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<br /> _ 4.: ,tf;; ' ' ',�.`< �° .•
<br />- ;,� ; �``�tn�� , the�c�tofore �aleaeed as s�cu�cftp fcos the Eull, paymea� og all un-� t;'�:�`;..``�
<br /> �;;�','.k - � paid obliq�tfoae, �eaefi��iaiy map, from t3me to t�me and �ri�hout '�,n::f:
<br /> � t� ��:;:� ao�ir.e: � .
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<br /> t,,`;.( :� �(b} exten� the ma�uratp or elter anp of .
<br /> �,r °."� the tesms of awy suah obligation;
<br /> - _ `
<br /> � (c j gsant othex iadulqeaaes; •�;.
<br /> , :�. - � .-
<br /> � �; '�;•`.� . (d� releas0 or re-aoavey os cause to be � _ �� .�:
<br /> . ,-, � sel�eased or re-conveyed �t anp time at Beae- ' ,�' ��"
<br /> �, ,..,
<br />- "' � fiaiary•s optioa� aag �axcel, portioa or all �
<br />.� . • : .������ , of the propartpf
<br />,. }.�, fi � . . -
<br /> ' � � � (ey take or release any othe.r addi- ��-
<br /> . ti�:.� �
<br /> � - �ional eecuritp €or any obl3.qatioa herein � �' �°���
<br /> . ` .. ` meatione�; or :
<br /> '�_ .
<br /> , `' ', � �. `. (g) maks c�mpositions or o�her arra�wge- . Y ��
<br /> � ;Fr :`� • moaLe wi�h debtozs in re2ation thereto.. �,
<br /> .:.�<
<br />- _ :�. ._ . �---
<br /> ` . � ��i� 19. Gavemina Law. This Deed og Trust sflall be gove�aed bp �°`._- -
<br />_� � • the laws of the St�te�of P�ebraska and, fa the enent anp oae or
<br />°< �':::. aiore of the proviafons coalafned fai thie_ D�esd of 3'�at, or the
<br /> •. - ,. ��:�. oAnectioa raa.th • �.-.._ __
<br /> aate or any o�her secusity instrumen� givea fa c �.. „_
<br />_`.. '� °.`` tI�ia traneactioa s�a7.1 be €o,� aay reason be held �o be fnna].id, ..�:-;':�;
<br /> _ , illegal or uuenEorceabl.e in aay respect, such iava].idity, iile-
<br /> ,_ �gali�f or aaenfozaeability shall aot affrect aay other pravisions .
<br />" � . of tbia Deed of Trast lbut the Deed of Trust sbal]. be canstrued � �_ _
<br /> �,�,�;, �.:::�,. �' � ��� . as f� suc� invalid, 311eqa1 os en�orceable provisioa had. never ' - , �,--: -.
<br /> Y 1.,- • beea confisined herein or therefn. � --
<br /> ,.: -
<br /> . _:�_ �-�`
<br /> � � � :. �.��`� � � 20. gffe� of Poria�aranee. Any fosb�a$ce b�p Heaeficiary
<br /> ; j �.;��,' ;F �: or Trnate� ia.exercisitig any right or remeay Tzere�der, or other- � � -
<br />-:;�,r,:; .� ,, �};�.: _' wise af�orded by applicable la�a, sha11 not� be a waiver of or Fre- , �
<br />: .:.y���?.. .. clude the,exeraise og any suah rfght or remedy hesteunde�c. I.iJce- ---
<br />` �.�'` � � vise, the rraaver by Beaeficiory or Truetee of anp default o� �he _--
<br /> . � � Trustor uader tb3.s Deed of Truat shall aot be deeffisd to be a ' ----
<br />_ . � . waivar of any o�her or sfmi.lar degault eubseq��ntly occurr3ng. --=
<br /> -:,,;. . . _ --
<br /> �,��'�' �. ' : 21. Re-conve,�ance bv T�rustee. IIpon �ritteA request of the - ::�-._,:�.=
<br /> .. � .;:;;�:� Benegiciary atating that all snms secured �tereby have been paid, ;-._
<br /> - ' . � _ and upo�► aurrender of tbis Deed of Trust arxd the saot� �o the �� �-d-=
<br /> - . : . Trus�eo fcor esaucellatian and reteatfoa and ugon pay�mt by Trus- �'`"�`�
<br /> • . . ' tor of Z'sustee's feea, Tsu�tes �hall re-cpnve� to Tr�ator, os the •
<br /> _ � � pas�on or peraons legally entftlecl thezeto, without c,iazrantp, any .. . _
<br /> . .. � - poatioa of the property thea held hereuuder. Recitalo 3.n auch � , ,
<br /> � xe-aonveyance of aay ma�tere os faats ahall be concl�saive proof .'
<br /> � .."'.:�':� �, of the trutbfculness thereof. Grantees in the xe-con�reyanc�e may :
<br /> - be deacr3bed as °the pereon or persoas leq�allp ontitled thereto."
<br /> ; �, �� � 22. Acceptance by Trustee. Trustae accepte tlx�s trugt when . . �
<br /> �� u , . this Deed of Truet, cTuly executed and acknowledqed, fo made a
<br />-� . , • . publia xecord as provid�d by law. � �
<br /> . . � IN WI'�NESS WHSRBOF, Trustor has exeau�ed this Deed of Trust `
<br />� : • • on the date first noted abcve. � .
<br /> .. . � ,� .
<br /> a . .. .
<br />- � . Jer��S� �� P � �
<br /> , .���?�i- � .
<br /> -, . � uan ta M. Ss.monds
<br /> . "T=118t0r„ - .
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