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<br /> ' princlp�!amou�t of the Indebtadneea�ecu�bY��reln�s TNet,not Inciuding suma e W�r�ver Is great�er�. ��ry oi this Deed af
<br /> Trutt,sxceed the odpinal prindpa
<br /> 1A.Misctll�n�ou�Provlslon�.
<br /> (a)Borrow�r Not Rvl����d•Extenalon of the time for payment or modl0cation ot emoNzetion of the suma necured by�h s
<br /> Deed of Tn�at prented by Lender to any auccesaor In Interest ct Borrower shail not operate to release,in any manner,the Ilabili-
<br /> ry ot the o�iqlnel Borrower and Borrower's auccesaore In interoat. Lender sh°!!nat be required to commence procaedings
<br /> ap�lnst�uch succesaor ar rofuee to e�ctend Gme tor payment or otherv�riae modity amortlzetlon of the surne secured by this y
<br /> pe�d of Tru�t by resaon of eny demands mede by tha original Borrower and Bortowera succeeso Qftenntobl s atbn herein men- 0
<br /> �p�u�y p�n,yyi(hcut effectit�y the Ilablliry of any other person Ilebte for the pay !► �S
<br /> tioned,end without etfectinp the Ilen or cherye ot thla Dsed ol Truat upon any portlon of the Propedy not then or therototore �
<br /> rela�sad as.ecuritl+for the tull mm�unt of ell unpald obligatbns,Lender may, iram tima to Ume end without notice(I)release � _
<br /> eny panon w�Iab�e�(B)extsnd the matudty or alter any oythe termy oi any such oMlgationa,(Nq grent other i���I of f� �
<br /> ►eleass or rscor►vey,a cau:s to be roleesed or reca►ve ad et an tlme et Lendera optbn any parcel,po
<br /> Property,(v)tske or releaee a�y other pr eddlUonal security tor eny obligatbn herein menUoned, or(vf)make campositbna or �
<br /> ather arranpementa wNh debtors in relatton thareW.
<br /> (c)Forb��tina by L�nd�r Not�WaivK My forbearance by Lender In exercfsing any right or remedy herevnder,or oth-
<br /> erwise aiforded by applicadb taw,shall not ba e walver of or prndude tho exercise ot any such Nght or remedy.The pracure-
<br /> ment oi insurence or tha payment of Guces or other!{ana or charpea by Lender shaU�ot be a waiver or Lenders ripht lo acxeler-
<br /> ate ths maturity of the Indebtedness eecurod by this Oesd of Trust fs heroin con-
<br /> (d)auc.c�ssors and Msl�n+Bound�Joint and SwKal�labllilyi Cy�lona.The covenants end eproemen
<br /> teined shall bind, and the dghts herounder shall Inure to,the reapective auccessore and asalgns oi Lender and Trustor.Afl
<br /> covenanta and a�reements oi Truetor shall ba jolnt and severet.The captions end ha�dings of the paragrapha of this Deed of
<br /> Trust are for convenience only end ere nat to be used to interprot or deflne the provisbns hereoi.
<br /> (e)R�qu�t tor Nodca�.The pardea heroby roquest thet e oopy of eny notice of default hereunder and a copy of any ncNce
<br /> of aele hereunder be mailed to each parlyr to thia Deed of Trust et the eddress set forth above in the manner pres�xibed by
<br /> applicable law.Exceptfor eny other notice roquirod under eppikable law Yo be gfvan in enother manner,any nodce provided for
<br /> in tl►1s Deed of Yrust shall be qiven by maiting auch notice by certlRed rneil addressed to lhe other paNes,at the address�et
<br /> fwth ebove,/�ny noUce provided for in thta Daed of Trust shall be effec�ive upon mailing in the manner designated herein. It
<br /> Trustor Is more than one person,notice sent ta the address aet forth above ehall be not�e to aIl such persons•
<br /> (fj�nsp�ctlon, lender may make or cauae to be made reasenable entriea upon end Inapectiona ot the Properhi�Provlded
<br /> lhat Lender shall give Truator notice prlor to any auch inapection apeclrying reaaonable cause theretor related W Lender's Inter-
<br /> est in the Property. t of e!I suma secured by thia Deed of Trust,Lender shell request Tnistee to reconvey the
<br /> (9)R�com�yana.Upon PeYmen
<br /> Property end ahall aurrender thta Deed of Trust and all notes evidenGng indebtedness secured by thls Deed o(Truat to
<br /> T�ustee.Trustea shdl reconvey the PropeRy,without warrenty and without cfiarge tn the peraon or perea►s IesaNy entlded
<br /> thereto.Truator shall pay ell coste of recordatbn,if any.
