<br /> Y� .. .. ` �1 ` . . . •.
<br /> R'.' , // . ✓Jr ..., .
<br /> � i�•.. .�« .A�' ��:�cy,,.:.�....�.�at�.5� :-.nn�.+NF{iYM 6`
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<br /> , .Mw.�....+�.... ,._'_'" OVTS���..�
<br /> ` . �.-
<br />. � ' t. � �.
<br /> � �Q T/�XEg ANp A88E88MENT8. Orantor ahdi pay all tax�s and atf�s�m�nri nittinp to th�Property when du�and Imm�dl�toly provid�L�nd�r � c_..
<br /> 'evkirta of paym�nt of wm�. Upon th�r�qu�st of Und�r,Orantor shati d�poelt wlth Lender ench manth ons-twtlfth(1/12)of ths estlmat�d annual
<br /> } � tmurana•pnmlum,tunf�nd us�um�nri p�rulnlnp to th�Prop�rty. 30 lanp as th�re b no d�f�ult,th�s�amounts shall b�Appil�d to th�ptym�nt� �.
<br /> o}����,�aWttrn�nts�nd Infuranc�as nqulred on ths Property. In th�ev�nt of dstault,Lsndsr ehall heve the rlpht,at it�sol�optlon,to appiy tht � �;
<br /> � tunds so h�ld to p�y any t�xea or epslnet ths Obllgatione. My funde applled mny,et und�r's optlon,be appll�d In revsrse order of th�due date
<br /> ' th�nof,
<br /> 10. INSpECTION OF PROPERYY,BOOKB, RECQRDS AND REPORTS. Orantor ehtil allow Lendsr or Ita apan�e to exnmins And inapect the
<br /> Propsrty end�xamin�,In�p�at and mak�copl�s ot Orantor'�booke and ncordn psrttlnlnp to the Propsrty from tlm�to tlms, Orantor�hnll provld�ri �
<br /> ;, wny asd�tana r�qulnd by L�nd�r tor th�H purpof��. All of tht tipmtunt and Iniormatlon wntaln�d In Onntor's books and records th�ll b� =
<br /> +.� �pNlltln np ta th Prop�rty. Addit on�Uy,Onntorih�l/r pon t�n a form�atlsfaaory to Und�r,�a ch�Intarmatlon sst�lender may qwst npa dln a
<br /> Oantor'�flncnolal condltlon or th�Prop�rtyr• Th�Intormnlon eh�ll b�for suoh perlods,eh�li rstl�ot(inntor'a records at such tlms,snd shall b� —
<br /> '� rondsrad with auch frequenoy na Lend�r may d�slgnat�. NI informatlon tuml�hed by Orantor to l.�ndsr ehnll be t�ue,accurete and camplats In ai L-
<br /> � ��`j� ntp�ott,and�Iprnd by Orantor if Und�r nqw�ri.
<br /> 17. E B T O P P E L C E R Y I F I C A T E B. W i t h l n t�n (1 0)d a y s a ft�r s n y n q w s t b y L�nd�r,(3rantor shall dNiver to Under,or any int�nded trantf�res o _
<br /> �nriw+M"` � L.�nd�r'e riphri wlth rssp�ot to th�Obllp�tlons,a slyn�d and aaknowiedped�tetsm�nt ep�cNylnp(a)ths outetandinp balnncs on t he O b l lp a t l o n s;a n d
<br /> �y,�,� (b)wh�th�r(irantor poss�ss�s any ola lma,d�f�nws,s�t-0tts or counterclaime with resp�a to ths Obliyat�ons Nd,If so,the nature of euch clalma,
<br /> +�+. dd�ns��,set-0ffs or countsrclalm�. Cir�ntor wlll b�coneiu�ively bound by any rspre�ntRtlon thet Lend�r may maks to the Intendsd tranatsree with —
<br /> ' rap�ct to th�w mttt�n In th��v�nt th�t Orantor fafis to provlde the roqu�sted statsment In a tlmely menn�r. , !
