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<br /> '�i�-a F .�-� 5 ••}c . ' f� y.� r. - �.c h [w - M ._r'
<br /> ' r'. - '�r.' `8�'-: •r�?rS:E. •`�'� ���' ' . -..�
<br /> ti-
<br /> .P'` ' . ��a e.
<br /> . if�. ,� �
<br /> t' .� ' . ' . . . �t-`'
<br /> ��`.� ar< �� . . � .. � � . . ` "
<br /> '�a c- � . � , -
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<br /> ' . <<� • • g p � 8IId ZlSf3 �l� �
<br /> � •� . . g. T�.tie. Taus�a� is th� awn�r of the so ���e that the � �
<br />. :Y�:���. ,� ztght and �ut.�ior�ty �o aoavep �$e �ProPe�rt� and ���rz �a:k;. °:
<br /> li�a created hezebp ie a �ire� liea oa �be prope� �td the �
<br /> :` ,'` „-` ,��.�� esec�on �nd delive�y o� �he Dead of �'zuet daes aa� violate a�y �::���
<br /> ��- � . . � ��
<br /> � t t3t other�ob�3.gafiou L� �.�� Tzits°-a� i aubi�eat. -
<br /> , � : , aont�cac . ..x
<br /> ,.;'4?.. . �. .� ' mhen �ue, all taxea, .<<���:;
<br /> ,� .� 3. �f�es a�nd Aees��mQnts o To pay
<br /> ' ��:
<br /> �_r. �'��
<br /> <, -- . { ,,-Y ,, epe�cfal a�ssse�mea�t,� and �11 ot8fer chargea aqafas� the pro Y.
<br /> � r betore �he eame become deliacyuent, and, ta the evea� Beneficf�sy
<br />.'.o-r'.'.`�_ � . .
<br /> �. . ehall eo. xequi.te, to add to tha payi�eats requfred iaader th� no�e i;
<br />��; v; •;.' � n�`� secured hereb�}, eucb amow►tasse�me tsgczf other�chargeebas the}� w.� `.;
<br /> '.. • .`� � �iaiary to p�p such taxes, . "�-
<br /> -<� �' �`' become dus. � �:°:`°
<br /> � .'1,9"
<br /> :�`•�:
<br /> : 4. �e sir. `Main�enanae and_ U.�e• �To not cammit �aa�e o=► or �:-
<br /> .': ,°' �' ' . aad to nse �ue care to pre�eat athexa from —
<br /> ` � � � �° damage to the propertY � qood conditio�n and repairL to -
<br /> ~ .��f: :,t:f<�.�:. `� �. s+� doing: to keep the property �J;�_��
<br />- . keep the propesty free from ms�h�ni.a8 or ather lien� mot ex-
<br /> �`�: .�,' �,'.; ;' � Pressly aubordfnated �o the liea hereof; to not m�ke, sufcfer or
<br /> , pe�cmi.t aap nuisance to exiet aar to diiainieh or im�air the �a�.ue �Y:
<br /> .�:r�rv.
<br /> ' .:.:,t,<. 'k of the propertTt bY aaY aat or cmiss#.oa Lo act; and to camply �th ��--
<br /> ���r . �:� : _ a11 =equi,rements of la�a with rea�ect �o the groperty•. ��°
<br /> : ._x: ..;;<:.,.�....__ . . . -
<br /> :: �� ��: �':,�,<
<br /> : . � � 5, inauranae. At all times during the tezm �ereof fia keep
<br /> t . .. ``-` t.he Propsx� iASUr�d again�t damaqe by firs, bazards inc}.nded ��T:
<br /> y` �' �aithi.a tl�e term p e�cteaded coneYage", and snc1� other hazards a�. �_
<br /> ,;�. � �"��`.<� Heaefia9.asy iasay recNf.re+ � � �O�t of not .lese thaa tbe re- . �'.`."
<br /> . .�,: -
<br /> "� ` plaaemea� value theraaf and c�ith companies aaaeptable to Benefi-
<br /> - .;� ciary, includfng a standard mort9aq�e c�iuee ca3.th loss payable to �`,�;�
<br /> '�` �he .eene�icf�ry aa�d cos�tai.niag an additional provieion that the �;-
<br /> , �-_.
