.... �,..-.�..s�rr..... r..--.... �
<br /> � �,.__ __. -.._.
<br /> ` r ":Ar." ':`C i;:�k'T'z��,,'� r �� "'(�: w _. � ,�- �- ��� `_'""
<br /> ..11�".�SY ' . _ .'.LL, ..t. - — _ .,.�."r�.: - —_ . — _....
<br />. •
<br /> Z7. COLLlCTION COS78. To th��xunt (mnitCtd by law,Orantor aprNt to p�y Lsnd�P�nawnabN fMt�nd costs,Inoludlnp,but qot IlmRrd to, ,
<br /> m i pbyYS ot L+�ndi��ivhl:�h uo i�inc��by Und�r Inhoolll�atl�p'�p t�iiw�o�inf orclnp�uiytrlp�hthor�nmW y�undir thtli n0�i�id WwTr�ust, '
<br /> wh�th�r or not�ult Io broupht,inaludinp,but not Iimlud to,�tl fN� uw ooNS Incurnd on�pp�d, In bankruptoy,�nd for pon•Judprt»nt oo11�c0on
<br /> e�tion�.
<br /> Z�, pART1AL q!Ll�G Und�r may nl�as�It� Inur�st In aportion ot th� Prop�rty by ix�cutlnp and ncordlnp on�or mon Panl�l D��d o
<br /> p�oonv�y�na wlthout�ttwtlnp it�Inbn�t In th�nmdnlnp poRfon of th�Prop�rty Nothinp h�nin�hall b�dMm�d to obli at�I.�nd�r to nN�s�
<br /> �I�y ot Ib Intentt In th�Prop�rty(�xapt t�nqulnd und�r Pu�pnph 37),nor shuf LUnd�r b�obllyxud to nbaw�ny part��o thit ponio nW thi
<br /> 1�fn dNauft und�r thls W W of Tru�t. Th�Il�n�nd wcurl inbnst oneted by th�DNd of Trutt r�mUn In�N�ot with r�t
<br /> prop�rty,a d�fln�d In th�DNd of Trun,thtt fs not th��ub�iot o1 thls a any Part�W DNd of R�oonv�ymo�.
<br /> f�. M6DIfICATIOM AND WAIVER. Th�modltloRtlon or w�iwr ol any of Oranlor'�OblI�atbnf or Und�r'�rlpht�under thlf Dwd of Trust muft b�
<br /> oorttain�d In a writinp daned by UntNr. Und�r m�yp�rlorm�ny o1 Bor►o+wr's or(iru�io�'�Ob�I�!�n M�ay or}all to�x�rclw uiy of I!�riphb or
<br /> pt paym�nb trom Qnntor or�nyon�oth�r thsn Qra�tor wlthout Gusinp�wtiv�r of thoN�l Q lpht�. A walwr on on�000ulon�hwll
<br /> oonttHut�a walwr on anY othe ooa�lon. (ir�ntor'o Obl-iaaqons under thl�Qeed of Truat ehntl not b��H�otW If Und�r am�nd�,oompromlw�, L _
<br /> �np��,fall�to�x�rdN Imp�in or nNau�my of th�Ob�Ip�tiom b�b^0�^o t°�"Y Orantor,Borrovwr or thlyd pury or an of In riyhto apWnst
<br /> y Gr�ntor,Botrowa or th�rdperty or any of th�Prop�rty I.Ynd�r��h��un to Intist upon�trlot p�rform�na of�ny of th�Cb�ip�tlons sh�ll not b�
<br /> A�� m�d a watwr,�nd l.�nd�r thall hRw th�ripht at any tim�thK�aft�rto InW�t upon�triat p�riormana.
<br /> rqo. SU6�TITUTE TRUaTEl. In c�of 11»d�ttn,in�bllity,niu�i to iot or abwno�of th�Tru�tN trom th��tut�wh�n th�Prop�rty b IoatWp or in
<br />' (�osw the ho�d�r ot m�Oblt0ations�h�ll d„In tor any n� aion to nmow th�ru��tf!��ir toip�polnt n wr~p a iub~stituti truitK for s�ld�tru���,
<br /> �rnw trustN In hls pl�o��nd sN�d th�hold�r of ths OWipatlon�It h�nby p
<br /> md th�wb�titut�uu�tN�hul,w��n appoInt�d,b�oom�auoauar to ail rlyhte ot TrunN h�aunda�nd th�um��hRtl b�oom�v��t�d In him for
<br /> tM purpoN��nd obJ�cri of this Gsd ot Trust with�Y th�powwr,dutW and obllpttion�h�nln oont�md on th�TruttM.
