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<br /> �`d. ��< <^`�n,�'`.L eue gor or othes�ise aollect the ��ntg �- ��� ������ (n''`
<br /> . i ;
<br /> t< : . siaes and proffto t�ier�of, includiag �hose . . `r.
<br /> �4 '
<br /> � pa�t dua euad uap�id� �nd apply the eame, Iess °"�.;..
<br /> -` ,''�i, ,..�� •
<br /> • �:';. �<'�' aos�s aad expenses af op�ratioa ead Qollee- < .,=°,:.`...,
<br /> � � �� �� = tfon, inaludinq �ttorney geee, apon eny ia- •
<br /> �,,-,E �t�aes€� ��crii�st Inesebp, aIi in euch or�er
<br /> . << � :� as Beneficiary ffiay detsrmine. %'he entesia� . �'�:
<br /> :;�`.:, f .��.�-_' upon aad takiag posseseicn of the trnst es- , ���� ���`"`
<br />_� >.__: ,_,���. �a$e, �hQ aollec�.vn of euch �ea�s, f�aues
<br /> s-t—� a� progf�a and applic�tioa thereo� as afore- � ��� - .
<br /> .'< , .: . `;�,' a�id sh�ll ao� aure or waive aay dgf�nl� or `
<br /> ; . .. ..
<br /> ���. . no�fae of default hexeu�ader or fnnai3da�e aay ..�'f'.`
<br /> Y ' ' �� ¢ act aad in respnns� to such defa�a].t or purau- ..'�L-`.
<br /> ,• .'. c�,;; ant to su,c8 raot.�.ae of alefaul� and, mote�ith- .-`�.,,
<br /> � �.:�.�:_:
<br /> s4�aadiag �hs con�fanaace in poseesafon of the
<br />_,`. .",•. .� ;; �'r:.. -'.
<br /> E..� ;.__ �� �• property a� the collectioa, reae3pt aad ap- ` ����_�
<br /> lic�tfoa of rea�s isauea or ' r� ��`���
<br /> F�'� �'�.:.��� .:� . �` � P • protita, Tsne- �, �
<br /> ` � � ' tee or Beneficfary m�� be entitled to exer-
<br /> l<� ' ' '�9. �
<br /> €� ,��.� . � ..� :,.: • cise �verp rfg�t psovi.ded for ia any of the ��- �,•.-�
<br /> loan inatrnmenta or by lav� upon oc��rr�ace of = -°_:
<br /> a; �°°" aay eaent of default, iucludfag the right to ��`� �
<br />��;. ` exercise the pocrer of sa�e; �`:r+=-_
<br /> r .. . . . ' .-r t,'.F�.
<br /> �;t.�`c`.:,... : �'..�-��_ ' �..•-'v.;,=�:_:i-_.
<br /> �.� -.: �.......;�:• tb) � co�uence on actioa to €nzeclose ' :. ,.
<br /> 7..,. "
<br /> • - thi.s Deed of Trus� as a mortgage, appoint a •`�,��..--:
<br />;� �', receiner, or spe�ifiaally eaforce aap af �he '.;�:�:,-
<br /> r: • .`� � � aoveaaaLs bereof; •�t-i>�:;;�-_
<br />_- • ,_�ff�,_ �
<br /> y�.. �.:
<br /> pT.- :,;.����.._.:.,:.. (c) deliver to �Tsnstee a �r�ri�tea decla- � __
<br /> ��
<br /> r�,�� �. s� �� � . x�tfon of def��alt aad demaad for eale, and a ��i
<br /> �:-��� �. � ���:; writtea notice of deEault and electfon to �;��'
<br /> .,k . . .cauae Trnstor•s fatereet in the prope$tp to �;�_�
<br /> �:;��.�. .� �::�:��� ;;�, 1oe sold, c,�biah aotice Tntstee sha11 cause to � ==---
<br />� bs duly filed for secord fn the offfcial rec- �� '..
<br /> � ;� '� orde of the countp iri which th� propertp is ����� ��
<br /> �; . �� � located. � �
<br /> n . . . . . �_..._
<br /> �r:''. .. ; .. . �•: .
