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<br />-,;ti�� by owner'e end operetora of elmller prapertles end ea Beneiiclery moy requlre for ita protecti n. r stor wlll comply _
<br /> � with such other requtremente ae Beneflclery mey irom tlme to time requeat for the prntection by inauren�:e of iho
<br />=li�'� intereet of the reapective pertiea. All ineurenae poliaiea meintainod pureuant to this Deed of Trust shell neme Trustor
<br />=' �� and Beneficiery es fneured, ae their reapective interost mey eppoer end provlde thet there shell be no cancellation or _
<br /> modifioetion without fifteen (16) days prior w►Itten notification to Truatee and Benefioiary. IN the event any paUcy
<br />�-T� hereunder Ia not renewed oii or bafore flfteen (16) deya prior to ite expiretlon dete,Trustee or Beneficlery mey procuro
<br /> such fnsurence In eccordenae wtth the provlslons of Perepreph 7. Truat�r shaA dellvor to Boneflciary 4ho oripinal �-
<br /> ��--+� polic}ea of inaurence �nd renewele thereot or coptea of suah poiicles and renewala thereof. Failuro to furnlah such
<br />- Inaurance by Trusto�,or renowele aA required hereunder,shall, et the optlon of Beneflclery, constltute a defeult. All
<br />'�'� uneerned pramlums ere hereby easigned to Trustee es edditional eecurity, and a eele end conveyence of the Property
<br />._�� by the Trustee ahell opert+te to convey to the purcheeer tha Trustor's intereet tn and to ell poliafes of Insurence upon
<br /> the Truat Property.
<br />-F� S. Tex�s end As��ssm�nts. Truator shall pay aU taxes end speolel essesaments levled or asaeflaed egainet, or
<br /> — due upon,the Property before dellnquency end will deliver to Beneflaiery coples of receipts showing payment of such
<br /> taxea and special asseasments.
<br /> --- 8. Additionsl Ll�ns. Truetor shall make ell peyments of interest end principel,end payments Qf any other chargea,
<br /> �� feea, end expenses contrected to be peid to any exlsting Ilen holders or prior beneficieries under any prior Deed of
<br /> -=° Trust, Mortgage ar other security agreement, before the date they are delinquent end to pay eny other cleim which
<br /> -- jeopardizoe the security granted herein.
<br /> 7. Prot�ation ot B�n�flaiary'a 5�aurity. Should Trustor fafl to meke any payment, fefi to da eny ect es herefn
<br /> provided or if eny action or proceeding Is commenced whlah meterially affecte Beneffciary'a Intereat in tha Property,
<br /> - = including, but no limited to, eminant domefn. Insolvency, arrengemento or proceedings involving a bankrupt or
<br /> � decedent,then Beneficlary�r T�uatee, but withuut obl(gatlon to do so,end wfthout notice to or demand upon Trustor,
<br />��� end without releasing Trustor from any obiigation hereunder, mey make or do the eame, and mey peY, pu�chase.
<br /> conteat or con�promiee andy encumb�ance, cherge or Ilen, which I� the judgement of eithar appears to effect seid
<br /> Property;in exerclaing eny auch powers,the Benef(ciery or Trustee mey Incur e Ilebility end expend whetever amounte,
<br /> including disbursementa of reasonable attorney's feea, whlch fn their ebsolute dfscretlon mey be necessary. In the
<br /> event that Trustor shail fefl to procure insurence, fail to pay taxes end speciel assassments or feil to make eny
<br /> peyments to existing or prlor Ilen holdera or beneficleries,the Beneficlary mey procure euch insurance end make such
<br /> -- F$y�anfc. AII sums incurred or expended by Beneficlary or Trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Deed of
<br /> Trust ere secured hereby and,without demand,shall be immedletely due end peyabie by Truaioi e���i shal{tsaar intcre°L
<br /> — at tha rete prov(ded for edvences under the Loan Agreement; provlded,howevar,that et the option of the Beneficiary
<br /> or Trustee, such sums may be added to thls principal balance of eny indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear the
<br /> same interest as such indebtedness and shatl be payable retably over the remcining term thereof.
