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<br /> • `all reaeon�le costs atad e�,oen�os af the saae, includiaq bn't aot �:•. r;, .r:;
<br /> � �' � `� .` �� limited to, Truste�'e �ees of aot m+ore tliaa i.�s� of the gsass , . -. .
<br /> � .�• ;�.:� :
<br /> ,':�,.�;� �:�.�. . . . , . ..
<br /> sale price, reasonable a��oacaep fees satd co�ts of title evfdeacef :�. � ., ,
<br /> ,. � �,�� (b�• to.a12 eums e�cured by this Deed of �icnsty sad,t�Q�tth pex' . � ��� 1 :-
<br /> �ese, �f ��, ..� �� ���� 3� pe�naa�us 2�.33g sa..a.t�__ !�__r.eta � � ::
<br /> � - � � " Aay p�rsono iucludinq Hen�ficiarp• maF Pn�ah�se sa�d propertp �t � ;:.
<br /> ��;
<br /> . , '�,� eaid eal�. :�°`
<br /> .•.
<br /> f..'
<br /> ' : .K.,�:�T: The person conduct�ag tiie sale �ag, for aay cause he ox she =-�-.�-- =<
<br /> - de@ms �xper�.ieat, postpone the aale from tims �o time nn4�i7: 3.t
<br /> ����c� shall be �omp].e�ed and; in everg such case, natice o� postgxone- � �
<br /> � `. �•.�, meat ghall be qivea by public declsratioa thereof bp such pesson � ` i ..
<br /> �,�'� �,� ' . at the ti�� and _place last appainted for the sale: Pravidesl, if _ z ��-
<br /> i, ./ .�: 5
<br /> �'� :r . . �he a�Ye is postponed for lonqer thaa one (1) dap bepo n�d t he d a t e �': =:-=��-=1
<br /> . . � deaignated in the netice of eale, aotiae thereof ehall be given . ���%�F_-��-
<br /> .:.,',. � 3.n ths sa� manneg a� the oriqinal notice of eale. , -
<br /> . - � 1�E. Remedies Not Bxclusi.va. Trus�ee and Heneffciasg��and .�., _
<br /> . � ` .``,`�,.. • each of �them, shall be entitled to ea£orce �payment, and p rm :.;
<br /> . ,".:,�.;�_
<br /> - � `;: 4 � ance of aay iudebtedness or obliqatiaa s�cnred hereby and to ex- . � y�,-__.
<br />:r`�� . .� � � f� � � �eacci.se al� r3glsts and powere nnder th9.s Beed of Truat or uader _
<br /> .. ' aag loan instrnm�nt ar _other agreeIICent or any Iaals.nor or l�ee�at- �^�`°:;� '
<br /> � � ..� ..: ' "; " ...
<br /> ..:� . ; `.. ter�eaforced, not�the�aading some or all of the #.adebteda�ss and __;:?,.: �
<br /> _:.� -.-- .�°, .
<br /> � z �; obligatione secyred he�eby� �thi.ch may aoe� or he�eafter be o�her- ;jt;. =�'.
<br /> � nise aecnred, �hethor by uiortc�ag�, deed off trnst, pledge, liea, _.: .,,
<br /> r'•;: �: ��• :R`�"�` assignmeat or othesvaies. Neither the acceptaaae of thio Deed oi� :-�..�.y=,.
