., � , . ,��
<br /> � �.,�`�, !�i��u �b�1"�_' I s+�• �.*r+��+. .�.., :.�- - -.-.�-°_'_b"=_ -
<br /> _ __ ...._.:::
<br /> i 4 .T ._._._���.` �.
<br /> 1 � �
<br /> � �
<br /> ' ��7- io9a� �
<br /> ,� �I�d 11rr�ftTiNO .TqJ��� ��T�►Tr� Tru�tor •hall apy�ar in and cont��t
<br /> �ny �qtl,an s�r pKOa��dlnq purpnrtlnp to �tiwoE kh� ■�ourity h�r�o! ar th�
<br /> rl�nhti• ar r• aL NMn�tiaL�ry ar Tru�ti�e, and ■hall p�y �11 eo�ti• and
<br /> ��pNnM��+. �nludlnp aoNC o! •v1AMno� o! titl� �nd attorney 'r l��r. in any �u�h
<br /> Rotlan ax pxoaw�dlnd ln whLoh A�n�ILal�ry or Tru�t�• ma�y app��r. 8hould
<br /> 7cru�kr�r 1�1 1 ta MNk» �ny pMyr�wn� or to da •ny rot a• and in th� reann�r
<br /> peovl�d�! ln �ny oR th� 1aoNn Inrtru�wrne�, ��n�liol.�ry andlor Tru�t��, �+�ah in �
<br /> Lt■ r»+n +dlNar�t.lan, wlkhout obliqNt�.on, m�y mak� or do the �am� in �uoh �nann�r
<br /> anA to �uoh �Mt�n� •r MLkPi1Mr w+y dw++a r►�uWOaaey Co proteot the ee�uxity �,_ _
<br /> hNr�t� fru�kQr ■h��l, l�di�b�ly upon d�n►and thsr�lor bx B�n�lioiary, pay
<br /> �11 aa�k��nd ■M�n�r• inourr�d by ��n�tioiRry in conn�aEion with bh� �x�roir�
<br /> by Nn�f lol�ry at khN Lor�yolnq rlqht�, lnoludinq, without l�enitation, oo�t�
<br /> o� �vldrnc� a! kl,tl«, nourt ao�ew, Npprai��i�, �urv�y� �nd ateorn�y'� t���•
<br /> J1ny •uah Ccs�t■ •nd NM nrr■ nut p■!d wlthLn t�n (10) dwy� a! writti�n d�mand
<br /> •h�ll dr�w Ank�r�Mt ��ChN dwl�ult raE� provid�d ln th� Not�.
<br /> �� � �.� �hould th� Tru�ti ��t�e�, or +nyr part th�r�o! or
<br /> lnk�rwrt eh.ew n�r t� t• �n or ds�an�d by r���on ot sny pubila improv�nt ar
<br /> oond�nwllon praaMdLna� or Le •ny oth�r �ann�r ineludinq d��d in li�u o!
<br /> Cnnd�n�rllon ("Cundwrn�tAon"� , ar •houid Tru�tor r�a�iv� �ny notic� ar oth�x
<br /> Lniarnult tors rN��Kdlna suah proo��dlnq� Tru�tor ■hsll q iw prompt writitan
<br /> noila• tMr�o[ ka Nn�ticl�ry. ��n�llci�Ky ■h�il b� �ntltl�d to Rll
<br /> oc►�rp�nr�allon ww�rd� �nd o�h�c p�yn�nb� or r�i1.�! th�r�lor, �nd •hall b�
<br /> �rititl� ic �aaka eny r.r_n��+r.�i�. or ��ttl�e►wnt !n oonn�otlon wi.th �uoh takinq
<br /> or dawaa�� Rbi �uoh oc�p�nM�elon, award�, d�mag��, riqhts o! action anct
<br /> procNd■ �w�rd�d t.o 7'ruNtor �th� "Proor�d�"� +�r� h�r�ay ���ipn�d to
<br /> ll�n�tioi�ey� •nd �'ru�tdr ��rwn ta �x�nut• ■uah lureh�r ���iqnm�nt• o! th�
<br /> Proa�rd• �� ��n�tLal�ry or ?ru�t�� may r�qulre�
<br /> 6. �HTtl�..L?YJ���!�oR T11l�sTt�. N�n�lioLary may. lrom tin►w to
<br /> tii�, by� wr tk�n n�tru�nt �x�out�d �nd aoknowl�dq�d by e�n�lioiary, m�il�d
<br /> !o Tru�tor �nd r�oord�d ln th� tJOUnty !.n whiah Eh� Tru�t s�tat� i• looat�d a�nd
<br /> by oth�rnl�� ac�plylnq wlth th� provl�lan� ot th� �ppl io�bl• law o! th� 8tatw
<br /> ot N�br��k� �ub�eitut� � wuoan�ar or ■ucc���or• Eo th�Trurti�� n�d h�r�in
<br /> or aotlnq h�r�und�r.
<br /> �� ���Ms��o1L 1►Mp �z r11. Thl• D��d o! Tru�t �ppli�■ to, inar�� to
<br /> tho b�n�llt ol�na bina� wil p�rci�• h�r.co, ���1�, �si::� lo�:.L=o. sl=:'le�e:
<br /> p�r�on�i r�prw��ne�kiv��, �uao�rNar• �nd a��ipnw� Th� t�rm "D�n�lioiaxy"
<br /> �hall nwm th� oan�r �nd hold�r ot th� Not�, Wh�tih�r or not naa�3 a�
<br /> s�n�lios�ry h�s�in.
