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<br /> (e) The eala, �ranefer, aseiqnmen�, aon ey
<br /> dnoa or further ana�branae �P All or any part o� or
<br /> . dny interesat in the Property, either v�luntarily or
<br /> involuntArily� without the expreea wri�ten conBent of
<br /> Lender.
<br /> ll. Itemediea� Aaaeleration Upon Aef�tult. In the event �-
<br /> of any Event o� De au t, Lende� may, without aotiae, exaept as
<br /> required by la�v, dealare all indebtednesa eeottred hereby to be
<br /> due and paya�le and tihe eame ahall thereupon beaome due and
<br /> payable without any presentmen�, dem�nd, proteot or notiae of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demand that Trus�ea exerciae the POWER
<br /> OS BALE qrentacl herein, and Truatee ehall thereafter
<br /> cauee Borrower's intereet in the Property to be sola
<br />- and the proaeede to be diatributed, all in the manner
<br /> providsd in the Nebraska Truat Deeda Aatj
<br /> (b� Ex�roise any and all rights provided for
<br /> in any of the Loan Inetrumente or by law upon oocur�
<br /> renae of any Event of Defaultj and
<br /> (c) Commence an action to foreclose this
<br /> Deed of T xust ae a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or
<br /> specifiaally enforae any of th� covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reaexved to Trustee ar Lender
<br /> ig intendsd to be exalusive of dny other remedy herein in the
<br /> Loan Inatrumenta or by law provided or permitted, but each ahall
<br /> be cumulative, shall be in addition to every other remedy given
<br /> hareunder in ttie I�oAa =nstruments or now or hereafter exieting at
<br /> law or in equity or by atatute, and may be exeraised concur-
<br /> r�ntly, independently or suaaessively.
<br /> 12. Trustee. The Trudtee may reeign at any time with-
<br /> out aauae, and Len er may at any time and without cauae appoint a
<br /> euccessor or aubstitute Trustoe. Trustee shall not be liable to
<br /> any party, inaluding, without limitation, Lender, Borrower or e�ny
<br /> purchaeer of the Prope�rty, for any loes or damage unlese due to
<br /> reaklese or willFul misaonduct, and shall not hP required to take
<br /> any action in conneation with the enforcemer?t of this Deed of
<br /> Trust unless indemnified, in writi.;y�, t:.:: a7.i ooets, compensation
<br /> or expenses whioh may be asaociated therewith. In addition,
<br /> Truetee may become a purchaeer at ar�y sale of the Property
<br /> (judi.cial or under the power of sale granted herein) = postpone
<br /> the eale of all or any portion o� the Property, ae provided by
<br /> law= or sell the Property as a whole, or 3n segarate paraele or
<br /> lots. "
<br /> 13. Fees and E� enses. In the event Trustee aells the
<br /> Property by exerc ae of power of eale, Trustee shall be entitled
<br /> - to apply any sale proceeds first to paymenti oE all coets and
<br /> expenses of exercieing power of eale, , including all Trustee's
<br /> fees actually inottrred. In the event Borrower exercisea any
<br /> - riqht provided by law to cure an Event of Default, Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to recover from Borrower all coeta and expenaes
<br /> aetually incurred as a result nf Borrower's default, including,
<br /> - without limitation, all Truetee's and attorney's fees, in the
<br /> - maximum amount allowed by law. In addition, in the event of eac:h
<br /> - such aure, Lender ehall be entitled to a reinstatement fee of One
<br /> Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($100.00) .
<br /> "- 14. Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender
<br />_= may, at its op�,-make additional and future advances and
<br /> re-advanaes �`o Borrower. Such advancee and readvanaes, with
<br />=�+ interest there;n, shall be secured by thie Deed of Trust. At no
<br />.,�j time ehall tihe p�in�ipal amount of the Sndebtedness secured by
<br />_ :;� this Dned of Trust, not inaludinq stims advanced to protect the
<br /> ae�eurity of this Deed of Truet, exceed the oriqinal. principal
<br /> �if amount stated herein.
<br /> � -5-
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