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<br /> IB) Any feilure on the pert of the Truatar to meet the repeyment terms In respe�t t�h Loa��4 reeMent and any -
<br /> ot�er advancera under thit Deed of T►ust hereby eeaured; and,
<br /> (C) Any ection by the Truator prohibited by the terms of tha Loen Ag�eement or thie Deed ot Truat or eny failure ot
<br /> the Trustor to Aot es required by the Loen Agreement or this Deed of Trust,eaah of which Trustor hereby agrees
<br /> heve en adverse effect on tha Beneflolary's security for the Iine of credit eatablished end the rights of the =
<br /> Beneftclery In sueh security.
<br /> end upon th� happaninp of any euch event of deiault, Beneficiery mey declere eli suma secured hereby immadlatety �-
<br /> due end peyeble by deqver to Truetee of written declaration of default. The T�uetee shall have the power of sele of
<br /> the Property,end if Benefieiary desirea the Property to be sold,it shell deposit with Trustee thle Deed of Trust end all
<br /> promissory notes end documents evldencing expenditures secured hereby and shell deliver to Trustee a wrltten notice
<br /> of defwult and electfon to aeuse the Property to be sold, and the Trustee In turn shail prepere a notice in the form
<br /> required by law, which shell be duty fllad for record by Trustee.
<br /> (A) After the lapse of aych tlme as mey be required by lew foilowing the recordation of said notice of defeult, end
<br /> notfGe of d�i�itR"a�d,not�¢a p sele heving been efven as required by law, Trustee, wtthout demend on Truator,
<br /> shdll�selT the F�ppptttivanthe d�te end at the time and plece destgneted In sAid notice of sale, et pubUc auation to
<br /> tl�e higtle�t bidtler-;.the�purch'�se price payable in lewful money of the United Stetes at the time of sele. The
<br /> peraon conduCting"tfie sele may,for any ceuse he deems expedlent, postpone the sale from time to time until it
<br /> ahall be completed and,in every auch ceae, notice of postponement shail be given by public decleretion thereof
<br /> by such person at tha time and piace last appointed for the sele,pravlded, if the sale is poatponed for longer than
<br /> one11) day beyond the day deaiBnated in the notice of sale,notice thereof ahall be given in the seme manner es
<br /> the original notice of sale. Truatee shall execute and deliver to the purcheser its Deed conveyinp the Property eo
<br /> sold,but without endy covenent or warranty,axpress or implfed. The recitels in the deed of eny matters or acts
<br /> shall be conclusiva qroof of tha truthfulnesa thereof. Any person,including Beneficiery, mey purchase at the sale.
<br /> (8) When Trustee sells pursuent to the powers herein, the Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale to paymant
<br /> of the costs and expenses of exercising the power of eale and of the sele, inciuding the payment of the Truetee'a
<br /> fees actually incurred, whlch Trustee'a fees shail not In the aggregete axceed the followinp amount based upon
<br /> the amount secured hereby end remafning unpaid;6 percentum on the first 81,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the
<br /> belance theraof and then to the Itoma in subparagreph(C) in the order there stated.
<br /> (C) After peying the items specified in subparagreph(B)if the sale(s by Trustee, or the proper court end othar coats
<br /> af laraclasuss astt!sale!!!�s ssle!s pussus::i!o Jsssils4s! lare�lasurs,it�e n���enda of sale shall be applied in the order
<br /> steted to the peyment of:
<br /> (I) Cost of eny evidence of t�tle procu�ed in connection with such eate end of any revenue atemps;
<br /> (111 All sums the secured hereby;
<br /> (ill) The rematnder, tf any,to the person legelly entitled theretp.