<br /> ` �` �' ' Trast nor ite enforaem+aat, whether by aoi�rt action or purefaan.t to ;_�;_:�
<br /> ' �.�...�
<br /> _ °� � : :�`_��' the pa�,rer af sale or �ther poweta be�efn aoatained, sital� pre�n• � �, _
<br /> T, �-°�
<br /> - � 'r` • � � diae os ia anp manner affect Trustee•a ar Heneficiazy'a riqht to ,y,
<br />_ • realize upon or�enforce aay other �ecuritp nora or he7ceafter held
<br /> . ,,:. eae- ��,-•
<br /> '� " by Trnetc�a or Henefiaiary, it beia�g agre.c3d t�t Trustee aad B ____�-.--
<br /> � � ' � � £iciary, and each of thent,. ehall be ent5��8ed to enforce f�.s b�ed� � �__
<br /> `�r. of Trast aad any other s�a�s�1�y aot� or here�fter held by �' �� . =� :
<br /> ��. _-=
<br /> - -�-'- � .. Beaeficiasy or Txustee ia a�ach o�er and manner as thep, .ca� ei- �'-==_":- -
<br /> axs �
<br /> . . � ther of them, map in theis absolu�e discr�tfon�defiermi.ne. No �. :•,--
<br /> �__
<br />_- � ' �� . remedp hereia con�erred u�oon or reserved to Trustee or•�e�efici- � ��
<br />= � � is icateaded to be esclusive of aay other remedy her�� or bp �,_�����'-�.-_.
<br /> . � . � provid�d or permitted, but each shall be cumulative ciad shall �;_W,.� _
<br /> ' be in additi.oa to enery other remedy given herenn�ler or naw or ,
<br /> � .. hereafter existing at lac� or in equity or by statute. Svery r. ''
<br /> .'•r' T-
<br /> � - e loaa inetruments to Truate� �-�-:±�___ �
<br /> power os remedy givea bp any of th , .
<br /> + �� ��, � or Beaeficiasy or to wbich efther af them may be otheswiee. enti- � �- _
<br /> � �`". ��. tled may be exercised, concurrentlp or independeatly, from time �_-__
<br /> .` � ta �ime and as aftiea ae may be deemed exgedieat by Trustee or
<br /> � � Heasffciary, and either oP theffi m�y pureue 3.ncone3steat remedi.es. '. ; ,_:-
<br /> _.,.� „�;� '� � Nothinq here£n shall be constzued as pro�ibiting Beneficiary fsom _. - -
<br /> � � seek3ng a deficiency iudqment againat Trustor to the extent �uah �--_,_-.._
<br /> • � • •. � . action fa permi��ed lay law. • -
<br /> ,. . r
<br /> � 15. R�est for Netice. B�aetor lnereby requests a copy af ,
<br /> any �eotice of de88ult and that aag notfce of sale herennder be .
<br /> . � . mailed to Trustox at the addreea set fozth in the �Eirst paragraph
<br /> �� � � � � of �his Deed o� Truet. , . •� .
<br /> - � � � 16. Ap�o3ntment of Succeseor Trustee. Beneficfas'y atay• . .•.
<br /> - from, time to time, by a�ritten fnstrument executed and acknowl- � .
<br /> '' � � ` edged by Beaeficiazy, mailed to Truetor and recorded in the ., �
<br /> � � . County ia which the property ie leca�ed aad by other��iee comply-
<br /> - . ing cvith the provfeions of the applicabl� law of the State of Ne- . .
<br /> - � � braska, subatitute a succeasor or auccessora to the Trus�ee named ,
<br /> ' -- - herein or actiaq hereunder. : .
<br /> � � 17. Succeseors and Aesiane. Tbis Deed of Trnst applies to, . �
<br /> � � � �� aad inure� to the benefit of, and binde all parties hereta, theix
<br /> -� heira, leqatees, devisees, personal repreaenta�ivee, euccessore �
<br /> � ' � . ' aad assigna. The term "Haneficiary" shall atean the own�r and . _
<br /> �older of the note, whether or not named as B�neficiary herein. . ... .
<br /> • 18. Beneficianr•e Powera. Without affectinq the liability .. .
<br /> � ' of anp other person liable for the payment of any obligation �. •�.
<br /> � � . � ' herein mentioned, and ��ithout affecting the lien or chatge of •.
<br /> � � thie Deed of Truet npon any portion of the property not then or .
<br /> ; . _ -__ _-_ � �.
<br /> ,� •�
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