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<br /> (b) Camnenoa an aation eo loreclo�e thi.e Deed o! Truet as a morkgaq�,
<br /> appoint s r�c�iver, or sp�cifiaa].ly wnfora� a�ny o! the aovonant� heroolt
<br /> (o) D�liv�r tca Trai�t�� s writt�n d�cxaration of default and demnnd !or
<br /> �al�, an�l a writt�n notic� o! dstault es►d alection to aauee Trustor'� intereet
<br /> in th� Tru�t Z�tate to b• sold, which notic� Tru�t�e shall aause to bs duly
<br /> lil�d !or r�cord in th� appropriat• Of�ioinl Records o! the County in whioh
<br /> tha Truati 8atnto ia locatod. �
<br /> li. HO�CLOSURS SY PGWER QF SAL�. Should Seneliaiary eloot to
<br /> lor�alos� by �x�rai�� of tho Power o! Balo har�in aontained, Bon�fiaiary ahall
<br /> notity Tsu�ts� and ehall dapo�it with Trustot thi� Daad ot Trust and th� Note
<br /> and suoh s�o�ipt• and �videnoe of expaaditures made aad seoured herebX as
<br /> Truit�s may rsquire.
<br /> (a) ITpon r�o�ipt o! suah notia� lrom Bonotioiary, Tru�too ahall aaua�
<br /> to ba r�aordad, publi.ahQd and delivQred to Truttor suah Notice of Detault eutd
<br /> Notiaa o! Sais ae thon seqaired by law and by this Deed o! Trust. Trustee
<br /> shall, without demand on Trustor, aftar ench time aa may thon bo rQquirad by
<br /> law and attsr reaordation of auoh Notice of Default and after Notia� of 9e�1�
<br /> hsving be�n givea as required by law, sell the Truet Eetate at the tim� and
<br /> plaae o! rale iixed by ie in suoh Notice o� Sale, either ae a whole, or in
<br /> �eparat� lota or paraalo or iteme s� Tru�tQe ehall deem expediont, and in �uah
<br /> ord�r a� it may determin�, at publio auotion to the hiyheet biddor for aash,
<br /> ia lawtul mosisy oE the United 3tatee, payable at the tima of eale. TrustQa
<br /> �hall dslives to auch purchaeer or purchasers thereoi, ite qood and �uttiaient
<br /> deod or deads� conveying the pzoperty ao sold, but without any aovenant or
<br /> wasranty, �xpr�as or impliad. The raoitale in suah deed o! any mattera or
<br /> faot� shall be conalu�iva proof o! the truthPulaees theraol. J►ny pereon,
<br /> inoludinq, without limitetion, Trustor, Truatee, and Benefiaiary, may purahase
<br /> at sach sal�, and Tru�tior hereby covenanta to warrant and deiend tho title o!
<br /> suoh purohaswr or purcha��rs.
<br /> (b) !�s may be p�rmitted by law, aiter deduoting all ao�ts, f��a,
<br /> �xpen��� oi Trustea and ot this Tru�t, includiny costs of .vidanco o! titl� ia
<br /> eoan�otion with rale, Trustee ahall apply ther proceeds o! oale to paym�nt o!
<br /> (iy 'sI2 curc zx�ends�und�� th= tprsne taerw�i, not then repaid, with acoru�d
<br /> intor��t at 12 paroent per dnnum, (11) all other eume thea eecured h�r�by, and
<br /> (111) the remninder, if any, to the person or persons legnlly entitled
<br /> tharato.
<br /> (c) Trustee may, in the manner provided by law, poetpone sale o! all or
<br /> aay portton oi the Trustee Eetate.
<br /> 12� ��uaenrF� � BXCLUSiVE._ Truatee and Sanefiaiary, and •ach o! th�en,
<br /> �hall b� �ntitlQd to �n�orce paymen+L and perEormance of any indebtadn��• or
<br /> obliqation� ��cur�d h�r�by and to oxorciao ail riqhte and powors und�r thi�
<br /> D�M o! Trust or und�r any Loe�n instrument or othar agraement or any laws now
<br /> or horeaft�r in lore�, rotwithstRnding eano or all of thQ �uoh indebtedn���
<br /> and obliqatione seaured hereby may now or hereafter be oth�rwiss seour�d,
<br /> wh�th�r by mortgaq�, deod o! trust, pledqe, lien, s��iqnm�at or oth�rwis�.
<br /> tt�ith�r th� aocaptaiaaa cf thia Doed o! Tru�L nor its entoronaant wh�thsr by
<br /> aourt aotioa or purauant to the power ot sale or other poware h�r�in
<br /> aontainod, ahall prejudice or in nny manner aifect Tru�t�e's or Sen�tiaiary's
<br /> riqht to realize upon or antore� any other �eaurity now or hereaftes held by
<br /> Trustse or 8enefiaiary, it b�inq aqrQ�d that Truotee and S�nefiaiary, and taah
<br /> o! them, �hall be entit led to enforce thia Deed ot Truet and any oth�r
<br /> a�avrity now or her�eaiter held by Bonefiaiary or Truatae, ia sucb order and
<br /> c►�snnor a� th�y or oith�r o! tham may ir� theis abroluto di�oration d�t�rcain�.
<br /> No rBmedy herein cor�ferred upon or res�erved to Trustee or een�liaiary is
<br /> int�rided to b� exalusiv�of aay other rem�dy herein or by law provided or
<br /> pormitted, but eaah ahall be cumulative nnd shall be in addition ta owry
<br /> other re�nedy given her�under or now or hRreaftQr existinq at law or in equity
<br /> or by Statute. Every power or remedy given by any of the Lonn Snstrumsata to
<br /> Trustee or Heneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwiae eatitlod,
<br /> may be ex�raised, conouerrently or independently,. from time to time, aod as
<br /> oftaa a� may be deemed expedient by Truetee or Beneficiary� and either o! thQm
<br /> may puraua inconaiatcont ramadieo. Nothing herein eha11 be construod as
<br /> prohibitiag Beneficiary from eeeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor
<br /> to ttie extent such action is permitted by law.
<br /> 13. ��nUEST FOR NOTICE. Truatvr hereby roquesta a copp of any notice
<br /> of d�fault, and that arsy riotice of eale hereunder be mailed to it at the
<br /> addrese eet lorth in ttae first paragraph of thia Deecl of Truet.
<br /> 14. GOVERNING LAW, Thia Deed of rruat ehall be governed by the lawa of
<br /> - the State of Nobrnska. In the event that nny provision nr clauBe of any ot the
<br /> ... ..��� �:...r.�e �.Wa� n►�n_.h conflicta ehall not
<br /> _ LvCn i.iisiruimiiti.o vvs�uaei.e s 't%s�••+----
<br /> = affect other provision� of euch Lonn Znstruments which can be given effect
<br /> - withaut the conilic:ing provieione j and to this end, the provisione o! the
<br /> = Loan inetrumenCe are daclared to be severable. This inetrument cannot be
<br /> � waived, chariqed, diacharged, or terminateed orally, but only by an instrument
<br /> �� in writing signed by the party aqainat whom enforcement of any waivar, ahanqe,
<br /> = di�charq� or tormination io aought.
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