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<br /> - � . . - 17.Trsns4or o1F ti10 p�PQ�ll.or ��ottsgtcTaD Ittteeres3 it� Barto+►t�t tt eU ar any part of the Properry or `� F ,
<br /> �G` `�.` ` .� s ' any U►t¢rest tn{!is sotd or har►sfened (ar N a benefld�f tnter�t in 8crrowa ts sold ar trensferted and Borto�ver ts noi�s natural
<br /> .. , h ► :
<br /> -'�=���•'• • persan)wi�:out LencTds pdor veit�n aons2nT,lender may,at Its option.requUe trtuned�te Pallme�t(n tulf ot e11 sums seeured by ` ,
<br /> � ` ... this Sewrity instrument. However,this optinn sha0 not Da exe(dse�by Lender 8 exerdsa is prohmited by tederal taw as ot the °� `,.��_p~; . ,
<br /> ; �'�'��. ,� . date ot tAis SeauR7t fnstrumert. - i;=-: ��. .�.°
<br /> -; ,`.��'',s�°� `� It Lender e�aeds�3 tNs oPUon.Lender sha�gtv�a Bortower aoUce of accefa�ation. The noUee shail pmvlde e per[o0 of nat :� ��' , ;
<br /> � � *, •� ' �ess than 90 days from the date the notles(s d�r�ed ar maDed wUhtn which Sorrow�must pay �sums secured Oy thts� ' ,.s.. �c. �. ..
<br /> , �`' �.. �� �` �� SewtRy InsicumeiA. H Bamwer taits ta Qay�ese sums Drkr to tne mcptraHort ot thts perlod.4endsr may tnvoke a�I reme�es � ` ` • 4.. `<�
<br /> }� . . <'.,....,
<br /> � ; ..• : pem�d by fhIg Seauriry fnshitmc-nt N[tthout fiulh�r aatice or•dert�and on Borrower. ..`�..°�
<br /> "• ' __'`� '� �_ � . 18. BO��B�`s Fi[gh4 t� �iBiRStBte. If Boaower meeis ee�in canddtons.Botrawer sh�! hava the dght W have � . �t�, .
<br /> ,� •• ` sY er�orceme�rt of tfits Sea�rfry tnstrument�sco�rtinned at any time Rfior to tfta earligr of: (a)5 days (or sueh sther petiod as � ` .
<br /> '� .•` .. ��° `•-��^� app4esble fav�msY speei�l tor relastatement�Qetore safa of the ProP�fl P�+ISUant to any power oi sale contatrsed tn this Searity tt�� .� .. _'. F.
<br /> -_''���--�^"'-"" � tnstrumat�fi ar(b)entry at e judgme►R entordng this Secudh►tnstrun�n�Those cand,dcns aie thal Boirower. (a)Pays I.ender all � � , .
<br /> {c � �`:. sutns which th�n woidd be Que under this Security irtstrument end the Nota as d nc ar.c�e�ation had ocasre� (b)��Y --�, �t- �
<br /> . ` detanh at any other c�reneat or a�eemenb: (el Pays a�e�enses incwred in eniercing this Securit�► Instrume�x induding, but � � •r,,
<br /> � ; . �ot funited to.reasenable�tomeys'tees:end(�takes such acUon as Lend�may reasonably require to assure that tfie 4en of •;,`
<br /> , this SecurHy Inspument, LendeYs rigMs In the Prape,rty end Borrower's obtigadion to pay the sums secured bY ri�is Secur�f► -r f . .,
<br /> � ...
<br /> �.,,: � � Instrumerd sha0 conUnue unchengeck Upon refis�atemerR by Borrower. thfs Se�ity (nstrument and the oragatlans secured _,, y=
<br /> � ._�.� ::
<br />_-.; . .•:.`,�-':,. :��`Y heret�y sha0 cemaln 1UIIY eNecNve as if no acederatlon ha d accu rt e d. Havrever,t h T s r t g h t t o re i n s t a t e s h a U n o t a p D t y in the case '` °•^,;''s'4=.`
<br /> �. 4`:�; ot acceleration under para�aph 1T. .:," � =- -
<br /> 19. Sate og Note; Change og Loan Servtcer.The Nets or a a partiai irtterest In the Note (togethv witA tMs _.`
<br /> :.°.._...