<br /> (h)P�rsoml Prop�rty�S�wrkll A�n�trnn� Aa additfonal security ior the payment ot the Note�TruaWr her�eby prents
<br /> Lander under the Nebraska Unifomi Commerctal Code a aecudly intereat in all flxturea,equlpment,and otl�er pereo�al RroPertY
<br /> used in connection wNh the real estete or Improvements located theroon,and not otherwiee deGared or deaned fo be a p�t d
<br /> ths reW estate eac�xeo ineroGy.Ti�ia it�sirusssazi stk.!!�cQn.:ssssM ss e����Itf'�greement under sald Code.and ths Lender
<br /> ehail heve all fhe rtyhta and remedies oi a eecured party under asid Code in addttlon to tlie�tyhte and rsrtMdbs cro�Eed ur�dsr
<br /> end aocorded q�e L.ender pursuant W thta[)eed of Truat;provided that Lender's riphts end remedka under thts parapr�ph ehaM
<br /> be cumulaHve with,�nd in no way a IlmitatJon on,Lenders riqhte end nlmedies under any other aecurfty a0resrr�n tl��d�Y
<br /> Borrowsr or T�ustor.
<br /> (i)LNi»and Encumbranas.Truahx herobl►wartsnte end roprossntt that thero Is no default undsr the provhloM ot�n!►
<br /> rtw�tp�ps,deed u1 Wst�le�ss or putchaw oontnG descxibinp�II or�ny peiK of the Property.or other confnd,kKtnxrwnt or
<br /> eprs�r�snt constitutlrp a Nsn or enaunb�au�c+�palmt all or any R ot th� Prop«ty(odkctivsly,N-I�rn7.�xMtlnO�°��
<br /> d�,te of q�h peed of Trust,snd that�ny end�M�xlsdnp Ll�ns�unmodifNd�xaPt w di�dos�d to L�r�In TrwEor's writ-
<br /> tsn di�cb�urs ot INns md sncumbrancas providsd for hsreln. Trustor shdl tlmsly perform dl ot Trustor's obHyatbm,
<br /> oowrnnb,ropressnt�tlons�nd w�rt�ntNs ur�r�ny�nd pil exlWnp�nd(uturo Lkns.shell promplh►forvr�d to L��der aopiN
<br /> of�N noticsa d dsiwit ient In oor�ctbn wkh�ny�nd�II sxl�tlnp or fuWro Llens,�nd�I►all not without Lsrb�Ps Prbr v�rit�^
<br /> cats�nt In any m�rwNr modify lhs provf�bns d or�Ibw�ny futuro�dir�noes undsr inY�xistkiy a fuhxs NN�.
<br /> U1�PP����Payn»nb.Unlss�oThsrwiss roQuirod by I�w�surrK paid to Lender hsnund�r,k�dudln0 witlwut NmkMtor►
<br /> peymenie ot{xinc9pd and Inbrest,Inaunnce proceedm,condsrt�a►ton Proceeds�nd renb snd Pro�K,sh�N b°�PP� bY.
<br /> Lender to the amounts dus and owing irom Truator end Borrower tn s�x;h order es Lender U�its aole dhcnetion deems dssir-
<br /> aWs.
<br /> �g)�nnb��ity,N amr provision oT Mis Deed of Truat contllcts wkh appiica�le law or la dedarod InvaNd or atl�wls�ur�n'
<br /> lorcaabls,such conA�ct or Invsifd�he I�a�is end the provie{ona of this Deed�ruat nd the Note aro decl�rod b bs s�sv-
<br /> effect widtout the canllicde9 P�
<br /> erob!e.
<br /> (I)T�rtns.The tem�a'Tnistor and'Borrower"shaU tndude both aingular end plural,end when the Tnistor end Borrower ero
<br /> y�e�art�e pereon(s),those terma aa used tn th(s Deed oi Tn�at shall ba tnterchangeable.
<br /> (m)Gov�min�i.�w.Thls Deed of Truat shall be govemed by the laws of the Sfate of Nebraske.
<br /> � � . c . �. •� .
<br /> _ 1 .� :. .
<br /> ' Trustor has executed this De�d ot Trust as of the date wHtten above. .. _- ._. ._. .
<br /> .� 7!- �-�O
<br />=.�
<br />``' N L R. HES AN Trustor DY K. HESMAN Trusta
<br />�:w
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<br /> Trustor T^��
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<br />