F� s- . .{�+,a; �-' ;(�', � � . : . . .� ��.,.,..r.�cn,.'�c�� � -
<br /> ' ��. ' _ '' _'_"_ _ ' .c_. _.3_ .-.-^`_'t+.^:. �"' -
<br /> , . ,
<br /> . , sA�� _ ._ _ . - .. —_ _ __, _ _— — — ' _ , _ _ . �. — . .; ..
<br /> ,l. t'- a� 'S. ., sl' -` _ , d� ��Y fe� °�rf �a.... t .
<br /> , � �.. '�-'r r c �:� `_ (�; ' s � < ``4 • � t` i . , t,• ,. . .F,, ��. o
<br /> ` r1r� .F�.c.�,.r..t�� F `'�?.`. (E'`U Fs- r. .. F,., "* _. r i � -t' P`_ `�: Lr` r�� r •�4. i �� v .. �c'c�2. Q�..*. j 4L� �.
<br />' - F • �:,'_y_ct` .s`c y :`r' � -�'�.
<br /> �, ' f C . " . . . t . `��4�.
<br /> � • . � � � ' . .��. . `.
<br /> �. .�c+`ti,� , ��'t', <• � • • . ` . • ��� 8��� . ' �-.' ��,�.�t
<br />- ,¢r C • . � � . . .. . . � .Q.
<br /> �4'-1` . . • _ ' ,
<br /> . `-` `.-, ' . ' - �..�,�f ,�
<br /> � °' ti vr t�es zvritt�u�dc� of any imesdgasion. st�t�.detn�. L�wsuit or nth�r actian � .�`t
<br /> � � ea�s�P� y.�
<br />-�. `+: ;��`�..�' :`. . �y�Y g�r� or regWatory egeasY ut Private patty iavaSvtng t� �r.tty an�auy Haara+r�rrus Sabsms�sse or i�
<br /> SmrImnmeasal Law of�vhtcD Bo�m+rret E�a.v act�at �otrrtot�,�e. IP[3orcowEt tents�.or(��ts�dD}ed tiY anY�0��� . ;.`�`
<br /> �- c 1
<br /> �f oi regatamry autnorltq. tbat any�emaval ar alIver remcdlat�un ot e�y Har.ardws �uDsuu�e affecd��ths PtoPertS►�S . ti��
<br /> ���n�' � . .�,�y, Botro�ver s6aU PromD�Y mke atl �tec�asary temedlfll cctlot� tn sccutQattce wtt6 gnvicoutuental La�v. �-
<br /> �, . :<';',' �•;.`�4:: 'Sonower sl�l� Be�oTely iesponslbt� fox.shalt i¢demtdfj►:defend att0 iu�18 t�e� t�:r. Its dLcecturs. af�cets. ��.�:f:';
<br /> ,�=�. �pY�� ����eats�an�their�re�tive avccessars au�essigu�.fsmm�nr!e�afust nnY am!bll ciai�ns�dea�aads. •
<br /> — � of asdnn. toss.�e. aost (inciud�n8 echu�l attomeya' fec3 eM c�tt�ca�is an� c�usts�ot any [eciaired nr :
<br /> - detaxtfioat�tin�oF die PtoF�rt9 �dtu g�i�m �B is�l�ttttt#t�os �f eay c l o s t�r�. � ;.;
<br /> � �P�• ��°P Pr eu0 (i�D1Uty diccct3y o:ladtcectiy arls�4�aut aff '� �:
<br /> t:. ' • a�tement. contt�amsnt, �em�isl tir ather cequltea ptan)� ex�Temse� ��� di�asal. a�ten►ent or .
<br /> �` � . or atoributabte to (s) the u�.8�at§on, store�e� retease. threatc�,tt rel�s. � "�,�`;','-
<br />�` ' �` � Fte�e�se of Hazallo4s Substauces bn.u�et os abo�at the P[v�rry. (b}tize trdtts�tt tq ar fram the P�p2�ty ctif anS► �-;LL.O
<br /> " '4' , Ha�andm� �bsta�v. tc?the v�oiadan af eny Hazardo�s SnDstances law.at�1 CJ)eny�lurrat�us Su6sraaces ctaims.