<br /> ' � gecurity Instrument) may 6e sold one or more times withaut prtor natice to 8orrawer.A sale may resu�t in a change fn the er�l .:�. :�-�_--
<br /> " pmown as the`Laan Servicer)that ceVeots mortthN Palfinents due ander the Naie and this Searfry Instrument. There aiso may . `•'F"°,`;�,_ .._
<br />' .�� s �`': , be one or more cfianges of the toan Serviczr unrelaied to a sele of the Note. It ihece 1s a chart9e af the Loan Servhcer. -_-
<br /> . .',� Bortower+nrHt de given wrftien aottce of the change ln aecotdance w1h paragraPh t4 above and appQcab�e law. The aatice w�t � ,�..
<br /> , ,� .`y � sffite the name and addtess o1 the new Lean SeMeer and the ad�ess to whfch paymerrts shoutd be mada The neUca will also . �,.,,:� .
<br />- �. ':5,<:. contain atry atis�6�forr+taUaa requtred by app4cadie(aw. ' ,�;.��:_
<br /> � 20. Hazafdous Su68tSttl:OSe.Bontisvrer shap nat cause or permie tha presence. use, d'isposel,storag�or retease oi , . ;;�,
<br /> .- l '
<br /> _ .�=`. any Fta�rQous Substancea an or tn the Propa[7l. Hatrower shai!ao!do,aor allow snyone eJse to do.erMhln9 stfecUag the • �--°—�._.
<br /> � � ?'��� ' •property that ts in vtotatlon of arty Enulronmerrtal Law. The preae�ng two seMences shall not appry to the piesence. use� nr . --
<br /> ' storage on lhe Properly ot sma0 quantities of Haiardaus Substances that are generalry reca�ized to be appropdate to nartnat ' :,::,---
<br />- �'�`� `�: `'".. residerNal uses ertd to mairtEenance af the Property. . �,•�--
<br />- . ,,� Bortower shati pmr�Uy 9tve Lender wrftten notice of arry tmresNgattan. c�tm, demand tawsuit or other action E►Y �.►Y . ��,��-�
<br /> . . .:�. s �. r=_Y
<br />° _ : govemmerttaf or regulatoN�89en�f►er P►ivate Pe�N invotvltig the PropeRy and any Ha�rdnas Suhstance or Envir�onmer�l L�aa at _ =:',_,�_
<br /> , .�° � which Bortower has actuai lmowiedga H Boaower teams. or is notffted by any SovemmeMal or re3utatory autttartty.that acry � ,
<br /> :,. ° : ° �.'' remova) or other cemed�tton of any Herardous Substance eHeatfnng Rraperiy is necessery. Bortower ahaD promptly take a1�
<br /> - � • . �i'• necessaiy remedial adfons in accordance wtU�Ernhonmentel Law. :.
<br /> _ ±'' � ' As used fi thts para9raPb Z0."Hazardous 3ubstances" are thase subsffinces deHned as to�dc or hazardous substances by .;�.;i-�--- -
<br /> '� " . EmUonmerrtal law and the fa°rswing substances: gasoUna kerosene, aiher ifammable or toxle petroteum products, toxta, _ �
<br /> _.>,. • r ` peslictdes and herbicfdes.vota�a SoNents,matedats comefning asbesioa or formaldehyde, and radioacttve matetiais. Ae used in T �N=
<br />=::;�, , ' ' ' para�aDh 20. 'Enviranmerttal law' means federal laws end tavrs of the judsdetlon vrhere the Properiy is lamted that�elate to -, :; �-� _
<br />�-=- ',� � heatth.safery or etn��nmetrtal protectton. . . '•r'r�. '•`—'�'�
<br /> _ �,.
<br /> '. Ei.�._. . . . _ _
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM C01fENAIdT�•Borrawer and Lender/uRher eovenaM and agree as toltows: r __
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon; N�edie�. Lendor shal� giv0 notice to Borrawer prlor to aacele�Soa� ' �� c
<br /> .,.�,..
<br />�...,. • � ' following �arrower's bseach o�any covenant or agreema�t fn thls Security Instrumen! (tout no! _.,:�_.