<br /> '� printo�r,Borr we�or any puaran or of th�Oblly�tipna':occur und�r thla Deed of Tru�t and the Truates'a pow�r ahu h�come opsrativs In ths event thet
<br /> � (a)fail�to pay any Oblip�tlon to Lmd�r wh�n due; `
<br /> (b)hiie to p�rtorm any Oblipatlon or bnach�s any wuranty or covenant to L�nd�r oontafnsd In thie Orsd d Truat or any other prea�nt o�futurs
<br /> apn�mmt;
<br />- �� ` o)d�itroys,bsss or dam�qs�the Prop�rty In any materfal roapeot or aubJsote the Prop�rty to eeiiuro,conilsoation,or condemnetion;
<br /> �d)Nsk�to nvok�,t�rminat�or othsrwtae Ilmit its Ilebllity und�r any gueranty to Lsndsr;
<br /> (�)di��,bacom�s lepally Incomp�tmt,Is dissolved or tsrminatsd,becomea Inaolvent,mnksa an assipnment tor ths benefit of crsditors,falla to
<br />���*.� pay d�bh ae thay b�com�dw,fila a p�tition und�r th�fsderal bankruptay Inwe,had en Invoiuntnry petition In binkruptay flied in which(3rantor,
<br /> • ��•• ' Borrow�r or my puarantor Is niun�d,or hu prop�Ry bk�n und�r any writ or proaa of court;
<br /> °= (� nilowe gaoda ta b�uad,mnsport�d or�tored on ths Properly,ths poss�asian,uaneport�tion,or ues of which,la Iliegal; `
<br /> � (p)aliowe any parry oth�r thsn(inntor or Borrow�r to assum�or undertek�any Oblipation without the writton conaer�t of Londor;or
<br />`•` ;,��,�;,�, (h) cauas Und�r to dNm itwlf In�acun du�to a dpniflctnt d�olin�In the value of the Property;or if Lender,in good talth,tor auiy reason,
<br /> Wliwss that th�prospeat of paym�nt or p�rtormana Is impt ln d.
<br /> 19. RI(iHT3 OF LENOER ON EVENT OF DEFAULT. Upon the oocurrsnce af an E vent o f D efault undsr thio�eed oi Trust,Lender ahall be sntitled to
<br /> �x�rcie�orn or man ot th�tollowinp rem�dlss without no�a or demand(�xapt as requlrsd b�Isw):
<br /> (a�to declanthe Obl(patlona Imm�diately dus and payable In full,suoh acal�ntlon ehnl be automntia and irnmedlats If the Evsnt of DefAUlt Is
<br />- a flllnp und�r 1h�eankruptay Codr,
<br />:;�'' � (b)to colisatth�oumandUp Oblipattons with or wlthout rewrtinp to judietal proceec;or Chatteh constitu�np the Property at a plaee reaaonably
<br />�;'�`� • (o) to nquin Orantor to deliv�r,and mak�available to Lend�r any peraonal property
<br />-F ' '!�. oonvsnNnt to tirantor end Undt►;
<br />_;�,.,,_. (d)to�nt��upon�nd take poswulon of th�Rroperty without applylnp for or obtafniny ths appointment of a recsiver and,at LendePs option,to
<br />=,;,;;, ,� appolnt a nalvsr without bond,without tir�t bdnpinp euit on th�ObIlyaUona and without othervries meetlnp any atatutory conditlons rspardiny
<br /> ��:i.-- �• naiwn,it bNnp Intsnd�d th�t Lend�r shNl have thle contraotual dpht to appoint a recelvar;
<br />'"Y�;4�, �- (�) to�mploy w m�naytnp�ymt of th�Prop�rty and Ist ths eams,sither In Truatse's own name,in th1 name of Lendsr ar in the nams of
<br /> y,�.�x':i�:�,�; Gr�ntor,and�:iAiv:ihz r.ss�,l�com�,!_.ast:end pr�Nte�f ths Property end apply ths enme,after piyment of nll neceaaary charpss and
<br /> �k �xp�n�4,on�count of ths Obllpatlons;
<br />-_r-j�r�;,a.7 (f)to p�y any sums fn any torm or manner deemed�xpsdlent by Lender to protsct ths ssourity of this O�ed of Trust or to curo any dshult othsr
<br /> �•��`•'• thm paym�nt of tnbnn or pdnc(pd on ths OtrIlpaUOna;
<br />`°'�''�'�'�'�3� (p) to tonclo�this DNd of Trust Judialally or non1udioi�lly and to diroot the eals of ths propertyr thragh exsrcise of the pow�r of s�l�as
<br />-���'��y�� rN�rono�d In paa0raph 20,hmfn,In�coordance wit�appllab��law;
<br /> �i;,''r,;�.+� (h)to at-0ff f3rantoPs Obllyatlons�p�►n�t+�ny amounte ow�d C3rantor Oy I.�nd�r Inctudlny,but not Ilmtted to,moni�a,instrum�nri,�nd d�potlt
<br />�"��-� exounb malntalmd with L�nd�r or any curnnUy�xlsGnp or tuturs attlliab of L�nder;and
<br /> - p�to�x�rciw ail oth�r rtphts avaH�ble to Wnder und�r any othsr wdmn aprwmsnt or applicabls law.
