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<br /> (b� Comm�nae an aation to tor�olo�e thi■ 04od o! Trust ai • mortgaq�,
<br /> �►ppciat • x�c�iv�r, or �p�oiliaally •niora� any o! th� aovonants hor�oi�
<br /> (o) D�liv�r to Tru3t�� a writt�a d�alaratian of d�tault and Q�mand for
<br /> ■al�, and a writt�n notiae o! d�faalE and al�otion to oa�xa� Tru�tor'• int�r��t
<br /> in th� Tru�t t�tat� Eo b� �old, which notio� Tru�t�� �hall oau�� tio b� duly
<br /> lil�d !or r�oord in th� a�propritt� Olficiai R�aord� of tht County i.n whioh
<br /> the Truet P;at++te ie bAeat�d. ,
<br /> 11. pQ�,�''"anax BY POW=R Oa t31�LS._ Bhould e�a�lioiary •l�ct to
<br /> Lor�clos� by �x�rcis� o! tht Pow�r o! eal• h�r�in aontaia�d, B�nsliciary shail
<br /> notity Tru�t�e and �hall d�pos it with Tru�t�� thi� D��d o! Tru�t and thn Not�
<br /> and �uoh r�c�ipts and �vid�no� of txp�nditur�r mad� and �ocur�d h�r�by a�
<br /> Trunto� tnay r�quir�.
<br /> (a) Upon r�a�ipt of �uch notico trom Baaotioiary, Trusto� shall cnuas
<br /> to b� r�cord�d, publi�h�d and d�liv�r�d to Tru�tor �uoh Notia� o! D�laulx and
<br /> Notia� o! 8a1� a� th�n r�quir�d by law and by this De�d o! Tru�t. Tru�ta�
<br /> shall, without dc�maad on Tru�tor, att�r �uoh timo a� niay th�n b� rsquir�d by
<br /> lsw and aft�r r�aordation o! suoh Notia� o! D�lault and altsr Notioo ot aal�
<br /> havinq biMn qiv�n a� r�quir�d by law, a�il th� Trust E�Eat� at the tiaM snd
<br /> plaa� o! sal� lixod by it in suoh Notia� o! eal�, �ith�r a� a whol�, ox in
<br /> s�pazat� lots or paroRls or it�ms as Trust�Q ehall do�m �xp�diont, �sad in �ach
<br /> ord�r a� it may d�t�ra►ine, aL• public auation to the Riqheat bidder !or eaeh, —
<br /> in lawful mon�y of thQ United statea, paynble at the time oi aal�. Trust��
<br /> shail deliv�r to such purchaear or purchasers thereot, its good and au!liai�nt
<br /> dead or deeds, conveyinq the property eo eold, but without any aovenant �r
<br /> warranty, �xpreoa or implied. The reaitala in suah daed of any ma�t�rs or
<br /> taati �hall be conalueive proof of the truthfulness thereof. J►ny p�rson,
<br /> inoludinq, without limitation, Trustor, Trustee, anci Benefiaiary, may puroha�a
<br /> at suoh �sl�r and Trustor h�r�by covenant� to warrant and d�f�nd th� tiitl� o!
<br /> suoh puraha�or or purchas�rs.
<br /> (b) As msy b� p�rmitt�d by law, alt�r deduatinq all aost�, l��s,
<br /> �xp�ns�� ot Tru�eeo and o! thi� Trust, includinq ao�ts o! avidonc� o! titl� in
<br /> aonsootion wibh sal�, Tru�t�� �hall apply th� proa�Qd� o! ■sl� to payment ot
<br /> =f= �ZZ ��� oxponded undQr th� terma hereol, not then r�paid, with aoaru�d
<br /> interest at 12 percent per annum, (ii� all other �ums th�n socurod h�r�by, ana
<br /> (iii) thQ ramainder, if any, to the pareon or p�+reon■ legally entitl�d
<br /> thereto.
<br /> (a) Trustee may, in the mannar provid�d by law, postpone sal� o� all or
<br /> any por�ion oP the Trustee Eetate.
<br /> 12� ax►,nmr�a Nrn� �xcL•USiy��, Trust�� and Sen�liciary, and vach of th�+m,
<br /> shall bo �ntitlad to �nlorc� paymsnt and p�riormanc� o! any ind�bt�dnoss or
<br /> obliqstions soourad h�r�by and to �x4rais� aii riqht• and pow�r� und�r tl�i�
<br /> D��d o! Tru�t or und�r any Loan iastrum�nt or other agr��m�nt or any lawa now
<br /> or he,r�sit�r in lora�, notMithstanding some or all o! the �uah ind�bt�dn�s�
<br /> and obligations a�ourtd her�by may now or hereattfr b� othorwis� ��aur�d,
<br /> wh�th�r by mortqags, deed of tru4t, pl�dge, lien, assignmant or oth�rwi��.
<br /> Noither the aoceptance of thie Deed of Truet nor ita entorcement whsther by
<br /> court action or pursuant to the power of eele or other power� hbr�in
<br /> containod, ahall prejudiae or in any manner affect Trustee'e or Sonoliciary•s
<br /> right to r�alize upvn or enforce any other becurity now or hQreattvr hvld by
<br /> Tru�t�e or Benetieiary, it be ing agreed that Trustee nnd Sanetia�ary, snd eaah
<br /> of them, shall be entitled to enforce thie Aeed of Trust and any othor
<br /> ��aurity noa or hereattar hald by Beneliaiary or Trusts�, in auoh ord�r and
<br /> mar�n�r a� thoy or eith�r oi them may in their absolute disor�tion d�t�rmin�.
<br /> No rortwdy htrfin conl�rred upon or reaerved to Tru4tao or B�naliciary i�
<br /> int�nd�d to b� sxcluaivf o! any other remady her�in or by law provided ox
<br /> pormitted, but aaah ahnll be cumulativa and ahall be in addition to every
<br /> othor ranedy given hereunder or now or hereatter existinq at law or in equity
<br /> or by 3ta�tuto. Every powar or remedy qivea by any of tha Loan Instruments to
<br /> Trusta� or Beneticiary or to which either of them may b� otherwia� eatitl�d,
<br /> may be exercised, concurrently or independently, from time to time, and a�
<br /> often as may be deemed expediant by Truetee or genefiaiaryt and eithar of them
<br /> may pursue inconaietent remedies. Nothing herein shall be conatrued as
<br /> prohibitinq BQneficiary from eeeking a deficiency judgment against tho Trustor
<br /> to the extent such nction ia permitted by lnw.
<br /> 13. n�ntt�cT FeR NoTICE. Truetor hereby requeete a copy of any no�ice
<br /> o! detault, and that any r►otice ot sale hereunder be mailed to it at tihe
<br /> addreae set forth in the first paragraph o! this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> 14. GOVERNINC3 LAW. Th ia Deed of Truet shall be qovesned by the laws of
<br /> the State of Nebraeka. In the event that any provision or clduse of any of the
<br /> ..._.. T.��Mv��mnnt� nnnflict& with ncnlicable laws, auch conflicts ahall aot
<br /> aifeat��other proviaione oi euch Loan Inetrumenta which can be qiven e!lacL
<br />_ without the conflictinq psov isi�ne= and to this end, the proviaions of the
<br />- Loan Inatrumenta are declared to be severabla. This inatrument cannot be
<br /> waived, changed, diacharged, or terminated orally, but only by an instrument
<br />- in writing eigned by tihe party againat whom enforcement of any waiver, ahange,
<br />= diecharge or termination ia Bought.
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