<br /> � � 13. Porec�oaure bg Power of Sale. Shoald 8eneffciasy elect ��� '_
<br /> ' � ta �os�:clASe by exercise og the pcwer of sale hereia contaf.ned, ~ .:�.�-.. :
<br /> -�' � � � � ��� Beneficfar� sha].1 notffy Trustee and ehail depoait c�itla Trustee - `���r�
<br /> t' � r thfs Deed of TrusL and the aote and auch recei.pte aacl ev3.dence of ��'"��n� �
<br /> �.`: .. . , �:: . :?�:Z_.�.
<br /> ;��,: � �� . ,:.� r expenditures made and secnted hereby as Tr�tstee may requ�.ze,, and -=�=�=
<br /> �;:: , , : upon request of the Beneficiary, �the Trustee shalZ file for rec- � � � °`�;';;.�;
<br /> � ,' ord, in the Regf.eter of Deeds offiae in the-County �where the •, .�, -
<br />� : . � psopertp is loaated, a notice of defaulto set�ing far�h the nanae � _ �
<br /> � • •�� - of the Ts�nat�r, .�he ��oah and Page or pocn�ent t�o. of this need of " �`"
<br /> � ' ���t� 1� '�zvst as recorded itt said Regieter of Deeds offfae, the leg�l de- -
<br /> ,' . ! �; scriptioa of the above-aflescribed real eotate and tha� a breach of � � -
<br /> �� .
<br /> " ' , : ,.�, .` ; an ob�igatfoa, for whfc� eaid real estate was conveyed as secu- � ,
<br /> . ;. rity, hae occurred, and �ett3ng fortb the na�ure of euch breacb � .- -
<br /> ��. • : ° and �he Trustee'a election to a�ll the real es�a�e to satfefy the :,.0 ;,
<br /> -'` � � obligation; and afte� the lapse of not less th�u one (!) moath, - �
<br /> ;:_`�. : �.� �. the Trustee shall give �Jritten notxce �g the tfine sad glace af � , � '
<br /> - �' �� sale a�Bich map be betoreen 9 s 00 a.m. and.5 s 00 p.m. at the pre�
<br /> � . ise$, or at the Courthouse in the County wherefn such property is
<br /> �. � � located, descr.ibfttq the praperty to be aold by its leqal descrip- ' ' ��
<br /> • � tion, said notfce ta be ubliehed in a n�aws '����� .' �
<br /> :� p paper of general rir
<br />- ' , culation in the County ��herefs� auch property is �ocat�d, once a .
<br /> :.: . � . . �veek for five (S) aonsccutive weeke, the last publfcation �o be � .
<br /> . at leaet ten �10) days, but not more than thirty (30) daye, prior �
<br /> . to the eale; and the Tsustee ahall �hen sell eaid propertp at the '� � �•
<br /> � . timE and place deaignated in the notice, in the manner pronided � �
<br /> m
<br /> by law in e€fect at the time of filing said notica, at public ' ,
<br /> . auction �o the highest bidder for cash and ghall deliver to euch ��
<br /> . � purchaaer a deed to the property sold, consistent with the laU� in � �
<br /> � effect at the titae. � �
<br />..�=. . �. . „
<br /> . • Upon receipt of payment oP the price bid, Trustee ahall de- ��
<br /> • � liver to the purchaser, Trustee's deed conveying the propezty �
<br />`�•` . � sold. Recitals in the Trnstee•s deed sha].1 be prima facie evi- -
<br /> �' �� dence of �he trnth of the statements made therefn. Trustee shall
<br /> � � . apply the proceeds of the sale in the foll000ing orders (a) to �
<br /> :..; _ �,. � ._:_. - ,�: _
<br /> . . , . � • ..
<br /> � . . ��I . ' �
<br /> _.,. ._— _, .
<br /> . . .�„�,�-� ,-_ .
<br /> . . .
<br /> -- . .
<br /> .., . ,
<br /> _...
<br /> _ `.. � . .. •�.1 �.•�, . _ r.,•>> ..�..y, ti.. . . .._,?, _ ._ s:� _ , __ . r - — ��'!-, .,:'.
<br />