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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRU3T,is made as ot the 7TF1 day of NOVEMRF R .19 97 .by and amon��
<br /> the Trustor, �c
<br /> whose mailing address Is -� ^'�' ,.�.�.��►� r_o��n r c i eun_ NF 6RA0� (herein TNStor',whether one or more),
<br /> ,����p�e�re��$ p 0 BOX 1�a0Z GRAND ISLANO FLF �aRn�-1507 _(herein'Tn,etee�,and
<br /> theBeneflciary, FTVF Af1TIJTs R�KK —
<br /> whosemeiitngaddressis 2015 N. BROADWELL 6RAND ISLAND NE 68802 (heretn•�ende�. `
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDHRATION,induding Lenders extensbn of c�edit Identifled herein to
<br /> (herein"Bortower,"whether one a more)end the trust herein created,tt►a reoelpt
<br /> of which ia hereby ecknowled9ed� Trustor hereb9�Revxebiy grenta, transfers, conveys end asgigns to Truatee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SAL�,for the beneflt end secur(ty of Lender,under and eubject to the terms end conditiona hereinatter set fath,the real
<br /> P�t�penY described as ioiiowe:
<br /> Together wifh all buildinpa,improvements,flxturos,eVeete,alleya,passapewaya,easementa,riphts,privilepes and eppwtenanoea
<br /> loceted thereon or in enywise parteinln�thsroW.and the rents,lasuas and proflts,rovanions and remelnders ther�eoL end such Per-
<br /> sonal pruperly thet Is aUaGhad to the improvements so ea to conaGtute a flxturo,includiny,but not Ilmited to.headny end coolinq equ�p-
<br /> menh and topethe�with the homeatead or maritel tnterosta,if any,which Interoats ero hereby releaaed aed walvsd��10(whtch�includ'
<br /> fng replacsmsnts and addidons thereW,Is hsroby dec�ared to be a pan oi the roal eatate secured by ths Nen W thls Dee�d of Yrust�nd
<br /> ell of the for�poinp bslnD rotert�ed to MroM�s ths"Prop�rty'• �prom w�►
<br /> ment d�t�sd �N�ygMg�Rs�u 1(a)ld�s qaymsnt ot ths P��Pshavinp a m�tu�date ot�N VEMBER 7. 20�or cx�dlt sOroe-
<br /> 99
<br /> In the aipinal prindpal emount of S__23II..5UD.�� and eny end ell modiflcatbna.extsnsfo�x�nd rmewais '
<br /> the�eot or theroW and any and ell futuro advences and readvance�to 6orrower ta anY ot them ii moro then one)herouncNr purwant
<br /> to one or more prom;aaory notea�aedlt aproementa(hereln ca0ed"Note7;(b)the payment d)other sums edvanwd foy Lende W
<br /> protect the�ecudty of the Note;(c)the porfom�ance ot all covenants and egreemente of Trustor eet fath herein;end(d)all praeer�t end
<br /> fuWre indebtedness and obliyaUona of Bomower(or eny ot them ff more tha�one)w Lender whether direct,Indlrecl,eWdute or oonan-
<br /> pent and whether arisinp by note,puaranty,overdreft or otharwise.The Note,this Oeod oi Trust end eny and all other documents that
<br /> secure the Note or otherwise executed In connection therewith,Inciudinp without Iimitation puerentees,secu�fry a9reamenta and
<br /> asslgnments of leasas end rente,ehall be referted to hereln aa tha'Loen InsUuments'.
<br /> Trustor covsnanta and egrees with Lender es fdtows:
<br /> 1, p�yrrMnt of IncNbbdrnss.All Indebtednesa secured hereby sheli be paid when due.
<br /> 2. Tkl�.Trustor is the owner oi the Property,has the right end eutho�ity to convey the Property,and warrenta that the Iien croat-
<br /> ed hereby is a flrot and pMor Ilen on the Property,exoept for Iiens and encumbrencea set forth by Tru�tor in writlng end delivered to
<br /> — Lender betore execution oi this Deed of Trust,and the executton and delivery ot this Deed ot Truat does not violate e�ny contrect or
<br /> — other obiigatlon to which Truator is subJect. at�P�y
<br /> — 3.T�c�s,Ass�s�m�nb.'Co pay before delinquency al{texes,special essessmenta and eil other charges apak►
<br /> -- now or hereafter tavfed.
<br /> 4.Insunnc�.To keep the Property Insured e8a�nst damege by flre,hazards inc�uded withln the term'extended coverage��and
<br /> — na ed�sure�wi haossePYable t�e'e�ndeanln c��se of I s's ud epsu�Ch pollGesa, thetl nde�s autho�ed to ardfust ColleCfe nd
<br /> compromise,ali ciafms therounder and shall have the option of applying atl or part of the insurance proceeds(I)to eny indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby and in auch order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repair a restoratlon of the Property or
<br />- (Ilf)for any other purpose or obJect eatisfectory to Lender without affectinp the Ilen of this Deed of Trust for the full emount gecured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any appllcatlons oi proceeds to indebtedness she0 not extetnd nr postpone the�ue date
<br />- of any payments under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> _�_��...a w..� r.,�a�.,�ahnu�av m Lender.in such manner as LAnder may deslgneto,SU�flC�9�1t
<br />-]'� 0. tiCIDW.U�7GIt�iritiwn von�ww..� ...�........ ..__�. _.._...�_�
<br /> �� sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(1)elI taxes,assesaments ond other charges agalnst
<br /> � the Property, (li)the premlums on the property Insurance requlred hereunder,and (III) the premlums on any mortgage Insurence
<br /> i requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Matntanance, R�palra and Compllanes wlth Laws.Trustor sha�l keep the Property fn good condltlon and repalr,shall
<br /> promptly repalr,or replace any improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commlt or pertnit any waste or deterlore-
<br /> tlon of the Prqperty;shall not remove,demolish or substantlally alter any of the improvemente on the Properly;shall not commlt,suffer
<br /> or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Property In vlolatlon of any law,ordlnance,or regulatlon;end shall pay and promptly dts-
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost and expense aIl Ilens,encumbrances and charges levled,imposed or accessed agalnst the Property or any
<br /> part thareof.
<br /> T. Emtnent Domatn.Lender Is hereby assigned all compensallon,awards,damages and other paymenta or relfef(herelnafter
<br /> rsc su,c���a«»s
<br /> O teae ItximY or�►a camM.aTm�ria SawW�bww�rn.ltm+.Hwuu
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