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<br /> Lender. The loregoing aarranties and repreaentations, and
<br /> Borrowax' a ob�.ig�tione pursudnt �o Che foregoing indemnity, ehall
<br /> survive repayment of the Nota and the reaonveyanae of thie Deed
<br /> of Tr�et.
<br /> y. H,HHa. ILI1611L �� ne,-.�s; Yan:: �mcnt of. Prt���ertu. j°�e �
<br /> additiont�]. �eaur ty ere,un er, Horrowsr ere y��`aseigne to Lender
<br /> the rent�, isouee nnd profiti8 ot the Property, provised that
<br /> Borrower �hall, prior to �aaeler�k�.on undex paragreph 11 here4f
<br /> or abAndonntent o! the Property, have the right ta collect and
<br /> retain euah rente, ieauee And prolite as they beaome due and pay-
<br /> able. UPon �coeleratton or abandnriment of the Property, Lender
<br /> mdy, eithex in p�reon or by ngen�, with or without brinqinq any
<br /> aation or proaeeding, or by a rsaeiver appointed• by a aourt and
<br /> withaut regard to the adequaay o� ita eecazity. enter upoa and
<br /> take poesesaion of the Property, or any part thereof, in ita own
<br /> name or in the nama of the Truatee, and do any aats whioh it
<br /> deems neceesary or desirable to preserve the v�lue, marketabi].ity
<br /> ar rentability of tho Pzoperty, or any part thereo� ar i.ntexest
<br /> therein, iacreaee the inoome therefrom or protect the seeurfty
<br /> hereoE and, with ar without taking possession of the Property,
<br /> sue for or otherwiae colleot the rents, iasues and profita
<br /> �hereof, including those �ast du� anci unpaid, and apply the same,
<br /> lesa coets and expenaes of aperation and colleotion, including
<br /> attorneys' fees, upon any indebtedneas seaured hereby, all in
<br /> suah ord�r ae Lender mt�y determi.ne. The entering upon and taking
<br /> poaeession of the Property, the aollea�ion of euch rents, issuea
<br /> and profits and tihe application thereof as aforesaid, ehall not
<br /> aure or waive any default or notice of default hereunde� or
<br /> fn�QZf�s�� �n� ��t �QnA f� rc�a��nwe to suah default or puxsuant
<br /> to such notiice of default and, notwithstanding the continuanae in
<br /> posseseion of the Property or the colleation, reaeipt and applica-
<br /> tion o� rents, issues or profits, and Trustee and Lender shall be
<br /> entitled to exeraiae every ri.ght provided for in any of the Loan
<br /> instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,
<br /> inaluding, without limitation, the right to exeraise the power of
<br /> sale. Further, Lender's rights and remediea under this paragraph
<br /> 9 ahall be cumulative with, and in no way a limitation on,
<br /> Lend�r's rights and romedies under any Aseignment of L�ases and
<br /> Rents racorded aqainst the Property. Lender, xrustee and the
<br /> reaeiver ahall be liable to acaount only for those rents actually
<br /> received�
<br /> 10. Evente of De£ault. The following shall conet3tute
<br /> an Event of Defau t under t a Deed of Truets
<br /> (a) Fnilure to pay any installment of
<br /> prinaipal or interest or any other sum secured hereby
<br /> when due, or failure to pay when due any other indebted-
<br /> neas of Borrower to Lender=
<br /> (b) A breaah of or default under any provi-
<br /> eion contained in the Note, this �eed of Trust, any of
<br /> the Loan Inatruments, or any othe� encumbrance upon the
<br /> Property, after givinq effect tio any applicable cure
<br /> _ period contained thereint
<br /> - (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any
<br /> T sim�lar proaeas shall be entered againet Borrewer which
<br /> = sha 11 become a lien on the Property or any partion
<br /> thereof or interest theroinj
<br /> _ (d) There shall be filed by or aqainst
<br /> 1anrrnt.rar an a�tion under 3riY uresent Or future federal�
<br /> = state ox other statute, law or regulation relating to
<br /> � bankrup�ay, i.asolvency or other relief for debtorsj ar
<br />: �� the re shall be appointed any truete�, receiver or
<br /> ■ liquidator of eorrower or of all or any part of the
<br /> � Px�perty, or the rents, issuea or profits thereof, or
<br />•5� Borxower ehall maka any general assigr�ment for the
<br /> beneEit of areditorsj
<br /> ' -4-
<br /> �
<br />