<br /> .. ,. : . „
<br /> .. � �.. . .. .,�,wa►,•X,.r.�...'� . - -- . . . . •.fMMi�Iq1�Ja�.,.. .
<br /> . ..
<br /> . .....__.. ......W .. _.... _ , ....._ _. . . . . .. ... . .. .. ..... ..___.....� .
<br /> I.
<br /> .'"___�.....—_'� ' 1• Me'��.�.
<br /> f (d) arantor ha!he ripht tnd le duiy authotl:ed to sxeout�and petform Its Obllpatlon�und�r thla Q�ed of Truat anA th�w aotlond do not r�d , � °:n,�'.�^�
<br /> shalt not contllot wilh 4h�pravlNons of eny etatuts,repuladon,ordlnencs, rule of lew,contraot�r oth�r apreement whlch may b�bindlnp on •
<br /> . �r�ntor at any ume;
<br /> � (e) No aotlon or prooeeding le or sheli b�pendinp or thrsetensd whlch miqht m���rlally afl�ot th�Prop�rty,and
<br /> (f) Or�ntor ha1 not vlolalld and ehall not vlolst��ny ttatut�, npul�tlon,ordlnartoe,ruls of i�w,contraot�r other apreement(includlnp, but not
<br /> Ilmlt�d to,thos��owrnirp Hu�rdous IN�t�rl�ls)which mlpht m�terldly afl�at th�Prop�rty or l.md�r'�rlphts or Int�net In th�Prop�rty punuant
<br /> � �' to thls Uad of Ttwt �
<br /> 3, pRIOR DEEDS OF TRU9L Cirtntor npns�nb!nd wtrrantr th�t th�n rro no prlor d��dt of trutt aM�otlnp any part ol th�Prop�rty�xapt R�s�t
<br /> forth on Sch�dul�B t�tuch�d to thl�D��d o}Tru�t,whloh�rantor�prs�e to p�y and p�rlorm In R tlm�ly manner. M th�n u��ny prlor dNds o1 tru�t
<br /> ttnn Cirantor�prN�to pay�u amounri ow�d,andp�rform all ob�iqttiom nqulnd,und�r such d�W�of trwt�nd th�Ind�bt�dn�st Ncund 4h�nby ;
<br /> and furthsr�proa that a dN�ult und�r any prlor d��d of trwt shN b��d�f�ult und�r thi�DNd of Trust and shau mNp�Und�r to all rlpht�rnd :,.,�._.,
<br /> � ; romodlo�contalnod hereln ar in the Obligntlone to whloh Und�r wouid b�mtltled In th�w�nt of any oth�r d�fwit.
<br /> - � a�, TRA!l8F8R8 OF THE P80RERTY OR SENEFICIAL INTERE8T8 IN ORANTORS oR 90RROWEHB. In the ovant of u oalo,c mvoyance,Icaee, 'M1a-,_
<br /> contraot tor d��d or trMafer to any p�non of�II or any part of th�nai prop�rty d��crlts�d In Sch�dul�a or any int�rnt th�nin,or ol tll or any _
<br /> ��!'� �Wntliclat Int�nst In Borrovwr or Qrantor pt Borrow�r or(3rantor le not i n�ture�peroon orp�rwn�but U a oorpor�tlon,Ilmlt�d IlebUity compeny, .• �!;::��
<br /> partmnhlp,trust,or othsr I�p��entity),Und�r may,at I»option,doolan th�oumandlnp princlpal bal�nc;�ot th�Ob1ly�tiont plu�tccrwd Intin�t �.�;N�-:
<br /> •w.ww+a�� ' •,a �.
<br /> ,1h�non Imm�diably dw and payabf�. At Lend�r's r�qw�t,Onntor or Borrow�r,�u th�caea may t»,nhall turnish a compbt�eut�m�nt wttinp forth
<br /> �all ot Iri stockhold�re,memb�rs,or partn�ro,a��pproprl�t�,and th��xtmt ot thNr nepootiv�owMnhlp IM�t�tts. -�:.;=„�...
