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<br /> - ABBD AF TRIIST . ` . � :
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<br />- � � _ '����'� � THiS DBBD OF TRIIST is mado tllis 1�_ day of Novembar, 199�� �� �"-
<br /> . ` � :, ,b.,
<br /> � r ,. :�,, by and auiong JBRAY L. SIMONDS aad J[T&NY� 1H. SIl40NDS, huaband and � f\ � -�_
<br /> �' �;� � �r�ife, herefn �eferred to as "Trastor", cahoee mail3.ng addres� ie t� � � ;
<br /> < �r"�'�Y-:" 9341 Ui. CapitaY Avenue, Gsand I�land, Nebraaka 688i31; F�DI3LZ3'Y � E
<br /> . �L � �� :: �x.•� . NATYONAL 'I'ITLB, I1�SUtSANCB COMPANY. a Cali€orriia corporatf.Qn, ' � �� -,
<br /> hereivatter referred to as °�.'raste�n, ��ho�e mailfng addzess is
<br /> _.4, . . ,:.. . � 155Q 8. 7�th 8treel�, Bloomington, Minaesota 55825-I19?; aad ' �_•�
<br />_.�... 4.,. .� � :. ' . . .
<br /> '�70IIGLA� C v L�'i'H $Ad SHBRRI L. LQT�� husband aad�a�lRf�, $ereinaf�e= �``�
<br /> . .- • xeferr�d to as "Heaefiafary", Qohoae ma3lfag address i�s 8I8 'N. . f��`-
<br /> ' � • ` �_ Cedar, Grand Islaud, PTebraeka 68803. � � ::
<br /> . , -(•�.. . . , �_ _.
<br />- �: � *'�.. .- � For valuable �onaid�ration, �Truetor irrevocably grante, R =
<br />:�".:. ,.i.,�<:°�.�..: � 'ts�ne�ezs, coavegs a�d assigas to �rustee, in trust, with pawer �';�-�
<br /> �` � ' �.� nf sale� fdr the beaefit and seaurity of Bea�ficiary, �ande� and �,
<br /> ��,`�� �� aubject to �he terms and conditions of thie Deed of Trust, ttae ,
<br />- �:-_-_';�:.�;:w_.:-•:� , Trus�or'c�, iaterest in the folloLaing-dsscr�be�i P=oP�Y located �n �.r•
<br /> ". ,� � Ha]cl Countp, Nebraeka, to-rr�it s . • -�
<br />- `;�� s•`... . The Sontherlp Port7T-Si.�e (46) fest of Y,ot Four (4), in _ . �°�-
<br /> `:.'�,. . ,� �.��' Block Nane�-8�ght (98}, Ra�.lroad Addi�s.on to. the G�.icy .
<br /> •� ,•� .:'..: of Grattd Ie artd, Ha31 County, Nebraska, � -. --.
<br />- .��:: • .. ....
<br /> f :` r.'. • � _-_
<br /> �,,� togethe� ��ith all.buildiugs, ivtpzo�ea�nte, fixtures and appu�e- : �,,
<br /> nances loaated the*eoa or in a�ay wap partafning thereta,. and the .
<br />- � ., ' � seatsP iasues, p�ofits, revereions and the rema�fadere �hereof,� �--•
<br /> ._i 3.ncludiag all such persoaal p�roperty �hat is attached to tfle fm- : � __
<br /> � ' '�;� provemeate so as �o coast3.tute � fixtusBo all of �rhich, iaclndiag _
<br /> • . •� =:. sep].acements m�ad addi�ions thexeto, a=e. herelby declared to ba a � ►"`"
<br /> _ , . ' . � part of the real estate coaveyed i.n truat hereby, it being agxeed �_-
<br /> _ • � xhat all of the foregof.ng ahall be hereinafter �eferred �o as the . ' �.�'
<br /> . .r c;� "Propertg�". . � �'�-
<br /> , . . . �:;-W
<br /> � � , '�:,. , , �'CR T�8 P�RPOSS OF SBCORINGs , . . ;_�'-�
<br /> . .,� . � E -
<br />= � - �� . � (a) �he� performance of aY� obliqationa of. • . -� -
<br /> - :: • � . Trustor under that aertain Gumranty Agr�ement � ��,::;
<br /> - .� .. . `�• dated November �, 199T pertaining to� the paymeat
<br />