<br /> .' , � A �
<br /> ' ` ' -. - AS USP.��Q t�9 pStS�Sp��+��SIi�St8II�3`�0"'�S v'tiD5t8[[swCS �vcni�it�iSii�:FF��` A �
<br /> , . ``�' . i�y Smriroa�eatal Iaw aad tDe fo]Iawta,�suDstanoes: gasoUnQ..Beras�ne.mhet Qsmc�bie ur taxic petraicum prmtucts. —�__`
<br /> � �� �:.
<br /> � , 4,
<br /> ., . . �: , t o�f c p�d c i d e s and Q�blctdes� vaSadte.solvents� matetials conts�lnfan t�besta3 at t�atmaldefiyd�. aus1 rad2aacdve . .
<br /> � y :� � . :. : � m��isls: as�ib t&is�ta�an�s ?A.•�nviro�nrat Lsw•me�.v f c c e t a l wws s t�r a w e o t m c l i s r't�d i c t t u� w h�r e � �:
<br /> �s�:�
<br /> . � , the ProPerty+ts loi�ted ahat cetat� to heaYth� safetY or em�imnmcnt�il prowction. , —�-�,
<br /> - `� � . � 23.Aa�:� LenQer s�all givenudce to 8ore�ver p�tor to accckrat3ua ful4ncvtng Rarcuw�or's bceccit ` :,-.
<br /> , ,. �`;���'�4:� � of anY cm+eaaat or agree�ent in ttds�vrtt5► tastnunent (bu1 aat pr�ar to acretamllan uncic� paragr�pb 11 unlasa ,i T�:�
<br />�;�r�. _.. . ','-�:.;
<br /> ' , ''�� �� � applI�able iaw pmvid�s athenvise)•. 7Le audce st�aU sg�if�►c(a)tfle defaulr tb�the ectEos�requir,o0 to cure the defau�t: . - - .:
<br /> . ,,.� (c)a date. �ot �ess t5au 30 daqs fr�the date �he uodcc is givea to$orravrer. by wtit�ir the defaWt must 6e cured; ��'�;;.,
<br /> � ._ ���'�.��` ' and i�)�faiIuie w cure the QefaWt an or Before rhe,dat�speciRed i�tM aat�ce msg�sutt in esceleraticru of the � � �°=�_°'
<br /> � . . .� .. Tde�dc� �ai! f�r iafo� Boirawe� of� �� `
<br /> sums secore0 by t�s S��oa a�udB right ta brIag �actinn co rasseri tho aoa exi�nco af a defaWt ar any. � `,
<br /> . � :` { nglu oo tei�slate efter acce � �' -�
<br /> ms! r�.-==_-
<br /> -'� drfense of Bouoiver ta acceleradon an.d sale. �f die'd e f a u lt i s aot c u r e d on or b e f o r e t�e d a t e s g e c f t i e fl I n t h e t t a�c e. ez},._Tw
<br /> • . '� `; � imuiediate paymeui in tull af all sums securcd by thl�Sesurity Iasmrmeat.wlth4ut . � •M.=�-g.,
<br /> __ ._ Lend� at its apdon rn�y teqnire ticabte fnw.�i.euH�t sha11 � �:�;W`
<br /> ` rusthe,r demaud aaa may im�oke aie pav�et of sate�d any arhet oeiue4les peuuttted by Aqp . ��`�:�
<br /> ;,-' `-��'4� ;: ._ . ae entlded tu callecc at�exyenses iaaured ia�nrsuiug ttce remedles pravtds�ia t4t19 par�Db 21.in�tusiW3.but a� p�e.�..
<br /> �:--.