<br /> �� L�nd�r'�riphb ar�eumulatlw and may b��x�rcf�d top�lhu,wp�r�hly,�nd in�ny ord�r. In M�wsnt tlut Und�r Institutea an Rotlon�kinp
<br />��_�;�� t1»ncov�ry of any of th�ProP�nY by way of�pr�Judflmsnt nm�dy In an aaUon�yafnst Onntor,Grtntorwaiws th�poatlnp of any bond wh�h
<br /> _ ��_y�s� mlpht oth�rvvi�W nquind. l.�nd�r or L�nd�Ps desTpnN may purchas�ths Prop�Ay nt�ny eal�. Praasd�of any TNSte�'�tals hmund�r
<br /> _ ^,y�� �hal�b��ppl��d firat,to th�cosu and�xp�n�sa ot�xerelainp ths power of�el�nnd of th�ai�,inoludhp tM paym�nt of tl»TruetN's fN�
<br /> actually Incurred and not to sxce�d th��mount whlch may W prwided tor In thle O�sd of Tru�t,esoond,ro paymsnt of th�Oblipatlons Mcund
<br /> ^ "'-'S�'� hasby,third,to the paymeM of Junlor truat ds�d�,mortys��s,or oth�r Iisnhold�ro,and ths balana, If eny,to ths person or p�rtons Ipuly
<br /> sndtl�d th�rKO. Th�Prop�Ay or�ny purt thereof mty be aold in ons ptrcel,or In euch parceie,m�nn�r a ordtt eis Lend�r in Ita soN discr�tlon
<br />—�-� may�Net,�nd ons or more ex�reiws of the powsr h�rein qrant�d shall not�xNnputsh or exhauot th�pr�wer unleas th�sntin Prop�rty ia aold or
<br /> - �=�� th�obllyations u�paid In full,
<br /> _"�i4"`�� 20, TRUSTEE'S D(ERCI8E OF POWER OF SALE ON OEFAULL Upon default by Borrower in payment of any ObIIDaUons e�cund h�rsb ,Lend�r
<br /> 6 C
<br /> ma d�elan aIi aum�,escured h�nby,Imm�dlatNy du��nd p�yabl�and ehali c�us�to b�fli�d of rocord a writt�n notia of dNauk�nd��otton to
<br /> �_`t�:T'�,� NII th�Prop�rty. Afbr th���Pa�of euch tlme as th�n may b�requlnd by law tollowinp recordation of such notice of d�fault,�nd notia of sai�
<br />,r„�;,�,�,,,. havfny bMn piwn as Men nqWr�d by law,Truet�e,without dsm�nd on Cirantor,ehail s�ll sueh Prop�rty,either�s a whal�or In s�puat�puais,and
<br /> � In suoh order ae k or Lsnd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,at publlo auatton to ths hiphsst biddsr. Trustss may pottpom th��al�of nll or any pordon of th�
<br /> =�=' property by publio announam�nt at ths tlms snd pinoe ot sate,and irom tims to tlme thsroafnr m�y postpoM th�eate by publio announeem�nt at
<br />=-�;,;;r,_'� ths tfm�and plaa fixW by tTi�pnadlnp postponement. Truet�e ahall deilwr to such purehaeer Iw deed eonWylnp the propertyr,or portlon th�nof,
<br /> -- - - a sold,but without any oovenant or warranty,sxprsaa u implled. The rocit�ls In euch ds�d of any mttt�re of faot or otherwite,shdl bs conclualw
<br />— _—_—__ proot of the truthfutneas tnsrwf. My p�non,Includlnp(irantor,Truatee ar Und�r,m�y purahaa��t such aale.
<br /> -.;:a,,;.,,,,,;��— 21. HEQUE8T FOR NO7'ICES. Grantor requeats thet a copy ot any notla of dsfault and a copy of any notla of aals hersunder W mait�d to sach
<br /> —_.:�n„r, p�non who la a partyr hsreto,at the addreso of suoh pereon sst forth h�nin at tho aams time and in th�eam�manner nqulred as thouqh a asparat�
<br /> '!��_"• t-M nquat th�nof had bwn flled by sach weh p�roon.
