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<br /> � � � " '���.. • • � ' � t3/S�� , rs
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<br />:s .�° :.° covst�t�rres. Hoaower and�ooveu� ��gorrnwer si�all pmmptiy PaY w�dae tbe ' .``,A.
<br />� "�� : �.` 1. F�qasr�t of�1�d�� an$la�ci�a�s dae nnder the Nate: �`�''. �-'
<br /> , princip�l of an,d iaten�st an die debt evideaced bY ti�e Noae and anp P�ePaYm� � . << `
<br /> n'4 5:� � ��vp Snbject m.appli�te ta�v or w a wriuen vvaiver t�r L� Ba�� Ls„`�. .
<br /> : ° . '> 2. �mds saY T�ces and ...----- °F�ds•) �'"_
<br /> .,� �° `'�:`�. pay ta LeaJer on the dag momhly payments ue dne ander the Note.unn7 the Note is paid in fall,a snm( ,, _-,�.
<br /> � t�es and a�ents wlucb ubsY a�n P�osily over this Seruuty Insteumient ss a lien oa the PrQF�9; =x�.
<br /> . " �� << �or.(a)yea�y Ytapetry. if aztg+(�} Y�P t�rd or gropect�► ms�uance> :�.t�`�
<br /> �'��`'�,."`' (b) Y�IY IeaseBold paymenls or Sc�wid �nts on dre � in.�►u�nce Pr�n�ums. if any:and(�anY �
<br /> ° -,. 4�'''�'. p�iva� (� Y�Y Sood ins�ance P� ��9:{e)YeatJy � g,ia lieu of dne payment of
<br /> _ -. �ns�qab�e bp Bosmwet tv Ixnder. in acxozdaaoe wiih the plmr�siuns af pagagmP� , �,•
<br /> .f � � - - .mort�ge insutance P�.�se ioems.aTe caIIed'F.scmw I�s."Lender may,���• loan may��re4ai�e for `:
<br /> • ��'l t-�{ in an anwbnt not to eacee�the maxTumnm amaunt a tender for a fedeia]iy te� mortgaSe �' '�7
<br /> ' '�':,��"=`'. �� Boaower's e�cmw 2sconnt�ader the fedeta�:Reat Es�te Seittemegt Pc�e�s At�of 1974 as ameuded frum dme µ�`
<br />� �' � m dms, 12 U.S.C.�Z601 et se4•(°It43SpA�.ant�another Iaw tBat applies t4 d�e Faads sets a tesser am�at. If �';�y":
<br /> c o l l e c t a n d hoId Fnnds in an amoant nat w exceed the fesser amouat. I,eadet map -=
<br />'�.��, . so,Lender maY.at a��:.. ,t..o��P ��eia�f caisent data and reasanable estimates of exPe�N�s af fntnt�e �`�-,.°'�
<br /> _ , e�-t¢G-�iivi .n*,�.."` -
<br /> .'� EscmW Itans or 0�in&CCOrdaaace ari4t appltcable law. � ��'�-'
<br /> '� a federai a .i�t9. +�r Ea.tisY ;�-,
<br />_ `�t:. 'i�Faads sball be helA in an inslitarion,zvh�se deP���`�P �y . .":
<br /> ` . (in�iuding Lend�r if Let� is ss��an it�sdeudoaj or in,a�ry Feder� Hame L�an BaN�-��T�tjnds�Y�Y� �''• ;;�t>
<br /> to.�rap die.Ssc�w Yte,ms. L�ender maY not cl�arge Boim�rer for IwIBing and app yinS � '�
<br /> • :`` the escmw accarani, or vesif9ing the Escrow It�s:unte�LeBder�paqs Baa�wer ia�rest on die Pands and app�atsle ,�� .
<br /> ' r �•;�'. . Bormwer to pay a one-tims cbarSe for au �. �r•.=,
<br /> { ` , law pemri t s I,e n d e r w m a k e sach a c h a r 8e. However,Lender maq�e . �
<br /> °•. conn�dan with tt�is 1oan. unt?ss._aPP l i s a b l e I a w •. .'..
<br /> . '.,•Y: ;.r�:-.. iudepes�ent rea3 estaie tmc�zePosdng.sesvice�A b�I�ader ia � to be paid,I�der st�ali rat�be � ��;G,T
<br /> . , . ''F' pmvid�s:othetwise- Ualess an�ement Ls made or apglicab2e 1a����a.nd LeAder may agree in writii1g;Dowevei. ~.
