��... iC.�c<�V.�.P'��3�.__' �Y� �L['���T�43� C _�1—FA� �� �`S,"'c_�'5:�. �ut Y'��'_s �.S.S�3 . I�
<br /> . . - 4__ __ _ ,� c Yf.lt�.i�'' ; �` -.�d4`�. ,� F . c'S p,•.
<br /> . L� ��t�- ' � .
<br />� � . .Y �_. , � s `7 7 �. {� o y_- � al.
<br /> ''vF �.r ti + �` �]rr .cs . .
<br /> .. - , .�%. �.F(
<br /> ..'�a ,
<br /> � ..•�, i.k`
<br /> -�,` , �''`e . � •• � ._ ` � . � .. . . . ��� � - c-�x .
<br /> L�' _ :.�, -� . � ' ' .. ,{ .
<br /> (" '`'��� � r2Cd�0II Qf t0 S�GOi P�CICA� c•."_°.. �
<br /> - ��,� • . . ��I�r ena souower atheiwise��a wridng,anY a�► P� P�� �
<br /> � ..� .:.: o iatse , . ..
<br /> ' mfened to ia parag[apbs I sud 2 or cbange the ammmi of the 4 °_�`
<br /> �� . 4 ��.:`.`:�"� or post�one. tbe due date of t�ei� �� �I.eader,.Botrower's rigbt to a�r ias�uan� palictes and
<br /> 1 < '., payme�. If wader pa4a�aPh
<br /> prooeec�s te�1�aS from damaSe m�e ProPertF Prior to che ac�sidon sUall pass to Lrn�er to ths eatent of tt�e sams � t
<br />_ . ;�`;� ��p�. . seaue� bp tflis Sea�ity imsC�ameht immed'wietY P�����D� . `
<br /> ., Yf IDojmwet +obtaiazas at►Y oth�ha�ard insniaace ar aay athet i�rranoe on the Ptope�ty and sash im�mace is nat -
<br /> �°" , tberwnde� and fn'}ise s�ubjest
<br /> .: �� �. �: s���Y��BY��t,t�ea•su�b insutanoe s6all (�name I�ender as loss pay�e .
<br /> .�_ to the pmvisious of tt�is.•p� a� 1�mte�xinn �of 8� Y�ty; 8�ta�s � ��°� �
<br /> � � 6. Pt�av23ion, or comnnit waste an the '-
<br /> �, � �__ . EOIN'G6iCI S312U IIOt�Y��$e Or����Y•81IOW iIl�FiO�t4�. �r:`
<br /> PtOjCIi�'. �OII� S���II�t tf 21��DI�Eidlt� 3Ct1�II OI pInC�fn$• W�CdY��OT�s ��� �
<br /> , �y'.' in�Bt'& goo$fS�tlt,�d�1Eat contd t�snit in fvifeiuue of tlie Prnpetry or Qtheswise materiallY �nPui� the lien �;
<br /> `�,,, . - �te$ bp�is Se�dtp Insor�moent ai I.ender's sec�itp iuterest.. Bo:rower may c�nte sa�h a�anit and ceID.�tate, as �,.___.
<br /> . provIded ln pa�agraph 18,b3►cansi°&t&e acdon os pmc�m� to ti'e disnaisse�whh a mliag tiiat,m I.endes's gnod faith � _:
<br /> _ . . . -..�. __ ��a,�,,.:....�,,,,,�+g s.�+.�ce sn ttu�Ps+r.swmr ar atttes matetiat imFaiaitiP�S t�f t�lieu
<br /> �. p�u,� cviazsiiis° -- s-- � - - � �
<br /> iu,
<br /> .. ct�ate�, by tt�s Secaiity Ir�suument ar I�ender's�ity�te�est- � . , . ��
<br /> o� or c�tiing pur�nic�ig,�ta��_ �
<br /> •. ` . Bm2LOW�F 8�l3V.8t BOIIOYlB!'9 pWIi CEpCA68�8�1�3T,AT��tl SAJI$C� � k �` ���
<br /> ' � , the p�ope�qy or arry portion theteof or Botmwer's t�41e the�etu, Qie vaG�n►or prioritq of tfle lie� c� �+Y� t ..,��:
<br /> �' �` g�tq Tnst�ent, or t1�e rlgmts.or pawers of�.ender or T� �ith res�t to tbis S�itS► Ins�e�t as the ��_°-..