<br /> a...+��i� 22. BECURIIY IN7ERHST UNDER THE UHIFORM COMMERCIAL CCDE. Thie Oeed of Truet shall be cansid�red a flnancin etet�ment end s
<br />�;: �-�•r�%: flxtur�fliinp punuant to th�proviatom of ths Unitorm Comm�rolal Cod�(aa adopted in the atat�whers th�Property ie located�cov�rinp flxtuns,
<br />�.,�,:'•,�'�� chatteis,and art�iea of peraonal proputy now owrnd or hereatter nttached to or to be usad In conneotion wIN the Property topethsr with any and all
<br /> replacements th�reof and additlons thereto(ths"Chattels'),and Cirantor hereby prante Lender s security interest In such Chattela. 1hs debtor ia the
<br /> Orantor d�tcriWd above. Ths eec►ued party le the Lsnder deacrlbed above. Upon demand,Cirantot ahail meke,execute and deliver auch eecurlty
<br /> , . - a,yre�msnte(as nuch t�rtn Is dsfin�d in eald Uniform Commerclai Cod�)aa Lender at any time may deam neceasary or proper or r�qutred to qrant to
<br /> ' Lsnder a perteetW e�aurity Intereat In the Chnttele,and upon Orantor's faliurs to do ea,Lend�r le nuthori:ed to atpn any tuch epnsment ns th�spsnt
<br /> of Cirantor. Grantor hersby authorizea Lsnder to flie financing atetemente(ne such term la defined In aaid Unllorm Commsrclal Cods)with reapsot to
<br /> j: ths Chatt�ls,at tny time,without the sipnature ot Grantor. C3rantor wlll,howsver,at nny time upon requeat of Lender,sipn sueh tlnancinp atetements.
<br /> GraMOr wlll psy�II flling tess tor ths flling of auoh ffnancing stet�msnts and for ths reflliny thereof et the dm�a requlrod,in ths opinlon of Und�r,by
<br /> aald Unitorm Commerclal Cede. It the Ilen of this Deed of Trust Is subJeot to any security agreement coveri�g the Chattels,then in the eveM of any
<br /> � w th the benefR�of a�ny deposits or�paymenbtnow oahereafte�mede thereof by Gaantor or th prod assora O heucaasors�ln tt e ot Grento�ntthe
<br /> Property.
<br /> .,�:•� ' • 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS DfPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,at Lendsr's option,may expend tunda Qncluding ettorneys'feea and lepal
<br /> • expensea to Aorm any aot nquirsd to bo taksn by(irantor or to exercies eny right or remedy of Lender undsr thla D�ed of Trust. Upon dsmand,
<br /> _ __ _ Orantor a�ell�mmediatdy roimburse Lender for eli such amounts oxpended by Lender toyether wlth Interoat thereon at the Iower of the hlpheat rete
<br /> _ .. ..._ _��_ _....__..._�w.,. ..,.... eu�ti.d�t� nt rsimhu�rtlE�t. ThlSQ BUrt16 EhBll bE
<br /> dsacribetl in any�ngation or me nipnesi ra�e a���,�w..y ia..�rv�.� ..�o..........��...-...-.^.-. -.- -- -
<br /> Included In the dtfinitio��ul Obllpations herein and ehell be eecured by the beneficial Interost grented hereMi. tl the Oblipations are paid after the
<br /> be8Inninp ot publicxtlon ot notice of sale,ea hersin provlded,or In the evsnt Lendsr ahall,at Ita sole option,permit Grantor to pay any part ot the
<br /> ' Obllgstlons after the bepinninp of publicatlon ot notice ot saie,as hersln provlded,then,(irantor shnll pay on demnnd sil expensea Incurrsd by the
<br /> ' Trustee and Lender In conneotlon with oald publlcatlon,Includlnp r�asonabls attorneys'fees to the attomeys lor the Trustee and tor tho Lender,and a
<br /> roaeonable fee ro the Trustee,nnd thia Deed of Truat ahall be security for ell such sxpenses and tees.
<br /> 24. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. All paymenta made by a on behnit o}Grantor may be applled agalnnthe nmounta pald by Lendsr pncluding
<br /> ttttomeys'fees and legal expense�)in conneotfon wlth the exerclae of Its righta or remediea de3cribed fn thls Deed of Truat nnd then to the peyment
<br /> of the remalnMg Obllgatlona In whatever order Lender choo3ea.
<br /> 2s. POVYER OF ATTORNEY. Orantor hsnby appoInta Lend�r as its ariorneyIn•faot to endorse Oranta's nems on ali inatrumente and other
<br /> " documents pertnlninp to the Obllpatlons or Deed of Truat. In addltlon,I.ender shnil be entitled,but not required, to pertorm eny actlan or execute any
<br /> document requlred to be taken or executed by �rantor und�t this Deed of Trust. Lender's performnnce of suoh aotion or execution ot auch
<br /> documenffi shall not relleve Grantor trom any Obilpatfan or curo any default under thie l�ed oi Trust. All powers of attorney desCribed In thle Deed of
<br /> � Trust are couplld with en Intereat and nro Irrovocabie.
<br /> . �chs�iped w�l h u�ndsadvancNedEby Lende�epnrldleas of whether theae�lensh ecurity In el est8 or otherreneumb anCes have been eie r sn ombrantl
<br /> t Pqqe9o�6 •/` �...�
<br />- LPNE9IC r FormAUCnTOChnolog�el.�nt (I1/B/B6) 1B001a71•:l7N7
<br /> . .. v. ._�_� '. '�t.:....�.�:-...._..,_,....� _
<br />