<br /> � 31. BUCCE�OR8 AND AS8iQM8. Thi�DNd of Trust ihul b�bindlnp upon md inun to th�b�rnHt of�r�ntor�nd L�nd�r and th�lr reap�otiv�
<br /> �woaaon,atlans,uuri�s,nalwn,admini�traton,p�nonal npr�nutiv�a,I�patNS and dwisN�.
<br /> g2. lIOTICEB. Exapt a oth�rwlM rpuind by Iaw,�ny notia or ath�r communicadon to b�provided undtr this DNd ot Trust�hall W In wrltin9
<br /> •nd Nnt to th�parti�s at th�addnu��d�scrib�d In this DNd of TmK or such othe addnsi u th�pani�s may d��lpnab in writinp trom tlm� to
<br /> sint or wMn t�iaiv�id by thi pinon m whom t�uch nuoHo ali b�iinp p�vin p�ld,�h�ll W dNm�d piven th���r1i�r o11hrN(3)daya att�r woh nodo�U
<br /> 9�. gEyEpASIL171f. Wh�n�wr poulbl�,�aoh providnn ot thi�DMd of Tmst�hsll b�Inb�pnbd�o a�to b�N(�odw and v�lid und�r rppllcabN
<br /> st�b IRw. H any provislon ot this OMd ot T�u�t vidtl�s th�Inw or N un�nforaabN,th�nst of thlt DMd of Trust shdt oontinu�to b�valld and
<br /> �MoraabN. �
<br /> yf, AppLICAdI.E LAW. Tht�DMd ot Trwt shul t�powrn�d by th�I�vw of th�mt�wh�n th�Rrop�rty la locat�d. Unlesa eppliceibl�I�w pr u
<br /> oth�iwlM�(iraMOr oonNnb to th�Jurisdlotlon and wnu�M any oouRMl�cbd by L�rKNr,In tb wl�dbcr�don�looabd in that ftat�.
<br /> 36. NO THIRD�PARTY RIdHTB. No p�non is or sh�ll b�a ihird�party b�n�Nclary of my Provi�ton oHht�DNd of Trutt. NI dom oi this DNd of
<br /> Ttutt In favor of Undu us Int�ndW eoldy tor th�bm�ftt of Lend�r,Md no third partyr�h�l b��ntld�d to tuum�or�x that l�nd�r will w�iv�a
<br /> oone�nt to th�modificaUon of any providan of thls Owd ot Truu,in Und�r's soN di�cntion.
<br /> 3b. PREBERYATiOlI OF LIAdILITY AND PRIORIT1f.WRhout afl�cqe0�°int a�nd pirfoBmtn�oorAf�thi OtiIIp�Noni uauid wkh �ath�odi�mi'r�phts'noyt
<br /> othu p�non(�xwpt a Mnon�xpnssly nl�aMd in wrttinp for th�p�ym Nn���
<br /> L�ncNr vrith n�p�ct to any Prop�rty not�xpnuly nN In writinp,and without Impafdnp In�ny way th�priorityr ot thh DNd of
<br /> IM�nK of anyp�non aoq�dnd or flrst widmad by naordinp wb�pu�M to tl»�IdlnOi 1or�pi�nt or pirfot�ma a of aU�a any part�of��
<br /> th�maturity of tht Ob1lpRtion�,uid without notta or oonant: nNas��ny p� wl
<br /> Obllpations; mak�anya�rNm�nt aFbrin th�t�rm� of Paym�nt or pxlormmw of all or�ny put of th�OblipRtbnr �x�rdw or rMrun irom
<br /> �x�rdWnp or walv�any rlyht or nmedy�hat L�nd�r m�y fiaw und�r lhis Dwd of TruK• acwpt addltlond acurlty�o�«Y�dinp wld�a
<br /> Obiloationa;or nNtw a�Mrvviw d��l with Rny n�or p�twnN propsAY Mcudn�th�Obt�yttiom.MY P�►an aai � n�
<br /> �ny fM�nst of any n�tun In th�Prop�rly shNl b�dam�d,by�oqulrinp wch IM�nN or noordiny�ny wld�na th�not�10 hRw oon�r►t�d m alt a
<br /> any wch aattons byr Und�r.