<br /> � 5. A88IQNMEHT OF RENTB. In conalderation of the Oblipatlons whlch aro acurW by thl�O��d of Trust,Orantor ab�olutNy�ulpns to L.�nd�r ail —_ __
<br /> Oranlor'e este�te,rI�ht,tlUs,Intsrsat,claim and damand now owmd or h�rsatt�r�cquind in til�xlttinq�nd lutun I�as�s of th�Prop�►ri pncludinp
<br /> ��xtsnaions,rmsw�la and suM�asea),ell aDrsem�n4s tor ua�nd 000upanay of th�Prop�rty(�il4ueh I�a�s�nd apreemente wh�th�r wrfn�n or oral, � _�__
<br /> ; � ar�heroafter rsferred to aa�h�"Leassn'),�nd tll�uarantlss of Is��s'p�rform�na und�r th�l.��N9,topnh�r wlth th�ImmKllat�and oontlnuinp _
<br /> rlpht to colNat and rsalve W of th�rents,Incoms,receipri,nwnwa,luws,profin and oth�r incom�of�ny n�tun now or hu�att�r du��ncludinp
<br /> ` � any income of any nature comin9 dus durinp any redemption psriod)undsr th�Lsae��or from or�rlsinp out of th�Prop�rty,Inoiudinp minlmum
<br /> • � �' r�nts,additional nnts,percentage renta,parking or common area melnt�nancs oontributbns,trx and Inaurina conulbutions,d�ficllnoy nnte,
<br /> Q� Ilquldatsd dnmapes followlnp defautt in nny Lsaas, aY proceeda pny�bls under any polloy of Insurana cowriny lofs ot nnt� r�wlUny trom
<br />.• " • � ' unMnnntablilty oiused by d�stn�albn or damape to ths Properly,all procNd�pRyabl�u a nsult of a lea��'�ex�rcia�of an optlon to purohaw th�
<br /> ' � .. Prop�rty,all proc�sda dsrivxl from the terminatlon or reJ�atton of any Lea�s In a bankruptoy or oth�r Inwiwncy proc��d�np,�n���of t�abow an
<br /> any rlyhte and oi�ms oF sny kind whieh f3rantor may haw apiinst�ny I��at�und�r th�LsaNS or any occup�nta o}th�Prop�rty(
<br /> h�n�ft�r call�atiwiy rdorred to as tha'Rerttc').This a•alpnment Ie eubJeot to th�right,pow�r and authoriry piv�n to th�Und�r to collect and ap�ly �
<br /> ths R�nts. Thfe�salpnment Is recorrlsd In socordance with applloabls�tat� law;th�Iisn cnat�d by thls autpnmsnt l4 In»nd�d to M sp�cilio,
<br /> �, p�rfsoted,and choate upon the ncordinp of thia De�d of Tru�t,all as provid�d by applicabl�stat�law u am�nd�d from tim�to tim�.As lonp a�
<br /> thsre Is no default under thlOblipations or thla Dsed of Truet,Lsndsr pnntt Oantor a r�vocabls Ilants to colteot ail Rmts trom ths Uu�t whm
<br /> du�and to ua�eueh proaeds In Or�ntor's lwafneas ops�ationa. Howwer,Lender may at any Ume require Orantor to d�posit all Rurts Into an
<br /> .,� axount malntalnM by C3rantor or Und�r at und�r'a In�titution. Upon dsfautt In th�paymmt of,or in th�p�rform�na of,any of ths Oblipatlona, �
<br /> Lsnder may nt Itn optbn tak�poasasfon of th�Property and have,hold,m�napa,lea�and op�rat�th�Prop�ny on tsrma and tor R p��lod ot dm�
<br /> that Lender dsems proper. Lsndtr may proasd to colleet and rsceivs ail Rents irom the propsrty,md Lsnder shW haw full povnr to mak�
<br /> � altsraUone,rsnovuion�,repWra or npiaamenb to tM Prop�rry a�Lend�r m�y dam proper. Lsndsr may a piy ail Ronri in L.�nd�r's aob diacntian
<br /> � ' to paym�nt of the Oblpation�or to ths payment of ths cost ot auch alt�r��ons,renovatlona,rspatn and npPac�mmts and�ny�xp�ne�t Inoldmt to