<br /> 8. Aeslynmsnt ot RenU. Beneflciary shell have the rlght,power and authority during the continuence of this Deed
<br /> of 7rust to coliect the rents,issues and profite of the Property and of eny personal property located thereon with or
<br /> without tak(ng possession of the Property affected hereby,end Trustor hereby absolutely end unconditionAlly assigns
<br /> alf such rents,issues and profits to Beneficiery. Beneficfary, however,hereby consents to the Trustor'e calloction and
<br /> retention of such rents,issues and proffts es they accrue and became payeble so long as 7rustor ia not, et such time,
<br /> in defeult with respect to payment of any indebtednese secured hereby or in the performence of any agreement
<br /> hereunder. Upon eny euch defauit, Beneficiery may et eny ttme, either in person, by egent ar by e receiver to be
<br /> appointed by a court,withaut notice end without regerd to the edequecy of eny security for the indebtednesa hereby
<br /> seaured: (a) enter upon end take possesslon of the Property or any part thereof and In its own neme sue for or
<br /> otherwise coliect such rents, issuea and profits, including those pest due and unpald, an apply the seme, lesa costs
<br /> - end expenses of operetion and collectlon,Including reasonable attorney feea, upon any indebtedness securad hereby
<br /> end in such order es Beneffcfary may determine: (b) pe�form auch acts of repetr or protection as mey be nece�sery or
<br /> , proper to conserve the value of the Properry: (c) lease the seme or any part hereof for such rental term end upon such
<br /> conditions es its Judgment may dictete. Unless Trustor and Be�efici�ry egree otherwise In wrtting,any application of
<br /> rents,issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shell not extend or postpone the due date of the tnstallment
<br /> peyments as provided in the Loan Agreement, and the appUcetion thereof as sforesald shali not welve or cure any
<br /> -��== defeult or notfce of default hereunder or invelidete any act done purauant to such notice. Truator also assigne to
<br /> --: Baneficiary, as further security for the performance of the obligetions secured he�eby,all prepeid rents end ali monies
<br /> _,;� whFch may have been or may heraefter be depos(ted with sald Trustor by any lessee of the Property, to secure the
<br />�:��� peyment of any rent,and upon defeult in the performence of eny of the provfalo�s hereof,Trustor agrees to deliver
<br />:�t�•_�: such ronts end deposits to the Beneficiery. Delivery of written notice of 8en9ficfary's exercise of the rights granted
<br /> �`r`��' herein to any tenent occupyfng seid premises sheli be sufflcient to require said te�ant to pey seid rent to the
<br />��� Beneficiery untii turther notice.
<br /> 9. Condemnation. If title to any part of the Property shall be teken in condemnation proceadings, by right of
<br /> � � eminent domain or afmilar action, or shall be sold under threat of condemnetion, eil ewards, dameges and proceeds
<br /> are hereby asaigned and shell be pald to Benoficiery who shall apply such awerd, damages and proceads to the sums
<br /> aecured by the Deed of Trust,with the excess, if any, pefd to the Trustor.
<br /> �;,��- � 10. Futurs Advanc�s. The Loe�Agreement provides for advances trom time to time to Trustor by Beneficiery
<br /> as provided thereln. In eddition, upon request of Trustor, @eneffcisry,at Beneficiary's option, prior to reconveyence
<br /> ' of the Proaertv to the Tn�s4or, may meke additionel future advances to the Trustor. Such future advancos, with
<br /> —-- _IJ
<br /> '��� Interest thereon,shall be seCUred by thts Deed of Trust when evldencea uy promissory noiea ainii��y ii�ai aa�..�.:..ea
<br /> . are secured hereby; provided that et no time shall the secured principal and future advences, not Including sums
<br /> advanced ta protect the security, exceed one hundred percent (100%1 of the original principal amounts secured
<br /> hereby.
<br /> � 11. Remedles Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust ere distinct end cumulative to any other
<br /> right or remedy under this Deed of Trust or efforded by lew or equlty, and mey be exercised concurrently,
<br /> �� independentiy or successively.
<br /> 12. Accelsration; Remsdiea; Saie. A default shall exist In the event of:
<br /> (A1 Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connection with the Iine of credit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> secures;
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