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r� � •ms.�4t�p.�s.r�:.r�*•, _ ' . . ... .. _,,.:.-�.:',:r,_•�..-�:.. <br /> � - `=T'�'S'I�'-�'----- <br /> „"'R� _ _�.. �.�._ '„a,� ,.L,-,--_- ... <br /> ' . . .. ;g;;�:_.�„.��__�. <br /> _. *�.� ��. �i.''L_,..�fe. . �-:Il;:,�.�.__...__ <br /> . • a � � �� � <br /> n� Q t. <br /> �•i � <br /> ' � + f'� <br /> � � 1 <� N <br /> � /� . t CO � ,,,,i .� <br /> � -.� .�« <br /> � �' y" � .� :r 7+ (� �� - <br /> ,� f1 .t • � • .� j o .-a �' ; �. <br /> :� , .,, --- -� �, <br /> .,.,, k , �, -� e. <br /> 'r, S � ,) "C '� = 'f'"+� "" <br /> � . � � _: rn 0 � <br /> �:� • �c� <br /> c� � j— v � <br /> L �" � r v � �! <br /> . � ;,, �� N A -�- <br /> �; � I—+ y� <br /> �u e.� O n LO � <br /> � � ~n to � <br /> � <br /> asaa os �usT <br /> THIS DEEA O� TRUBT is mad� a� o! tht 28th dsy of Ootob�r, 1997, by and � <br /> amonq JE&v8 QUES!►Dl►, sinqle� and M11RI11 O. RODRIOUEZ, sinqlo, ("TAUBTaA"), Q.� <br /> whoRO mailinq addra�� in 1410 E. 7th Straot� Orand Z�land, Nobra�ka 68801 +�nd <br /> El►RI. D. J►FIY.SCHWEDE, 1lttorney at Law, ("TRUSTEE"), who�e mailinq addr�s■ is: P. ^ <br /> O. Box 2300, c3rand i�land, Nebraska 68802�BEd�gR1�ND�YB'LAN�h1�AE!►��ingTaddre�� \ <br /> HUMli2iiTY, INC., s Nebrs�ka Corporation, ( <br /> is: P. O. 8ox 1001, c3rand Z�lend, Nebraeka 68802. <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevoaably transfors, coav�ya, and <br /> a�sign� to Trustee, IH 4RUST, WITH PAWER OF sALE, for the benePit and �oourity <br /> of Sanstl.oiary, und�r +�nd eubjeot to thQ tarmw and aonditiono of thi■ DeQd ot <br /> Trust, the real progerty loaated in the County of Hnll, 8tate ot Nobraoka, and <br /> legally desoribed se Pollows: (the "Property"): <br /> Lot &ix (6), Sloak One (1). LambQrt's Ilddit ioa to tho <br /> City o! arand i�land, Hail County, N�braokA. <br /> fiB�ETFiER i�i2T� al2 rrnt�, eas�mentRt appurtienauaces, hereditacnenta, <br /> int�r�sts in adjoininq xo�sd�, strasts and alleys, improvements and buildinq� <br /> hsreafternbaaomeaandinttqral partao! suohpbuildings nnd�improvements. <br /> ThQ proparty and tha entirQ ootate and interest conveyed �o th� Trn�to� <br /> are ret�rred to collectively as the "Trust Estate". <br /> FOR THL PURPOSE OD' SECURZNGs <br /> a. paym�nt of indat�tQdneee in the total principal amount o! $7,369.13, <br /> with no inter��t thor�on, a� ovidencQd by th� aartain Promiasory Note o! �v�n <br /> dats (th� "Noto") payabla on damand, exaouted by Trustor, whiah ha� b�an <br /> dsliv�r�d and is payab l� to th� order o! S�n�tloiary, and which by this <br /> r�t�r�nc� is h�r�by mad� a part horoof, and any and all modiliaation�. <br /> �xt�n�ion� and r�nowale th�rQOi, and, <br /> b. Pwymant o! all eume advanced by eenefioiary to protact th� Tru�t <br /> Estat�, with no int�roat Ehereon. <br /> Thi• Dood oE Tru�t, the Note, and any other isistsumeat qiven to �vidonae <br /> or lurther aeaure thw p�yment and performanae o! any obligntion socurad h�s�by <br /> ase r�ferrad to aollactiv�ly a� the "Loan Instrument�". <br /> TO PROT6CT THB SECURITX OF TI32S DEED O� TRIISTs <br /> 1. YHENT O! INDEBTEDNESS. Trustor ahall pay wh�n du� the prinaipal <br /> ot, and th� interest an, the ndebtedne�s �videnaed by the Not�, oharq�s, l�es <br /> and all other sums as provided in the Loan InsEruments. <br /> Z. �XgS, Trustor shall pay each installment of all taxes mnd op�cial <br /> a�sessment� of avery lsind, aow or hereatter levied aqainat tho Trust Estat� or <br /> any part horeof, betore deliaquency, without notice or demand, and ahall <br /> provide Henefiaiary with evidence o! the payment of same. Trustor shall pay <br /> all tanes and nsaessmenta which may be levied upon Henetiaiary's intere�t <br /> herein or upon thie Deed of Truat or the debt secured hereby, without reqard <br /> to any law that mny be er►acted impoainq payment of the whole or any pnrt <br /> thereof upon the Seneficiary. <br /> 3. �NSURANCE AND RBPI►IAS. Truetor ehall mafntain fire and extended <br /> coveraqa insurance ineurfng the improvemeata and bu ildinqa conetituting part <br /> .. .... __:� than rho amnunt of the unvaid <br /> 0! tA@ l=tist 6SLnLQ ivi ai Q�tNYMr .... <br /> principal belnnce o! the Note (co-inaurance not exceeding 80� permitted). <br /> Such insurance policy ehall contain a standard mortgaqe clause in favor of <br /> Benefiaiary and ahall not be cancelable, terminable, or modifiable without Len <br /> (10) days prior written notice to Beneficiary. Truetor ahall promptly repaiz, <br />- meintain and replace tAe Truet Eetate or any part theraof eo that, exaept for <br />- ordinary wear nnd tear, tha Trust Eetate ahall not deteriorate. In no �v�nt <br />� ehall the Truetor commit waete on or to ehe Truet Letate. <br />_� <br />'.�, <br /> :� <br /> � --- _ <br />