"' 4`J7� �, :S - _i-_j;�..,^.�v - —_ r.��+?^`"""' 'i"--b�`
<br /> . - ,, .w..- �:.- . s
<br /> � �. ... . �� . ._ _ . . - -
<br /> - =`
<br /> . �... _ �- __. .�_ ...4L_... . _...:._. "1`�'�":...e:z:... ....�..,� ' ' "_.�`..urrk.x.±�.`.ew'..._. ._. .a';:.�.. .a.. --�
<br /> __ •_� � __.._ ___ __ __ _ - _ . - -,
<br /> L. `♦ (�. _ _�,._ . < _ .� .._ . _ —_— { .C—` _Lo.
<br /> ,.�..' � Sr 4. f-. - (f,� . _ �c i;., 1 '2 U^`� � .' _
<br /> ? �R¢�.�4� 4 � _ - �C-- � �t E e "r: �v�• S t - � r`s' 4 r� : ( • .
<br /> .� , _s-z�'� �i � . `�� c �,. .T'' .a, ��`..` �-�t,-. �f'.�..- - � � ,
<br /> � _.,.+'.� �i't..�'y� .qo._ F'. �4 � _ ti -.j.r�_.
<br /> .rj -.c� ..4� "F' a
<br /> -h4.:. 4•t`s-" _ . , . . � � , . .'s .
<br /> f: .., , ,
<br /> t ,�.` , ,_�-�.:
<br /> � _ �` . . • B��av�et may cure sueh e tfeta�dt artd retnstate. ea Pr4vtded En para�Aph t8.t+Y causln9 the atttan or proaeed§�g ta,be -
<br /> � A '
<br /> , 4" � ; ,� .� d�tntsa�d wah e nilh9 tNat.Sn lend�s:gnod f�ith deiemilnaWn.Pre�udes icReib�re ot tha Bortowera[nterest tn the RroD�f ar ° ` `F.�.
<br /> :�f.n�: .� :;`;'d« .
<br /> .ather mater{al Im+�ahment ot ths IIen�eated by thb SeauitY fnstrument or lender's secudty GQeresL Bortower shaR aiso be in •<£:: . a`::
<br /> `�.� ..:.`.,�. -• � � dat�ttt tf Bairm��er,c4u�ng the faan aODIIt�tton Pra�s.9�Ye mat�Taf�t taEse or Ir�accurate tnTarmagon or s�Rementa Lo Lender-tor •. .�
<br /> :�,. °�• .
<br /> _ ::�,. '•� }-,.<< taaifed to pravlde lend2r�vitQt+anY. mate►ta)UKam�atian)Irs oonneation wiU►tha toaa evtdenced�y the Nate. tnwuding,but act� :y�
<br /> _ � t res[denco. It_t!� SecuAtY`� s
<br /> Umited to. reDtesatta8ona eonceming Borro�ver's ocaapsney ef the RrbAerty as�e PtU►cfgai t ..
<br /> �c:.t`:��`p,•...�. 4�i . . .
<br /> �'�"
<br />_,y�: � �t_ _' UisUumertt ts on a ieasshet�. Barower @ha0 cerr►PN vrfi�ati the provtstans of the tease. It Bamwer aequires tea tiUe fo Ne , ,:� �.•�
<br />- : � .k. r:•� _ Property,tAe teasehctd end;the fee�tle eha9 aot me�ge unlass lender a�ses to the lnerger tn wrttirtg - .
<br /> � � s i.Protaetb� at Lendor'o RigMs tn�tiqe Fraporty.n 9oirower t�ts to pe�tortn ths covenants ene agreementar� �t:•,`
<br /> � ��- �-� : ' Con�U►ed in thfs Sea�ity tns�ument, ar there Ls a (egal P�eee�ng thet maY algnfficantry aReet Lender's dghb in tfie PraP�Y,Q ,; :�. •.
<br /> ��' . .� „`�.� (such es a proeee�iag i n�a n f�.P ro bate.tor e�s�demnatton or totte(ture or to a�taree(aws or regutaUarts}.then Lendet may ,_,r
<br />-;�,�,�v,'`;< , , ead!¢nder's d ta(n Me PropeAy. .LenQePs aetians.� ° �. � �`
<br /> � Qe and pay for wtiatsver te necess�}i to.protecs the veLce o�t�e S�roperty Sh
<br /> ; .' ` ' `; ; may tnclude Pay1n9 anY sums secured by e Len whieh has pdmn7t over thfs y1ac.�uf�t Instrument apAeaitn9 In eourl. paY�9 �°`�.' ;�
<br /> °.`;"•,.„�.,V-��``` reasansble suamays'fees asd entedn9 on the Froperty to make rePaLs-AlthoagA lender may take actton ur�det this paragrapb � ,- :c,. .