<br /> . � :;:.`, : pol�,�y.canno�.be canceled c�S.thout prio� writtea aotica to the , -�{
<br /> r ,..F ,''' H�AQf1Cj.S�•
<br /> In caee af losa under auch..po2.a,cies a the Henef�ci-
<br /> - . --�`-��-_:f,; ary fe authori2ed to adjust, collect and compromiee aU. claims �:'
<br /> a������ ����;:< thereunde� and ahalg �ave the op�ion of apply�nc� aU. or part of -:_
<br /> �.._.�.ir;; �o any indebtedttees secusad hereby and �-.:
<br /> � � ���� ,�,:ri -. . the 3.ASnraace procee�is (i) 1i �o the Trnstor . °
<br />- detezanine• i' ) ���
<br />_-'. ;::.�. �:.,;. � ., . � such order as Henef iciary may os f.ii.)
<br /> � `"` '`�'� � to be uaed foa the repaix or restoratio�► of �e Psopextg i � ��.
<br /> � . � . � for anp other puspose or ob ject satisf�actosy to Ben,eficiasy with- � __��
<br /> � '�'"� '•� out a f fea t ing t he l a�a o f t h i s Deed of Trnst�for_.the full ataonnt ,w..
<br /> � aecured herePay before suah payment ecer took plaae. �3T aPP l��a • �`�.�
<br /> tion of proceeds to indebtecS�ess s�all aat extend os pos�pone tlae ��,.:.z-
<br /> ' � . . due d�te of any paymente urLCEes the Note, or �e anp,defav�� � __
<br />- � . � thereunder or ��seunder. � �';1>
<br /> - � '�i�"' 6. Condemna ��n. In t�e event Lhe proportp� ar a�►Y P�
<br /> � .�� '. . taken b emiaent dor�ain, Benefic��rY ia eatcf- � � ��-
<br /> � thereo�, ehail be Y a � '
<br />_ '.':t. '... �.�J.._.
<br />_.�. �,� � �� tled to collect and reaeive all aompeneatfon w1'►��bn�Yt kea�aad F�`�-=:�
<br /> ' �.�,;� for any ProportY taken or fos damage8 to property �; �:
<br /> ± ' • ,`, . �enefieiary ehall a�o�lp euah aompeasation, at its option, either ;�,:
<br /> :�r:._.� :. ; „y ,
<br /> - . � , . ���__ ; _ to a reduatioa of the indebtedaess ,oecured herebp c�z to r@Pai=
<br /> . aitd restore the �roperty sa takea. ���
<br /> , . , . p�rformance bv Beneficiartt. HeaefiaiaL^y may. ia�t� 8ha11 �
<br /> � ?.
<br /> . • have no obligatioa to, d� any act whiah Truetor hae agreed but -
<br /> " � fafled to do, and Heneficiary may aloo do arYy aat i.� deems neces'
<br /> easy to proteat the lien hereof. Trustor agrees to repay, upon
<br /> � � ' demand, any autms eo expended by Beneficiary fcor. the above pur-
<br /> -_ �� • poses, and any aum s� expended bp Bnneffciary ehall be added to :
<br /> � the indebtedness secured hereby and becomeg=so a1dl abilityibe-
<br /> � � � hereof. Benef3ciary ahall not incur any P
<br />_ �. � `,.,�� aause of anythfag it may do or omi.t to do herenader. ;
<br /> � •• S. Asei4nm�en� of Rents. Benegiciazy shall have the righ�, �
<br />_. � ,, . poorer and au�hority during the eontinnance ofr this Deed of Tsvst .
<br /> � � to co l 1ec t t h e rents, isaues aud profits of the propestY and o�
<br /> � any paseonal property located �hereon with or without �t a k ing pos- :
<br /> �� � seesion of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hereby abse-
<br /> �° ���•� .: . . � . lutely and uacoaditionally aesigns all suah reata, issues and
<br /> ��� � � profits to Banefiaiary. Heneficiary, hovrever, hereby conaenta to
<br /> . � Truetor'e collectccrue and becamenpayal�le�, sonlongfas�Truetor is
<br /> ' � . profiLe aa they a
<br /> �,
<br /> . - - ,:�— 2 - .
<br /> ���� . ,
<br /> ..--;�------.'-^ . . .. . . .. , �r. . . . • . .. _ .,t' .. . -i. . � • ._ . . . . .... . . ..,''� ..'s'
<br /> ,..
<br />