<br /> � � . � �. � prto�to acceteratlon uncter paragraph 17 un[ess appHaa�,"3 law provides otherwlso). The notica ' °','T:'•'�r_
<br /> - , „ � sha91 specity: (a) the deisut� (b) the action requlred to c�ra t�o alefsul� (c) a.date, not toss than _ '�
<br /> �i� t. ;;�.�
<br />_ � � 30 days fram the date the notice ts giver to Borrewer, by wt�tch the delau(¢ must b� cured; a�ri � _
<br /> � � (d) that tailure to cure the detau[t on or be4ae the date apecifled in tfie notiao may resuft !n . � —
<br />-- ��� � � acceleration o!the�ums secured by thla Secur(ty tnstrumont and sate o4 the Property.The nottae ���"'"` � -
<br /> � __Y4..._.
<br /> � � sl�atl tutthe� (niorm Bonc�wer o4 @he rtgM to reinstate aRer accatewatlon and tha �igM to bring a � -- -
<br /> -- � cou*t actlon � asser� the non-extstence of a de4autt �r any ather defense vf 8orrawer to �
<br /> � �� �ccelaration and eafe. N the dstauf3 is not cured on or betore the data spect�ed tn the nattce. � ' ' �_
<br /> ` . . � I.�r�er a4 its option r�ay requtae immediate payment in fuif of all sums securad by thts Seeaarity �� ` "'�v�
<br /> ; � . � tns4rument with�ut fuRher demand and may Invoke the power o! sale and atry other reme�lies ' ,- �� `'�y
<br /> • •� permtited toy �ppHcabte law.Lender shaf! he entitted to ccwect ali expenses incurred In pursutng � .,.._�:�:
<br /> • .. • � th� remedies provided in thta paragrapl� 21, lnctuding, �vt no! limited to, roasonabte altomeya' .
<br /> � �. � tees and ccat�04 titte ovidence. - --
<br /> � _� : • N the pawer o! sate is tnvoked. Tru�tee ahail record a nottce ot default in eacb county In .
<br /> _...: � . . which any part of the Praperty ta tocated and sha11 ma11 coples og such reotico In the manner :�
<br /> � prescribed by appitcable Isw to Bonowar and to the other persona proscribed by appltcabfa law. ;: .,,. .
<br /> � .� ``��,� Af�er the time requJred by apptisablo tau�s,Trus4ee shail give pubiic na8ce ot sato to tho persons -- -
<br /> , � , � � and In the manner prescrl6ed by appUcable taw. Trustoe, withou!demand oa Barrower, sfiall se11
<br /> _ . � �� �. tB4c3 Property at pubflc aa�c4lan to the highest bidder at tha time and place anA undor ti�a terms .
<br /> ; .S dasignated In the natice of sal0 In one or more parcels and in a�y arder Trustee determinea. . .
<br /> � ' , Yrustee may postpone salo ot atl or any parcei ot the Property by pu6ltc announcoment at the . :,
<br /> � time and pface ot any prevlousty scheduted sale. Lesa�or or its deslgnee mmy purchase tho .
<br /> �. '� . . � Property at any sale. � �
<br /> � . � Upon recoip! of payment ot tho prlce bid, TrusQee sfiali defiver to the purchaser Trustee's
<br /> � ' � deed conveying the Property. Tha recitats In the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of ,
<br /> � tho Vu4h ot the statemonts made 4herein. Trustee sha�1 apply the praceods of the sate tn the .
<br /> ' . totlawing order: (a) to a!1 costs and expense� of exercising the power of safe, amd the sate, ,. .. ,
<br />_ includtng tho payment af 4he Trustee's teea actually incur�ed, not to exceed thtee
<br />`�',.����-� % oi the principa!amoun4 at the .� � �
<br /> � � reo4e at the time of 4he declaration of defaut4, artd reasonabfo et4orney's tees as permttted by law; - - . .
<br />:ti'..,`-� �: � �. (b) to all suma securod by thia Security Ins4rument; and {c) any excess to the person or persona ' :
<br /> - ' � � tegalty oMitlad to it. .
<br /> �ul`_ ��---
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