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_ . �. . .• . . . 1wRir,.��`..Ti_..�--. <br /> ...� . ..____ _. -__' <br /> � �� ,'S!'.�"�lOIR��A1VklIbGl�1k'�'�Y"r:u� •*i��s.�...r.-.�.�s:,w=-'�:�K...,�__ <br /> . .. , <br /> . • <br /> • ., --°-�- � .,�.�....�-'-----�°--' <br /> •n.t•._J....:.._ - - ----- — - ---- --- <br /> � � . <br /> �A77- a991 <br /> 4. l��Ti�NS AFFECTiNti TRU9T ESTI�TF3, Tru�tor �hall ep�r i�anC�l CoritMt <br /> any aotion or proa��dinq puryortinq to a!l�ati th� s�curity h�r�o! or th� <br /> riqht• or pow�r� of H�n�liaiary or Trust��, anQ �hall p�y •11 co�ti• and <br /> �xp�n���, i.noludinq aost o! �vid�nc� a! titl� and attorn�y'• l���, in any •uoh <br /> aation or proo��dinq in which e�n�lioiary or Tru�t�� nuy app�ar. 6hould <br /> Tru�tor ltil to mak� any paya�at or to do any aot a� and i.n tih� mann�r <br /> provid�d iri any o! th� Loan In�trum�nts, B�n�fiaiary �nd/or Tru�tN, �aah in <br /> ite own dir�csreEl,on, without obliga►tion, MaX mak� or do tha •am� in suoh mannor � <br /> and to �uoh �xt�at a� �ith�r may d��m n�o���+�ry ko prot�at th� ��ourity <br /> her�ol. Tru�tor �hall, imm�diately upoa d�mnnd th�rsior by B�n�liaiary, pay <br /> all ao��� and oxpen��� inouzred by SenRliaiary in cosimation with th� �x�roi�� <br /> by B�n�lioiary o! tho for�qoiaq riqhts, inoludinq, without limitation, ao�ts <br /> oi �videno� o! titl�, aourt aost�, apprsi�als, aurvay� and attorney's l����. <br /> llny �uah co�t� and �xpon�e� not paid within ten (10� dnys o! writt�n dQ►nand <br /> shali draw int�r�sti at th� de�ault rato providsd in th� Note. <br /> 5. �MIIi�NT DOI�l.�3H. Should th� Tru�t aitat�, or aay part th�r�o! or <br /> iat�rtst th�r�in, b� takan or dsmaq�d by r�a�on o! any publio improvomaat or <br /> condaanation proao�dinq, or in any oth�r msnn�r inoludinq d��d ia liau of <br /> Cond�anati�an ("Coadamnation"), or should Trustor recsiv� any notia� or oth�r <br /> information r�gardinq suoh proaaading, T�ru�tor ahall giv� prompt written <br /> notic� th�r�o! to Bonoiioiary. Benatioiary �hali bs tnt itl�d to all <br /> canpensation awardo and other paymont• or relie! therefor, and shall ha <br /> �ntitl�d to make any aompromi�s or seti:lement in aorirzeotion with auoh takinq <br /> oz dsmay�. All suah aompRnsation, awards, damaqee, riqht� o! aation and <br /> proa�d■ awardad to Tru�tor (th� "Proceadr") are horeby a�siqnod to <br /> S�noiici�ryT and Trustor agraes to execute auoh furth�r asaiqnmento oi the <br /> Proa��ds a� S�n�tiaiary or Trusto� may raquire. <br /> f. P►PPO?NTH�NT OF SUCC�SSOR TRUST�E. 8enelic i�ry may, irom timo to <br /> ti.m�, by R Writt�n in�trumont �x�aut�d aad acknowladg�d by S�netiaiary, mail�d <br /> to Trustar and r�corded in th� County in whioh tho Tru�t E�tate i� loost�d and <br /> by oth�a�+i�� aanplyinq with th� provi�ion� o! th� applicabie law ot th� Stat� <br /> o! N�bra�ka sub�titut� a suaa��sor or �uac�aoors to tho Truste� aam�d h�r�ia <br /> or aatinq h�rrund�r. <br /> �s _ t g� tJn �csT�3HA. This Deed of Trus! �pplie� to, inur�s to <br /> th� b�a�fit of and bindr all partiea hor�to, their hoirs, ltqat��s, d�vi�N�, <br /> p�r�onal r�pr���ntativ��, �uac���ors and sosiqn�. TY�� term "�sn�tioiary" <br /> �hall rt�tn th� owner and holder of the Not�, whethor or not nam�d as <br /> B�n�liciucy hersin. <br /> g. INSPECTIONB. Boneficiary, or ite agenta, sepreaentativa� or <br /> worlau�a, ar� authoriz�d to �ntQr at sny r�asonabi� t int upon or in any part o! <br /> th� Tru�t�� t�tatQ for th� purpo�Q of inspectinq thQ �am� and tor th� purpos� <br /> o! partornninq any o! tht act� it i• authorized to perform und�r th� t�rms ot <br /> any ot th� Loan ins�rud►�nta. <br /> 9. EVENT3 Oa DEL�7�ULT. Rny oP th� tollowinq �v�nt� shall b� dean�d an <br /> �v�nt oi d�tault herQUnd�rs <br /> (a) Trustvr rhall hav� failvd to make paymant o! any in�tallm�at oi <br /> int�r�st, priacipal, or principsl and intRr��t or sray oth�r sum e�aurad h�r�by <br /> wh�n du�► or, <br /> (b) Th�ro ha� occurr�d a breaah o! d4tault und�r any torm, cov�nant, <br /> aqr��nt, aondition, provision, reprqaantation, or wirraaty oontain�d in �ny <br /> of th� Loan instrument�. <br /> 10. 1�1GCELER� TON I1PON DE1rAVLT._11DDITIQNAL REIiEDIE6_.. ShOUld an �V�rit Of <br /> d�fault occur, S�nsticiary may d�clar� all indebtadra��s s�aur�d h�r�by to bt <br /> du� and payabl�, and tha •amA �hall thsreupon beaaa� due nnd payabls without <br /> any pr�nntmsat, demsnd, proteat, or notice of eny kind. Thereafter the <br /> H�nMliciary may: <br /> (a) Either in person or by aqent, with or withoat brinqing any action <br /> or procNClinq, or by a receiver appointied by a �ourt tnd without raqard to th� <br /> ad�quacy or ito aecurity. enter upon and tnke poeses�ion of the Truat 8statt, <br /> or any part thereof, in ite own name or in the neme oi Trustee, and do any <br /> aats whioh it deema necaesary or desirablo to proaervo tha vslue, <br /> marketability or rentability of the Trust Estate, or part thereof or interost <br /> thervin, inarease the income therefrom or protect the aecurity hereol, nnd <br /> with or ►rithout tnkinq poaseeeion of the Trust Estate, sue for or otherwiee <br /> collact thQ rente, iasues and profita thereof, including thoaQ paot duo and <br /> uapaid, aad apply the eame, leea costs and expenaeo of operation and <br /> coll�ctioa, inaludinq attorney'• feao, upon any indsbtednea• s4cured h�r�by, <br /> ali in �uch order a� San�f icixry may d9termine. The �nt�rinq upon and taking <br /> �����e.... ..e :w_ T__� r��_se� tl,n n.ntlagtinn nf auch r�nts. iaaued arid <br /> ��'..•• ..� <br /> prolits and the application thereo! ae eforeaaid, shall not cure or waive any <br /> default or notice o! delault hereunder or ir►validate eny act done in response <br /> to such dolault or purauant to euah notice o! defau lx and, notwithotandinq th� <br /> continu�nco in poseQeeion of the Trust Bqtate or the colloction, rocaipt and <br />_ appiicetion of rente, iseues or profita� Trustee or Eoneficiary ahall bo <br /> �ntl.tlsd to �xarai�a �v�ry riqhi provided Por in any of th� Laan Zmtrw�at• <br />— or by laa upon occurreace ot any event o! detault, inc�udinq th� right to <br />' exercise the power of salat <br /> 1 <br />