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<br /> ``<<,'�>,L.•°'�,a'`�:.� d�edas�ss �ecured hereby, or in the�performarcce a� anp �greem�a� .
<br /> -:r:
<br /> . �es�uttd�r. ][g aap �vea� of dgfanit desaribed heresfter in re, � .
<br /> .. "' �•t '� �pect to �hit�. De�d of R'�ust e�all ,haee occ�ed and ba ccntfau- :`;`�.��
<br /> __ _ �� p���i.¢�.a�a as a raatter of righ� aad wi�hout aot#ae to `.
<br /> z'xu�a�or or anpone ai�imfag vndas .Truata�r, aad without r���r2 ta � ```-
<br /> �he v�lne o� �he trust estate or the inter�et of th� Trustvr 4.�`
<br /> � therein, sha].1 hane �he rig�t ito �pplg to any court having� jurie-
<br /> , ciia'�ioa fco app�iAt � =��¢e= af the propertg.
<br /> � �,•�� . 9. ��teee�tiona. Benei�afaxy, or its agea�s, repres`enta- 4 r ; :
<br /> � :.';; tfnes o� �rlcm�a. �se authorized to �at�r at aay reasonable time °�;i
<br />- . : upoia or ia aay past of the propertp for the p�rpose o� iaapect3.ng �:�,�;�_
<br /> � � `,� '�� the eata� and for the puYpoae og p�rgoxmi.ng �ny of the acts it �s ;. �:
<br /> � '� � ��, ` - �u�horized to �srfo�m nnder the tesms o¢ anp 'loan in�truuz�nta ,Y♦.
<br /> . • :�.�:-.
<br /> ` .. �'.,�• � executed bp Tsuator. . °�
<br /> �:� �:.: ' � � ot the prop-
<br /> . •� '�`{ 10., Tran�fer af on�rt�t. I� all or anY P�
<br /> ,' - � erty or any iaterest of Trustor thereia is eold, transferred or . `
<br />- ' ,� �' � €nrther enanmbered wit�aout the espresa arc writ�en cansen� of ,
<br />- . • :`:: . �.; .S.:L" �eaeffaiasy. He�aefiaiary may, at its �ole opt.ikoa, declar� all �-�
<br /> .'��.�.;
<br />- , .. euma secured bp.�hi.a Deed af �'rust to be ivaasdiat�Zp� due aad PaY- . .�
<br /> , � ---<�� abi� aad proceed to the remedies available to it nndex the de- , �;
<br /> ,. •. fault provfeioae aoataa.ned herein• , r:��;.�
<br /> �' � '�.'• e ts o e anit. Any of the follawing ev�ata ehall . --
<br /> �. ` l�. ]6r n ,__.,.,.
<br />- • be deea�ed at► avent of default hereun der s . �<-�:`,`;
<br /> �_
<br /> __ _ . . .. . ��
<br /> (a) Trusto� sLall have faaled t� m�Ice R L
<br /> '� ' .�°�.:' � pa�ent oac say fastallsueat o€ fznteres�r psi.n� '_.
<br />_ . . cipal�or .principal an@ f.nterest or a�a� othex : . �=- _�
<br /> .. : " ; . � sums secux�d hereby when due;� � ' � —=°_
<br /> - . ... � �.-,
<br /> .. �` � -
<br />