<br /> �.,.V.` r;- "94'r
<br /> `' c. . . pmpesty. AU�of action of Bmmarer. afie�et a�be�ioze�or afier the dats of the Secarity Im��ent. � -
<br /> . damage or i�aq to the �v�tty or any part d�ere� or in cormearon wlth anq aaRSaction �nanced in w�ote or in
<br /> " � part by Q� Woceeds of t'6e Note or any other note s�DY tbis Sec�itF'inswment bp lender, or in oonnecaon � �
<br /> ' ( �`� wtth ar aff�ing d�e Fiogercy ar aus:�att tttereof, includ'usg cam�s or as�n arising in wst or cunaacx and�o�- '�
<br /> .���. `: �... � . andthe ;aceeds th� . �;�.-:
<br /> –.:�:<--_:. tQ� P e�-��:_:
<br /> -� • action for�aud or conrealraent of a mafeciat �aCE,are.at taende�s aption,asss�d �sonable attomayrs'fees.. -.r.«.•
<br /> °� � sball be paid�iraxly w I.ender who,afte�!Qeductin8 therefmm alt its eapeases, includlAg
<br /> .. ' ' ` ..r ..� iq sp�h pmceeds to�the s�ns secuied by flie Se�ndtq 1nsuQmens or to any deficiency nnder the Se�ty _ �`��.,_-'
<br /> " ' Y� themof, as I.ender may e2eq. I.ender map.at its �
<br /> ' �,`.��_�:'..,�.' � . Inmu� or maq ielease anp moaies sa received by it ur any pact . �"",--�
<br />- : . ' optiom,�peaz in and pms�nte in its own a�me anq actEon or pnncee�B W enforre any sarl►canse of acdon aud may �-{_�:.
<br /> n
<br /> �:�--.
<br /> � . . . . m�e anY comPmmise .oi seulc�meat thereof. Bosrower ag�es io exe�ate such fartIIer as�gameats a� anY oti�er .._,�_
<br /> `, ���y iasuu�ents as fimm time w time may be ne�a�Y to effectaate sbe foregoiug P�ons and as Lender sllaall�eqnest. ��°_`:-
<br /> `�.';s�:` .: Bc��tower st�aU atso �e ia defanit if Bomo�c�r, fi�g the loaa app�cadon.Pmeess. Save mate;iaUy fatse or , �_;:...1
<br /> ; ;;�: —.-;._-
<br /> .. . '� :,: inaaauate infrn�mation or�statements to L�ea�er' (or failed.to Dm�nde Lender wltb any matenal. mfo�a�on) �n�. =-�
<br />�,:y; . connecdon �vIth the loan evidenced�by the Note.inctadinS,bat uot 1'imited to.rePreseata�ong concemin$Hprrower's �°",
<br /> .�`��`� ses�denoe. If this S�Instzamens is an a teasetu�d.Borruwe�sball vomF�y ��=
<br /> . �..;.�,,� occ�agansg a�fthe Prapetty asap� . .
<br /> � , .. .�;'�� with all th�provisians of the tease.If Soirower asquims fee dde ro the Ptx�erty,the leasehold aad the fe�ude s5a3 _
<br /> � • W
<br /> . .�'• . � . . � �not merge untess Lender agrees_to the merger in wrlting. � . �"
<br /> � � 7.� Pcata�ian of�x's RigLis in We Pmgectq. ff Boauwer fails ta perfona �e covenants and a�ments �-.
<br /> .. . contained in this Seca�rity Inctmmeat, or diere is a Iegal pmceeding ti�at may signi�cautly aSect Lea+der's rlghts in the . _.
<br /> -. . g;�■'t3 :�h as a p:c� s� ��P�Y. pmhare, far wnd�mnatiaui or farfeitnte or to �enfo�ce Iaws or
<br /> .. . floms then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessaz9 to prntect the value of the Pmpetty and�ender s �__:__'
<br /> � ?, , a tIen wtucb has priority aver this.
<br /> • � rights ia the Pruperty. Lender s acdans may include paying any sams s� by. as ;�';:
<br /> . . • earing in caurt.Iraying�reasonable.a�sneys'fees and enteriag on the•Pca erty to maEce iepairs. �-;• _=
<br /> � Seco�iry InsG�ument, aPP p . �=`' _
<br /> , � . . Althongh Lender may.take ac don u u der t h i s Q a r a g r a P h 7,I.e n d e r d a e s n a t U a v e w do so. �..,,-
<br /> � � Any amoonts d�barsed by Lend�er under tlris pa:agiap8 7 shall beoome addidonal debt of Boanwer secured bY _ �_;-,
<br />'� � ,..,� .. . Qils Security Iasaameut. Untess Banow�r•ansl LRnder agree to other t�ra� of PaYmeut. tbese'amounts shall beaz ---
<br /> �-.