<br /> "�-, � . . . limited w.�nable astomeYs�fees aad�casts of dde evtdence. .- —_—-
<br /> � ,' . .�U . '� - If the powei of eale is invoged.Tn�stee shatl iecord a aodce af defauIt in each countY in�vtt�cn at►St Qan of th� -,-:-
<br /> � : .� .��> .. . �D�Y is ioraled and s1�U ma�l copigs of suc�uattce fn tiie maaaer presccibed by appllsa6l� lacv to Q4r�ovr�►aad --- --
<br /> . to the ofher pensong p r e s c r t 6 e d �y appiirable taw. After the time rEquired by appllcaDle laa�T�ussee shall�Iv�.gu6fYs . . �-�
<br /> =� �.,.,
<br /> .. , . . . nu d c e o f s a t e t o t�e p e�o n s a a d i n t h e�m a n n e r P�escn'be4 b y a p plicable Iaw. '�nutee: without c(ea�and oa Etanaw�r. �,""�
<br />.c•, � • ,. � ' shalt seU tfle Proq�rtY a!p u 1►i t c aucdon to the hi�est bidQer at the time an0 Place ausl uuder ��d e s�g n a t s fl ---
<br /> �� ' ..: . _ � ia the n�tice of�te in one�or m4re pa�els and#a any order Trustee deta�n�s. Ttusna ma &�te af all . �-:
<br /> ���� ur any pancei nf tDe Pcopeity bY Pn61tc annouucsment at tBe time anil place af anq pmvtoesly r�e0uled �ie. LaaCas 4L�_
<br /> � ��� � ._'4 or i�s d�gnqe maY P�� the'P�'°peroy et an;r�te. . . R` ;'.
<br /> .. �,�,��, Upon nceipe of pay�nt of the price bid,Traute� sha"l delivor to the purc6aset Tcustce's dee0 r�nnveytrt�3 t� � _. -
<br /> � � � , . . pmperty. 'P7ie recidls in the Tcustee's derA sbal!be prlma fasi�evi�[eeace of Me trutb o4the stn.tenients made tAc[ein. ,
<br /> ace
<br /> ' d�e coceEds of the sate iu the following order. (a)to aU wsts and r,�penses af osercising the powez � �i.,-�-:=`,
<br /> •:;. , . - . Tiustee sbaU aPPIY B oFthe Tr�stee's fees�ctually incumd. nnd reasc�nablC ' _ � - -
<br /> �', of sate.ancl the sale.��tudlug.wIthoua limitadon, tho PaYmeut �s=,...
<br /> s:.•. .. . � attomeys'. fees as pemsitted by law:(b)ta a11 sums secureA hy thiis S�udty last�nmem: ae�0(G)auy exce�ta the psrson _-_ _-
<br />� . � . or persama iegaliy entittecl w i� —�u':
<br /> �' . � �2.t3eCauve9a�- UDon Paytnent of all sums secuied by t�is Se�urity Ipstt�rment. Leader shall request Tc�St:.� _ �=�
<br /> �. . . � �r:i'.
<br />:��;� �; tn reconvey the ProPertY and shatl sarrender thts Seciuiry Iastt�sment� fll� 1VUiC 8IW iill O1ttCi QOiCg SCCiIiY.� Gjl�S —_ ---
<br /> ,` � . Se�ty Insuumeas to Tnut�. Tmscee sbail rerumrey the PcoDertY wtthaue warrauty to tha pe�son�r persQns I.�alty ��:
<br /> �.� e.`�y.?-•.�--.
<br /> � . ,� " ': endded thereto. Suc�person oT personq sball pay all fotvuardi�fecs imposea by Lettator�recanveyance fees imposed
<br /> � . � aad a11 costs relattn8 co the resardadon of the recoaveyance of t1��Sesarity[nstntment. �..•
<br /> `:.. by Tmste�, .