<br /> S. =N�tf��oTioll�. Nn�ttol.ary, or Lt� �q�nt�, r�yr���ntativ�� or
<br /> workaMn, ss� autihoria�d to ent�x �t any r�a�on�bl� tim�upon or in any part o!
<br /> th� Tru�t�w Rstat� !ox th� purpo■• ot inrp�otinp th� �w �nd ior th� purpo��
<br /> o! p�rloni�nq �ny o! th� aotw lt 1■ �uthoris�d to p�rinrm und�r xh� t�rm� ot
<br /> any ot th� Lo�n InNLXU�Mnt�.
<br /> 9. jyj�T� or Dl�AULT� Any at th• tallowinq �vwnt� �hall b� d�d +us
<br /> •v�nt ot d�lault h�r�und�r�
<br /> (�� Trn�tor •h�il hrv t�llwd to n+�k� p�y�nt o! any in�talia►�nt o!
<br /> iet�r�st, prinaipal, or prinolpal wnd inE�r��t or •ny oth�r �um ��cur�d h�r�by
<br /> wh�n du�l ar,
<br /> (b� Th�z� hR• oaourr�d R br�aoh ot A�t�u lE �nd�r a ny t�rm, oov�nant,
<br /> aqrfw�nt, oondition, provirian, r�pr��wnt�Elon, or wwrranty aontain�d in any
<br /> o! bh� Lown instrua�nt��
<br /> 10. 5,��`�'-ri•,.�,�?=ON LPgN bf/I�LL•T. ,(�{�Q�(►j�y R lt�ol=tl� BhOUld io �wRt O!
<br /> d�tault ocour, f�n�ttai�ry M�y d�ul�r� all 1nA�bt�4n��� s�our�d h�r�by to b�
<br /> du� and pay�bl�, �nd eh� Mun� �h�li th�r�upan b�can� dw and p�yabl� withoat
<br /> any pr�Nnta�nt, d�n+�nc1, prot��t, or noklc• o� �ny kL�d, Th�r�att�r th�
<br /> d�n�ticl�ry a+ayi
<br /> (a) Iithor in p�r�on or by ���nt, wl,t:h or wirhout brinQinp any aotion
<br /> or procNC�inq, or by • rwa�9.wr �ppalntRd by • �aurt anA +►lthout r�pard to th�
<br />_ adaquacy o! it• ��ourity, •nl�r up+�n �nd t�k� �x��Nw�wion ol th� Tru�t ��tati�,
<br /> or any y�rt th�r�ol, in Lt� �n+n n�� �r ln thr n��w oi tru�t�, and do �ny
<br /> aat• whloh !t d��� n�a����ry or dw�lr�b1N ta pr�r+wrv� eh� v�lu�,
<br /> mark�tablLity or r�nt�blliEy oC th• Txu�et ItM��t�, or p+�rt Ch�r�a! or iet�r��t
<br /> th�r�ir�, Lners��� eh� lnac�►w th�r•CroM pr pratwat �h� ncauriby h�r�oi, and
<br /> with or without t�kinq ���wN�1�ro ��k ths '�ru�t ��t�l;�, �u• Ror or oCh�rr+io�
<br /> aoll�ot th� r�nt�, i��u�■ �nd �roC it:N t1i�rN��t, lnalud tnq tho�� pa�t du� sn4
<br /> un�aid, �nd apply �h� ��m�, l�r■ r;��Mtw Nu�t r�prnrw■ ut op�r�tion ancl
<br /> aoll�otion, 1nnluQinq �ttnrn�y'• CMAN� �i�►rm Nny l�ui�btN4ra��• ��aur�d h�r�by,
<br /> all in �uoh ord�r a■ e�n�ticl�ry m�y ri�t�rminr. TtiN wneMrtnp upon �nd t�kinq
<br /> Do�s���ion o! th� Trurt �Nt�l�, t1�M uul�MCf.lun af Nuc-ti r�nt�, i��u�� �nd _
<br /> prolit� �nd Eh� appitoAtaon Ell�ceni 11■ �i�rww�ici� w�wii i��n`. vua� va w�..� �:.j
<br /> dK+sult or notic� Qt CIN�M1llc hurM�uulr�r ur luvs!l�Jw�•» �ny �cc don� in r��ponr�
<br /> - to ■uoh d�t�ult or puc�u�nt tn Mui:l► nntl��M ��[ �1«�wul�. �nii, natwlth�c�ndinp th�
<br /> oonEinutnc• in po�r�rNlun o� r,1�w rcuMt: It���t.M ��r t.hM culZ�at�on, r�o�ipt and
<br /> � applia�tlon o! rsnt�, 1rNUa� or pr�►UtN, 'CCt1M1:MN ur N�n�2lai�ry �h�ll b�
<br /> � �ntiiCl�d ta �x�rot�� �vQCy rlyht pr�vid�d t'c�c ln •�y uf th� Ln�n in�tsunwnt•
<br />-- or by Lw upon oaaurr�nc• o! �ny •v�nr. nt A�t�ult, l�clu�!!ng th• rlpht �o
<br /> ' �x�xairu �h� pow�r ot r�1�1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> •_
<br /> �
<br />