<br /> _ „�,_ , 7,Lettder doea ctot Mave to do sa. -
<br /> � ° pny pmourAs�sb�rsed by Lender under paragraAh 7 shaB be�ma edd'ittona! debt ot Bortower secured by t�is 3ewdty :�. ;
<br /> ��``.�`. 4 . Inststrrt►enL UnGess 8etmwer'end Lender es�es to other 4cmrts o1 payment,these amaimts eha11 bear interesE trom thb date of , �;,:,,
<br /> :_; ,.ti , s ,�_ ,. :,
<br /> � dISl�ursernent ffi the Note rate and sha11 be payabte,wftN tnt�st.vpon nolice Uom Lender to Borrower requ�dn9 PaYm� , � .
<br /> ,-�.��.:` •�4 B. MOttg�g0 MstasgtlCe. fC lender re�utred mortgaSa(nsyrance as a con�Sflon at maldn9 the losn sewred !xy tht� • �_-�t`
<br />'�`.� • ` ,;<. geeurfty Instrur�ent.Bomower sAall pay the premiums requUed to ma6�fain the rtortgage Tnsurance In eSect t�fa eny reason.ihe �:yn.s-
<br />- . . • mortgage insucanca eovaage reQuired by Lender laQses or ceases to be tn etfeq,Bortower shaII pay the prerr6ams Rqu�red to
<br /> - obiain cavaags subsiantl�fY eiNivate�t to tha moRq�a9s tnsnrartce prartousty In ef[ect.�e cost substen11a�3Y eAutvatent io tUe �_-r, "�
<br /> . .. � �`��, � cacst to Bortowet af tNe mortgags insurance ptevlousSy (n e'Nect. trom an alt�mate matgage Ins�uer appmved by Lered2� tt --- _-
<br /> . •,1�,�` a insuranee caverage is not avaVahte.Borrawer shai pay to Lender eacb rrtoMh a sum equal to ;��4��;.
<br /> � substantIaQy eQuNatent mortgag �
<br /> � one tweifth af the yeari�r mortgage(nsuraa�preMum beUtg pald by 8ortower when the lasuranee eovera9a taysed er ceased to _ �-y X;•-''
<br /> r. .` � be tn eNeet l�ende►wi0 accept`use and retaln these payments as e toss ceset�re in Ueu of moetgage(nsu[snce. Loss resenre -�,•°.
<br /> � • • PgYR►e�s maY no tonger oe required,at the optlon af Lender.B mortgsge tnsurance coYera9e t[n the amount mid ior the pertod • , i��'__
<br /> '.°• ` • ` that I.ender requires) provide4 bry az!�nsurer apProved by Lender agah�betomes avaDabie end is obfafisd. Bortower aha0 P8l! r.•,,.:
<br /> . �:�.�.< ��:�.,._._:�
<br /> . the premlums�equfned to�tm6daln mortgage ins�rance In effeeL or to pravide a loss res�ve,unti!tha requiraneM Yor rt[artgage �_
<br /> • �� tnsuranca ends in accordance wftfi c�ny vnRten agreeme.nt between Bortotiver er�d Lender or appQrabte taw. � .:�:.
<br /> .• :: -�;,..::_.� . 9.IttSpeC4i01i.4eteder or iRs agettt may mefca reasonable entries+�pon end tnspecttons of the PropeKV. Lender sAaU give _��
<br /> . Bortoater natice at the tlme ot or prfor to an inspecHon speciiying ceasor.ab te esuse tar the 6�s pACBot► ' �__---�-_
<br /> -. � � 10. COSttlet{t4tattofl.The pr6ceeds ot arry award or dalm tor damagas.�cect or conseqitenUal.in conneetion with anY --- --
<br /> � ' , , ' ` , condemnaUOn or other tatdng of an9 ke�'t�the Property,ar for conveyance in U:u�of candemnatlor►, ere hereEY esatSned end
<br /> � �;".�_:;.