<br /> .,,�t<. �.' �.– __
<br /> . 23.�absdture 'iYo�s3ee. Lender may, flram dme to time. by instrument ia wmda8. substitate e saraxssor ot
<br /> . . suceessars ro any Tnistee aansed in the Securiry[nsmtmeni or acdng tlieereuuder. Sucb instrument shali 6e eaerueeQ � �`":
<br /> � and aclaiowIedged by Lsader and cerArBed in the offi�e of the t�rdet of sha cowtry ot cauades whsra t�te Prayerty . �'.:,.,
<br /> ,. � is sit�t� a�l sball be eom,luslve prooE of the proper s�sbstitutton af sucb successar Tnuteo ot Tn+�tees. SucA _ _
<br /> ,' .. successo� Ttustee or Trustees s6all.without comreyance from the predecessor Trustee. succeed to al! (t9 dtlo.essaEp,
<br /> ��' � � rights,PmNers and Quttes. 9'he procedure a=mjn pravlded for subsdtudou of Tnistees dwli nat be exclus9ve of attt�r 'F� :.
<br />`-� � � � � prmrisions for substitution pemiltted by law. �e matdng of oatb or giving of hoxul by Trustee ar any successut Trostco _
<br />�`� ' is hereby waivell by�omower. .
<br /> '�' .� ,' � ?q, R�est far 1�otices. Bormwer requests that copies af the �wtices oY Qefault ar�0 sale he sent tu Bonawer'e .
<br /> xj. . � . .
<br /> � addtess wbich is the Prapetty Address.
<br /> �. ?S. Stat�en! of Ob1}pt3on Fee. 1.ea�r may collect a fre ryu�l ta�he maaimum mm�unt i����ay 1'tum tlmc to
<br /> � � �� time be a�lowed by l�w for furn�shin8 anY statemene of obligadoa.bencfcclary's statement. �Ctt�.ficiutY's�Qanau4 or any .
<br /> other s�nt regarding the condition of or balanse owing under the Note or secvreA by Yh19 Sccurity tnstrwncazt. .
<br /> . � . � . 26. No Adjust�eIIs co Irteces� [�a�o=�tl�y ��• T� H�te wntatns provis#ons wt►tch pn►vtdc fo: tne .
<br /> � . • � � interest rate and the amaunt of the mot►41t1y payment af principal aad interest tu 6e fixed ta maturity. Ti►c�.e Gtavi!�G�ns
<br /> ` .�.. are iacorporatecl hereia by Wis refereace. .
<br /> � . " 27, �ffse,ts. Nv indebtedness secured 6y this Security Instnimeat shall bc decmed w have hcen of6set m tn tw
<br /> . offset or compensated by sili or part of any claim.c,ause uf acdnn, countentatm or cr�isscinin�.wirethrr liquidated nt �
<br /> ' ., unliquidate�l. wliicb Boaawer(or.subject ta pa:agre►pA 17 of this Secudty iiutrument. eny suitc�sst►t to Fh+rmwts� tt�w .
<br /> � � � � _ or hereafter may Gave ur may cfaUn to have agalns� l.ender.
<br /> • � ' � Zg, �nn an0 Nandlstlosute. Burrower has rr�sie ceria3n wiitren rcpresentatiuns �nd clisclnsures iii
<br /> � � order to tnduc� Ixnder ro make tLe loan evi�te�ued by the Note or antes �vhich this SewrUy I�utiument secures. �snd
<br /> ,, -,.. '- --� t�an �ncrn w►'t$euacxnees U�v.031� "
<br /> — : — Va o�oi i .,. � ._
<br /> ' ' oaa�mrn s7n�enn.t�.«o�aao.ur2 � P
<br /> • • . [iottowcr initials ' z...� � �
<br /> ' � ORIGINAL . �,' ;
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . NL'FbOL69 '°
<br /> . . . �
<br /> , .,. �.....--�--i—•r--^� . L . . . ,. . . _ � . .�:
<br /> ..
<br /> " ' '_ '._ . � __ ..' __._'. _..._ _ . ...... .. . .... .. i- .._ ... . .. . . _. .. _.. . . . ... �. ., .
<br />