<br /> � takiny and ntalalnq poss�s�lon of th�Prop�rry p�riodlcaliy and the manap�ment and op�ratlon of th�Propety. Lend�r mty kNp th� Prop�rty
<br /> prop�rly insursd and may dlschtrps any texea,charpea,claims,asaeasmsnts and oth�r lima whtch may acorue. Th��xp�ms and cost o1 th�w
<br /> with oth�.roy ats eha��rbscome Part of Me�Oblip�ons e�cuPsd by tt�Is�DaW aof T u�d���s principal of the ObIlpaUoru. Th�n amou�t,toD�ther
<br /> . , 6. LEASES AND OTHER AfiREEMENTB. Orantor ahail not taks or fail to t�k�any aodon which mxy oauea or p�rtnk the arminMlon or th�
<br />.�; `, y���pn�eting of any paymantln conneotton with any Leaae pertetninp to ths Pro�»rty. In addlUon,Rr�ntor,without Landar'a prtor written conteM,sh�l
<br /> not:(i)ooll�at�ny monlss payabl�under any uaa mon man on�mortih m aavii�ir, (�}madltY�r►Y�s:�; t�)�'On'x"��^�'�u•n,a�cudty
<br /> Int�nst or othsr maumbrana to be ptaced upon Orantor's Aphn,titU and InUnat fn and to any Leaa or ths amounri payable th�rand�r,or(d)
<br />-� t�rminat�or cancel any Le�u axapt tor ths nonpaymmt of any wm or oth�r mat�ri�l brs�ch by th�oth�r party th�nto. M Orantor r�alws�t any
<br />- ; tlm��ny writbn co►nmunlGtion aassrtinp a d�fault by�rantor under a Leies or purportinp to tsrminat�ar canal any Uas�,Gantor shul promptly
<br /> .- torwud a capy ol such oommunleatton(end any subsequsnt communlcaUons nl�tinp th�nto)to Lend�r. All such Lews and th�amaunts du�to
<br /> - Grentor th�nund�r an henby aeslpnsd to Lendsr na additional s�cutity tor ths OblipaUona.
<br />- Y• 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEONE33 FROM THIRD PAR7Y. Lender ehall b�sntltled to noNfy or r�quirt Orantor to notHy anythlyd paAy(Indudinp,
<br />;�,r��;�,� but not Ilmitsd to, leassea,Ilcenows,povsrnmsntal nuthoritlea and ineurana eom ani�s)to pa Lend�r any indebt�dn�ss or obliQatbn owinp to
<br />?:�,,,,,*j, � Orantor with nap�ot to th�Prop�rty(cumul�tiwty'Ind�bt�dn�ss')wh�th�r or not a d�fault�xisti und�r thit DNd ot Tmst. Onntor shUl dllip��tiy
<br />��•" coliwt th�IndebMdnas owlnp to Cir�ntor irom thsa�third p�rtl�s until tht pivi of such notlflcaUon. In tho ev�nt thri�antor pos�ss„or r�aiw�
<br /> T�... .. `.tr
<br /> poawaston of any innrummri or oth�r remlttmws with r�tp�ot to th�hd�bt rnss tollowinp ths pivinp of auch notiflation or If th� Imaummts or
<br />����*.,.•„ oth�r nmittanat eonnituu th�prspaymmt of any Indsbt�dnest or the ptyment of any Insurance or condemnt�on procMds,(iranta sh�ll hold
<br /> �., such fnsttum�nb and othK r�mlttancea in trurt for Lender�part from Its othsr prop�rty,sndore�th�instrum�nts tmd oth�r nmltt�na�to Lar►Wr�
<br />�,.,�,,1�.:,;�,,.: and Imm�distely provids Und�r with posessabn ot th�Instrum�nts and oth�r nmittancea. Under shall b��ntltlW,but not r�qulnd,to oolNot(bY
<br />=�-;„r.���, Ipd prooNdinpt or othen+lte),exbnd ths Nm�tor ayment,compromla�,sxchanp�or roNaa any obli�a or coilat�rd,or othetwis�wttl�anY of
<br /> ^.; mtscaki,�om ssion ordNeY p�rWn np to th��ct o�ns ds�crib�d In thia puaqar�adph a any dam p�s�ul8 9 tbh�er�itrom. Notwithetandlnp�npofnp,
<br />'�;`��J;�
<br />��"`'���"'"'� nothlnp h�rsin thatl Guse Lend�r to b�d�sm�d a moApapsedmposaeeaton.