<br />- ., _��"�'. - . :to pay Bonawer aay�st or w=mags on the Faa�s. .� an armnal accaauriug afthe ����.
<br /> . . ';" , ��est sl�all ls�pai�l on the,Fands. Lender shall g€vetv Bflauaeer,wi �e+ .� . -
<br /> , : •'`..� Punds sLow�uS cmdits an0 debits w the Fund�au4� P�P�e for wbich each debit w the Fau�7s was made. � ._e
<br /> . � . Faads aze pledged as addidonal ser,ariry for alt sams sec�ual isY tt�s Secmrity Iastrament.
<br /> _ � `_ , :_�� . � If We Fnacts held bp Leader exc�ed tbe amc►unts Pemutoed w be tiel�bq applicat�le law,Lsnder,sHaU account w , 'T'
<br /> �S � Bunreiver for t�e eacess�Pands tn ascoidance �s �?�P�c�e taw.lf tLe amotuut of the Fimds hgtd �
<br /> `. the&crow Items�vhen due.Lender may so untify Boirow�r in wrifmg, �L'_
<br /> : •.. bp I�endet at anY f�a is aot saffide�w pay w make ap the de@denrY. Ba�aoiver shall make � _ �—.
<br /> ,. ` . apd,ia such Ease B+Rtmwer sball pay to Le��s�tfle auwunt ne�saN . �--
<br /> _ .. . •.� . up�deSclencY an sio more tLan taveive r�onti�IY FaYments• at Lender's sole discredon. • �:
<br /> � m i n f a ll o f a 1 1 s a m s s e c a r e d b Y t h i�S e�n d t y Wsaument, l�ender sbatl prompdY refimd w Borrower . �:-___
<br /> � .`�;±.:��; :�`�: t1�on payme 21,I.enda ahall acquite nr se11 the Property, Lender, Prlor to the ��... �
<br /> . any Fonds Hetd hY Lender. If.undeY Puagmp�► don or�le as a csedit °`g'w'—:
<br /> � y sbaU aPP1Y�F F�LeId by Lendei at rhe 6me of aoq�si
<br /> _ :'"� ' , ' • ' acquisit�on ar sate of the PropertY A_�
<br /> ,
<br />== ag2inst'the sa�s s�cut+ed bY d�is SecurItq Ias�t�menL affierCVtse P Ymeata =ecets�UY I.euder nadet ' �'r�
<br /> � � 3. A�1i� mf Pa�. un'�s appllcable law pravIdes � � a �
<br /> ��:���;�.� � eat es dae under the Nate: �.:�,,;.:
<br /> . paiagra�p2is �1 amd 2 shall be apPlied in d� foltawEng orQ�s: fizst�to a�►Y P�P�. � �-�'--
<br /> 2 s due;ad4 Iast,to anY� --—
<br /> � �second, to amflunts payable under PatagiaDb 2;third, to interest due;.fonrth, ro P�P�
<br /> .� . . . . '` cbarges Cue wtdes �e Note. , r mo , deefl of uast os . . -°`�°
<br /> - . '. .. 4. � 1��.c- Borrower sbaU perform all of Bonower s obligadens unde et►Y rtga�e . �:;,,::
<br /> � ' � oiker seaultY ag�men� wltb a lien wbich�priority over this Securlt!►���• �luding�nowei's covenpn4s .;�_:
<br /> �,,, when due. Any defanlc 4+�Bormwer aader any s:cb m.artgage, deed of tr�t_ ot other secarit�l �'
<br /> � W uaake PaY�� ai canse to be paid all .-�;_.
<br /> .. .. . aake
<br /> �.:. � �. � . � - � agr�m�ent shaU be a default nnder tbis��auit�►I�s�um�nt and the Note. Bouower vlhich ma attain a prie�s�r bver . ���.`�
<br /> ;, �. . , ; ta�ces.as�ems and other c�arges,��es aud imPos�tioas atqIbntable w the Propert9 `� obl�gatiuns ui the =`_�:
<br /> tbis Sewnty Insuament, and teased�old paymews or groimd ieents.if afl3►. Borm�ver sLall PaY �s�:.�
<br /> . A S,
<br /> 4, � .� maaae�provided ia ParagYaph 2,or.if noi paiQ in tLat ma�r►Boaower sball pay them oa ti�:�Y to the person ; �;�_.
