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<br /> THIS D�aD Oy TRUST i• mad� �� o! th� ZBth day o! Octobor, 1997, by and �
<br /> amonq JESUB QUESADI►• sinql• and MJ►ItI71 O. RODRIGSJ82, �inqlo, ("TAU9TOR"), whoee
<br /> mailinq addr��s i�� 1410 E. 7�h stir��b, arand Island, N�braska 68801 and E1�RL
<br /> D. !1H'LSCHWSD�, J►ttorn�y Rt Law, ("TRUBT=S"), whos� msilinq addrose is: P. O. �
<br /> 8ox 2300, Oraad =�land, N�bra�k� 69802 and ciRlltiD I8L11ltD )1RE7� HAB2TAT FOR �•,
<br /> HUMAt�1iTY, INC., s tt�bra�ka Corporation, ("DlN�lICIAAY"), whose mailing addreee �
<br /> i�: P. 0. Sox 1001, Grand I�land, N�bra�ka 68802.
<br /> !OR V71LOJ1SLI CONBiDZRJ►TION, Tru�tor irr�vocably tran�f�r�, aonveys, and
<br /> a�4iqns to Truibe�, IN TRUBT, WITH POWER OT SALE, for the benefit and eaaurity
<br /> o! e�n�lioiary, undor and subj�ot to th� t�rms and aonditiona of this Deed oi
<br /> Tru�t, th� real propexty loaat�d in th� County oi Hall, State o! Nebraska, and
<br /> logally doecribed aa lollow�i (th� "Prop4rty")e
<br /> Lot six (6), Sloak On� (i), I�ambort'� !►dditioa to the
<br /> City of cirand i�lend, Hall County, N�bra�ka.
<br /> TACS�ETfiffiA WITH ali r�nt�, �e��m�nt�, appurt�naao�s, h�r�ditamonts,
<br /> int�r�sts in adjoininq road�, str��ts sad ali�ys, improv�nts arid buildingr
<br /> oY aay kind s ituatad th�r�on and all prrsonal prop�rty tiha! may be or
<br /> heroa�t�r become aa intoqral part ot �uoh buildinq■ and improvem�at�.
<br /> Th� prop�rty and th� �ntir� •stat� and int�r��t aonv�y�d to th� Trastse
<br /> are ret�rr�d to aoll�otiv�ly as ths "Trust E�tat�">
<br /> a. Payment o! indebtedn�s� ia ths total prinoipal amount o! S46,530.87
<br /> with no inter�at th�reon, as evid�na�d by th� a�rtdin Promi��ory Not� o! sv�n
<br /> dat� �thw "Not�") with s msturity dat� o! Outobor 1, 2022, �x�aut�d by
<br /> Trustor, whiah ha� be�n deliv�r�d and i� payabl� to th� ord�r of Bon�liciary,
<br /> and which by this r�l�r�na� i� h�r�by med� a part h�rwl, and aey and all
<br /> modifiaations, ext�nsion� and ren�wals ther�of� aad,
<br /> b, psym�at o! sll sum� advana�d by B�n�tioiary to protecti th� Trust
<br /> Eatate, with no intareet thereon.
<br /> Thia Deed of Truet, the Noke, and a�ny oth�r in�trum�nt given to �vidaace
<br /> or furthar eecure the payment and performnnao o! any obligeticsn soour�d h�reby
<br /> are referYad to collectively as thQ "Loan Inotrumant�".
<br /> 1. Fl�Yt�lENT o8 INDEBTEDNE88. TruaEor �hall pay wh�n due th� prinoipal
<br /> of, and the intersst on, the indabtedne�s �videnotd by th� NoE�, oharq�s, l�sa
<br /> nafl all othQr �um� as provided in tho Lonn Instrum�nt�.
<br /> 2. �� Trustor ehali pay Qaah in�tailm�nt ot all tax�s and �p�olal
<br /> as�asamente oY overy kind, now or heraaftar 1QVl.�d aqain�t th� Trurt E�tst� or
<br /> any parti hersof, befare delinguenoy, without notic� or d�mand, and •hall
<br /> provid� Senefiaiery with evidence of bhe paymene o! •am�. Tru�tor •hsll pny
<br /> all taxee and aeaeeemente whicsh may be levied upon e�n�ficiary'� int�rest
<br /> herein or upon thie Deed o! Trust or the debt aeaured hsreby, wiEhout r�gard
<br /> to any law that muy be eaacted impooinq payment o! the whol• or sny part
<br /> thoreo! upon the Benef iciary.
<br /> 3. INSLra�NC� AND REPAIRS. Truetor �hall mainCain lir� snd �xt�nd�d
<br /> - ooverage insurance inauring the improvements and building• aon�tieutinq parti
<br /> �f *ho Truat aatata for an emount no less than th� amount o! th� unpaid
<br /> principal ba lance oP the Note (co-inuuranao not oxa��dinp 80� p�rmitt�a).
<br /> _ Such inauranco poliay shnll contain a atandard mortqaq� olauo� in lavor of
<br /> _ Senef ioiary nnd ehall not be cancolnble, tarminablo, or madifiabl� without t�a
<br /> (10) daye pr ior written notice to Beneficiary. 7�ru�tor ■hRll pzomptly rop�ir,
<br /> = maintain and replace the Truat Eetate or eny part th�rsot �n thst, axc�pt tor
<br /> ordinary weer and tear, the Truet Eatatis �hall not d�t�riorsti�. In no �v�at
<br /> ehnll the Truetor commit waatie on or to the Tru�t L��tat�.
<br /> _
<br /> � _
<br />