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<br /> "proceeds')In�unnectbn wllh condemndlon or othsr teklnp of the Property or peR thereof,or(or conveyence In Ileu of condemn�Hon.
<br /> - I.ender sheH be anUqed at Ib optlon lo commsnce,eppear In and proaecute in Ite own neme any acllon or proceedinge,and ehall alw
<br /> - ba entlfled to make any compromlae or settlement In connectlon wlth auch tnking or damape. In the event any portlon of th9 Property Ie
<br /> �,;j so taken or damaged,Lender ehail have tha optlon in Ite eole end eb�tolute dlacretlan, to epply ell such proceeda, eRer d�educting
<br /> - therefrom ell coats end expenaes InCUrred by it In connecilon wlth such Proceeda,upon any i�debtednean secured hereby and In such
<br /> — order aa Lender may detsrmine,or to epply aU such Proceeda,ufter such deducGons,lo!he reatoratla�of the Rroperty upon auch aon-
<br /> �� dltlon�es lender mey determine.Any eppllcatlun of Proceeda to Indebtedneaa ahall not extend or postpone the due date ot any pay- �
<br /> ='�,� mants under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall be psid to Trustor. ,�
<br /> -- 8. P�rformancQ by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of an Event oi Default hereunder,or If any act Is teken or legal procetMing �
<br /> _. ;� commenced which materielly affects Lender's Interest in the Property,Lander may in Ils own dlecroUon,but without oSIlgeUon to do so,
<br /> end without noqco to a demand upon 7rustor end without releasing Trustor from any obligation,do any act which Trustor has ag�ucd �
<br /> �' but talled to do and may also do any other ect it deema necessary to protect the eecutlty hereoL Truator shatl, immediatsly upon
<br /> � demand therefor by LAnder,pey to Lender all costa end expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectton with the exer- �
<br /> cise by Lender of tho faegoing 8phte,together with tnterest thereon at the default rate provided in the Note,which shall be added to 0,
<br /> .- the indebtedness�secured hereby.Lender shall not incur eny tiability because oi anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. �
<br />__� 8. H�zardous 61�t�rl�ls.Trustor shall keep the Property In complience wlth ail appllceble laws,ordinances and regulatfons
<br />__j relating to Industrial hygiene or environmental protectlon (collecUvely referrea to hereln as'Envinanmental Lavra').Tn�stor ehell keep
<br /> the Property free from all substencea deemed to be hazardoue or toxla under any Environmental L.ewa(cotlectively refemed w hereln
<br /> as"Hazardous Matertals').Trustor hereby warrsnts and represents to Lender that there ere no Hazerdous Matedals on or under the
<br /> Properly.Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender,Its directors,officers.employees and agents,and any suocea-
<br /> - sors to Lenders Interest,from end against any end ail claims,damages,losses and IlebiliUes ad�ing in connectlon with the presence,
<br /> - use,disposel ar Vansport oi eny Hezardous Materfals on,under,from or ebout the Properry. THE FORE�OING WARRANTIHS AND
<br />- - - 10.Aasipnmwnt o1 Ranta.Trustor hereby ass{gns to Lender,and grants Londer a security Interest tn,ell present,tuturo and
<br /> after adsing rents,issuea and proflts ot the Property;provided that Trustor shali,until the occurtence of an�vent of Defauit,hereunder,
<br /> have the�ipht to coilect end retaln such rents,issues and proflts as they become due and peyable. Upon the occurrence of an Event oi
<br /> qefault, Lender may, either tn person or by agent,with or without br(nging eny action or proceeding, or by e receivar appointed by a
<br /> court and wlthout regard to the adequacy of its securtty,enter upon and teke possessbn otlhe Property,or any paR thereot,In its avn
<br /> name or in the name ot the Trustee,and do any ar,ts which it deems necessary or dasireble to preserve the vaiue,marketability or
<br /> rentebufty oi the Property,or eny part thereof or interest therein,or to fncrease the incame therefrom or protect the secudly hereof and,
<br /> with or wifhout taking possesston of the Properly,sue for or atherwise collect the rents,issues end proflte thereoi,including tho�e past
<br /> _ due and unpaid,by notiying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may epply rents,issues and profits,tess oosts and experts-
<br /> es of operatlon end coMection tnGuding attomey's fees,to any tndebtedness securad hereby,all in such order as Lender rtu�y deter-
<br /> mine.The entedng upon t�nd taking possesslon of the Property,the collecUon ot such rents,Issues and profits,and the appl�aHan
<br /> thereof a�aforesefd shail not cure or waive any defeuit or notice of defeult hereunder or Invalidete any act done in responae to such
<br /> default or oursuant to such noUce of defauit and.notwithstandtng the conUnuance In possesalon of the property or the coilection,
<br /> receipt and applicatlo�of rents,issuea or proflts,Trustee snd Lender shall be entided lo exercise every dght provided hx(�any of the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi any Event of Default,including without Ilmitation the dpht to exerciso the power ot sale.
