B�cower's cansent. � �. -���.
<br /> � ' � at sub'ect W a!aw vu$ith sets mAximum � � `'�
<br /> ���� ,��.. , . �„�. . 13.I�� I€tbe loan��Y�S�0°nt9�end ts 1 collwxed os w be colle�ted 1n `:;:,
<br /> � or ud�er Ioau cbarges :z;=::
<br /> ��, ". ' � �arges� tbat !aw is f�9� s.o tl�at the inte�est e sball be�educed bY[he emauat - _'
<br /> h_ ' o�an witb the loan eaceea�e%� l�i�,then: (�a�Y�lnaa� col�ected fmm Bomawer which
<br /> �� ` °r'� oe�ary to'tednce the char8e to t�e �� limit; and @) anY s� �dy -`"-:
<br /> " � •� wlil be tefimded to Boaawe� Leader maq chaos� W maFoe,Q�s �fuu0 bY�$!� Y-
<br /> � exceedea�pe�mdiae8 tim� �Bormwex. If a�und redutes pxlnc�pal+the iedactcon
<br /> ` .. << . r �.`. pc�ncipa1 owed nndez the Note or by mat�ing a direct pa9� :,u�-=
<br /> �: , w�i be treated as a Parlial PrePa�ae� w�thout any�epay� �e nuder the Note. �
<br /> �� ' 24 atFces. AnY notice t� pmvided foi�n th�s Secanry Ia�ment J��8��Y deti� oz by --r
<br /> � .� Bomawer ofanother wethad. T6e aotice aLa1�b �� �:.'�°.�,`
<br /> �'" ..' '� ti`.��` �ing it hy flist cla�mail nnless app1icab2e iaw requires� noiice to I�endec. A�r nodce to 1�eudes shaU be�ven ��°�
<br /> • �� � �eud
<br /> #.�.:��._ `,�:� ..�.T:. Addiess or any ocher addcess Eoirnwer desf�tes 6D �m-_'"-
<br />%� ' ` . r. p�ert9 tes by aodce to Bbrrower. Any
<br /> �� � `by fusc class ma�to Lender's addmss staoed l�eresn os aay odier add�ss Lender designa �,. �
<br /> ,., �:: � to Bouower or I.ender wh�n�W�ea �'_.��._
<br /> �� ,-.: notice pxoNlded for ia this Sec�ity Insssa�� sball be dee�ed W bave bem g►ven , ��.�
<br /> , . as pmvided ia this �. '�is Secu�ity Issmmnent�sbail be govemect b1►fedeYS1 Iaw and @�e taw o�t� �:
<br /> � � . .. � 15.� ' is tacated. In thee event tbat.any provlsiun or clause of dus Stxarlry�� or !: _
<br /> �� `.; .,, ' ,. Jnrls�tCtion jn wbich the Pmpert9 ons of tbis Se�a�titF�Iastnunent or the . ��:
<br /> � �...- �� . the I�Iote co n fl i c t s wi t h a p p li s a b l e law.such conflict s'hall not affect otIler gmvist �ea t ,
<br />�?� ;. `' � _ . Note a+�ch can he givga effect withuut @ie canflic�pmvisiva To this end the provisionv of this S e c u r it5► �.�,_
<br /> . ; �z�.
<br /> � � �� ��.�.; end the Note ase de�lared to be sevcrable.
<br /> �`� � ` . ,.I6.Hamowds CaPY. Bocmwer slmll be gven one wafoaaed c�PY of the Note and of t1�Secn�dty InsmmuenG �.�_
<br />$� ' .--- - —_— ;;.:����;'E'�a�� �ia Borcawer. If all os any part of the�Propecty or any intenst
<br /> t:_ -��.
<br /> ' in it is sold or t�aflsfemed (o:if e beneficial.interess in Borrawer is soId or uansf����0 p�nt in ftill of all �--T''^
<br /> r.�� � ' � � getson) witHaat Lendes'a prior wri�consent, Leader may,at its option, require �. ._.:
<br /> ��. .. � . s�ns s�ed bydils Seattity Insaumeni. However,this oPtioa�shaU not be exenised byLeuder ifexe�se ispro]u'bite4 �,.,.,_r
<br /> �,_ . . . e Bo�rrower �,��
<br /> �.. . . . by fedepal law as�f che date of thia Secu�tY lnstwnent. If.Leader exencises ttis opdan, 1�ender shall gcu _
<br /> , . . . . nnHce of acceleration. The norice shail provide a per�od of not tess than 34 days�xom �B �r failq to PeY tS�� ��e
<br /> tS� _
<br /> �' . '. or matlet!wltbin whlcb Bo:rower mast paq all s�m�s s�d by tt�s Seauity Ias�nY- �.i=,.