<br />;,° .`, . `. � . sha�6e patd to Lendet. ��;:A�=„
<br />'�:.._...�.;`5:� .. ` �', In the everrt a! a totai tafdng oi the Property. the proceeda shaU 6e appQed to the sums .secured by thls Securfty
<br /> .� �< Mstrume�,wttether a►not then du�W�h.acry�caes�paid to Bortower. tn the eveM of a paAlat tatdng ot ths PtopeRy in which �:.`--��
<br /> �' , �_r�
<br /> . '��•.. the t a U�e t value ot the Pra p e rt y tmmediately betore the taktng ts equal to or greater than the_amourrt af the sums secured - �=�-�•
<br /> � . By this Securtry Instriiment tmmedlatety betare the taWng uniess Borrower end Lender otRetv�fise egee in wAtUtg,tt►a sum� �`i
<br /> � � secured by thfs Securiiy Irtshumerd shall be►cduc�d by the amourtt of the proceeds muftipited by!he toVovrtng tractlon: {a)the ��_
<br /> Y:•���,�'.,; • totat amaunt oi the stm�s secured immediately 6eWre the;t�dng� divided bY lb)the tatr market value of the PtoPertY imme�atety ' �___
<br /> f. `�...,•... : ' . '•.---
<br /> 6efore t!►e taldn9.My�nce shaA be pald to Barrcw�r.tn tha ever»ot a pattHal tasdng of the Propert�/in whtch ti:ra fatr market ��"
<br /> � ' • valae of the PropeRjl immediatelY betore Ne tatdng Is tess than the amount ot the sums secuted Immedtately beiare the taWng. �.�_
<br /> • � . " unTess Barrower and Lender othen+ris� agree.Irt writlng or untess appRcabte law otherwise provides. tha Aroceeds s1�aD he l�
<br /> " �" � � ,�s�`.; applied ta the sums secured by thls S�ur(ty fnsWmem whether or not the sums ere+then due. �f.',y.d
<br /> ��' �t the Propedy fs eDandOnea by Ba�rower,or tt;�ter noUce by LenQet to Bocrower that the condemnoQ oftets to make an �,�
<br /> �� , award or settie a da.'-�i�r damaSes• 8orrower fa;s to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days aftst the date the aottce is giYen. �
<br /> c � Lender is authorized 4a ra4act,and aDPN
<br /> tfla procee�s. at its optton, eRher to restwatton or repaU oi the Proparty or to ths ` ''-`
<br /> -� , sums secured by this Secudry InsLvm�f.whether or not then dua . �_ •�_
<br /> . licatton of procaeds to pr(nctAa��sha0 not axt�nd or � ,
<br /> Unt�s tender and �onower d..�ise agree tn writing. anY aAP ,
<br /> ;,, � postpone t��due date o1 the montfly paymeMs reterred fb in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango the emaunt ot such payments. �--
<br /> Y � it. 8orrower�tot Releas�8; Porbearatt�e�y Lsndee lVot a W�iver.F�tencton oi the tlme tor payment or �f __.'-
<br /> s .. ... ,.::_� ..
<br /> - � • � modHicaUon W amorttg'�:..,'n o1 the sums secured!:y�.is Sewrfly tnsWmerrt granted by Lender to arry euccessar (n fcrter�st u� ,
<br /> ; �,..;--:�
<br /> � , ' Borrawer shalt nat op�:a to retease the Ifebiliry at the odginal Bortower or BoROwefa succesaots.in(nterest tender shail not �
<br /> ���.' ` :,:� be requtred ta wmmence prbceedinr�s a9ainst anY suecessor k� Jnterest or refuse to extend Ume,for payrneM or athervrise f-�T��.'-
<br /> � ' •.•'` modiell amortbdUon of the sums sea..�t!by this Securriy instrument by reason ot any'dem�d made by the od�nai Borrowe►pr - _
<br /> � ° , • . ��•;�:�;ti''�� Borrawer's suceessors in (nterest. Arsy lorbeatance by Lender tn exercising any d9h1 or reme�shail not 6e a waiver o1 or � '._'^
<br /> y •
<br /> prerdude the exerdse os any rfght or remedy. �''"
<br /> ��: `�.: , � t2. Succosso�s an8 Afs�lgns 8ound; JoIM and Several Uability; Co-sig�era'rna wrenants ane .
