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<br /> prymenta may no longer be requlr�d,at the option af Leuder,If mortgage insw�ance coverage(in the amount and for the perlod
<br /> that L,eader rcquires)provided by aa insurer approved by Y.ender again becaraes available and is obtained.Borrower ehell pay
<br /> the premiums�tquired to mainWa mortgage iasurance in effect,or to pmvida a los9 reserve,undl thc requirement for mortgaga e
<br /> �s�nce�ade in accordance wit6 any wrltten agreement betwan Borrower aad Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9.Inapection.Leader or lts agent raay make reasonable entrles upon and inspecciony of the Property. I.ender shdl give
<br /> Bormwer notice ac the ttme of ar prior to an inspecdoa apecifying reasonable eauae for the inspoction.
<br /> 10. Cond�tion. Tbe proca,�a of any award or claim for damages, direct or conaequential, in connection with anY
<br /> condemnation or offier taking of any part of the Properry,or for conveyaace in lieu of condemnation,are henby avsigaeci aad
<br /> ahaU be paid to I.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total tAklag of the Property,the pracads shall be applied to the sum�secured by this Secudty Ineaument,
<br /> whsther or aot then due� with wy exass patd to Bomower. In the eveat 4f a putial taklag of We Property ia which the fair
<br /> muket value of the Property im�nedlately befon the taking is equel to or greater than the amount of the sums eecured by this
<br /> Secudty iiutiumeat immedi�tely before the t�lcing,uulesb Borrower�nd Lender otherwiae�sreo in writing,the eums secut+od by
<br /> this Securlty Ilutrument shdl be reduced by the amouat of the proceeda muldplial by the followL� fracdoa: (a)t6a toW
<br /> amouat of the eums eccaral immedtately befom the takIng, dividod by(b)tbe fiir market vtlue of the Property lmmedi+telY
<br /> befon tho takip�. Any b�l�nce�hdl t►e pdd ta Borrower. in tho event ot a puti�l utidn� of tbe Pmpeny in whir,h itte tdr
<br /> muket v�lue of the Propeny imrtsodlately beforo tho t�kin�i�leu th�n the uraunt of the�unu recured iromediuely 6efose�ha
<br /> t�kina, unlex�Bormwer�nd I.ender otherwiw a�rea ln wdtfnQ ur unles� �pplic�ble law athecwi�e pmvidd, the procads �h�ll
<br /> be�pplkd to the wtru�ocurcd by thb Sxvriry Tnstrument wbether or not the�ww ua thea due.
<br /> If Ihe Pmperty��abandonnl by Borrower,ar it,aRer noticc hy l,endar to Borrower thu tha condemaor offan ta make�w
<br /> t�w�rd or�ettle R cl�lm for d�ga, Borrower fdls to rapoixf to Lender withln 30 day� dter the due the aotice u aiven.
<br /> Lander is�uthodzed to collect uid apply the proceedi,at Ite optlon,either to restoration or rep�ir of the Pcnpaty or to thse tuma
<br /> roc�ued by this 5ecudry Inetniment,wheWer or rwt th�n due. �ic�tion of rocadi to rjnci al sh�ll not eztend or
<br /> Uale,u Lender wd Borrower othetwl� agree in wdtin8� �Y �PP P P P
<br /> pottpone the due due of t6o montZily payraeata ceferned to in pu�gr+pb�1 and Z or change the unount of auch piymenn•
<br /> t t.Rr�re+n�er Not Rdeaiedi Forbdir�nce BY Lender'Not�W�iver.Exteneloa of the time for pay�t or modlfic�tioa
<br /> of amortization of tlue sums securod by thia Socurity Inahument granted by Leader to u►y aucceaaor in inierisi�t av.. ...:h:13
<br /> not oper+te to releaee the liabllity of the original Borrower or Borrower's succeasors 1i►interat. Ixadar�hil1 not be raNired to
<br /> ��ce proceedings againsc�ny sncceasor ia interest or refuae to extead tiak for payment or otherwiee modity amo�tiz�[on
<br /> of the euma secured by thls Secudty Instcumeat by rwoa of any demand made by the odginal Borro�wa or Bomower's
<br /> auccxsaors in interest. Any forbeu�nce by Lender ia exercising any r3ght or nwody shall not be a w�iver of or praJudo the
<br /> eaerciae of any rlght or remedy. of thii
<br /> 1Z. Succa�ae�nd Asd�oe Boundi Jdnt wd 3everal LlabWty: Co-�nas. The covannts and �reements
<br /> Securlty lnstrument ahall bind�uad beuefit the sucassora and assigne of Lender and Borrower, subject w the pc�ovulons ot
<br /> para�raPh 19. Borrower'� cavenants and agreemenra sh�ii t�jufuc Aud cevcral. .'1ny Bartor�er ��1ho eo-�1�• thi�Sewrity
<br /> Ipatrumaat but daes not execute the Note: (a) is co-aigning thia Security Instsument only to mortg�ge. grant�nd cuarey thu
<br /> Borrower's iatereat ln the Property under the tem�s of this Secudty Insuuaunr,(b)Ie not persoiWly obligued to psy the tuau
<br /> secured bY Wis Secudt�►Inatcvmantc and(c)o8ma that Lender aad any other Bort�wer may�gree to extend�modifY.lo�beu or
<br /> mAlce any siccommodationt wit6 regard to tho terms of thie Securlty Instrument or the Piote without thwt Domower'e con�ent•
<br /> 13.Lam Char�es.If tte laan sxured by this Socuriry Iuatntment i�subjxt to a law wh�ch aeta miximum loaa char�es.
<br /> and ttwt 1aw is fu�nlly interpm�ao that the Inte�t or othsr loan chorqes callxted or to be collected in connaxion with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted linoNa, then: ta)�Y such loan charge a6�11 be nducal by the amount noceasary to raluoe the cbu8e
<br /> to the permittod limit: aad(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exoxded permltted limits wtli be ni�nded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose so make thia refund by reducing the priacip�l owad uader the Note oiby makwi�u�
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a nflmd reduces principal. the reduction wlll be ueated as a putial prep ymen Y
<br /> prepayment charge w�der the Noto.
<br /> 14.Notke�.Any nodce to Borrower providcd for in this 5ecurity Instrumenc shall be given by delivering it or by rnwiling
<br /> it by firet cla�a mail unless applicable iaw requires nse of another method.The notica sh�ll be directod to the Pmperry Addreas
<br /> or any other eddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nodce to Lender ehall be given by flrat clau tn�ll to
<br /> I.eader'�addcrss stated here�a c�r any other address I.end�r designates by notice to Borrower. Any ttotice pmvided for in thit
<br /> - Security Instrument ehall be deernat to have ban giv�n to Borrower or Leader when glven as provided ia thia puagraph.
<br /> 15.Govanin� Lar+; 3everabllity. Thls Secutiry Inscnunea� ehall be governed by federal law end the l�w of tLe
<br /> jurlsdicdon in whlch che Property is located. In the eveat thsu any pmvisioa or claase of thia Secudry Instr�ment or tbo Nou
<br /> coafl�cta with applicable law,such contllct shali not affoct other pmvisions of this Socurity Instivment or the Note whlch can be
<br /> - givea effcet without the conflicting proviaion.To this end the provisions of thia Securlty Inshument and the Note ata decl�red
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> _ 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shaU be givcn one coaformed copy of the Note and of this Saurity xnstn�ment.
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