<br /> �� . .; i�enest fr�om t�e date of disbucsemeIIt at the Note rate in effeet fro�dme to ame and shaII De paya6le,wiih intecesh. .�::
<br /> •.;„�.. .�� . upon notice from Lender to Botrower�eclnespng paymen� . . �'=,`'
<br /> ' � �. D�iaat�Irs�oe. If Lender reqaired moatgage insu�ance as a conditioa�of mataing the loan secareA by this
<br /> . .. � • • Secvai Insutunont. Hoimwer st�tU paY the pnmiums reqoired to nnaWain the mortgage ins�uance tu effec�If,for ��',�'~`
<br /> � b Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect,Bo:rower shall pag
<br /> ��, � : � � any reason,tbe mortgage imsuraace covemge requ�l Y
<br /> ' , ; :�• ,�� the preminms require0 to obtain wverage snbstandally eqnivalent to the mort�age IASarance previously in effect.at . `-,
<br /> ►�--`-
<br /> . . eut w the cast to Bamawer of the mong�e iasu:ance grevIanslY ia�f�t,�m an���� °�``.
<br /> . . a cast subsmntiaUy equival
<br /> . . � mortgage l�uer appmved �y Le�der. if sutistandatly eqn�valeni mongage insarance caveraSe is not available, �
<br /> � Borrovrer siialt pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insarance prelNun► being =�
<br /> :�. � � paid by Borrawer when the insu�ance cmre�age lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wI11 acr,ept, ase ansl ietain ti,
<br /> • � these payments as a loss reserve in lleu of mortgage insurance. Loss reseive payments may au longer be required. at .
<br /> � . � the opdon of Leader,if mongage insu:aace coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender �qaires) pmvldecl ..
<br /> ''' � by an lnsuret apqroved by Lender agatn becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the premiums tequired . •
<br /> `'"' • , to�a9naiA mortgage insurstnct in effect.or to provide a loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance
<br /> J , � • ends in acoordance with auy w�itten a�reement between Borrower and Lender or apylicab2e law.
<br /> � .. � g Ynspect�oa. I.enQer a's Its�eat may�ake reasonable entries upan a�l inspectinns of the pnopeny. Lender
<br /> . sha12 give Bunower nntice at the dme of or prios to an inspeedon specifying�teasonable cause for th:inspec6oa. �
<br /> �. �� ' ' g0.C�nQ�a�on, The pmceeds of any award vr claim for damages, ditect.or canseqaendal, in connect�on wtth " _
<br /> . � � ' any condemna6fln or ot�er tatdng of any part of the Pmperty. or fai comeyance in lieu of condemaation. are herebY
<br /> � assigneA an0 sLall 6e paid to Lender. � Lender may apply,use or release the condemnadon proceeds in the same. .
<br /> a
<br /> - r � '' maaner as provlded in paragtaph 5 6ereof with respect to insurance pmceeds. •
<br /> • If the Pcopeny is abaadoneA by Borrower, or if.�Rer t�odce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to
<br /> "' � make an award or setde a claim for clamages. Borrower fails to responcl to Lender wlti�in 30 days after the date the
<br /> �. notice is glven,Lender as authorized to coltect and apply the proce�ds.at iu apdon. either to mstoradon or repair of .
<br /> � �� � �., the Propeny or to the sums secured by this Security lnswment, whether ar not then due. .
<br /> t�n Fa�n1►�e�ac�nertS �►•a�� .
<br /> c nert au /�
<br /> , no�ca syssm,.me.reoo�ea¢i� Paga 3 of 7 — l 1�i' .
<br />_: �'�. -• - �_..: Banower ini�.3ala )f /�/
<br /> ,. -- � ° —•
<br /> , � � � NeFmr.os __ ..ORIGINAL - . . .,,,_�! � �
<br /> ---r•-•••-:-
<br /> . t,.T._....r�+....�... .-.-_ .'—.-'_..._--`---+ . ^ . -. .v.,.n._.....�.....-.�a.•-�.r--Y^-.�....�,.�..r+•- , t'., �5 . _"_
<br />� . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .._ . .. . . . . .. � . . . . . � . . . .. . • . . �1�.�. , ... . e . 'l• _.. ._��..._. - .
<br />