<br /> �: - �r+^r•-
<br /> �. , sams Pnor.to the expiradon of tbis Period. Lendes may imake a�►Y re�edies�permitteA by this SecarilY Insi�nent �;y--
<br /> wlthont fiuNer aodce or demand on Borrower. �'�`�_
<br /> 18. 8�rca�s.RigAt oo R�. If Borrower meets sertain condfaomg� Bonower shall have the r1Sht co have �u
<br /> � . ' ', •:��;. 'c o n a m i�d at an ame prior to the eail�er of(a)5 days(or �ach other �;.�=
<br />� �y . �� �� enforcement of t3ais Secufity Insuament d�s Y p � ower of sale
<br /> ��. � , . pe�pd as applicable law may sPecifY foi'°;"�ar�,,,��) before sale of the Pro erty Pursuant uIIJ►P ����
<br /> t�'�•,. contaiaed in tLis Secarity Insa�ent; or(b)tmuY of a jadgment enforcinS this 5ecurlt5!Isubn�men� Those condidons
<br /> ,.: . a a s Ixnder all sums vfiich then wauld be d�under tLis Secur�ty Insttuumment and the Note as ' �','
<br /> -`°'` . ar�e that Basrower:()paY
<br /> � (�) PaYs aU expeases �`� �
<br /> ������. . iF no acceteradon �ad occ�ured; ND � �Y defantt of aay ather cavenants or ag�eemen ;
<br /> �:'�-•
<br /> `' � � incurced ia enforcing t3ils Secutiry Insnuraent. including,but not timited to,reasanable attomeys' fees;and(d)mkes �-'.--
<br /> . ., sucb action as Lender may reasonab�y reqoin to assure tbat tI�lien of this Secnn'�m�t�ume��;�e���ed
<br /> ;`i:'.! : �� . . propecty aud Borcower's o8ligadon to pay the sums seca�ed by this Sxnrity bereb shali remain fu11y �-.-
<br /> � � � , . U�on teinstatement by Bormwer. t i�i s S e c u r l t y i n s u u m e n t a n d t h e o b l i g a d o n s s e c u r e 8 Y °
<br /> '�'�'� , � � effective as if no accelesatton had occurnd. However,this right co retnstate stiaall not appty in the case of acce2eradon .
<br /> ,`_` • � . . under yarag�aPh 17 os paragraDb 39. �..
<br /> -:f�. . ' � 19.Sa1e of Note:�ge of l�a Senllaer.Tde Note or a partial interest in the Note(togettter witb this Secudty
<br /> . '" � inst�vaiens) may be sold one or more dmes v�thout prior nodce ta Bunovrer. The holder of the Note an�this
<br /> _ : � .. ,.. , g�ur�ty Insttument sLall 6e deemed to be the lxnder hereuader. A sate mey result i�a cl�ange in the endty (�nawa .
<br /> . . .� � � � � as the 'Loan Servtcer°)that collec�s monthly payments due uader the Note and this Security Instmment: 'I�ere also, .
<br /> �'Y�,. . � may 6e one or more chan�es of the Loan Senricer uurelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a cLange of the Loau� .
<br /> .. � Setvicer.Borrower will be given written natir,e af the change in accotdance wIW P�S�Pb 14 ab�ve and applicable
<br /> :i`�'��' . ta�v. 79ie aodce rvlil state tte�me ard address of the aew 1-nan Servicer and the address to which payments shouid
<br /> ;i:..,. � � ' be made. The nodce will also contain any other informatioa required by applicabte law.
<br /> � ,� �� �p. }�uy ��. Borrower shall not cause or peimit the presence, use,disposal, scorage. or release of .
<br /> ;�;,�'� '•�� ' any Har,arduus Substances on or in tlie Property. Borrower sball aot do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdng
<br /> - the Property that is in violation of anY Bmimmnental Law. The prececlins taro setuences shaU not apply ro the .
<br /> .. , - _ � pYCSp11CC. u+e,or storage on the Ptopeny of s�all quantides of Hazardous Substances that are 8enerally recog►si��c1
<br /> . �� u� h�apprupriate to noimal cesidendal uses and to maintenance of the Propert}r.
<br />.A, . '�. .. . .
<br /> J � � �__- _- NP.URASttA F0L1�RAiB Pa40�iRAMS (itL'V. 03l4� �Ee 4 oP 7 �
<br /> '. . . .-- ."•I �,�w sy+�e��.o-a<�ca��� Boaower Initials � �=
<br /> , . . � ORIGINAL T��., --.T.----..^...__.--_ . .
<br /> • . : r�uDSrr.us --- ,_,_ .. -- K
<br /> .._.�..-.- -.�- �y__.:^�.....,.-'--^�.."'� ,.�-� -.r:T.'�=,�Ka�r'+:.�n-,r *�+.°-.
<br /> __.�i`-_a_�.w.�=a+�.+nwW.l�:�.s,.v,ar-..,yx . . . . . .i . _ .. _ . _i .. • , . . . •.i. L7.�h;.y.... ._ .. . ,. ... ;p. . , '- '•���.i. .. . . . .. _ . � �. � _ .
<br />