<br /> ovred pa�►men�i.. Borrawer shuU prampQy finmish w Lender all aodces of am�ts to be paid t�er t�is paragtaPh-
<br /> � � � IY Borrawer makes these paymetus dire�lS►. Borrower shaU promPUY fumish to Lendei receipts evIdenc�ng �the �-_�-
<br /> i:;� �' paymenta. . �k the �mpmvements now eais6n8 or hereafter erected on � ��-,
<br /> . 5. Hamr� oi Fmt�tY 1� Hortower eeD �'�j-
<br /> _ . ,..�:�- ��� � the P�operty insured�agaiust loss bY fue,tiaFZrds inctuded wifhin the�cezm "excended coverage"and any other hazards.
<br /> . inctnding tloods or Qoadtng,fos wl�ch Le�r req�ses i�ce. '�is inse�saace st�all be maintaiued in tfle amannts
<br /> , sh�ll be chosen 6 Bonower �'^"
<br /> - . ar,�for the pedods that Lender cequires. 74ie insurance c�rrler pmviding tLe insuratue Y �-�:
<br /> . �'� ,. . :: � snlsject to Ixnder's agpmval wHlcb s1�a11 uot be unreasonably wlthheld.lf Borrower talls W maiatain covetage dessn"Ued =�: �..
<br /> � . . Leuder ma ,at Lender's op6on,obtaia coveiage to protect Lender•s rights in the Property in accurdance with ��:�:
<br />�� a6we, Y �
<br /> .- ' patagraph 7. - �`_.
<br /> � � All lnsuiance Dolictes and renewals staU be acceptabls to Lender ami sLall inctude a ssa�at�ff mortgage clause. i
<br /> ;t�. . l.ender shall have the right w hold the policies sud renewals. If Lender reguires, Borrower s�all promptly give,to
<br />-�.. • . Lender all receipts of paid premiutns and renewal nodces. tn the event of loss.Borrower sht�ll glve prompt nntice to
<br /> the insivance carrier and Lxnder. Lender may make Proof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> � Unle�l.endet aad Bonower othenvise agree in wridng,an3►imurance pr°cee�s sha�1 be applied fust to reimbiuse ��
<br /> �;��,.. �. • Lender forcosts a�e�penses in�vrred in wmtecdon witb obtaiuiag any such lnsuiance praceeQs. anil then,at i,ender's
<br /> � in sucb order and p�portion as it may detesadne in its sote and absolute discredon. and regardless of any
<br /> � � opdon� :.
<br /> imp�irmem of security or lack thereof: (i)to the sums secured by tbis Sec�rity lastn�ment, vuhether or not then due.
<br /> � .� �,.`.. and to such components thereof as Lencter may detetmiae in its sole and gbsolute discretion, and/or(ii)to Botrower �
<br /> � �. � � to pay t�e costs and expea�es of necessary repairs or restoradon of the Property co a condidon satisfactory to Leuder.
<br /> � � � If Borrower abandons the Pmpeny,or does not aaswet witt�in 30 days a nodce fmm Lender that the insatauce cartier
<br /> ' . :,. has offered to setue a elaim. Lender may colleet the insu_�� proceecls. Lender may. in its sole aiul absolute .
<br /> - . . -, discredan� asd regardless of any imDairmeat of secutiry or Iack thereof. use the procee�s to repair or resrore the
<br /> � . � . propeny or to pay the sums secuned by t1�s Security Instzwnent, whether or not then due. The 30�day period will .. .
<br />'�•.� . .
<br /> , � begin vfien the ao8ce is given. ••
<br /> �;� . .. ' � r�► t�ocpn sw'lx vttac�►eRS �ev.o3r� :
<br /> ' - _ - � crr���r��.o�.�s�m ca¢�� P�ge 2 of 7 •
<br /> �., $otruwcs it�ftials �� � �.
<br /> , � ORIGINAL ;. � . .
<br /> e�voT.os TT_..__—.__�M- •• ;e` _ .,�_...,,..-. ..� --- -- --- . " �.._.,-..,-�.-- ^.t__;—:,�_._ _,....:
<br /> . _ .-- `- `-- ._. _,..y..,�__'�...�� ., _., _ .,� _, . ��,_ . ,. _ _ �._ � _.., . .._ ,. . .__ _ . . _,. _ . ,. . � ._ _ .._ .,_ _ _ ._ .
<br />