<br /> .,. .�
<br /> ='`"-�-� !. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Orantor ehaii riks�II actlone and mak�any npairo nesd�d to mdnutn ths Proputy in 0
<br />;;'�x:'';;.•- condkion. Orantor ehatl not commit or p�rmit any:•:a..�te to ba committed with rsap�ot to th�PrapeRy. Orantor shtll us�th�Piropety�oNly in
<br /> eompIlanc�with appYcabU Iaw and Inaurana pol�ctea. Grantor ehati not make any alt�raUons,addlUons or improverrNnts to ths Prop�rty without
<br />�'. �"•- � LendePs pdor written conwnt. wthout Ilmitinp ths forepoinp,ell alt�ntiona,addltlona and improwmsnts mads to tM Properly�hall b�subJ�ot to
<br /> �.��'r"`,''� th�ben�Hclal tnbrsst belonyinp to I..�nd�r,shtll not be r�moved without Lsnd�Pd prior wrltbn cone�nt,�nd ehali bo mad�at Graritor's�oN�xp�n�.
<br />— °�'��' 9, LOS$OR DMMdE. Or�ntor�hali betr th��ntiro dtk of any loaa,theft,deatruotton or dunay�(cumulaUwly"Loss a Damipe')to th�Prop�rty or
<br />-_ ���'' any pordon thereof irom Ny cause whatsowsr. In the evmt of any Loss or Damage,tirantor shall,at ths opUon of Lend�r,npsir ths etteated
<br /> - �;�-.�.r• ; p�pp��y tp�ts previous oondition or pay or cauae to be pald to Lender ths decrease in ms talr market vaiue of the�fl�ot�d Prop�rty.
<br />�" 10. INSURANCE. fie Propsrty will be kept Insured for Ib full Insur�bl�value (nplaament cost)apainn ali hazarda includlnp lou or damap�
<br /> -,_.;`t,, . A caue�d by flaod,sarthqu�k�,tornado and fire,thsft or othsr casu�ity to the sxt�nt required by Lsndsr. Cirantor may obtdn Usurance onthe Prop�rly
<br /> -,.,,,,,,','.•.' from such companUs as�cs acaptable to Lender In Ite eote dlacretlon. The Insuana policiea shall rsquln the Inwrana company to provid�
<br /> - L�nd�r wiM Rt bast 30 d�ya wrttten noHce bsfon such polici�t Rr�altsnd or oanail�d In any mtnner.The Insunnd poiides shail
<br /> �-•?'•'• • nams Under aa a bss payse�nd provide thnt no nct or omissbn of Qrantor or nny other p�rcon ehail afMat ths dpht of l.rnder M b�pdd th�
<br /> imurance proaede Pertalninp to ths loas or damape of the Property. In the svent 3r�ntor falla to acquire or mafnutn inaunince,Lender(aftsr
<br /> providinp notta aa may b required by law)mny in iri discrstion procure�ppropriat�Insuranoe cov�rap•upon the Propsrty and the Inwana oon
<br /> � shall be an adv�ncs payad�and bearinp Irmroat as d�acrlbsd In Parpreph 23 nnd e�cursd h�reby. Grantor shall fumish Und�r wNh�vidtna of
<br /> � Inaurana indtc�ting the required coverays. Lsnder mny aot as�ttom�y�ln•faot tor Orantar tn makinp and estt�inp cl�ims und�r inaunnc�poiicl��,
<br /> canalliny any poltcy or endorsinp(irantor's name on any draft or nepotlabls InaVUmeM drawn by any Ineursr. All such Inaurana polldss shall be
<br /> Immedlately arlgned,PledBed and delivered to Lender ne turther aecurity for the Oblipatlons. In the event of loaa,(irantor ehsll tmm�dlatNy piw ¢.
<br /> Lendsr written notia and lsnder is authori:ed to maks proof of loss. Each insurance company is dirooted to mak�paymmts dtr�clly to Und�r �,,.;,
<br /> ' inetead of to Under tnd(irantor. Lsnder shail have ths rlpht,at Its sole option,toapp ly auch monlea toward ths ObNpatlons or towud th�ooat of __
<br /> • rebuildinp and reatotlnp the Properry. My amounta may at Lsnder's opUon be applled In the tnvsra�ordsr of th�dus dtt�s th�r�ot. -_- _
<br /> •_ � 11.ZONING AND PRNATE COVEN/INTS. Cirantar shall not inluate or consent to any ohange In the ioniny provialona or privats eoventnts atteetiny �'�_;.
