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<br /> __.— .. . . ._._,__-.._.. ............... ._ ._._...._.__"_. _"...._.__. .
<br /> � APPL�1 001-0004Q073
<br /> CCD$ 0100472451
<br /> 221 South Locust St., P.O. Box 100�
<br /> Orand liland, Nsbra�ks 88802-1009 p 7
<br /> 308-382-4000 g?~f�/���
<br /> The underaipned"Trustor"as fdentifled in the fqllowing Deed of Truet,whether one or more,understand thAt the
<br /> document thsy �ra about to executs t� a Dead of Tru�t and not a mortgaps,and thet the powar of aele provided for
<br /> tn the Deed of Truat provides aubstentially d(ffesent riphta end oblipattons to the Borrowers than e mortgage tn the
<br /> event of a default or breach of obllgation under the Deed of Truat, including,but not Iimlted to,the Beneficiary's right
<br /> to have the P�openy idantifted In the following Deed of Trust aoid by the Trustee wiYhout any judioiAl proceeding.
<br /> Truetor represents snd warrenta that thia Acknowledgment was executad by them before the execution of the beed
<br /> of Truat hereefter set forth.
<br /> 1 !1� -
<br /> 9 KAY SOYD
<br /> THIS TRUST D�ED made thia 3� dey of NOVSMBER , 1997 betwaen
<br /> 8}Wt0l1 lU►Y HOYC, 7►8INl1LE P�R801i
<br /> hefefnafter Cell "Truator", whoas mailing eddress la B15 AUBTIN AVE, C3RAATD iSLAND, NE 68801
<br /> ;ea"Trus�tee";and Home Federal Savinos and loan Asaocfettan of Grend Istend,whose
<br /> malling address Is 221 South Loaust, P.O.Box 1009, Grend laland,Nebnske 88802, as "Beneflcia►yr".
<br /> For valueble coneideration,Trustor irrevoaably grenta, tranatera, convnys end aasigns to Truatee, in truat, w(th
<br /> powsr of s�ls, for the benefit and eecurity of Benefic(ary,under end aubject to the terma end conditiona of this Dsed
<br /> oi'irust,t�e foiiowin� �sscrlbed property Iocated tn �L ,
<br /> Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> toyethsr wlth ali bulidin�s,ftxtures,tmprovements end appurtenances thareunto betonging,It bein9 eQreed thet ell of
<br /> the torsgotny sh�ll b�hersinaf2er rsferred ta as the "Property".
<br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING perfarmence of sach a8resment end covenant of 1'ruator hersfn contained end
<br /> th�paymont of the prtncfpal sum of SZ(iHT/RN THOtJB)Wp DOLLIUt9 i NO/CRIixS
<br /> Dollers(i Ye,000.00 ), et evtdenced by a Homa Federai Home Equtty Loan Ag►eement between
<br /> Tru�tor and Beneficlary(tha"Loen Agreement"1,purauant to which Beneficiery wtli edvance funda to Truator from time
<br /> to tims at ths interest retes end upon the terms p�ovided therein, together with eny sum or sums of money with
<br /> tnterest thereon which mey hereafter ba paid or advenced under the terms of thfa Deed of T►ust, both princtpal eum
<br /> and intereat thernon being payeble according to the terms set forth tn the Loen Agreement, refe�ence to whlch ta
<br /> hereby mede, at tbe office of the Beneficiery In Grand Island� Nebreske, or et such other placa ea �enefici�ry may
<br /> dssignate in wrlttng.
<br /> 1. Wa►nnty ot Titb. Trustor fs lewfutly seized of the Property; hes good rfght end lewfu� authority to seil end
<br />� convey the Pruperty;the Property Is free end clear of all Ifens and encumbrances except liens now of record; and
<br /> Truator will werrent and detend the title to the Property unto the Trustee and (ts auccessore and assigns forever
<br /> agatnst the claima of all persons.
<br /> 2. Paym�nt oi Pri�dpd and Int�r�st. Trustor shall punctuelly pay the princfpsl of, and interest on,all advances
<br /> �J���L_�_
<br /> ::�.�m ��m��a�� i,greemeni and wiii punctuaiiy pertorm eil agreements,conditlons and provisions of any other security
<br /> instrument given tn connection with this transsction.
<br /> 3. Pni�rvatlon end Mdnt�nance of Propsrty. Trustor will not commit eny weata upon the Property at will, at
<br /> all times, maintefn the aeme in good order and condition and will make, from tfine to timo, all repefrs, renewals,
<br /> roplacemente,edditions and improvements whtch are reasonably requ(red to prevant waate,impairment or deterloretton
<br /> of setd properry. No building or improvement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered removed
<br /> or demolished wlthout the prior written consent of Beneficfary.
<br /> 4. Insurenc�. Trustor,at its expense,will meintain w(th tnsurera approved by Be�neficfery,insurance with respect
<br /> to the improvements and personal property constituting the Property egeinst loss by iire, Ilghtnfnq,tornado end other _.
<br /> periis covered by standard extended coverege endorsement in en amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the
<br /> full replacement value thereof. end Insursnce eAeinst such other hazards and in such emount ea Ie cusiomarfly carried
<br /> 9194 —�
<br /> 4p8-1 !K-
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