<br /> 13. Dutl�s and Oblt�ati�ns of TrustNS. (a) The dutiee and obDgatione of trustee shall be determined solety by
<br /> the express provisions of this Deed ot Trust,end Truetee shell not be Ilable except for the performance of suoh dutiea
<br /> end obligations ea ere speclficeily set forth herein, and no implled covenanta or obligetions ahall be impoaed upon
<br /> Tru�tee; (b) No provisions of thla Deed of Truat ahall requlre Trustee to axpand or risk tts own funds, or otherwise
<br /> Incur+�ny financiel obilgetion tn the performance of eny of fte duties hereunddr,or in the exercise of eny of its righte
<br /> or power,If it ahall heve grounds for belleving that the repeyment of such funds or edequete indemnity egainat such
<br /> risk or Ifebflity is not ree:onably e�surad to it;lc1 T�ustee msy consult with coun�ei of its own choosing end the edvice
<br /> of such counsel�hell be full end completa euthorizatton and protection in the �eapect of any action teken or euNared
<br /> by it hereundsr in good taEth and reliance thereon;(d) T�ustee shell not be liable for eny ectton taken by it in good fsith �
<br /> end rea�onably believed by it to be euthorized or within the discretion or rights end powers conferred upon it by this
<br /> Deed ot Trust.
<br /> 14. Additional S�curity Instrum�nU. Truator, et its expenae, will execute end deliver to the 7�ustee, pramptly
<br /> upon damand,such seaurity instruments as mey be required by frustee,in form and subatancs setisfactory to Trustee,
<br /> covering any ot the Proporty conveyed by this Deed of Trust, which security Inatruments ahatl be edditional sacurtty
<br /> for T�uttor'a fefthful periormence of all of the terms, covenants end conditions of this �eed of Trust, the Loen
<br /> Agreement,eny promissary notes secured hereby and eny other sscurity inatrumants executed in connection wtth thls
<br /> tranaaction. Such instrumenta ahell be recorded or flled, and re-recorded end refilod, at Trustor's expense.
<br /> 1�3. Dllisa�llan�ous.
<br /> . (A) In the event e�ny one o� more of the provisions contafned in the Deed of Trust, or the Loan Agreement or any
<br /> - p�omissory note,or any other securlry instrument given tn connectlon with this trensaction, sheli for eny reason
<br /> to be held to be invalid,illegel or unenforceeble in eny respect,such inveildity,illegality or unehforceebil(ty shail,
<br /> et the option of Boneficfary,not affect any other provision of this Deed of Truat,thet this Deed of Trust shell be
<br /> construed aa if auah invalid,illegal or unenforceable proviaion hed never been conteinud herein or theretn.
<br />-- IBl This Deed of Trust ehell be construed according to the lewa of the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> = (C) the Deed oi Trust shall insure to end bfnd the heirs, legatees,devisees,edministrators,executars.successors and
<br /> essigns of the panfes hereto.
<br /> (D) Truator shall pay��I taxea levled upon thia Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,together with a�y other taxes
<br /> or essessments which may be levied egainst the Trustee or Beneftciary or the legal holder of the Loen Agreernont
<br />._�:, on account of the Mdebtedness evtdence thereby.
<br />-- IEI WF1A�19VAf UBRd FIHfAIfl.tFlA RI�1[1IlIA�RIIPMIMAI'QFIAII I(1f!IIIfIA 1MA ffI11fAI.t�1H DJU�9I.tM8 SIflnUTA�.the use of env aender
<br /> shail be eppliceble to ell gendera, end the term "Beneficiary"'shail(nclude any peyee of the indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured or any transfer thereof,whether by operation of law or otherwise.
<br /> 16. Suceessor Trustae. Beneffciery mey from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee
<br /> nemod herein or ecting hereundor to execute this Trust Deed. Upon such eppointment and without conveyence to
<br /> the successor Truatee, the leiter shell be vested with a!I title, powero end dutles conferred upon eny Trustee heroin
<br /> nemed or acting hereunder. Eech such eppointment or substitutfon shall be mede by written instrument by Beneficiary,
<br /> containing reference to this Deed of Trust and its place of record, which when recorded in the office of tho Reglster
<br /> of Deeds of the county or countles In which said propeny is situated,shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment
<br /> of the successor Trustee. The foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefore shall not be excluafve of
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