<br /> �}:�,�:;:� . . , A ;.;,;:=-�
<br /> agreements oi thls Security tnsUUment shall bind en0 benefrt tha successo�s and assi�s o1 Le��der and Borrovier.subject to the . ,,:.,;
<br /> ..r-.,:,.: � ,._
<br /> . provlsions of peragraph 17. Bortower's covedants and agteEmenis shall be joint and several. My.Bortower who co-s igna t h f s
<br /> • ' • Secudty��strument but daes not exe�:a the Note: (a)is casigning thfs Security(nsWment ony ta mortgage,�nt and convey .
<br /> ,'• � � � that B.rcwePs Uterest in the Prop�j under the tertns of this�dty InsWmenr (b) is not personaly obGgated tb pay tha ,
<br /> S r � sums secnred by t�s Securtty Insttumenx and(c)agrees that Lender and etiy other Borrower may agres to extend, medity. .
<br /> �s- � ' ' torbear or make artY�.emmodaUons wltA regard to fhe tertns ot th(s Securriy tnstrument or 9he Nate wrihou�that Borrawer's. •
<br /> � . . . . . wnsent. •
<br /> � 13. Loan Char��. u u�e ecan secured by this Securfty Instiument is subJect to a faw whTci� sets maximum loan
<br /> ,�� � -- "— charges,and tQffi law Is flrtally irtcr�:�:ed so that the(nterest or other laan charges co}lected c!to be coitected in connecUan -
<br /> '.'" ' � witb the loan exCeed the permitted�s,then: (a)sny sucb Ioan charge shail be teduced by�3 amourtt necessary to�reQuce. ,'
<br /> j, . .
<br /> H . • , the charga to tna ��::�ea rmrt; and(b) any sums aireaQy coitected irom Borrower whicts eTCOOeeded pertnttted Iimfts wtJ be :;j;,4.
<br /> ���: retunded to Bortower.Ger:der may choose to make this retimd Dy reQucing the prindpal ovied under the Note or by making e
<br /> �. - direct payment to Bcrrcwer. N a retund reduces principal, tho reducUon wiil be Veated as a parUal.prepayment wtthout eny • .
<br /> • prepayment charge unQer the Note. .� `�
<br /> :� `. ry' 14.NOtiCe9.My noUce to Borrower provided to►�In this Seeurity Instrument shall be av�by dellverfng ft or by mal�ng�E ;
<br />-;�Y . � • • by first ctass mail unless eppiirable taw require9 use of enother method. Tfie noUce shell be Qirecied to ttie Property Addr�-w .
<br /> � or eny other address BoROwer Aesignates by noUce to Lender. My notiee to Lender shall be given by flrst class mail to
<br /> - • tender's address st�:d hereln or eny other addres3 Lender dQSignates by noUce to Bortowar. My noUce�ra•�?ded tor in this
<br />�,.`_�� • Securky Instrument shaU be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender vrhen given as provided In tfiis qzragrapf�.
<br /> - 15. �overning IBVr Severabil(ty. This Security tnstrument shall be govemed by federal law an8 the law ot the ,
<br /> ���:�;- ' � • : Judsdicdan irt whlch the Property is tacated. In the event that eny provislon or eluuse o1 thls Security InsUument or the Note
<br /> , , � . . contlicts vAth appltcabie law, such con�ict shaU not eNect othEr ptovisions o!thls Security Instrument or tbe Noto v�hicb can be
<br /> � ' . , given eftect wfthout the coniticting provision. To this end the provisions of thls Socurity insUume��t and the Note are d¢ctared to
<br /> ' ' • be seve►ebte.
<br /> �,.:.. ..
<br /> 16.eovrovisr'o Copy.Bonowet shaU be gNen one contortned capy of the Nole and of this 8ecurity inatrument. :
<br /> :� . . .
<br /> _{:: . :� . ; �2
<br />� � • . � � � F1376.1M0(»1 Pa�e 3 ot 5 '
<br /> � ' ..
<br /> • . 97Z00 ,
<br /> . � _ .
<br /> . : • _._..�-..----i-•---...__..._...._,�_..�
<br /> _�, �.....r_,-�- . . • - . � • . �
<br /> • - - -- , . .�,---^�-^.-�._ . - �.. � .
<br /> . � - „�..�_��..�.
<br /> . ;
<br /> - �,�,•..._. . , ; . .. . :.- •T.. ....... ... ._... ... . . . .�.. .. .... ._ . . .. ... . . . .. ..w..__.. . .. . .. . ..R:' --.. ..-.�
<br /> � e�........... ..... . . ... .. . . .,._ . .. . ... .... ......`_.
<br />