<br /> - ;7.p�p�,°,�,:�, !lpcn thc pa� sn!en�^ert^rmano�In full of�I of tM ObllOa�ont,Und�r wlll�x�a+t��nd dNlwr to Orantor�doournsnt�
<br /> thRt may b�rpufnd to rN�w DNd ot frutt of noord. OtNtOt 111R11 b����potlNbi�t0 pay tny oosp oi womdwuiri�.
<br /> 3�. CONSTRUCTION LOAN. Thl�DMd of Trust h a canttnicHon morm�p�und�r th�UnHorm ComrrNrdal Cod�,to s�cun�n obllpa�tim
<br /> �nourc�d 1or th�consuuotion of an Improwm�nt on I�nd,InciudinQ 1M aoquisitbn oo�ts of Iand• TN�DNd of Trust acuna a conttruodon lan�auid
<br /> R will b�wbJ�ot to th�urm�of a oonshuation ban�pn�m�nt b�twwn Qnntor and Und�r. My mtt�ritla,�qulpm�M or wpplN�uMd ar IMwf Wd
<br /> for uw In th�oonhrucdon,d�wlopm�rtt,or op�ratbn of th�Prap�ny,wh�th�r�tond on or otf th�Prop�rty�shdl�la b�wbj�ct to tM Ii�n ot thU
<br /> DNd of Trust.
<br /> �.WMIER pp HpIlAEBTEAD AND OTHER EXEMPTIalIB. fdranror h�nby wdvn all hom�tt��d and oth�r�x�mptlont In th�Prop�rh►to whkfi
<br /> (irantor would otMrwlN b��tHid�d und�r any�PP�Icabl�law.
<br /> A0. MISCELWiEOUS. (ir�ntor and Und�r aprw th�t dm�I�of tM�awnc».Gantor w�►w�pr�Mntmmt,d�mand for paym�r►t,notlo�of dUhona
<br /> uid prob�t�xc�pt as nqulndby Itw. NI r�rsnat to(i�u►tor In thi�De�f af Trust�h�l Indud��IIp�nom�IQnfn0 bNow. H th�n ts ma�thv+om
<br /> t3nntor,tMir ObIlpallons�hall 6�joint�nd Nwrtl, Thit DNd ot Truft ropnMnb th�oompl�u InUptaUd undiratandiny b�twNn t3��Ma and
<br /> L�nd�r p�rtalninp to tM t�rm��nd oondkions h�nof.
<br /> OR�ED UPON,'fHls DEED OF 7RU9T.
<br /> �,ADpiT10NALTERMa:
<br /> arentor�cknowl�d���that OrRntor hat rsad,und�r�tande,and ayr�es to ths t�rms and eonditionf of thls DMd of Trun,�nd acknowl�dp�s nafi�t of
<br /> �n�xaot oopy ot am�.
<br /> D�t�dthis 1�� dayof Nov�b�r, 199? .
<br /> GRIWTOR: ISRrl�li Josg�ns�a RiiANTOR: Qet��II dOtQ�A��A
<br /> — �v+-'�3"�-" \ -
<br /> - a or �n — Z:asm�a org� �n
<br /> __ (3RAtiTOR: fiRANTOR: ` __
<br />_�—�A — –
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<br />_�:�, ORIWTOR: tiFlANTOR:
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<br />•�� tiWW?OR. OFUWTOR:
<br /> •4
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<br /> 4PNE6ttD -��Fom�MlonTtchno�og�n.lna(tt/8/B8) (E00)��ar� P��d6
<br /> .....�� _�.�.._ ......._. ���,aJ.�,' .._....._�.___— __ ..—_--_ --_
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<br /> Y ••,�sa,�c,,zx�-.––.__.
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