<br /> Further,Lenders righte and remedtes under this paregraph shell be cumulaUve wlth,end In no way a limitatfon on,Lendars rlghta and
<br /> remedies under any assignment of 9eases and rents recorded against the Property. Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be Ifabb to
<br /> eccount oniy for thoae renta actualiy received.
<br /> 11.Evenb oi O�fau1G The folbwing shall conaUtute an Event of Default under thia Daed of Trust:
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay eny Inateilment oi principal or tnterest or eny othor aum aecured hereby whe�n due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under eny provlsion conteined In the Note,thla Deed ot Trust. eny oi the Loan Inatruments,or�ny
<br /> other Ifen or encumbrence upon the Properly;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attechment or eny similar process shall be enterod eyainat Trustor whfch shall become a Ibn on
<br /> the Proparty or eny portton thereof or(ntereat theretn;
<br /> (d)There ah�ll be fllad by or epalnat Truator or Borrower en action under eny present or future federal,state or other atetute,
<br /> iaw or ropulation roladnp W bankruptcy,Insolvency or othsr relief for dsbton;or Ihero ehell be sppointsd any truatee,roos�vsr a .
<br /> Ilquldator of Tru�tor or Borcower or of atl or eny part of the Property,or the rente,isaues or proftts�thereof,or Trustur ar Bortower
<br /> s�all make any penerel asstpnment for the beneflt oi creditors;
<br /> (o) The sele,transter,laase,assignment, oonveyance or fuRher encumbrencs of ell or any part of or any interest in the
<br /> P►operty,elther volu�teHly ar Involunte8ly,without the express written cansent of Lander,provided that Trustor shail be permit-
<br /> ted W execute a lease of the Properly that doea not contatn an option to purchase end the term of whfch does not exceed one
<br /> yea�;
<br /> (�Abendonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) If 7rustor is not an tndlvidual,the issuance,sale,trsnsfer,assi�nment,conveyance a encumbrence of more than(H a
<br /> corporatbn)e total of pnrcent of its issued and oubtendtng stock,or(If a parb►ership)e totel of per
<br /> cent of partnership Interests,or(It a timited Ilability company)a totel of percent of the Iimtted Ilabflity compa•
<br /> ny interests o�voUng r(ghts during the perlod thts Deed of Trust remalns a Iien on the property.
<br /> 12.R�m�dl�s;Accal�ntlon Upon D�taul�In the event of any Event of Defauk Lender may,without noUoe except as required
<br /> by law,dedere ali indobtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shap thereupon 6ecome due and payable with-
<br /> —�� out any presentment.demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> _ (a)Demand lhat Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's inter-
<br />-- est In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlsMbuted,all In the manner provided(n the Nebraske Ttust Deeds Act;
<br />____ (b) Exercise any and alt dghta provided tor in any of the Loan Instruments a by lew upon occuRence ot any Event af
<br /> ,_� Defeutt;end
<br /> (c)Commence an action ta foreclose this Ooed of Trust as a mortgage,eppoint a receiv�r,or speciflcally enforcs any of the
<br />�•`_' covenants hereoi.
<br />'� No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br />,=�`�'� Instruments or by lew provided or portnitted,but each shelt be cumulative,shell be in addllion to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Instrumenta or now or hereafter exlsting et law or In equity or by stetute,and may be oxercised concurrentiy,independently
<br /> or succes(vely.
<br />=:=_�� 13.Trusts�.The TrusteA may resign et any Nme without cause,and Lender may at any tirne and without cause eppofnt a suc-
<br /> -�f� cASSnr nr uuhstitula Tmctaa Tn�ntaa ahall nnt hn Ilahia tn anv nartv InrLullnn mithnut Iimltatlon Lendet Bortowet Tnutnr or anv eur.
<br /> ••�.. chaser ot the Property,for any Ioss or damage unless due to reckless or wlilful misconduct,and shail not be requlred to teke eny ection
<br /> ���.; tn connectbn with the enforcement of th(s Deed of Trust unless indemnifled,in wdting,for all costs,compensetion or expenses which :
<br /> , may be assocfated therew(th.In addltion,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudicial or under the power of
<br />-' •.�, sele grented herein); postpone the sale of ali or any portion of tha Properry,as providad by law;or sell the Property as a whote,or in _
<br /> . separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> . 14.Fees and Fxpenaes.in the event Trustee selis the Propertyr by exercise ai power of sale,Truatee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds ftrst to payment of all costs end expenses of oxercising power of sale, incl�ding all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> ', Trustee's attomey's fees, actually tncurred to extent permitted by applfcable law.In the event Bo�rower or Trustor exercises eny�1ght
<br /> provtded by law to cure an Event of Defauit,Lender shall bo entitled to recover from Tmstor elt coste and expenses ectually Incumtd as _
<br /> a resuit of Truator's deFeult,Including without Ilmitation all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent pertnitted by epplicabie law. -
<br /> 15.Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at its option,make additEonal and future edvances and read-
<br /> vences to Borrower.Such edvances and readvances,with interest thereon,shail be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br />