<br /> i ths use ot ths Prophty without Lendsr's prior w�itten consent. M Grantor's use of ths PropeRY is or becomea a noncoMorminy uae under any xonlnp �•`:,.�4_
<br /> provlsion,Gramor shall not causs or p�rmit auch us�to be dlxontinued or ebandonsd whhout the prlor written conssnt of Lender. Grantor wl�l
<br /> � Immedlately provid�Lender with w�itten notice of any proposed changes to the=oning provisions or private covenanta a8eotinp th�Prop�rty.
<br /> ' 12 CONDEMHAI'ION. Orantor shall immedlatsly provide Lsnder wtth wrlttsn notioe ot any natue�or throatsned cond�mnatlon or eminsnt domwin
<br /> � proaedlnq p�nalninp to the Property. NI monlss payabls to Cirentor from aueh condemnatton or tekinp aro hsroby aeslgn�d to Lender and ahali b�
<br /> ` . annll�d first to the paymsnt of Under's attornsye'fe�a,.lepal sxp�nees and other eoste pnciudl�apprafeal f�ss) In conneetlon with ths •,',,
<br /> '.. '_'�'_"__��.�.� u..�u....�...�lu��Nnr�}Inn m roealt C}ths ___ �r•_..-.
<br /> � COfId�rt106tlOIl Of Etillfl@fltdOTdlil ptOCQSIlfOQ8 a�0 tM��ttttne opnon or wnao��w u�o Mar�uow�...��o......y�«....�_'-•-•------- � • _ ,�.-
<br /> Prop�rty.
<br /> 13. LENDER'8 RIdNT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAt.ACTIONS. Grentor shnil Immsdlate�y provlde Lender with w�lttsn notice ot any actual
<br /> or threatensd ection,suit,or other proceeding aHeoting the Property. (irantor hereby appoints Londer as Ite attorney-In•}not to commence,Intervene
<br /> � In,�nd defend such aottons,sults,or other Iepat proceed►ngs und to compromiss or aettl�any clelm or controverayp�rtnining thersto.Lender shall
<br />= I not be Iiabt�to C3nntor tor any nctlon,error, mfeteke, omission or delay penafning to the eatlons deaCrlbsd In thlS pAfdQtHph or any damages ,
<br /> � reaultfng thsnlrom.Nothlnp contnined hsroln wlll prevent Lender from Mking the aatbna described In tnia paragraph In Ib own name.
<br />- � 14. INOEMNIFICATION.Lender shall not aesume or be reaponsible for the pedormance of any of tirnntor's obllQations with respeat to the Property
<br /> � under any clrcumsuneee. C3rxntor ahall Immedlateiy provide Lender with written notice of and indemnHy and hotd Lsnder and its ehcueholders,
<br /> dlreCtors,oNicers, employees and agenta hermless lrom ali clalms,damages,Ilabilftisa(inoludlnq attornsys'fess end iepal expsnaea),caussa of
<br /> - actlon,aatlone,ouln and other lepal proceedlnys(cumulatively'Clalme')pertalning to the Property pncludinp,but not Ilmited to,thoae Involving
<br /> � Huardous M�►erfale►. Grantor,upon the request ot Lender,shau hlre lepei counsel to detend Lender trom euch Claime,and pay the ettomoys'fees,
<br /> lepal expenses and other casts Incurred In conneallon therewith. In the alternatfve,lender shali be entltisd to employ Ite own IsQal counsel to defend
<br /> � such Citims at f3ranto►'s cost. (irantor's obllgetion to indemnHy Lender under thls parapraph shail survivs the termineHon,release or forsciosurc t
<br /> �I thl8 Detd of Tru6t.
<br /> � LPNEOtIB � FO�LOnTeChnoqg�el.�nC111lB/B61 1�1�7.�7� Fag�2of6 __`.y�_�`�—.
<br /> � .
<br /> .. ..
<br />